Muslim “Refugee” Admits: My Main Goal Is to “Islamize” Europeans

I don't know who Mr. Saleem is, but if it is somehow your idea of identifying a poster, however inaccurate, it contravenes the TOS. I suggest you cease and desist.

For the record, Muslim animals that harm Christians or other non-Muslims or Muslims are despicable individuals.

Does this mean that you are not going to go all the way back and see what the Muslims were doing? Anyone can Google "History of Jihad" and see what had happened.

While I intellectually know that we Europeans (starting from the Greeks/Macedonians) were just as much imperialists as the Arabs and Muslims, I do have more affinity with Charles Martel, El Cid and my own countrymen (in the old country) that provided the navy that defeated the Turks at Lepanto.

I would prefer to go further back. I was at the Getty Museum about ten years ago with a friend to view the Icons of the Holy Land. These icons were lent by St. Catherine's Church in the Sinai and date from the 2nd to 4th century A.D. One can see how devout the early Christians were by viewing these icons. The most common remark overheard there was that the viewers didn't see any Arabs depicted on these icons. Of course they didn't since the Egyptian Copts hadn't been invaded yet with the people being forced to convert and many killed who refused. Now those descendents whose ancestors were lucky enough to escape the slaughter can't even practice their religion in peace. Moreover, we know the same thing happened in the other Middle East countries to the Chaldeans, Assyrians, etc.
Want to bet ? As the recent raids show that the majority of muslims are armed and dangerous. Did you know that they teach their children how to slit throats by having them practise on sheep and goats. All in the name of religious observance and commands from their god, and they MUST obey their god or be excommunicated islam style.

Let's see the data showing that.

data??? there are field studies on EVERYTHING? For the past decades years choumous shows up at just about every jewish holiday Buffet. For the past
few years SUSHI has been the new IN FOOD for bar mitzvahs------you want stats????.
It happens to be true that it is customary for muslim fathers to teach their sons
how to slit a throat Islamic style-------at the neurovascular bundle in the neck----
I did not read it------muslims told me. Long ago -----like more than 45 years ago
I used to -----on rare occasion,,, go along----to the HALAL butcher and saw muslim
boys being so instructed------I went with a muslim who wanted to do his OWN.
In mecca -----there is some function that involves EVERYONE having to do a compulsory lamb-----it gluts the supply -----tons of lamb chops rot. The bottom line is when a muslim slits your throat----he is doing it HALAL style and muslims do
recognize the PRACTICE issue. ---------there is a RELIGIOUS custom that mandates (that is CUSTOM) that a good respectable muslim male ---when dressed
good and respectable------HAVE A LARGE USEFUL dagger tucked into his
sash (a kinda cumberbund. It gets even more interesting------the handles of
those big shot daggers ARE HIGHLY ORNATE with Filigree silver work. In
the BEAUTY OF SHARIAH LAW-----only a muslim can be permitted to be so
armed and decorated-----but wait!!!!! there is more------in many muslim countries---
including the one in which hubby was born------it was DA JOOOOOS who did the
fancy work. (watta job-----ya nevah knew if the dagger handle you were
decorating might one day end up sticking out or YOUR OWN NECK
you want stats?

Ok...all that emotional output and no data?

no data------normals do not seek stats for the obvious

What's "obvious" to a nutjob may not be obvious the the rest - therefore, provide the data or admit your just making it up (like confusing sikh daggers with muslim attire).
This from the same genius who decided I was LYING when I told of my
mother-in-law's ESCAPE from the shariah shit hole in which she was born
to escape the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW-----which would have rendered her a
sex slave to the local Imam pig. I recounted the story and the
whore called ME """"LIAR""""" now she is dancing on the raped bodies of hundreds of Yazidi girls WITH GLEE. Those girls are taken LEGALLY in
Islamic law-------under the law of THE MUSLIM KILLS THE FATHER AND OWNS
Regarding the daggers. It is true that Sikhs carry
a small knife in their pockets--------in THE USA----I DO NOT LIE ----as the filthy
bitch claims. I know it about because I know lots Sikhs from India-------Even if
there were stats I would noy NEED them-----I am not dependent on the net to know .

More news for the fucking bitch------I know about the daggers with highly
ornate handles-----in silver---------because the ancestors of my husband
were the people who made them---------IN FACT they lived in the place that
Iran now covets--------TAIZ-------in Sharab. Of course I know about the laws that
the bitch DENIES----because they lived the horrors that EXCITES THE BITCH.
An interesting factoid about SIKHISM is that it was influenced by ISLAM----I do
not know if the knife thing was taken from islam------someday I will ask A SIKH-----
I do not have to google and get stats for the filthy whore
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Want to bet ? As the recent raids show that the majority of muslims are armed and dangerous. Did you know that they teach their children how to slit throats by having them practise on sheep and goats. All in the name of religious observance and commands from their god, and they MUST obey their god or be excommunicated islam style.

