My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites

Trump's support from Independents had been dropping like a rock. This newest deal may vaporize any Independent support Trump may have left. Also, GOP moderates are bailing too. It is apparent the dedicated Trumpsters will be the only ones left living in their hypocritical little world.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

You're right they did but the Progressive Left is not acting any better in this nonsense. The Progressive left defended Bill Clinton sexual past but now want to stone Donald John Trump for his stupidity.

Now the reality is Bill Clinton is not running for President, so let focus on if Hillary Clinton enabled her Husband ( Bill Clinton ) and if Hillary actions were the correct course of actions or should she have done what Ivana Trump did and divorce her worthless Husband instead?

The reality is Hillary Clinton stayed with her philandering husband knowing it would help her political career and one day help her bid for the Oval Office.
oh yeah, it's really helped her political an anchor around her neck! :lol:

Get your Bill Clinton rape shirts, folks. Because he actually has raped, while Trump hasn't.

Evidence. And kindly remember that the only sworn statement Anita Broaderick ever signed said Bill Clinton did not rape her.
For Christ's sake it was a private conversation between two men. It was recorded and made public.
Where is the outrage on that fact? So now recording private conversations are fair game?
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

THANK YOU for your honesty and sense of morality, Grampa.....Places you WELL above the hypocrites right wingers......I knew there had to be some fair-minded republicans out here.....
a hypocrite is someone saying they never talked like trump did among their guy friends when you know they have......are you one?....

Get your Bill Clinton rape shirts, folks. Because he actually has raped, while Trump hasn't.

I am glad to point out that both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have been accused of rape- and neither has been convicted.

But there is one Presidential candidate who has not been accused of rape- and that is Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump- adulterer- who talks about how he tries to fuck married women- and brags about as a celebrity he can just grab a woman by her 'pussy'- and is accused of rape

Hillary Clinton- not an adulterer, not accused of rape.

The choice is pretty clear if you are looking at what the candidate sexual escapades and accusations.

Hey guys, remember when Hillary was being underlying racist towards black people by calling them "superpredators".

Yup and I have posted about that on many occasions. The difference of course is that I am also holding Trump accountable for his mouth. Aka NOT being a hypocrite

Trump apologizes for his remarks, has Hillary ever apologized for what she said or did to those women she now says should be heard and believed? Talk about being a hypocrite, which you seem to think is a problem.

Did Hillary apologize to Paula Jones or Monica for getting a cigar pushed inside her va-jay-jay?

You think that Cigar wound up there against Monica's will?
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Bill Clinton broke the law -and should be in jail as far as I'm concerned. Or at least it should have gone to court, not the House and Senate. Anthony Weiner I didn't care about. That was pics between two adults. Trump? Locker room banter. No issue there that I care about.

Well, I can definitely say I'm glad I'm not YOUR wife, mother, daughter, etc. Or, for that matter, any woman unlucky enough to encounter you in a social setting.

But hey, good luck with that whole "selling a cretin supported by cretins as a President" thing. As usual, I'm left not knowing which one is more distasteful.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

No, I'm not giving him a pass, even though most every person alive has made similar comments, I place more weight on ACTIONS over words.

Honestly that stuff is PG compared to what other celebrity men have said. He's a straight man who gets excited over pretty women. What's new with that.

If he'd been talking about grabbing men's balls he'd have taken the leftist girly man vote

Where do you stand on that, Gassy?
So you have a choice Gramps, vote for a corrupt old bitch who acknowledges she has different positions depending on the audience she is pandering to or vote for a guy who talked guy talk.

Both of them need to talk issues instead of this seeing who had what on who.

I didn't realize there were only two people running for president.

Only two that have a prayer of winning. But you're point is taken

That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Trump and Clinton aren't the people ruining the country; it's the American people who keep giving them the power to ruin it who are responsible.

I couldn't agree more but until the people decide enough is enough we're stuck with it. My guess is the old battle ax will win and God help this nation if she does.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.
Bill and Tony transgressed while on active duty. Donald was a private a billionaire lifestyle. He was wrong. But we have abandoned any sense of morality...control over sexual urges...the constant fight with temptation the nuns taught us about back in the fourties. Carpet munching and butt fucking are honored practices now. God is dead to many...especially Libtards.
I haven't abandoned it. I raised my girls to tell people like the 3 in the op to fuck off. My girls are now in their 20's. what kind of father would I be to them now if I abandoned the very principles I thought them as children?
Disrespecting women is a character flaw...not to be condoned or tolerated...but I still think what we are being fed by media and liberal society, contributes to the current insensitivity. Having said that...we have other pressing issues that overwhelm Donald's crassness. And Hillary has even more egregious flaws.
a hypocrite is someone saying they never talked like trump did among their guy friends when you know they have......are you one?....

I'm willing to pay for MY sins......Trump, on the other hand, while running for president, has just met his demise for HIS sins..
For Christ's sake it was a private conversation between two men. It was recorded and made public.
Where is the outrage on that fact? So now recording private conversations are fair game?

Grampa pointed out that the right wing was outraged about Weiner- private photos between adults.

Frankly it isn't that Trump used these words- it is what it shows about Trump.

Trump was married at the time and bragging about trying to fuck a married woman.
Trump was bragging that since he was a celebrity he could just grab a woman by the 'pussy'

I look forward to pointing out how Trump thinks over and over.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

When this whole mess started I thought that the only way Hillary could win was if running against someone like Trump. Which might prove to be true. But now I am thinking that the only way Trump could win is running against someone like Hillary.

Again, you provide Empirical data for you true alliance.

Ironic isn't it?

If either party had nominated someone else, that party would win in a landslide.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

You're right they did but the Progressive Left is not acting any better in this nonsense. The Progressive left defended Bill Clinton sexual past but now want to stone Donald John Trump for his stupidity.

Now the reality is Bill Clinton is not running for President, so let focus on if Hillary Clinton enabled her Husband ( Bill Clinton ) and if Hillary actions were the correct course of actions or should she have done what Ivana Trump did and divorce her worthless Husband instead?

The reality is Hillary Clinton stayed with her philandering husband knowing it would help her political career and one day help her bid for the Oval Office.
oh yeah, it's really helped her political an anchor around her neck! :lol:

So Bill Clinton has been an anchor around her neck?

Sure and I fart rainbows from my ass and piss gold from my dick!

She used her Husband and is using her Husband political career to further her career!

Most women would have dumped the loser after she caught him more than twice cheating on her!
Consensual or not it's pretty unethical for a president to stick a cigar inside a woman's va-jay-jay. Not to mention manipulate her into a sex toy as what he did with Monica. Inside the oval office of all places.

....AND he was the second EVER president impeached for his sins......Bill ain't running....
Next LAME attempt to defend the pig?

Oh but he's technically running with his wife Crooked Hillary. You're either delusional or stupid if you think Bill isn't running too.

Using your logic, trump is running with his wife.

A woman who has posed for porn photos which were published all over the world.

A woman who was born and raised in a communist nation controlled by the USSR.

A woman who was taught to be a good communist by the school system, her parents and society she lived in.

A woman who steals other people's words for her own and doesn't admit it.

So to boil this down, if you want to make spouses guilty for what their spouse did, then trump is a communist porn model.

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