MW advocates - what are the downsides of minimum wage?

If MW were raised to $11 an hour , welfare use would drop by at least 15% by most studies. That's a pretty good savings of tax dollars.

How much will inflation go up after they have to give me and every other worker above minimum wage another $4.00 an hour raise to keep my pay in line?

How silly. First of all, sorry you're only earning minimum wage, second of all, a small portion of wage earners are and would thus receive a $4 an hour raise. Most people are already around the $9-10 range (lower end workers we're talking about) and thus would receive at most a $2 an hour raise, and that is if we immediately raised it to the correct level, which I haven't advocated.

So people making $9 an hour would get a raise to make minimum wage


The ripple effect would be huge. Everyone making $11-$12/hr, for instance, would also demand a raise because all of a sudden they would only be making a little above minimum and all their skill, training and experience wouldn't get them much more than a guy of the street sweeping floors. Many pharmacy techs, for example, make $10-$12/hr, have to be trained and licensed, and we trust them with our medications.

And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.

If raising the minimum wage actually caused unemployment and inflation, if be against it too. But it doesn't.

Of course it does ..MW used to be 25 cents an hour.


Oh shocker , we've had inflation since 1938..... You just won the internet with that revelation.........

Inflation happens independent of the minimum wage. Which isn't to say that an outrageous rise in the MW wouldn't increase inflation, it most certainly would, but it is to say inflation is going to happen either way.

The HILARIOUS thing is I am quite sure that you argue that man made climate control is a joke because the climate changes whether man does anything to it or not, right?

The whole correlation without causation argument doesn't only exist where you want it to.


You going in la la Land ?

What does natural climate change have to do with minimum wage?

View attachment 231859

Are you kidding me? They have logical consistency to do with each other. You can't argue for correlation without causation in one area and then argue against it in another. It's illogical.

Math or your wallet is not strong with you is it?
And neither compensates a business owner for increased labor costs. Not even sure why you brought it up. It's irrelevant.
the increased "tax write off" does that.
There is a significant difference between a tax deduction and a tax credit. They're only getting a deduction.

Plus they're still having to use current cash flow to pay the employees long before any deductions are claimed or realized.

This just isn't a selling point to a business owner. Anyone trying this one would get laughed out of a business owner's office.
You realize that businesses pay their quarterly taxes in advance...right?
Yes. I do, and so do my business owner clients. The cash still has to be there. And they're still only getting deductions.
"Only getting deduction"?

That means that they come right off the top of gross revenue.

Make $100K in revenue and have $80K in expenses (including payroll) and you're taxed on $20K

Make $100K and have $90K in expenses and you're taxed on $10K

It's not dollar for dollar but it mitigates the increase tremendously

Maybe for people who can't do math.
the increased "tax write off" does that.
There is a significant difference between a tax deduction and a tax credit. They're only getting a deduction.

Plus they're still having to use current cash flow to pay the employees long before any deductions are claimed or realized.

This just isn't a selling point to a business owner. Anyone trying this one would get laughed out of a business owner's office.
You realize that businesses pay their quarterly taxes in advance...right?
Yes. I do, and so do my business owner clients. The cash still has to be there. And they're still only getting deductions.
"Only getting deduction"?

That means that they come right off the top of gross revenue.

Make $100K in revenue and have $80K in expenses (including payroll) and you're taxed on $20K

Make $100K and have $90K in expenses and you're taxed on $10K

It's not dollar for dollar but it mitigates the increase tremendously
Sure it mitigates it, but it is still a net expense because it's not a credit. A business owner will point that out right away.

I'm actually not arguing against raising the MW (I give reasons for it in post 112), I'm just trying to stay factual. My reasons for supporting are more cultural than economic.
The facts don't matter to most of these folks.
If raising the minimum wage actually caused unemployment and inflation, if be against it too. But it doesn't.

Really? Ok, then can you answer the question posed in the OP? Are there any downsides to raising the minimum wage, in your view? What are they? Why wouldn't you raise it to $200/hr?
This thread is addressed to supporters of minimum wage laws. Detractors claim that minimum wage causes unemployment and/or inflation. But most supporters will vigorously deny this. Yet they seem to set their sights pretty low when it comes to setting the level of minimum wage. I assume this is because they believe there is some downside to minimum wage, some reason to not raise it to $200/hr, but it seems they never want to talk about what that reason might be. Hopefully, someone will step up here, and clear the air.
The fact that you mentioned $200 shows you are a brainwashed functional moron.... Our economy is dying for a $15 minimum wage like they have in New Zealand, it's also $19 in Australia and at least $12 everywhere else in the modern world. We need the demand and we need a healthy working class. Under GOP dominance the last 35 years, it's a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else.

