My Candidate for President...Scott Walker....let me introduce you....

I'm confused

"Take Union pay without paying Union dues"
"The Union could not effectively fight for them any more"

The Union does not pay anyone. The employer does. If the Union is no longer 'effective' then it is probably due to most workers are satisfied with their conditions.

The Union should go dormant when the workers are satisfied with their work conditions. If not, it could run amok.

Well, we can tell you are confused. Quite possibly retarded.

Without the union holding their feet to the fire, the employer would pay a whole lot less.

They'd use every recession as an excuse to lower wages or fire people to hire lower paid workers.

I mean, seriously, do you make an effort to be this stupid?
He cut $300,000,000.00 from education to give the wealthy a tax cut.
He's dead last in job creation in the midwest.
Yep, he's a Republican.

And the people of his state re-elected him three times because they liked what he was doing.

Walker and the Republicans do have one good point. Government has to get smarter about how it spends money. Clinton got that for a while, but it seems Democrats have forgotten that again.
Scott Walker is straight out of the neocon GOP establishment.

That is about as insightful and deep as that AFL-CIO response that boiled down to "we don't like him, neener neener."

Then give us a list of ten positions that Scott Walker has that separate him from the GOP establishment.


Because you disputed what I said.

But why should walker be different than other GOP people?
If unions are so awesome, right to work laws should have no impact.


You mean people wouldn't take benefits without paying for them?

Hey, guy, how about just taking whatever business you have, and saying, "Pay me what you think is fair!" Betcha a lot of guys just walk off with your shit.

Same deal with "Right to Work". People would take union wages without paying their dues, until the Union can't really effectively fight for them anymore.

Now, I think there are criticisms that can be made

And Public sector unions are a disaster because there is no limiting control on how much money is given away to the union. In the private sector the unions know they can only push so far before the business becomes unprofitable. With public sector unions the "bosses" depend on the workers to keep them in office, and they both think they can just raid the taxpayer piggy bank whenever they see fit.

Sure there's a limit. It's called "an Election".

What worries you is that the PUblic Service Unions will make the rich pay their fair share to make sure stuff is paid for.

As I said on my longer essay, the thing is, Public Service Unions are not making obscene amounts of money. They are making a fair, living wage. It's what EVERYONE should make. they just have the political power to make that happen.

When the PSU's are some of the biggest contributors to said elections, the system is being abused.

The problem is that cities are paying for more and more people doing nothing, and sooner or later they will reach a tax limit. At that point they will have to cut services, because the bastards in the PSU's in some states protected their pensions by amendment.

It's a racket, nothing more or less.

And considering some of the pensions that are awarded, they ARE making obscene amounts of money.

Retired CUNY professor gets 560K a year pension New York Post

and when they do retire, the money goes somewhere else.

700 Million in New York Pension Payments Go to Florida Retirees Pension360
Scott Walker Says His Presidential Bid Is 'God's Plan' - See more at: Scott Walker Says His Presidential Bid Is God s Plan Right Wing Watch

Not real big on the separation of church and state.......
“My relationship with God drives every major decision in my life,” starts the note, which is clearly designed to appeal to Religious Right voters who make up a major part of the GOP base vote, particularly in the early primary states Iowa and South Carolina.

The letter goes on to talk about Walker’s faith as “the guiding force of my life in both politics and in private” and promotes opposition to reproductive choice and marriage equality. “A lifelong supporter of the pro-life movement, my work defending the unborn goes back to my college days where I was a leader of Marquette Students for Life,” he writes, bragging about signing into law new restrictions on access to abortion and pledging to do the same as president. He calls the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision a “grave mistake” and calls for a constitutional amendment to overturn it. And he pledges to nominate Supreme Court justices who share his approach to the Constitution. - See more at: Scott Walker Says His Presidential Bid Is God s Plan Right Wing Watch
There's no such thing as "separation of church and state." It is nowhere in any founding document.

It is always funny to hear the lefty statists talk about separation of church and state, considering it comes from the one Founder who they hate the most, Jefferson.....and of course it comes from a personal letter, and like you pointed out, nothing from our official founding documents.

