N and S Korea ending the war?

IMO, even if they kiss and make up, our troops will be on the line for at least another 10 years.
IMO, even if they kiss and make up, our troops will be on the line for at least another 10 years.
been an issue for what - 60+ years now. even if they make this move there's a lot of mistrust to work through and that's never easy.
North and South Korea reportedly set to announce an official end to war

would be an interesting first step perhaps. seems like he's stopped blowing up the ocean after his mountain caved in on him.
Interesting possible correlation. I’d not considered that, as I don’t remember it was big news here.
if i remember correctly he did maybe 1 or 2 after that but they could have been not a part of the cave in so he wanted to shoot them off to show he still could. but lately nothing.

first he wants to talk to trump and now this. makes you wonder china may be telling him in the background.
This would be one of those fantastic surprises like Mandela becoming President of South Africa, the Berlin Wall coming down, and the peaceful disappearance of the Soviet Union.
Let's hope we do a good job with the opportunity.
IMO, even if they kiss and make up, our troops will be on the line for at least another 10 years.
The Berlin Wall fell when, 1990? We still expanded NATO (Poland, Hungary, Czech Rep), prior to Putin.

What does that have to do with N/S Korea?
It has to do with foreign policy. If you examine our foreign policy with regard to 'ground gained' via conflict we rarely cede any territory unless compelled to by host governments (Taiwan, Philippines ex). Why? There is always another threat over the horizon. If there is not, we have a tendency to create one e.g. the expansion of NATO.
Now...think about who is over the horizon in NE Asia?
IMO, even if they kiss and make up, our troops will be on the line for at least another 10 years.
The Berlin Wall fell when, 1990? We still expanded NATO (Poland, Hungary, Czech Rep), prior to Putin.

Here is the funny thing...when the Berlin Wall fell it was our society which began to decline. Communism died everywhere in the world except for the likes of Cuba, N Korea, Venezuela and the US Democrat Party. I think it has to do with security in general. Once the immediate threat was over people felt like they could sit on their laurels. Even revelations that came out when the USSR collpased that Senate Democrats had been working with the communists against Reagan didnt seem to do much.
it is why the GOP in Florida always won the Cuban vote. Cubans knew the horror of leftism first hand and reliably voted Republican. I spend a fair amount of time in S Florida and my family owned land in Cuba before Castro seized it. There is no hatred for communism, socialism and the Democrat Party like you see from people who had to live under it.
But the very youngest generation has never seen it first hand. Propaganda slowly corrodes reality and I notice the intensity isnt there for the younger Cubans now.
IMO, even if they kiss and make up, our troops will be on the line for at least another 10 years.
The Berlin Wall fell when, 1990? We still expanded NATO (Poland, Hungary, Czech Rep), prior to Putin.

As far as the expansion...not only was it expanded but it was perverted in its purpose. A defensive organization it was used by Clinton to bomb Christians and pave the way for the first Muslim expansions in countries that posed no threat to Nato.
IMO, even if they kiss and make up, our troops will be on the line for at least another 10 years.
The Berlin Wall fell when, 1990? We still expanded NATO (Poland, Hungary, Czech Rep), prior to Putin.

Here is the funny thing...when the Berlin Wall fell it was our society which began to decline. Communism died everywhere in the world except for the likes of Cuba, N Korea, Venezuela and the US Democrat Party. I think it has to do with security in general. Once the immediate threat was over people felt like they could sit on their laurels. Even revelations that came out when the USSR collpased that Senate Democrats had been working with the communists against Reagan didnt seem to do much.
it is why the GOP in Florida always won the Cuban vote. Cubans knew the horror of leftism first hand and reliably voted Republican. I spend a fair amount of time in S Florida and my family owned land in Cuba before Castro seized it. There is no hatred for communism, socialism and the Democrat Party like you see from people who had to live under it.
But the very youngest generation has never seen it first hand. Propaganda slowly corrodes reality and I notice the intensity isnt there for the younger Cubans now.
and younger people being a natural rebel, they want something different than their parents had. given they don't know how bad it can be, they just see it as adults "getting it wrong" and they can do it right.

good info.

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