Muzzling Opposing Voices


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

1. The feelings-based nature of liberalism helps explain why people on the Left are much more likely to claim to be “offended” when faced with which they differ. Not, ‘I disagree,” but “I am offended!”

When are people ‘offended’? When their feelings are hurt.

A pro-choice woman is ‘offended’ by the pro-life position, ostensibly because her feelings are more worthwhile than the objective worth of a human fetus.
‘Political correctness’ is also based on not hurting people’s feelings.
Complaint about Senator Joseph McCarthy often center around how abusive he was to communists….again, feelings.
Dennis Prager

And now, this:

2. "Hypersensitive students and professors all over the country are about to score another victory for political correctness if they succeed in their mission to normalize the use of “trigger warnings,” which are intended to protect people from taking part in class discussions and media that might offend them.

3. Trigger warnings are most commonly attached to online news ....warn readers that the post contains specific, offensive content. An article about sexual violence, for instance, might come with a trigger warning for rape victims.

4. ...censorship-inclined activists are now eager to force professors to attach trigger warnings to their syllabi.

“Some students and professors argue that nearly everything should come with a trigger warning,” wrote Laurie Essig, a professor of psychology at Middlebury College and a contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

a. The Great Gatsby? Trigger warning: suicide, domestic abuse, graphic violence.

5. ....“by creating trigger warnings for their students, professors can help to create a safe space for their students — one that fosters positive and compassionate intellectual discussion within the collegiate classroom.”

6. Students at the University of California-Santa Barbara are doing their best to make their PC dreams a reality. The student government passed a resolution that urged administrators to adopt mandatory trigger warnings as official university policy last month.

7. ....some liberals are condemning it in no uncertain terms. The Nation’s Michelle Goldberg called the pro-censorship agenda of the PC crowd “left-wing anti-liberalism,”:

"In the 1960s, longtime socialist intellectuals were horrified by the anarchic energies of the new left. Then some of those new leftists reached middle age and watched, aghast, as new speech codes proliferated on college campuses during the first iteration of political correctness. I was in college then and am now in my thirties, which means it’s my turn to be dismayed by a growing left-wing tendency towards censoriousness and hair-trigger offense."
Trigger warnings: New wave of political correctness hits campuses | The Daily Caller

8. "Oberlin College has published an official document on triggers, advising faculty members to "be aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and other issues of privilege and oppression," to remove triggering material when it doesn't "directly" contribute to learning goals....

a. Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart," it states, is a novel that may "trigger readers who have experienced racism, colonialism, religious persecution, violence, suicide and more."

9. What began as a way of moderating Internet forums for the vulnerable and mentally ill now threatens to define public discussion both online and off. The trigger warning signals not only the growing precautionary approach to words and ideas in the university, but a wider cultural hypersensitivity to harm and a paranoia about giving offense.

10. Trigger warnings are presented as a gesture of empathy, but the irony is they lead only to more solipsism, an over-preoccupation with one’s own feelings—much to the detriment of society as a whole."
Trigger Warnings Have Spread from Blogs to College Classes. That's Bad | New Republic

Liberals should take the warning in Oscar Wilde's famous 'two tragedies'

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Exactly what I have come to expect from you.
Those aren't lies. Nearly all of the PC I see is your side, but then again I don't spend much time with my side. Anyway, bring your ideas forward and we'll beat the hell out of them but you are welcome to do so. The best way to win is to let your "the past was better" worldview die in the sunlight. Anyone who says you can't do that I will tell to shut up. They are hurting not helping.

Bring forth, so I may shred your sacred cows like a wood chipper.
I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independents looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.
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Liberals should take the warning in Oscar Wilde's famous 'two tragedies'

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

Which explains your incessant bitterness and venom? Getting it, or not getting it?

"...bitterness and venom...."


I'm simply the Jeremiah of the board, warning about the deleterious effects of Liberalism.
In are exactly a case in point.

To dumb the allusion down for one of your ability, I'm the incarnation of the little Dutch Boy who tried to save his community.

Get it now?
I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't make their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independences looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.
Yes, it was an unclear statement when out of context and they tried to use it, but it didn't work. Unthinking ideology doesn't win elections in most cases.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Exactly what I have come to expect from you.
Those aren't lies. Nearly all of the PC I see is your side, but then again I don't spend much time with my side. Anyway, bring your ideas forward and we'll beat the hell out of them but you are welcome to do so. The best way to win is to let your "the past was better" worldview die in the sunlight. Anyone who says you can't do that I will tell to shut up. They are hurting not helping.

Bring forth, so I may shred your sacred cows like a wood chipper.

".... Nearly all of the PC I see is your side,..."

How very obliging of you to make it simple to show that you are a lying sack of sewage.

From the OP:

"In the 1960s, longtime socialist intellectuals were horrified by the anarchic energies of the new left. Then some of those new leftists reached middle age and watched, aghast, as new speech codes proliferated on college campuses during the first iteration of political correctness. I was in college then and am now in my thirties, which means it’s my turn to be dismayed by a growing left-wing tendency towards censoriousness and hair-trigger offense."
Trigger warnings: New wave of political correctness hits campuses | The Daily Caller

So...." Nearly all of the PC I see is your side,..."
....another of your lies.

"...a growing left-wing tendency towards censoriousness..."

My side is not the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat/communist/socialist Left-wing.

Once are a prove liar.
I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independents looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.

1. "I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide."

In that case, some antonym for "think" is required.

2. "Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here."

Of course, your statement is totally untrue.

What he meant is transparent, as it is the basic cornerstone of all communist/socialist/statist/ 'big government as God' believers.

Your attempt to hide that from yourself is.....puzzling.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."

What you call slander is simply another example of my speaking the truth.

You appear as nothing so much as the little kid trying to keep up with the big boys.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
What you call slander is simply another example of my speaking the truth.
You appear as nothing so much as the little kid trying to keep up with the big boys.
Interesting. I would have bet you would have agree with him? He has taken the same position as you. It's wrong but it's mutual.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.

In other words, it's about shutting up opposing voices.

You could save us all a lot of time by just saying "nuh uhn!" whenever you respond to a post.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.

In other words, it's about shutting up opposing voices.

You could save us all a lot of time by just saying "nuh uhn!" whenever you respond to a post.
What I said is entirely correct.

If you'd stop "thinking" for others maybe, just maybe, you could actually think?
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.

In other words, it's about shutting up opposing voices.

You could save us all a lot of time by just saying "nuh uhn!" whenever you respond to a post.


It's "muzzle 'em now....but when we are strong enough we'll lock 'em up in prison for disagreeing!!!"



"Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It's going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people's deaths. It's time to punish the climate-change liars."
Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

More proof that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are from the same the folks who brought you the Stalinist purges.

And they sure aren't of the American persuasion.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.
Yourself, conveniently excluded from that number, of course. :rolleyes:

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