Let's see the data showing that.

data??? there are field studies on EVERYTHING? For the past decades years choumous shows up at just about every jewish holiday Buffet. For the past
few years SUSHI has been the new IN FOOD for bar mitzvahs------you want stats????.
It happens to be true that it is customary for muslim fathers to teach their sons
how to slit a throat Islamic style-------at the neurovascular bundle in the neck----
I did not read it------muslims told me. Long ago -----like more than 45 years ago
I used to -----on rare occasion,,, go along----to the HALAL butcher and saw muslim
boys being so instructed------I went with a muslim who wanted to do his OWN.
In mecca -----there is some function that involves EVERYONE having to do a compulsory lamb-----it gluts the supply -----tons of lamb chops rot. The bottom line is when a muslim slits your throat----he is doing it HALAL style and muslims do
recognize the PRACTICE issue. ---------there is a RELIGIOUS custom that mandates (that is CUSTOM) that a good respectable muslim male ---when dressed
good and respectable------HAVE A LARGE USEFUL dagger tucked into his
sash (a kinda cumberbund. It gets even more interesting------the handles of
those big shot daggers ARE HIGHLY ORNATE with Filigree silver work. In
the BEAUTY OF SHARIAH LAW-----only a muslim can be permitted to be so
armed and decorated-----but wait!!!!! there is more------in many muslim countries---
including the one in which hubby was born------it was DA JOOOOOS who did the
fancy work. (watta job-----ya nevah knew if the dagger handle you were
decorating might one day end up sticking out or YOUR OWN NECK
you want stats?

Hate to tell you, but those men running around in turbans with ornate IRON (not silver) knives tucked into their belt aren't Muslim. They're Sikh, which is closer to Christians than it is to Islam.

The five Ks (panj kakaar) are five articles of faith which all baptized Sikhs (Amritdhari Sikhs) are obliged to wear. The symbols represent the ideals of Sikhism: honesty, equality, fidelity, meditating on God and never bowing to tyranny.[37] The five symbols are:
  • Kesh: Uncut hair, usually tied and wrapped in a Dastar
  • Kanga: A wooden comb, usually worn under a Dastar
  • Kachera: Cotton undergarments, historically appropriate in battle due to increased mobility when compared to a dhoti. Worn by both sexes, the kachera is a symbol of chastity.
  • Kara: An iron bracelet, a weapon and a symbol of eternity
  • Kirpan: An iron dagger in different sizes. In the UK Sikhs can wear a small dagger, but in the Punjab they might wear a traditional curved sword from one to three feet in length.

    Sikh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sorry biker----but I know LOTS of Sikhs-----here in the USA they just carry a small
pocket knife------I never checked their underwear-------the comb is in the ever present turban and the bracelet looks more like steel than iron to me. I was not
referring to Sikhs------There are no Sikhs in the country about which I was posting---
the large dagger in the sash is ISLAMIC. Sikhism actually developed after
islam infected south east asia and IS influenced by it. -----it is not really all the influenced by Christianity-----talk to a sikh and he will compare it to YOUR religion---
my religion is Judaism

So why is it that when you see the Muslim terrorists, you never see their sword or dagger? And...............I don't believe that you know Sikhs, because if they are truly devout, they actually wear the dagger in the front of their sash. Seen many of them on television when that idiot redneck shot up a Sikh temple, thinking that they were Muslim.

Got news for you..........they're not. Their belief system is closer to Christianity than anything else.

In the USA---the Sikhs keep a small knife in their pockets-----THE TRULY DEVOUT
ONES ---------The SIKHS I know----in the USA ----do not wear a SASH------the girls do wear their fluffy pants things lots------but the boys wear-------regular clothes--
except for the TURBAN and the metal bangle-----I do not know what underwear they use------they were my collegues not my patients. They are monotheists-----
one of them described his "BAR MITZVAH" to me-----something that took place
when he "came of age" as an adolescent------I say that the religion is closer to
christanity than it is to Judaism and it has lots of similarities to islam--------ask any sikh
The true Christian will admit that his main goal is to christianize the Middle East, including Israel.

