My Next Poll. Should The DOW Reach 20,000 Within Two Weeks.Who Will Take Most Of The Credit?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: And to think even to this day, we have a few Democrat Strategists claiming that much of the "Booming Economy" of 2016 was due to Obama related policies. And even about a week ago, someone on Fox {Rat Guest} actually claimed that much of the good economic news was due to whatever Obama has done over these last two years:laugh::laugh:
Lets just wait and see what some rats will say whenever it hits 20,000....Oh, god, no,,none of this good news has anything to do with President Trump :piss2:
What we seeing going on with the DOW is called an speculative "asset bubble". And like all bubbles it is going to burst.

If any of you have money invested in the DOW, now is the time to get out. Stocks are selling for much more than they are worth right now. So if any of you reading this get your financial ass handed to you, you cannot say that you were not warned.
What we seeing going on with the DOW is called an speculative "asset bubble". And like all bubbles it is going to burst.

If any of you have money invested in the DOW, now is the time to get out. Stocks are selling for much more than they are worth right now. So if any of you reading this get your financial ass handed to you, you cannot say that you were not warned.
well the reason it hasnt hit 20,000 yet is cause investors are pausing right now, and wait and see what happens a few weeks after Trump is in and most of the regulations are officially gone,,,but i think we will hit 20,000 within 3 weeks
The DOW was almost flat for last two years until the election. Then it went up ~9%. Nothing Earth-Shattering or panic situation is it? What speculative Asset Bubble?

If Trump is able to get this country producing instead of .......... whatever.
The Fed gets the credit. It has been they who have pumped trillions in funny money into securities.

But your average nose picker, getting their 'news" from the usual fakers, won't know this.
I suppose it depends on how long it remains above 20,000 and if it grows.

Second, I doubt most Americans are focused on that. America needs jobs and to expand their tax base.
The DOW was almost flat for last two years until the election. Then it went up ~9%. Nothing Earth-Shattering or panic situation is it? What speculative Asset Bubble?

If Trump is able to get this country producing instead of .......... whatever.
Asset Bubble Definition from Financial Times Lexicon

Definition of asset bubble
When the prices of securities or other assets rise so sharply and at such a sustained rate that they exceed valuations justified by fundamentals, making a sudden collapse likely - at which point the bubble "bursts".

Right now the Dow Jones industrials are selling for much more than is justifiable. Actually I think the price has almost doubled since 2010. However there is no way in hell that those corporations are worth twice as much as they were in 2010. When the price goes way down rich CEOs and stock brokers are not the ones who will take the hit. It's Joe workers' retirement accounts and average Joe investors' that are going to take the hit.
:2up: And to think even to this day, we have a few Democrat Strategists claiming that much of the "Booming Economy" of 2016 was due to Obama related policies. And even about a week ago, someone on Fox {Rat Guest} actually claimed that much of the good economic news was due to whatever Obama has done over these last two years:laugh::laugh:
Lets just wait and see what some rats will say whenever it hits 20,000....Oh, god, no,,none of this good news has anything to do with President Trump :piss2:
When Republicans handed it over to Obama, what was it? About 7,000?
The Fed gets the credit. It has been they who have pumped trillions in funny money into securities.

But your average nose picker, getting their 'news" from the usual fakers, won't know this.
and remember when the DOW crashed in early 2009? it was all because of Obama,,,,and, Obama never came close to bringing the DOW to 19,000. then again, no net jobs were created either.
Donald Trump being the current President, will rightfully claim credit. All Presidents enjoy taking credit for booming Stock Markets. Even Obama, who was supposedly 'Anti-Wall Street', loved boasting about Stock Market success.
Donald Trump being the current President, will rightfully claim credit. All Presidents enjoy taking credit for booming Stock Markets. Even Obama, who was supposedly 'Anti-Wall Street', loved boasting about Stock Market success.
A booming stock market does not necessarily mean that there is a booming economy.
The Fed gets the credit. It has been they who have pumped trillions in funny money into securities.

But your average nose picker, getting their 'news" from the usual fakers, won't know this.
and remember when the DOW crashed in early 2009? it was all because of Obama,,,,and, Obama never came close to bringing the DOW to 19,000. then again, no net jobs were created either.

WTF is wrong with Trumpeters?

It's like they dwell in this whole separate universe where stock market fell in 2009 not because economy was in the biggest fucking recession in modern history , but because Obama got elected.

A separate universe where THIS didn't happen:


A separate universe where Trump will be a big hero if DOW grows by 10% and Obama is a commie loser because it only grew 100+% while he was in office.

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