Muslim Girls Gone Wild, NY Edition

Well of course they can not be Muslims just because they worship Muslim leaders and want to join a Muslim terror group, must be good Catholic girls, right?

Were you asking that of Eric Rudolph when he was bombing people?

Didn't think so.

Leftists and their lame ass comparisons. They have this handful, and every time Muslims do something are arrested, they bring them up. Meanwhile not a day goes by that Musłims aren't bombing, killing, raping enslaving, or generally engaging in medieval barbaric behavior, and all they have is either "Eric Rudolph" or "Timothy Mc Veigh".

Truly pathetic.

So you can't find one.
Color me stupefied.

Don't need to color you, you already are.
Well of course they can not be Muslims just because they worship Muslim leaders and want to join a Muslim terror group, must be good Catholic girls, right?

Were you asking that of Eric Rudolph when he was bombing people?

Didn't think so.

Name all the christian nutcases who have killed 3000 people in a single day.

I wouldn't know their names. Why would I know that?

Nor do I know the names from the OP without looking back to it.

The questions stand -- where do these girls mention Islam; what is "terrorist-ass"; and why is the OP selling Newsweek in the forum at $1.25 a month?

Is your skull hollow or does a nrain reside in there?

These girls are volunteers, like many others around the world, that joined ISIS, an Islamic organization, and decided to carry out yet another act of mass murder on the "unbelievers" of Islam. The last time some ISIS maniacs did something like this, president Oblahblah came on national TV and said "first, ISIS is not Islamic"...maybe the idiot forgot that the I in ISS stands for ISLAMIC.

Secondly, knucklehead, I provided a link for the article that I used in my post, as per USMB regulations. You got a problem with that? Take it up with the mods. Damn, what a friggin' DUMBASS.

Third, what the fuck is terrorist-ass, don't see that in any of my posts.

Right here:

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.
Not a day goes by that these animals try to massacre innocent people in the name of their terrorist prophet. Islam is truly a cancer upon modern civilization.

But wait, didn't our liar in chief tell us that this has NOTHING to do with Islam?

Updated | Two women were arrested in the New York City area and accused of planning a bomb attack, federal authorities told ABC News. The women were reportedly radicalized by ISIS and were suspected of targeting military and government entities rather than civilians. The funeral of slain police officer Rafael Ramos was considered a target location for a bombing.

The women were identified as Noelle Velentzas, 28, and Asia Siddiqui, 31, in a complaint released by the United States attorney's office for the Eastern District of New York. The two were roommates in Queens and are both U.S. citizens.

According to two neighbors, three NYPD officers arrived at Siddiqui's Queens home on Thursday morning around 7:30 AM. Shortly thereafter, the neighbors spotted several men in FBI jackets and an SUV with dark, tinted windows. "What's to say they wouldn't do that to us? They may come down here and throw a bomb into the house," the neighbor, Sandy, who declined to give her last name, told Newsweek. Another neighbor described the street as quiet and said Siddiqui lived in a multifamily building.

Try Newsweek for only $1.25 per week

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

The FBI had investigated the women's online presence, which included research into creating a homemade bomb and accessing ISIS propaganda. Siddiqui was "in possession of multiple propane gas tanks, as well as instructions for how to transform propane tanks into explosive devices," the complaint stated. Velentzas was "obsessed with pressure cookers since the Boston Marathon attacks." Those attacks killed several and injured dozens; one of the suspected attackers died, and the second is currently being tried in Boston.

Velentzas "repeatedly expressed an interest in terrorist attacks committed within the United States" and praised the September 11, 2001, attacks. She reportedly said her heroes were Osama bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam, his mentor.

In one instance, Velentzas "pulled a knife from her bra and demonstrated how to stab someone to show Siddiqui and the [undercover officer] what she should do if attacked. Velentzas said, "Why we can't be some real bad bitches?" Velentzas said she carried a knife in her bra and kept an ax and knife in her home.

After news broke about the three London schoolgirls traveling to Syria to join ISIS, Siddiqui said, "This could be us, but we old and [Velentzas is] married." Velentzas replied, "You never know, there is other ways.... There's other ways to do that."

