Multi Trillion dollar questions of election:2016


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
1. Will Americans vote to have their government worry about they, "the owners and taxpayers of the United States" first, or do they agree with Democrats that non-citizens and law breakers of the law of the land, are just as important? Democrats= screw legal Americans, and protect everyone else as equals! Republicans believe (and if they are in the establishment that doesn't, vote to remove them) the American citizen and economy is number 1.

2. Do Americans believe that the economy is doing as well as it should be at this point in time? Democrats say it is the best that can be done, Republicans say it should be better.

3. Are Americans willing to put themselves and their families at risk of bodily harm in their own country, for the idea that doing so shows them as compassionate to everyone? Democrats say yes, Republicans so no.

4. Will Americans vote to drive themselves further into debt as a country for freebies the Democrats want to give out, and leave their children and grandchildren the bill? Democrats say yes, Republicans say no.

5. Do Americans believe that they as a country have been treated fairly by those making "economic deals" with any of our current political leaders? Democrats say yes, Republicans (one in particular) says no.

6. Does America want to actually do everything that they can do to rid the world; including America, of ISIS? Democrats say no, Republicans are willing to push the envelope.

7. Are American blue collar workers worth saving, and is leveling the playing field important? Democrats kind of say no, (with political reservations) Republicans say yes.

8. Is the economic engine that drives the economy the government, or private sector? Democrats say government, Republicans say private sector.

9. Is America willing to give up its economic leadership for supposed climate change, giving its economic adversaries a leg up? Democrats say yes, Republicans say no.

10. Who will the American have more confidence in? A very rich business man financing himself to put out his message, a brilliant doctor who has created great things in everything he has touched, maybe a senator who has stood against the Washington establishment since being elected.............or rather, a wife of a former President who may be indicted, had a hand in the loss of life overseas, lied bold faced to the American people and the relatives of those dead people as their bodies were being taken off a plane, and a person who's biggest policies that she can claim was a Russian reset button, and a Hillarycare initiative before it was called Obamacare?

Republicans say one of the 3 former, Democrats say the latter!

Whatever the citizens decide, it is going to be the difference in TRILLIONS! Every American needs to understand this, and I can't express enough how important it is that every American vote, and every NON-American be denied a vote!

You, (all of us) need to take ownership of what we decide, and NOT let someone decide for you! Taking ownership means you now have a vested interest on how and whom governs you, and their policies. If they let you down, you will throw them out for insulting your intelligence, and having no integrity for the promises they insisted they would do. It is your country, your homeland, your life, and that of your children.

VOTE, and NEVER let anyone convince you that you reside on the wrong side of an issue without facts. When someone devolves into name calling, or suggests that somehow you are this, that, or the other for the positions you take.........remember this------------> If you are an American, your priorities should be NUMBER 1 for those you elect. If they believe somehow, that someone else's priority is more important than you who YOU SHOULD be asked as a country to allow them here, then you are supporting the WRONG person, and in many cases, the wrong PARTY!

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