Nah, Democrats would never cheat the elections


Moron, HOW does one become a "permanent resident" if one CANNOT prove how long they've been in the U. S. LEGALLY????

Moron, HOW does one become a "permanent resident" if one CANNOT prove how long they've been in the U. S. LEGALLY????

They simply DON'T CHECK IT anymore! They keep needing more and more DemocRAT voters, and who the fuck do you think is in charge of checking?
It is not right when people don't even know the history or probably who the person running is about, but I do not think that they will automatically vote for one party, or even some will not even vote because they do not understand.

I hate to think that the accidents are only going to get worse in California because the signs are only in english.

I think this law sucks Jerry Brown.........

BTW I am a registered Democrat who thinks this sucks. Pretty much more in the middle, but I extreme left Dems who think this sucks too.


I give you credit for your integrity on this.

People are all to willing to sound "liberal" when in fact they are just pining for control.

Moron, HOW does one become a "permanent resident" if one CANNOT prove how long they've been in the U. S. LEGALLY????
Obozo's amnesty...

Like the one he did in 2012, or the one he's trying to do by executive order now (for millions more)...

And that SSN will let them vote in California... Or they can get a driver's license in any other state and vote there...

And e-Verify can't catch them, since that system only checks employment eligibility.
it's hogwash that this measure will allow illegals to vote. Their driver's licenses ARE DIFFERENT from the licenses of citizens and NOTE they are not citizens through the statement of 'not for Federal use' or something like that on them, therefore they are not ELIGIBLE to vote....

the law states ELIGIBLE voters will be registered through the's right there in your copy and paste.... in citizens over 18 yrs of age, NOT IMMIGRANTS.

Obama insists that Illegals get SSNs..

Under California law, you can register to vote with your SSN, and you don't have to show an ID at the polls... (You only show an ID the FIRST time you vote if you register online with NO SSN, DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, OR VOTER NUMBER ISSUED BY THE STATE)...

So you have your flaw right there... Just get registered (by hook or crook) and you never have to show that ID, so it doesn't matter how the state marks it...

LIAR. "Illegals" don't get SS#'s you POS


New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Obama amnesty granted 500,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants
Mr. Obama's latest amnesty, announced in November 2014, has been halted by a federal court, so no Social Security numbers have been granted under that policy.

But the first amnesty, announced in June 2012 and covering young adult illegal immigrants known as Dreamers, remains in effect, and had approved nearly 639,000 persons as of the end of 2014.

All those applying for the amnesty are required to apply for a work permit as well, and almost all are approved for that document, which they can then use to obtain a Social Security number.

About 541,000 numbers had been granted as of the end of 2014, meaning about 85 percent of all Dreamers had been given the coveted numbers. Still others could be in the pipeline, making the actual approval rate somewhat higher.

A federal appeals court earlier this month tossed a challenge to the 2012 amnesty, ruling that neither immigration agents nor Mississippi, who had both sued to stop the policy, had standing to bring a lawsuit.

Over 500,000 SSNS were issued under Obozo's 2012 amnesty, and millions more can be issued if he wins the current court case... Right in time for the election.
KNOCK KNOCK, anybody home?

Social security cards for the illegal immigrants ARE NOT THE SAME social security cards that are given to CITIZENS....

it's one of the smartest things Obama has done...undocumented citizens are NOW IDENTIFIED....!!!!!!!!!!!
Read your own link...


But thank you for shooting yourself down... Maybe you'll learn to actually read a link before you post it next time!!!
nope- only US citizens get the SSAN card without any restrictions, all permanent immigrants get a card stating they are AUTHORIZED by DHS to work....
Look where that got us.

Two wrongs don't make a right...

So I guess three wrongs do.

Well, not for Trump and you too can join the POSSE to round up ALL the illegal aliens and place them in concentration camps......Sounds like fun, don't it?

Mexico is a concentration camp ?

You can keep your idea of fun.

If you make it hard enough on them...they'll actually leave on their own. George Will, bless his heart, was totally wrong on this one.