In February, three New York City men were arrested on similar charges. They had watched ISIS propaganda material online, and one of the three considered an attack on Coney Island, according to authorities. Velentzas was Facebook friends with Tairod Pugh, an Air Force veteran arrested for trying to join ISIS in mid-March.

ISIS commonly recruits women online, particularly through Twitter and blog posts. One female ISIS recruiter wrote a manual training Western women on how to travel to Syria to join the terrorist group. The three British teenagers made their way to Syria after interacting with a recruiter through social media.
Well of course they can not be Muslims just because they worship Muslim leaders and want to join a Muslim terror group, must be good Catholic girls, right?

Were you asking that of Eric Rudolph when he was bombing people?

Didn't think so.

Name all the christian nutcases who have killed 3000 people in a single day.

I wouldn't know their names. Why would I know that?

Nor do I know the names from the OP without looking back to it.

The questions stand -- where do these girls mention Islam; what is "terrorist-ass"; and why is the OP selling Newsweek in the forum at $1.25 a month?

Is your skull hollow or does a nrain reside in there?

These girls are volunteers, like many others around the world, that joined ISIS, an Islamic organization, and decided to carry out yet another act of mass murder on the "unbelievers" of Islam. The last time some ISIS maniacs did something like this, president Oblahblah came on national TV and said "first, ISIS is not Islamic"...maybe the idiot forgot that the I in ISS stands for ISLAMIC.

Secondly, knucklehead, I provided a link for the article that I used in my post, as per USMB regulations. You got a problem with that? Take it up with the mods. Damn, what a friggin' DUMBASS.

Third, what the fuck is terrorist-ass, don't see that in any of my posts.

Right here:

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:
Were you asking that of Eric Rudolph when he was bombing people?

Didn't think so.

Name all the christian nutcases who have killed 3000 people in a single day.

I wouldn't know their names. Why would I know that?

Nor do I know the names from the OP without looking back to it.

The questions stand -- where do these girls mention Islam; what is "terrorist-ass"; and why is the OP selling Newsweek in the forum at $1.25 a month?

Is your skull hollow or does a nrain reside in there?

These girls are volunteers, like many others around the world, that joined ISIS, an Islamic organization, and decided to carry out yet another act of mass murder on the "unbelievers" of Islam. The last time some ISIS maniacs did something like this, president Oblahblah came on national TV and said "first, ISIS is not Islamic"...maybe the idiot forgot that the I in ISS stands for ISLAMIC.

Secondly, knucklehead, I provided a link for the article that I used in my post, as per USMB regulations. You got a problem with that? Take it up with the mods. Damn, what a friggin' DUMBASS.

Third, what the fuck is terrorist-ass, don't see that in any of my posts.

Right here:

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.
Not a day goes by that these animals try to massacre innocent people in the name of their terrorist prophet. Islam is truly a cancer upon modern civilization.

But wait, didn't our liar in chief tell us that this has NOTHING to do with Islam?

Updated | Two women were arrested in the New York City area and accused of planning a bomb attack, federal authorities told ABC News. The women were reportedly radicalized by ISIS and were suspected of targeting military and government entities rather than civilians. The funeral of slain police officer Rafael Ramos was considered a target location for a bombing.

The women were identified as Noelle Velentzas, 28, and Asia Siddiqui, 31, in a complaint released by the United States attorney's office for the Eastern District of New York. The two were roommates in Queens and are both U.S. citizens.

According to two neighbors, three NYPD officers arrived at Siddiqui's Queens home on Thursday morning around 7:30 AM. Shortly thereafter, the neighbors spotted several men in FBI jackets and an SUV with dark, tinted windows. "What's to say they wouldn't do that to us? They may come down here and throw a bomb into the house," the neighbor, Sandy, who declined to give her last name, told Newsweek. Another neighbor described the street as quiet and said Siddiqui lived in a multifamily building.

Try Newsweek for only $1.25 per week

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

The FBI had investigated the women's online presence, which included research into creating a homemade bomb and accessing ISIS propaganda. Siddiqui was "in possession of multiple propane gas tanks, as well as instructions for how to transform propane tanks into explosive devices," the complaint stated. Velentzas was "obsessed with pressure cookers since the Boston Marathon attacks." Those attacks killed several and injured dozens; one of the suspected attackers died, and the second is currently being tried in Boston.

