myth of Native Americans

obviously, YOU did not figure out MY point
let's stop the myth of NAs being peaceful, corn growing people
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture we don't need to hear that all Americans are immigrants--because we are not
Way to put us under the same blanket.

I guess since Jeffery Dahmer was a monster, all white men are.

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what's your point? that's what the MSM does--paint whites as evil--from taking the land and destroying the NAs and also the blacks
If you have difficulty figuring out my point, you probably shouldn't be posting here.
It's wrong to stereotype an entire race of people based on the actions of a few.

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obviously YOU did not figure out MY point--so YOU should not be posting here, according to your very own words
please note the word ''some'' in my original post ! fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture
Is what you said.
You also said:
they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came

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The white Europeans were doing the same thing at the very same time in Europe. In fact, they brought remnants of the inquisition to the new world. The Salem witch hunts were derived and a direct link to the Inquisition.

Another fact of worthy note is that the European settlers paid bounties on the scalps of native Americans, including children. Let that sink in. The earliest European communities in America paid hunters a bounty for scalping children and even babies. They didn't bring as much reward as the woman scalps and the old people scalps, but one can suppose that for the murdering European bounty hunters every scalp counted towards the payment of a mug of beer and a tavern wench.
let's stop the myth of NAs being peaceful, corn growing people
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture we don't need to hear that all Americans are immigrants--because we are not
So not all Native Americans were the profound
While each tribe may have had different characteristics, they were all treated the same by the US Government as they were rounded up and forced onto desolate reservations
they were defeated by a greater power
just like every other war/battle/conflict
Yep. Right after they welcomed the white man, took their word that they came in peace. It was not a war/battle/conflict.

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Wounded Knee Pest Control

We're supposed to accept that insulting narrative just because powerful Whiteys Hating Whiteys pose as people we should look up to?
obviously, YOU did not figure out MY point
what's your point? that's what the MSM does--paint whites as evil--from taking the land and destroying the NAs and also the blacks
If you have difficulty figuring out my point, you probably shouldn't be posting here.
It's wrong to stereotype an entire race of people based on the actions of a few.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app
obviously YOU did not figure out MY point--so YOU should not be posting here, according to your very own words
please note the word ''some'' in my original post ! fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture
Is what you said.
You also said:
they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came

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the major point being the ''myth''....that's in the title and first sentence--first noun...
you do agree the the NAs being peaceful, corn growers is a myth?
It is a myth. We didn't all grow corn.

Do you think because some of the Natives were evil that justifies what the white man Did to us? Mass genocide?

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Trail of Crybabies

The whining of evolution's sore losers.
let's stop the myth of NAs being peaceful, corn growing people
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture we don't need to hear that all Americans are immigrants--because we are not
So not all Native Americans were the profound
While each tribe may have had different characteristics, they were all treated the same by the US Government as they were rounded up and forced onto desolate reservations
they were defeated by a greater power
just like every other war/battle/conflict
Yep. Right after they welcomed the white man, took their word that they came in peace. It was not a war/battle/conflict.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app
Wounded Knee Pest Control

We're supposed to accept that insulting narrative just because powerful Whiteys Hating Whiteys pose as people we should look up to?
There us nothing insulting about the truth. The way I see it you white people are getting what you deserve.

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The treatment of Native Americans is obviously a raw issue for some.

There really is no argument that a terrible crime was committed and I cant see the merit in denying this.

Some of the arguments that aim to deflect from this are on a schoolyard level. Ive seen arguments that the natives were not actually natives because they came from Asia in prehistoric times. And that they deserved what they got because they were not some kind of hippy eco warriors.

Its a nonsense. And a nonsense backed up by centuries of literature and film. Hundreds and hundreds of movies portray them as "blood thirsty" savages and are as effective a propaganda tool as anything produced by Hitlers mates.

I grew up watching these movies and have to admit I was carried along with it. Loved westerns and still do. But there is a huge difference between the standard studio fodder and the better made westerns where intelligent people were involved.

But then a film like "Dances With Wolves" is made and in a small way redresses the balance. And the crazies go mental over it. Because its Anti American !!

Its not just movies either. Look at American literature.

Tom Sawyer - the bad guy is Injun Joe

Last of the Mohicans - Magwa is the bad guy. Not the Imperial powers who were pitting one tribe against another.

I am certain for some that this cant be admitted because it shakes their vision of what America was and is.

Has America made recompense for the way it treated these people ?
The treatment of Native Americans is obviously a raw issue for some.

There really is no argument that a terrible crime was committed and I cant see the merit in denying this.

Some of the arguments that aim to deflect from this are on a schoolyard level. Ive seen arguments that the natives were not actually natives because they came from Asia in prehistoric times. And that they deserved what they got because they were not some kind of hippy eco warriors.

Its a nonsense. And a nonsense backed up by centuries of literature and film. Hundreds and hundreds of movies portray them as "blood thirsty" savages and are as effective a propaganda tool as anything produced by Hitlers mates.