So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure good vacations and an ID card to end illegal immigration? The scumbag GOP and silly dingbat dupes like you...
If raising the minimum wage actually caused unemployment and inflation, if be against it too. But it doesn't.

Really? Ok, then can you answer the question posed in the OP? Are there any downsides to raising the minimum wage, in your view? What are they? Why wouldn't you raise it to $200/hr?
it raises costs to employers. want to start with that?
How much will inflation go up after they have to give me and every other worker above minimum wage another $4.00 an hour raise to keep my pay in line?

How silly. First of all, sorry you're only earning minimum wage, second of all, a small portion of wage earners are and would thus receive a $4 an hour raise. Most people are already around the $9-10 range (lower end workers we're talking about) and thus would receive at most a $2 an hour raise, and that is if we immediately raised it to the correct level, which I haven't advocated.

So people making $9 an hour would get a raise to make minimum wage


The ripple effect would be huge. Everyone making $11-$12/hr, for instance, would also demand a raise because all of a sudden they would only be making a little above minimum and all their skill, training and experience wouldn't get them much more than a guy of the street sweeping floors. Many pharmacy techs, for example, make $10-$12/hr, have to be trained and licensed, and we trust them with our medications.

And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.
Here's the deal, you are going to pay more money or the size of the Snickers bar will get smaller, MW or no MW.
How silly. First of all, sorry you're only earning minimum wage, second of all, a small portion of wage earners are and would thus receive a $4 an hour raise. Most people are already around the $9-10 range (lower end workers we're talking about) and thus would receive at most a $2 an hour raise, and that is if we immediately raised it to the correct level, which I haven't advocated.

So people making $9 an hour would get a raise to make minimum wage


The ripple effect would be huge. Everyone making $11-$12/hr, for instance, would also demand a raise because all of a sudden they would only be making a little above minimum and all their skill, training and experience wouldn't get them much more than a guy of the street sweeping floors. Many pharmacy techs, for example, make $10-$12/hr, have to be trained and licensed, and we trust them with our medications.

And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

There are no downsides to a minimum wage law. What you perceive as a downside is a knowledge that you must start somewhere and typically thats at the bottom. People that start at the bottom should expect a bottom salary that pays the basic bills. It shouldnt pay for your new Bentley. Hence you shouldnt be making $200 per hour.

What basic bills are that...

Democrat high taxes or republican low taxes?
On what planet do you have low Republican taxes, except for the rich? Count all taxes and fees and we have basically a flat tax give away to the rich system.
So people making $9 an hour would get a raise to make minimum wage


The ripple effect would be huge. Everyone making $11-$12/hr, for instance, would also demand a raise because all of a sudden they would only be making a little above minimum and all their skill, training and experience wouldn't get them much more than a guy of the street sweeping floors. Many pharmacy techs, for example, make $10-$12/hr, have to be trained and licensed, and we trust them with our medications.

And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

Funny how it works in every other developed country, brainwashed functional moron...
The ripple effect would be huge. Everyone making $11-$12/hr, for instance, would also demand a raise because all of a sudden they would only be making a little above minimum and all their skill, training and experience wouldn't get them much more than a guy of the street sweeping floors. Many pharmacy techs, for example, make $10-$12/hr, have to be trained and licensed, and we trust them with our medications.

And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

Funny how it works in every other developed country, brainwashed functional moron...

Trickle up poor..and you know it

There are no downsides to a minimum wage law. What you perceive as a downside is a knowledge that you must start somewhere and typically thats at the bottom. People that start at the bottom should expect a bottom salary that pays the basic bills. It shouldnt pay for your new Bentley. Hence you shouldnt be making $200 per hour.

What basic bills are that...

Democrat high taxes or republican low taxes?
On what planet do you have low Republican taxes, except for the rich? Count all taxes and fees and we have basically a flat tax give away to the rich system.

Uhm you fuck , only in Democrat controlled cities do you have high taxes..

If MW were raised to $11 an hour , welfare use would drop by at least 15% by most studies. That's a pretty good savings of tax dollars.

How much will inflation go up after they have to give me and every other worker above minimum wage another $4.00 an hour raise to keep my pay in line?

How silly. First of all, sorry you're only earning minimum wage, second of all, a small portion of wage earners are and would thus receive a $4 an hour raise. Most people are already around the $9-10 range (lower end workers we're talking about) and thus would receive at most a $2 an hour raise, and that is if we immediately raised it to the correct level, which I haven't advocated.