Velentzas "repeatedly expressed an interest in terrorist attacks committed within the United States" and praised the September 11, 2001, attacks. She reportedly said her heroes were Osama bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam, his mentor.

In one instance, Velentzas "pulled a knife from her bra and demonstrated how to stab someone to show Siddiqui and the [undercover officer] what she should do if attacked. Velentzas said, "Why we can't be some real bad bitches?" Velentzas said she carried a knife in her bra and kept an ax and knife in her home.

After news broke about the three London schoolgirls traveling to Syria to join ISIS, Siddiqui said, "This could be us, but we old and [Velentzas is] married." Velentzas replied, "You never know, there is other ways.... There's other ways to do that."

In February, three New York City men were arrested on similar charges. They had watched ISIS propaganda material online, and one of the three considered an attack on Coney Island, according to authorities. Velentzas was Facebook friends with Tairod Pugh, an Air Force veteran arrested for trying to join ISIS in mid-March.

ISIS commonly recruits women online, particularly through Twitter and blog posts. One female ISIS recruiter wrote a manual training Western women on how to travel to Syria to join the terrorist group. The three British teenagers made their way to Syria after interacting with a recruiter through social media.

You and I have very different ideas about a girls gone wild thread :)
Name all the christian nutcases who have killed 3000 people in a single day.

I wouldn't know their names. Why would I know that?

Nor do I know the names from the OP without looking back to it.

The questions stand -- where do these girls mention Islam; what is "terrorist-ass"; and why is the OP selling Newsweek in the forum at $1.25 a month?

Is your skull hollow or does a nrain reside in there?

These girls are volunteers, like many others around the world, that joined ISIS, an Islamic organization, and decided to carry out yet another act of mass murder on the "unbelievers" of Islam. The last time some ISIS maniacs did something like this, president Oblahblah came on national TV and said "first, ISIS is not Islamic"...maybe the idiot forgot that the I in ISS stands for ISLAMIC.

Secondly, knucklehead, I provided a link for the article that I used in my post, as per USMB regulations. You got a problem with that? Take it up with the mods. Damn, what a friggin' DUMBASS.

Third, what the fuck is terrorist-ass, don't see that in any of my posts.

Right here:

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

I wouldn't know their names. Why would I know that?

Nor do I know the names from the OP without looking back to it.

The questions stand -- where do these girls mention Islam; what is "terrorist-ass"; and why is the OP selling Newsweek in the forum at $1.25 a month?

Is your skull hollow or does a nrain reside in there?

These girls are volunteers, like many others around the world, that joined ISIS, an Islamic organization, and decided to carry out yet another act of mass murder on the "unbelievers" of Islam. The last time some ISIS maniacs did something like this, president Oblahblah came on national TV and said "first, ISIS is not Islamic"...maybe the idiot forgot that the I in ISS stands for ISLAMIC.

Secondly, knucklehead, I provided a link for the article that I used in my post, as per USMB regulations. You got a problem with that? Take it up with the mods. Damn, what a friggin' DUMBASS.

Third, what the fuck is terrorist-ass, don't see that in any of my posts.

Right here:

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.
Is your skull hollow or does a nrain reside in there?

These girls are volunteers, like many others around the world, that joined ISIS, an Islamic organization, and decided to carry out yet another act of mass murder on the "unbelievers" of Islam. The last time some ISIS maniacs did something like this, president Oblahblah came on national TV and said "first, ISIS is not Islamic"...maybe the idiot forgot that the I in ISS stands for ISLAMIC.

Secondly, knucklehead, I provided a link for the article that I used in my post, as per USMB regulations. You got a problem with that? Take it up with the mods. Damn, what a friggin' DUMBASS.

Third, what the fuck is terrorist-ass, don't see that in any of my posts.

Right here:

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.

Nope. You're speaking on their behalf, and as such, these women have already called themselves members of the Islamic state.
Right here:

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.

Nope. You're speaking on their behalf, and as such, these women have already called themselves members of the Islamic state.

-- which is not the same as "Islam". Any more than the Ku Klux Klan is the same thing as "Christianity".

I don't "speak for" anyone. I speak for Logic.
Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.

Nope. You're speaking on their behalf, and as such, these women have already called themselves members of the Islamic state.