We all know that the words separation of church and state do not appear in the constitution. But maybe you can tell us- if it does not mean that the government may not show favoritism towards a particular religion and allow it to influence law and public policy, what does it mean? Religious freedom is a two way street. You and I cannot have religious freedom unless we are also free of the religious influences of others, and that includes the Imposition of religious values by the hand of government. The founders understood that regardless of their personal beliefs. JFK Understood that. These ass hat Republicans today do not. Consider this:

The Christian Right Does Not Want You to Know About This Day

The Christian Right has made religious freedom the ideological phalanx of its current campaigns in the culture wars. Religious freedom is now invoked as a way of seeking to derail access to reproductive health services as well as equality for LGBTQ people, most prominently regarding marriage equality.

But history provides little comfort for the theocratic visions of the Christian Right. And that is where our story begins.

For all of the shouting about religious liberty — from the landmark Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case, to the passage of the anti-gay Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Mississippi, and more — there is barely any mention, let alone any observance, of the official national Religious Freedom Day, enacted by Congress in 1992 and recognized every January 16 by an annual presidential proclamation.

The day commemorates the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786.

The bill, authored by Thomas Jefferson and later pushed through the state legislature by then member of the House of Delegates, James Madison, is regarded as the root of how the framers of the Constitution approached matters of religion and government, and it was as revolutionary as the era in which it was written. It not only disestablished the Anglican Church as the official state church, but it provided that no one can be compelled to attend any religious institution or to underwrite it with taxes; that individuals are free to believe as they will and that this “shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.” As a practical matter, this meant that what we believe or don’t believe is not the concern of government and that we are all equal as citizens. - See more at: The Christian Right Does Not Want You to Know About This Day Political Research Associates
You completely misunderstand the First Amendment. No shock there.
The 1A does two things: It prevents government from establishing an official religion, like Anglicanism. Along with that it forbids religious tests for office.
It guarantees free exercise of religion among its citizens.
Since our entire legal apparatus is based on Western Culture, which is heavily influenced by Christianity, it is inane to talk about taking religion out of public life. Question: How many times does the 10 Commandments appear in the Supreme Court?
And now he is in the race.......a Republican who knows how to defeat the most rabid of democrats......

Scott Walker Meet the Conservative Everyman - Breitbart

In a Monday campaign video, Walker said he stands out as a conservative leader who won three elections in four years in a blue state without sacrificing his conservative principles.

“In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles,” said Walker. “And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you we can do both.”

Walker added, “We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America.”

Walker’s humble, middle-class roots have helped propel him to broad support as a sort of “everyman” ordinary Americans can connect with. A passionate communicator, Walker’s record of turning Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus—all while cutting taxes by $2 billion—has found favor with fiscal conservatives. Social conservatives, on the other hand, have been encouraged by Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood and enactment of pro-life legislation. The combination, say Walker supporters, is precisely what the Republican Party needs to unite the party and defeat Democrats.

“If our conservative reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” said Walker on Monday in a statement titled, “Why I’m running for President.”
I believe Impairing in the Obligation of Contracts should have been declared unConstitutional for any State in our Republic.
I believe I'll have toast for breakfast.
Our country needs jobs, walker is a failure at creating jobs.

Walker is Governor of a blue is going to take him time to overcome that......

He has pushed through everything conservative, it just isn't working.... is...they now have a surplus, teachers still have jobs instead of being laid off, and the economy is turning around......and they have the Castle doctrine and Concealed Carry.....
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

seems the S.C. really fucked this one over by allowing qweers and lesbos plus other types of deviates to fuck over the rights of religious people who do not believe in their perversion.
And now he is in the race.......a Republican who knows how to defeat the most rabid of democrats......

Scott Walker Meet the Conservative Everyman - Breitbart

In a Monday campaign video, Walker said he stands out as a conservative leader who won three elections in four years in a blue state without sacrificing his conservative principles.

“In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles,” said Walker. “And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you we can do both.”

Walker added, “We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America.”

Walker’s humble, middle-class roots have helped propel him to broad support as a sort of “everyman” ordinary Americans can connect with. A passionate communicator, Walker’s record of turning Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus—all while cutting taxes by $2 billion—has found favor with fiscal conservatives. Social conservatives, on the other hand, have been encouraged by Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood and enactment of pro-life legislation. The combination, say Walker supporters, is precisely what the Republican Party needs to unite the party and defeat Democrats.

“If our conservative reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” said Walker on Monday in a statement titled, “Why I’m running for President.”

He's my default guy unless someone else convinces me they are a better fit (or he messes up royally).

I do like the fact that he has already been "vetted" by a hostile media.
People don't even show up for midterms. He may not even be re elected as gov if he ran again.

Does he run for gov. The year we have presidential election or midterm years? That matters.
And now he is in the race.......a Republican who knows how to defeat the most rabid of democrats......