I grew up watching these movies and have to admit I was carried along with it. Loved westerns and still do. But there is a huge difference between the standard studio fodder and the better made westerns where intelligent people were involved.

But then a film like "Dances With Wolves" is made and in a small way redresses the balance. And the crazies go mental over it. Because its Anti American !!

Its not just movies either. Look at American literature.

Tom Sawyer - the bad guy is Injun Joe

Last of the Mohicans - Magwa is the bad guy. Not the Imperial powers who were pitting one tribe against another.

I am certain for some that this cant be admitted because it shakes their vision of what America was and is.

Has America made recompense for the way it treated these people ?

What should we do? Burn all copies of Tom Sawyer, ban old cowboys and 'injuns films? Force people to watch Dances with Wolves?
The treatment of Native Americans is obviously a raw issue for some.

There really is no argument that a terrible crime was committed and I cant see the merit in denying this.

Some of the arguments that aim to deflect from this are on a schoolyard level. Ive seen arguments that the natives were not actually natives because they came from Asia in prehistoric times. And that they deserved what they got because they were not some kind of hippy eco warriors.

Its a nonsense. And a nonsense backed up by centuries of literature and film. Hundreds and hundreds of movies portray them as "blood thirsty" savages and are as effective a propaganda tool as anything produced by Hitlers mates.

I grew up watching these movies and have to admit I was carried along with it. Loved westerns and still do. But there is a huge difference between the standard studio fodder and the better made westerns where intelligent people were involved.

But then a film like "Dances With Wolves" is made and in a small way redresses the balance. And the crazies go mental over it. Because its Anti American !!

Its not just movies either. Look at American literature.

Tom Sawyer - the bad guy is Injun Joe

Last of the Mohicans - Magwa is the bad guy. Not the Imperial powers who were pitting one tribe against another.

I am certain for some that this cant be admitted because it shakes their vision of what America was and is.

Has America made recompense for the way it treated these people ?

What should we do? Burn all copies of Tom Sawyer, ban old cowboys and 'injuns films? Force people to watch Dances with Wolves?
Why do you go to extremes ? That isnt what I am suggesting at all.
Why do you go to extremes ? That isnt what I am suggesting at all.

What, then? What can America do to make up to natives that hasn't already been done? Just so you know, native people are held in high regard by most Americans. It's canadians who treat them like shit.
let's stop the myth of NAs being peaceful, corn growing people
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture we don't need to hear that all Americans are immigrants--because we are not
The Same Gangster Race Kept Out by the Great Wall of China

Do we call a gang that escapes to a hideout in some remote place "residents" of that place? This race originated as prehistoric criminal fugitives. In fact, that was why they were chased into Siberia before that. Feralphiles who want us to feel guilty about finishing the job started by Chinese justice have a Death Wish.

Hard to imagine anyone could fuck up history with more ignorance than that post.
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came...


You know. ...

Know what?

...that leftists, America haters and antiwhite bigots use what happened to native americans as a political weapon to justify open borders policies.

What the hell does that have to do with the OP?
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came...


You know. ...

Know what?

...that leftists, America haters and antiwhite bigots use what happened to native americans as a political weapon to justify open borders policies.

What the hell does that have to do with the OP?

let's stop the myth of NAs being peaceful, corn growing people
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture we don't need to hear that all Americans are immigrants--because we are not
Europeans were still doing that stuff in the 20th Century, on a grand scale. Japan too.

Regardless of ethics, this nation was inhabited by the First Nations.
let's stop the myth of NAs being peaceful, corn growing people
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture we don't need to hear that all Americans are immigrants--because we are not


There are lots of 'myths'- about Native Americans- and our European ancestors.

There were thousands of different tribes and cultures of Native Americans in North and South America- as different as the cultures across Europe and Asia.

Yes- some tribes practices torture- and others didn't. Some tribes were aggressive and murdered other tribes- and others were essentially defensive- seeking to protect themselves.

Basically native Americans were humans- just like Europeans who came here were humans.

But they were here first- and yes- all Americans- are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

And yes- my European ancestors stole this land from the native Americans. Not my fault- not your fault- but thats the fact.
The difference was that Native Americans were viewed as savages. Little more than animals
Americans treated them as such

...that leftists, America haters and antiwhite bigots use what happened to native americans as a political weapon to justify open borders policies.

What the hell does that have to do with the OP?


Absolutely not.

Oh come on...I've read your're not can read between the lines. This thread was made in rebuttal to open borders/mass immigration advocates who like to use the old 'early american settlers stole lands and were violent' trope.
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came...


You know. ...

Know what?

...that leftists, America haters and antiwhite bigots use what happened to native americans as a political weapon to justify open borders policies.

LOL- wow you managed to pack a whole lot of right wing craziness in one sentence.

What 'open borders policy'? We haven't had open borders for decades.

This thread was started about the supposed myth of the peaceful native Americans.

And of course whenever anyone points out that yes- native Americans were screwed over- someone like you wants to claim that any mention of what happened to the native Americans is of course hating of America and of course- anti-white.

We poor whites....we have it so bad......

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