-- which is not the same as "Islam". Any more than the Ku Klux Klan is the same thing as "Christianity".

I don't "speak for" anyone. I speak for Logic.

The women have announced themselves as devout followers and members of the Islamic state. Who are you to tell them? A nobody.

KKK isn't taking over entire regions of the middle east, nor is it invading cities where "non believers" are then raped, enslaved or massacred, nor is the KKK ruling nations. Your false comparisons are pathetic.
Is your skull hollow or does a nrain reside in there?

These girls are volunteers, like many others around the world, that joined ISIS, an Islamic organization, and decided to carry out yet another act of mass murder on the "unbelievers" of Islam. The last time some ISIS maniacs did something like this, president Oblahblah came on national TV and said "first, ISIS is not Islamic"...maybe the idiot forgot that the I in ISS stands for ISLAMIC.

Secondly, knucklehead, I provided a link for the article that I used in my post, as per USMB regulations. You got a problem with that? Take it up with the mods. Damn, what a friggin' DUMBASS.

Third, what the fuck is terrorist-ass, don't see that in any of my posts.

Right here:

An undercover officer met with both women during the investigation. At one point in the probe, Velentzas said the undercover officer had found two "terroristic-ass friends" in the women.

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.
That you deny they were Muslims or attempting to convert is idiotic on the face of it.
Right here:

which is right after:

Don't you proof your own posts?

Back to number one: The question was where they mention Islam -- not "Islamic organizations". If you think a wacko organization that incorporates a religious reference makes them the same thing AS that religion, well we'll go on to questions about the Westboro Baptist Church and the Ku Klux Klan.

Terrorist-ass is in the article D-bag, and there is no need to translate what the quote means. I simply copied what the article contained, don't have to delete their ads, just as this site has ads so don't others. DUH!

Has nothing to do with Islam? Yeah, only if you're blind deaf and dumb. :cuckoo:

Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.
That you deny they were Muslims or attempting to convert is idiotic on the face of it.

It would be. I didn't say anything like that.
Bandwagon fallacy. Dismissed.

Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.

Nope. You're speaking on their behalf, and as such, these women have already called themselves members of the Islamic state.

-- which is not the same as "Islam". Any more than the Ku Klux Klan is the same thing as "Christianity".

I don't "speak for" anyone. I speak for Logic.

The women have announced themselves as devout followers and members of the Islamic state. Who are you to tell them? A nobody.

KKK isn't taking over entire regions of the middle east, nor is it invading cities where "non believers" are then raped, enslaved or massacred, nor is the KKK ruling nations. Your false comparisons are pathetic.

Doesn't matter if they're trying to take over East Bumfuck Alabama and failing. Doesn't even matter if they exist. The point is you can't extend a conclusion that they represent a religion, simply because they claim to.

This is completely over your head...
Siddiqui had repeated contact with members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, published jihad-themed poems in magazines affiliated with the terror group and possessed propane gas tanks along with instructions on turning them into explosive devices, the complaint said.

One day, Velentzas pulled a knife from her bra and showed Siddiqui what do with it if attacked, according to the complaint.

New York women accused of ISIS-inspired plot -

"Why can't we be some real bad bitches?" asked Velentzas, adding that people needed to refer to them as "citizens of the Islamic State."

In the past 18 months, the Justice Department's National Security Division has prosecuted or is prosecuting more than 30 cases of people attempting to travel abroad to join or provide support to terrorist groups. Of those cases, 18 allegedly involve support to ISIS.

Nah, nothing to do with Islam, right? Let's not jump on the bandwagon here.

Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.

Nope. You're speaking on their behalf, and as such, these women have already called themselves members of the Islamic state.

-- which is not the same as "Islam". Any more than the Ku Klux Klan is the same thing as "Christianity".

I don't "speak for" anyone. I speak for Logic.

The women have announced themselves as devout followers and members of the Islamic state. Who are you to tell them? A nobody.

KKK isn't taking over entire regions of the middle east, nor is it invading cities where "non believers" are then raped, enslaved or massacred, nor is the KKK ruling nations. Your false comparisons are pathetic.

Doesn't matter if they're trying to take over East Bumfuck Alabama and failing. Doesn't even matter if they exist. The point is you can't extend a conclusion that they represent a religion, simply because they claim to.