Scott Walker Meet the Conservative Everyman - Breitbart

In a Monday campaign video, Walker said he stands out as a conservative leader who won three elections in four years in a blue state without sacrificing his conservative principles.

“In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles,” said Walker. “And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you we can do both.”

Walker added, “We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America.”

Walker’s humble, middle-class roots have helped propel him to broad support as a sort of “everyman” ordinary Americans can connect with. A passionate communicator, Walker’s record of turning Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus—all while cutting taxes by $2 billion—has found favor with fiscal conservatives. Social conservatives, on the other hand, have been encouraged by Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood and enactment of pro-life legislation. The combination, say Walker supporters, is precisely what the Republican Party needs to unite the party and defeat Democrats.

“If our conservative reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” said Walker on Monday in a statement titled, “Why I’m running for President.”

He's my default guy unless someone else convinces me they are a better fit (or he messes up royally).

I do like the fact that he has already been "vetted" by a hostile media.
People don't even show up for midterms. He may not even be re elected as gov if he ran again.

Does he run for gov. The year we have presidential election or midterm years? That matters.

Keep believing that. The Dems threw everything they could at him, and it didn't work, 3 times.
Our country needs jobs, walker is a failure at creating jobs.

Walker is Governor of a blue is going to take him time to overcome that......

He has pushed through everything conservative, it just isn't working....
Our country needs jobs, walker is a failure at creating jobs.

Walker is Governor of a blue is going to take him time to overcome that......

He has pushed through everything conservative, it just isn't working.... is...they now have a surplus, teachers still have jobs instead of being laid off, and the economy is turning around......and they have the Castle doctrine and Concealed Carry.....

Yes he has pushed through everything conservative, it just hasnt made wi a better place. Last in the Midwest in job creation, even behind IL. Yes concealed carry, and violent crime is up. You need to realize much of what conservatives push simply doesn't work. MN is more liberal and kicking WI butt!
And now he is in the race.......a Republican who knows how to defeat the most rabid of democrats......

Scott Walker Meet the Conservative Everyman - Breitbart

In a Monday campaign video, Walker said he stands out as a conservative leader who won three elections in four years in a blue state without sacrificing his conservative principles.

“In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles,” said Walker. “And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you we can do both.”

Walker added, “We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America.”

Walker’s humble, middle-class roots have helped propel him to broad support as a sort of “everyman” ordinary Americans can connect with. A passionate communicator, Walker’s record of turning Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus—all while cutting taxes by $2 billion—has found favor with fiscal conservatives. Social conservatives, on the other hand, have been encouraged by Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood and enactment of pro-life legislation. The combination, say Walker supporters, is precisely what the Republican Party needs to unite the party and defeat Democrats.

“If our conservative reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” said Walker on Monday in a statement titled, “Why I’m running for President.”

He's my default guy unless someone else convinces me they are a better fit (or he messes up royally).

I do like the fact that he has already been "vetted" by a hostile media.
People don't even show up for midterms. He may not even be re elected as gov if he ran again.

Does he run for gov. The year we have presidential election or midterm years? That matters.

Keep believing that. The Dems threw everything they could at him, and it didn't work, 3 times.
A guy in the thread president Walker 2016 a guy just pointed out Hilary beats Walker even in his home state. Come over and join that discussion. And we're not even talking about him winning the presidency. He has to get past the 14 other Republicans trying to go up against us. He won't even win. Y? Let me see if you're smart enough to see the future and tell us how Walker could possibly lose to those other 14 people
And now he is in the race.......a Republican who knows how to defeat the most rabid of democrats......

Scott Walker Meet the Conservative Everyman - Breitbart

In a Monday campaign video, Walker said he stands out as a conservative leader who won three elections in four years in a blue state without sacrificing his conservative principles.

“In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles,” said Walker. “And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you we can do both.”

Walker added, “We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America.”

Walker’s humble, middle-class roots have helped propel him to broad support as a sort of “everyman” ordinary Americans can connect with. A passionate communicator, Walker’s record of turning Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus—all while cutting taxes by $2 billion—has found favor with fiscal conservatives. Social conservatives, on the other hand, have been encouraged by Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood and enactment of pro-life legislation. The combination, say Walker supporters, is precisely what the Republican Party needs to unite the party and defeat Democrats.

“If our conservative reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” said Walker on Monday in a statement titled, “Why I’m running for President.”