So people making $9 an hour would get a raise to make minimum wage


The ripple effect would be huge. Everyone making $11-$12/hr, for instance, would also demand a raise because all of a sudden they would only be making a little above minimum and all their skill, training and experience wouldn't get them much more than a guy of the street sweeping floors. Many pharmacy techs, for example, make $10-$12/hr, have to be trained and licensed, and we trust them with our medications.

And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

You have to account for the ripple effect. The more people impacted by a MW increase, the greater the overall effect, upheaval in the job market, and unintended consequences.
And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

Funny how it works in every other developed country, brainwashed functional moron...

Trickle up poor..and you know it

Brainwashed GOP idiocy, read something
There are no downsides to a minimum wage law. What you perceive as a downside is a knowledge that you must start somewhere and typically thats at the bottom. People that start at the bottom should expect a bottom salary that pays the basic bills. It shouldnt pay for your new Bentley. Hence you shouldnt be making $200 per hour.

What basic bills are that...

Democrat high taxes or republican low taxes?
On what planet do you have low Republican taxes, except for the rich? Count all taxes and fees and we have basically a flat tax give away to the rich system.

Uhm you fuck , only in Democrat controlled cities do you have high taxes..

The one tax graph you really need to know
Bear is so fired up because he knows that, in reality, he's one rung up the ladder from people who serve fries and burgers for a living. And he will stay one rung up if it kills him.

He's better than them because of the choices he made. Just ask him.
And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

Funny how it works in every other developed country, brainwashed functional moron...

Trickle up poor..and you know it

Brainwashed GOP idiocy, read something
There are no downsides to a minimum wage law. What you perceive as a downside is a knowledge that you must start somewhere and typically thats at the bottom. People that start at the bottom should expect a bottom salary that pays the basic bills. It shouldnt pay for your new Bentley. Hence you shouldnt be making $200 per hour.

What basic bills are that...

Democrat high taxes or republican low taxes?
On what planet do you have low Republican taxes, except for the rich? Count all taxes and fees and we have basically a flat tax give away to the rich system.

Uhm you fuck , only in Democrat controlled cities do you have high taxes..

The one tax graph you really need to know
And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

Funny how it works in every other developed country, brainwashed functional moron...

Trickle up poor..and you know it

Some kind of GOP code? Other developed countries with healthy working classes do just great. We only have a healthy scumbag super-rich class... Great job GOP and silly dupes...
And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

Funny how it works in every other developed country, brainwashed functional moron...

Trickle up poor..and you know it

Brainwashed GOP idiocy, read something
There are no downsides to a minimum wage law. What you perceive as a downside is a knowledge that you must start somewhere and typically thats at the bottom. People that start at the bottom should expect a bottom salary that pays the basic bills. It shouldnt pay for your new Bentley. Hence you shouldnt be making $200 per hour.

What basic bills are that...

Democrat high taxes or republican low taxes?
On what planet do you have low Republican taxes, except for the rich? Count all taxes and fees and we have basically a flat tax give away to the rich system.

Uhm you fuck , only in Democrat controlled cities do you have high taxes..

The one tax graph you really need to know
And who cares if they get raises or not, that's between them and their employers. We're talking about the MINIMUM here, not people who are making slightly more than the new minimum would be.

Of course we are, so people will be happy making minimum wage when they are making 2 bucks over minimum wage now?

That's where your argument goes to hell

If I am making 8 bucks over minimum wage and minimum wage is raised 8 bucks.

I would be making minimum wage.


I don't care if you're happy or not. All I care about is making sure minimum wage is high enough so that one person working full time doesn't qualify for welfare. If that means raising the minimum wage $2 an hour and results in you no longer making $2 an hour more than minimum wage, I do NOT care. I offer you the same advice you offer to those making the current minimum wage. better yourself, make yourself more valuable to your employer.

That's your mistake , thinking my argument is pro helping poor people. My argument is that taking away welfare and making people become worth $2 more an hour so that they are worth the new minimum wage would actually piss those people off. They are happy being low wage earners if they can also get welfare to supplement those wages.

You stupid moron

You can raise minimum wage up to 10 million dollars a year..and they would still qualify for walfare..

It's just a number..

God damn are you stupid..

Funny how it works in every other developed country, brainwashed functional moron...

Trickle up poor..and you know it

Some kind of GOP code? Other developed countries with healthy working classes do just great. We only have a healthy scumbag super-rich class... Great job GOP and silly dupes...

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