It is true that proselytizing is ---HIGHLY regarded by Christians and some do it
vigorously and incessantly-------IT IS ALSO true that for muslims it is even more highly prized by muslims and actively FUNDED by oil rich guys. However-----in shariah law---proselytizing for any religion other than islam is a capital crime. I would suggest that the board whore who likes to call me a liar ----go so Saudi arabia with a bunch of bibles ----pocket size-------- and hand them out on some city corner. Repeat this activity many times and note how long it takes before you are hauled off to jail (and probably flogged----maybe even raped). You can provide us with stats
if you live that long
I wonder how many Muslim hate threads there are on this board, currently. More than I can bother to count.

They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west
They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west
Nonsense. Go have breakfast.
I wonder how many Muslim hate threads there are on this board, currently. More than I can bother to count.

They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west

Give Esmeralda a chance-----she was going tell us to what she objects
The true Christian will admit that his main goal is to christianize the Middle East, including Israel.

It is true that proselytizing is ---HIGHLY regarded by Christians and some do it
vigorously and incessantly-------IT IS ALSO true that for muslims it is even more highly prized by muslims and actively FUNDED by oil rich guys. However-----in shariah law---proselytizing for any religion other than islam is a capital crime. I would suggest that the board whore who likes to call me a liar ----go so Saudi arabia with a bunch of bibles ----pocket size-------- and hand them out on some city corner. Repeat this activity many times and note how long it takes before you are hauled off to jail (and probably flogged----maybe even raped). You can provide us with stats
if you live that long
You must provide us with stats because your assertions are personal and anecdotal. Hurry up, we are waiting.
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The true Christian will admit that his main goal is to christianize the Middle East, including Israel.

It is true that proselytizing is ---HIGHLY regarded by Christians and some do it
vigorously and incessantly-------IT IS ALSO true that for muslims it is even more highly prized by muslims and actively FUNDED by oil rich guys. However-----in shariah law---proselytizing for any religion other than islam is a capital crime. I would suggest that the board whore who likes to call me a liar ----go so Saudi arabia with a bunch of bibles ----pocket size-------- and hand them out on some city corner. Repeat this activity many times and note how long it takes before you are hauled off to jail (and probably flogged----maybe even raped). You can provide us with stats
if you live that long
You must provide us with stats because you assertions are personal and anecdotal. Hurry up, we are waiting.

I MUST???? OK...... for which part of my life do you want stats? For what issue
do you want stats?
For the stats and links that support your personal assertions and anecdotes.

Are they reflections of the entire culture. Then show it, or we can't know it.
I wonder how many Muslim hate threads there are on this board, currently. More than I can bother to count.

They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west

How do you propose to ban it?
For the stats and links that support your personal assertions and anecdotes.

Are they reflections of the entire culture. Then show it, or we can't know it.

clinical impressions are based on stats------that are OBVIOUSLY significant based
on a reasonable SAMPLE SIZE. Do you understand the concept of SAMPLE SIZE IN STATS? I will help-------If I am in an innercity emergency room-----
which has a signup sample of 100 per evening----and out of that 100-----15 persons
show up with general malaise, a bit of a sniffle, headache and muscle ache and
fever------~~~~ 100-101 F. ---then I have a clinical impression-----DER IS A VIRUS GOING AROUND (most likely)
They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west
Nonsense. Go have breakfast.

Have you read the koran and hadiths yet, when you do come back and explain what is meant by "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"
I wonder how many Muslim hate threads there are on this board, currently. More than I can bother to count.

They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west

How do you propose to ban it?

Enact a law that makes the practise of islam illegal because of its racism and incitement to violence. Don't know about the US but in Europe we already have laws against these practises, and it is time we enforced them fully
I wonder how many Muslim hate threads there are on this board, currently. More than I can bother to count.

They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west

How do you propose to ban it?

Enact a law that makes the practise of islam illegal because of its racism and incitement to violence. Don't know about the US but in Europe we already have laws against these practises, and it is time we enforced them fully

What would be the penalty for those who attempt to practice their faith?

How is Islam specifically "racist"?
They are only hate threads to those that are apologists for Islamic violence, rape and mass murder. To the enlightened they are a catalogue of past and present reasons why islam should be banned in the west
Nonsense. Go have breakfast.

Have you read the koran and hadiths yet, when you do come back and explain what is meant by "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"

not fair, phoen------it's a TRANSLATION-------for the real goods on the koran
you need Islamic sources-------I DO ADVOCATE reading the koran------but then
I advocate reading Euripides------but leave "INTERPRETATION"" to the koranic
scholars who say--------"KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"
For the stats and links that support your personal assertions and anecdotes.

Are they reflections of the entire culture. Then show it, or we can't know it.

Take the recent beheadings in Syria that show that western people face death at the hands of muslims, how is that for a stat for you.

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