He's my default guy unless someone else convinces me they are a better fit (or he messes up royally).

I do like the fact that he has already been "vetted" by a hostile media.
People don't even show up for midterms. He may not even be re elected as gov if he ran again.

Does he run for gov. The year we have presidential election or midterm years? That matters.

Keep believing that. The Dems threw everything they could at him, and it didn't work, 3 times.
A guy in the thread president Walker 2016 a guy just pointed out Hilary beats Walker even in his home state. Come over and join that discussion. And we're not even talking about him winning the presidency. He has to get past the 14 other Republicans trying to go up against us. He won't even win. Y? Let me see if you're smart enough to see the future and tell us how Walker could possibly lose to those other 14 people

And I responded. This is Summer 2015. But please, keep being over-confident.
And now he is in the race.......a Republican who knows how to defeat the most rabid of democrats......

Scott Walker Meet the Conservative Everyman - Breitbart

In a Monday campaign video, Walker said he stands out as a conservative leader who won three elections in four years in a blue state without sacrificing his conservative principles.

“In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles,” said Walker. “And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you we can do both.”

Walker added, “We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America.”

Walker’s humble, middle-class roots have helped propel him to broad support as a sort of “everyman” ordinary Americans can connect with. A passionate communicator, Walker’s record of turning Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus—all while cutting taxes by $2 billion—has found favor with fiscal conservatives. Social conservatives, on the other hand, have been encouraged by Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood and enactment of pro-life legislation. The combination, say Walker supporters, is precisely what the Republican Party needs to unite the party and defeat Democrats.

“If our conservative reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America,” said Walker on Monday in a statement titled, “Why I’m running for President.”

He's my default guy unless someone else convinces me they are a better fit (or he messes up royally).

I do like the fact that he has already been "vetted" by a hostile media.
People don't even show up for midterms. He may not even be re elected as gov if he ran again.

Does he run for gov. The year we have presidential election or midterm years? That matters.

Keep believing that. The Dems threw everything they could at him, and it didn't work, 3 times.
A guy in the thread president Walker 2016 a guy just pointed out Hilary beats Walker even in his home state. Come over and join that discussion. And we're not even talking about him winning the presidency. He has to get past the 14 other Republicans trying to go up against us. He won't even win. Y? Let me see if you're smart enough to see the future and tell us how Walker could possibly lose to those other 14 people

And I responded. This is Summer 2015. But please, keep being over-confident.
Remember that Hillary was a lock in 2007. How'd that work out?
The truth is that campaigns are long and complicated. Recall that Herman Cain seemed to have a real shot. Until the bimbo eruption destroyed his campaign. McCain's campaign was bankrupt and he fired his manager. A nd then won the nomination. Clinton's campaign was dead and buried. And then he blew the sax on Arsenio Hall's show and won.
Anything can happen between now and Election Day.
Scott Walker Says His Presidential Bid Is 'God's Plan' - See more at: Scott Walker Says His Presidential Bid Is God s Plan Right Wing Watch

Not real big on the separation of church and state.......
“My relationship with God drives every major decision in my life,” starts the note, which is clearly designed to appeal to Religious Right voters who make up a major part of the GOP base vote, particularly in the early primary states Iowa and South Carolina.

The letter goes on to talk about Walker’s faith as “the guiding force of my life in both politics and in private” and promotes opposition to reproductive choice and marriage equality. “A lifelong supporter of the pro-life movement, my work defending the unborn goes back to my college days where I was a leader of Marquette Students for Life,” he writes, bragging about signing into law new restrictions on access to abortion and pledging to do the same as president. He calls the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision a “grave mistake” and calls for a constitutional amendment to overturn it. And he pledges to nominate Supreme Court justices who share his approach to the Constitution. - See more at: Scott Walker Says His Presidential Bid Is God s Plan Right Wing Watch
There's no such thing as "separation of church and state." It is nowhere in any founding document.

It is always funny to hear the lefty statists talk about separation of church and state, considering it comes from the one Founder who they hate the most, Jefferson.....and of course it comes from a personal letter, and like you pointed out, nothing from our official founding documents.