This is completely over your head...

Really? Muslim men and women professing to be devout followers of Islam and Shariah law, having sudden jihad syndrome moments across the world, and plotting and carrying out acts of mass murder in the name of Mohammad, which they believe their faith commands it? Here's a Philadelphia Muslim woman that just got busted today as well:

Philadelphia s Keonna Thomas arrested for trying to join ISIS in Syria Daily Mail Online

You should be more concerned about the poop in your head.
Exactly. If there were you could quote it in your own post.

Once AGAIN you keep going to a political insurgent group, when the question was about a RELIGION.

So you wanna pull the old "Hitler was a socialist because it says so in the name of the NSDAP" song and dance?

How many grapes are in Grape Nuts? How many nuts?
How many band members are in "10,000 Maniacs"?
What's the connection between the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and Holland?

The Westboro Baptist Church is Christian and goes out to military funerals to call them traitors and "fags".
The Ku Klux Klan was a Christian club that would go out and terrorize blacks, Catholics, Jews, communists and loose women.

Thus we may conclude, merely on the basis of what these groups call themselves, that Christianism involves homophobia, terrorism, racism, anti-Semitism, anticommunism and running around in white sheets.


CLASSIC Fallacy of Composition.

Nope. You're speaking on their behalf, and as such, these women have already called themselves members of the Islamic state.

-- which is not the same as "Islam". Any more than the Ku Klux Klan is the same thing as "Christianity".

I don't "speak for" anyone. I speak for Logic.

The women have announced themselves as devout followers and members of the Islamic state. Who are you to tell them? A nobody.

KKK isn't taking over entire regions of the middle east, nor is it invading cities where "non believers" are then raped, enslaved or massacred, nor is the KKK ruling nations. Your false comparisons are pathetic.

Doesn't matter if they're trying to take over East Bumfuck Alabama and failing. Doesn't even matter if they exist. The point is you can't extend a conclusion that they represent a religion, simply because they claim to.

This is completely over your head...

Really? Muslim men and women professing to be devout followers of Islam and Shariah law, having sudden jihad syndrome moments across the world, and plotting and carrying out acts of mass murder in the name of Mohammad, which they believe their faith commands it? Here's a Philadelphia Muslim woman that just got busted today as well:

Philadelphia s Keonna Thomas arrested for trying to join ISIS in Syria Daily Mail Online

You should be more concerned about the poop in your head.

You STILL don't get it.

Composition Fallacy doesn't somehow "get better" if you keep doing it over and over. It simply adds up Composition Fallacies. You might as well toss in "Islam killed 3000 on 9/11". Same fallacy.
Nope. You're speaking on their behalf, and as such, these women have already called themselves members of the Islamic state.

-- which is not the same as "Islam". Any more than the Ku Klux Klan is the same thing as "Christianity".

I don't "speak for" anyone. I speak for Logic.

The women have announced themselves as devout followers and members of the Islamic state. Who are you to tell them? A nobody.

KKK isn't taking over entire regions of the middle east, nor is it invading cities where "non believers" are then raped, enslaved or massacred, nor is the KKK ruling nations. Your false comparisons are pathetic.

Doesn't matter if they're trying to take over East Bumfuck Alabama and failing. Doesn't even matter if they exist. The point is you can't extend a conclusion that they represent a religion, simply because they claim to.

This is completely over your head...

Really? Muslim men and women professing to be devout followers of Islam and Shariah law, having sudden jihad syndrome moments across the world, and plotting and carrying out acts of mass murder in the name of Mohammad, which they believe their faith commands it? Here's a Philadelphia Muslim woman that just got busted today as well:

Philadelphia s Keonna Thomas arrested for trying to join ISIS in Syria Daily Mail Online

You should be more concerned about the poop in your head.

You STILL don't get it.

Composition Fallacy doesn't somehow "get better" if you keep doing it over and over. It simply adds up Composition Fallacies. You might as well toss in "Islam killed 3000 on 9/11". Same fallacy.
Islam IS the reason ISIS murders and kills. Islam is the reason that 9/11 Hijackers attacked the US. Islam is the reason for Muslim terrorists and their actions against the west and other Arab Muslims.

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