My fear: Trump will run again 2024

Trump will be Bidens age in 2023. Nothing stops this tyrant from running again. Biden will be too old to do 2 terms. My FEAR is Trump runs again and his MAGA horde spends 4 years pushing conspiracies.

My pick? I think Beto or Harris. We took the election this year and will just have to beat MAGA again

If Trump runs again I hope it is as an Independent. He probably doesn't win, but, at the very least he sends a message back to the GOP, "you've been weak for too long". Play the spoiler for their horrible support for the last 4 years.

He'd probably get more votes than Romney did as a candidate.
He could run GOP again and it's unlikely any opponent would have a prayer....His base would be totally spoiling for the rematch of the millennium.
He just got his ass handed to him by a senile, near octogenarian. AOC could take him down.
Ass handed to him? This election is razor thin you imbecile.

Poor Impeached Trump is running to his mommy in the courts, Tory, begging for help. :lmao:
Do you think im "Tory"? Bitch, im a mother fuckin OG at USMB. I predate almost all of you fools. If this is an alternate account, its old as fuck! :laugh:
I know you are. You already admitted you quit when you're behind. Just like a Tory.
Yeah, except i didnt do that. Why are you always wrong?
You said you would. You said you wouldn't bother voting for a candidate who is behind in the polls. That's what Tories do.
I never said that. Why are you so dumb?
Of course you did. You said polls artificially inflated Biden's lead over Impeached Trump so people will not go vote for Impeached Trump. You also criticized the left for rioting for what they believe in. You're not just a Tory -- you're a flaming Tory. Tories were against the colonists for rioting against the crown.
I said "people", not ME, moron. Your reading comprehension is terrible.

Dumbfuck Tory, you would only say that if that's how you feel. When I was first asked about the polls showing a lead for Biden if I were a Trump supporter, I said it would inspire me to go vote for Trump because he would need all the support he could get, being behind like that.

That's how I think.

The way you think is that being behind means ta might as well just quit. And like a tory, you also think people shouldn't fight (by rioting) against the establishment for what they believe in. I bet you have a closet full of red coats.

Polls get inflated to intentionally discourage their opponents. Im not sure why you would deny such an obvious thing, but i assume you deny it because, youre dumb as shit.
It matters not if they are artificially inflated or not in terms of how you face such adversity. For me, it wants me to fight back that much harder. For Tories like you, it leads you to cower in fear.
Im surprised you havent gotten it by now, but literally no one cares what or how you think. Youre just a moron fucktard. :dunno:
Trump will be Bidens age in 2023. Nothing stops this tyrant from running again. Biden will be too old to do 2 terms. My FEAR is Trump runs again and his MAGA horde spends 4 years pushing conspiracies.

My pick? I think Beto or Harris. We took the election this year and will just have to beat MAGA again

If Trump runs again I hope it is as an Independent. He probably doesn't win, but, at the very least he sends a message back to the GOP, "you've been weak for too long". Play the spoiler for their horrible support for the last 4 years.

He'd probably get more votes than Romney did as a candidate.
He could run GOP again and it's unlikely any opponent would have a prayer....His base would be totally spoiling for the rematch of the millennium.
He just got his ass handed to him by a senile, near octogenarian. AOC could take him down.
Ass handed to him? This election is razor thin you imbecile.

Poor Impeached Trump is running to his mommy in the courts, Tory, begging for help. :lmao:
Do you think im "Tory"? Bitch, im a mother fuckin OG at USMB. I predate almost all of you fools. If this is an alternate account, its old as fuck! :laugh:
I know you are. You already admitted you quit when you're behind. Just like a Tory.
Yeah, except i didnt do that. Why are you always wrong?
You said you would. You said you wouldn't bother voting for a candidate who is behind in the polls. That's what Tories do.
I never said that. Why are you so dumb?
Of course you did. You said polls artificially inflated Biden's lead over Impeached Trump so people will not go vote for Impeached Trump. You also criticized the left for rioting for what they believe in. You're not just a Tory -- you're a flaming Tory. Tories were against the colonists for rioting against the crown.
I said "people", not ME, moron. Your reading comprehension is terrible.

Dumbfuck Tory, you would only say that if that's how you feel. When I was first asked about the polls showing a lead for Biden if I were a Trump supporter, I said it would inspire me to go vote for Trump because he would need all the support he could get, being behind like that.

That's how I think.

The way you think is that being behind means ta might as well just quit. And like a tory, you also think people shouldn't fight (by rioting) against the establishment for what they believe in. I bet you have a closet full of red coats.

Polls get inflated to intentionally discourage their opponents. Im not sure why you would deny such an obvious thing, but i assume you deny it because, youre dumb as shit.
It matters not if they are artificially inflated or not in terms of how you face such adversity. For me, it wants me to fight back that much harder. For Tories like you, it leads you to cower in fear.
Im surprised you havent gotten it by now, but literally no one cares what or how you think. Youre just a moron fucktard. :dunno:
Slobbers a Tory.
Trump will be Bidens age in 2023. Nothing stops this tyrant from running again. Biden will be too old to do 2 terms. My FEAR is Trump runs again and his MAGA horde spends 4 years pushing conspiracies.

My pick? I think Beto or Harris. We took the election this year and will just have to beat MAGA again
T will retire
You Stalinist scum bags never best stole an election and killed a nation
Trump should run in 2024. By then we will be in a deep depression brought on by continued democrat lockdowns. Commissar Biden will have renewed our interest in wars around the world. The only thing Trump would have to worry about is the kind of monumental fraud the communist democrats bring with them like a bad smell.
Trump will be Bidens age in 2023. Nothing stops this tyrant from running again. Biden will be too old to do 2 terms. My FEAR is Trump runs again and his MAGA horde spends 4 years pushing conspiracies.

My pick? I think Beto or Harris. We took the election this year and will just have to beat MAGA again
Can you run for President from jail?
Trump will be Bidens age in 2023. Nothing stops this tyrant from running again. Biden will be too old to do 2 terms. My FEAR is Trump runs again and his MAGA horde spends 4 years pushing conspiracies.

My pick? I think Beto or Harris. We took the election this year and will just have to beat MAGA again

If Trump runs again I hope it is as an Independent. He probably doesn't win, but, at the very least he sends a message back to the GOP, "you've been weak for too long". Play the spoiler for their horrible support for the last 4 years.

He'd probably get more votes than Romney did as a candidate.
He could run GOP again and it's unlikely any opponent would have a prayer....His base would be totally spoiling for the rematch of the millennium.
He just got his ass handed to him by a senile, near octogenarian. AOC could take him down.
Whatever you think of him, Trump was the first man to run since the 1980's. And the movement to the left was a done deal by the actions of a traitorous group who got into power and took over the Democratic Party. They split the nation onto any color versus white. This while promoting kumbya and social justice in the front to blur the evil they have done. The older Dems who we have seen sold out to Prog whims, will burn in hell for their transgressions. We all are supposed to be the keepers of the flame. We have failed.
You lost.
Trump will be Bidens age in 2023. Nothing stops this tyrant from running again. Biden will be too old to do 2 terms. My FEAR is Trump runs again and his MAGA horde spends 4 years pushing conspiracies.

My pick? I think Beto or Harris. We took the election this year and will just have to beat MAGA again
Exactly why do you call him a tyrant and why did you vote against him. Was it his stand on policies or was it some thing personal about him. Pleaes give an example

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