We all know that the words separation of church and state do not appear in the constitution. But maybe you can tell us- if it does not mean that the government may not show favoritism towards a particular religion and allow it to influence law and public policy, what does it mean? Religious freedom is a two way street. You and I cannot have religious freedom unless we are also free of the religious influences of others, and that includes the Imposition of religious values by the hand of government. The founders understood that regardless of their personal beliefs. JFK Understood that. These ass hat Republicans today do not. Consider this:

The Christian Right Does Not Want You to Know About This Day

The Christian Right has made religious freedom the ideological phalanx of its current campaigns in the culture wars. Religious freedom is now invoked as a way of seeking to derail access to reproductive health services as well as equality for LGBTQ people, most prominently regarding marriage equality.

But history provides little comfort for the theocratic visions of the Christian Right. And that is where our story begins.

For all of the shouting about religious liberty — from the landmark Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case, to the passage of the anti-gay Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Mississippi, and more — there is barely any mention, let alone any observance, of the official national Religious Freedom Day, enacted by Congress in 1992 and recognized every January 16 by an annual presidential proclamation.

The day commemorates the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786.

The bill, authored by Thomas Jefferson and later pushed through the state legislature by then member of the House of Delegates, James Madison, is regarded as the root of how the framers of the Constitution approached matters of religion and government, and it was as revolutionary as the era in which it was written. It not only disestablished the Anglican Church as the official state church, but it provided that no one can be compelled to attend any religious institution or to underwrite it with taxes; that individuals are free to believe as they will and that this “shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.” As a practical matter, this meant that what we believe or don’t believe is not the concern of government and that we are all equal as citizens. - See more at: The Christian Right Does Not Want You to Know About This Day Political Research Associates
You completely misunderstand the First Amendment. No shock there.
The 1A does two things: It prevents government from establishing an official religion, like Anglicanism. Along with that it forbids religious tests for office.
It guarantees free exercise of religion among its citizens.
Since our entire legal apparatus is based on Western Culture, which is heavily influenced by Christianity, it is inane to talk about taking religion out of public life. Question: How many times does the 10 Commandments appear in the Supreme Court?

I don't think that I misunderstand anything. Neither Christianity nor any religion should influence the law and public policy
Not real big on the separation of church and state.......
There's no such thing as "separation of church and state." It is nowhere in any founding document.

It is always funny to hear the lefty statists talk about separation of church and state, considering it comes from the one Founder who they hate the most, Jefferson.....and of course it comes from a personal letter, and like you pointed out, nothing from our official founding documents.

We all know that the words separation of church and state do not appear in the constitution. But maybe you can tell us- if it does not mean that the government may not show favoritism towards a particular religion and allow it to influence law and public policy, what does it mean? Religious freedom is a two way street. You and I cannot have religious freedom unless we are also free of the religious influences of others, and that includes the Imposition of religious values by the hand of government. The founders understood that regardless of their personal beliefs. JFK Understood that. These ass hat Republicans today do not. Consider this:

The Christian Right Does Not Want You to Know About This Day

The Christian Right has made religious freedom the ideological phalanx of its current campaigns in the culture wars. Religious freedom is now invoked as a way of seeking to derail access to reproductive health services as well as equality for LGBTQ people, most prominently regarding marriage equality.

But history provides little comfort for the theocratic visions of the Christian Right. And that is where our story begins.

For all of the shouting about religious liberty — from the landmark Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case, to the passage of the anti-gay Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Mississippi, and more — there is barely any mention, let alone any observance, of the official national Religious Freedom Day, enacted by Congress in 1992 and recognized every January 16 by an annual presidential proclamation.

The day commemorates the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786.

The bill, authored by Thomas Jefferson and later pushed through the state legislature by then member of the House of Delegates, James Madison, is regarded as the root of how the framers of the Constitution approached matters of religion and government, and it was as revolutionary as the era in which it was written. It not only disestablished the Anglican Church as the official state church, but it provided that no one can be compelled to attend any religious institution or to underwrite it with taxes; that individuals are free to believe as they will and that this “shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.” As a practical matter, this meant that what we believe or don’t believe is not the concern of government and that we are all equal as citizens. - See more at: The Christian Right Does Not Want You to Know About This Day Political Research Associates
You completely misunderstand the First Amendment. No shock there.
The 1A does two things: It prevents government from establishing an official religion, like Anglicanism. Along with that it forbids religious tests for office.
It guarantees free exercise of religion among its citizens.
Since our entire legal apparatus is based on Western Culture, which is heavily influenced by Christianity, it is inane to talk about taking religion out of public life. Question: How many times does the 10 Commandments appear in the Supreme Court?

I don't think that I misunderstand anything. Neither Christianity nor any religion should influence the law and public policy
That;s certainly your opinion. It's wrong. But still your opinion.

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