There are stiff penalties for employers hiring the undocumented. Illegals would not come here if our laws were enforced. Looks like our politicians from both parties haven't the desire to enforce these laws. Cheap labor is the ticket to greater profits, and most politicians today are easily and legally bribed to not go after companies who hire illegals. This includes democrats and the oh so sanctimonious republicans.
I really hate to say it....but.....

The time isn't far off when some crazies
Look where that got us.

Two wrongs don't make a right...

So I guess three wrongs do.

Well, not for Trump and you too can join the POSSE to round up ALL the illegal aliens and place them in concentration camps......Sounds like fun, don't it?

Mexico is a concentration camp ?

You can keep your idea of fun.

If you make it hard enough on them...they'll actually leave on their own. George Will, bless his heart, was totally wrong on this one.

There are stiff penalties for employers hiring the undocumented. Illegals would not come here if our laws were enforced. Looks like our politicians from both parties haven't the desire to enforce these laws. Cheap labor is the ticket to greater profits, and most politicians today are easily and legally bribed to not go after companies who hire illegals. This includes democrats and the oh so sanctimonious republicans.

Spot on !!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Obama insists that Illegals get SSNs..

Under California law, you can register to vote with your SSN, and you don't have to show an ID at the polls... (You only show an ID the FIRST time you vote if you register online with NO SSN, DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, OR VOTER NUMBER ISSUED BY THE STATE)...

So you have your flaw right there... Just get registered (by hook or crook) and you never have to show that ID, so it doesn't matter how the state marks it...

LIAR. "Illegals" don't get SS#'s you POS


New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Obama amnesty granted 500,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants
Mr. Obama's latest amnesty, announced in November 2014, has been halted by a federal court, so no Social Security numbers have been granted under that policy.

But the first amnesty, announced in June 2012 and covering young adult illegal immigrants known as Dreamers, remains in effect, and had approved nearly 639,000 persons as of the end of 2014.

All those applying for the amnesty are required to apply for a work permit as well, and almost all are approved for that document, which they can then use to obtain a Social Security number.

About 541,000 numbers had been granted as of the end of 2014, meaning about 85 percent of all Dreamers had been given the coveted numbers. Still others could be in the pipeline, making the actual approval rate somewhat higher.

A federal appeals court earlier this month tossed a challenge to the 2012 amnesty, ruling that neither immigration agents nor Mississippi, who had both sued to stop the policy, had standing to bring a lawsuit.

Over 500,000 SSNS were issued under Obozo's 2012 amnesty, and millions more can be issued if he wins the current court case... Right in time for the election.
KNOCK KNOCK, anybody home?

Social security cards for the illegal immigrants ARE NOT THE SAME social security cards that are given to CITIZENS....

it's one of the smartest things Obama has done...undocumented citizens are NOW IDENTIFIED....!!!!!!!!!!!
Read your own link...


But thank you for shooting yourself down... Maybe you'll learn to actually read a link before you post it next time!!!
nope- only US citizens get the SSAN card without any restrictions, all permanent immigrants get a card stating they are AUTHORIZED by DHS to work....

So once again, you don't read before you post... That source doesn't say anything about being issued a different card...

So I'll just go with your original link, OK???

"Not Valid for Employment" Social Security cards & the EIC | 1040

There are three different types of cards issued by the Social Security Administration. The first one is the standard card that we have all seen which is issued to U.S. citizens and individuals lawfully admitted to the United States on a permanent basis. These individuals are eligible for the Earned Income Credit if all other requirements are met.

The second card reads “Valid for Work only with DHS Authorization.” These types of card are issued to people lawfully admitted to the United States on a temporary basis who have DHS (Department of Homeland Security) authorization to work. These individuals are also eligible to receive the Earned Income Credit if all other requirements are met.

The third type of card states “Not Valid for Employment.” These cards are issued to people from other countries:

  • Who are lawfully admitted to the United States without work authorization from DHS, but with a valid nonwork reason for needing a Social Security number; or
  • Who need a number because of a federal law requiring a Social Security number to get a benefit or service such as

Notice that individuals that have been admitted on a permanent basis (such as refugees or individuals who have received amnesty), get the same Social Security Card that US Citizens do...

There is a second class of card for individuals here under a work visa (temporary status), and a third class of card for individuals without work authorization (such as students)...

You really should read stuff before you post it, or people might think you're the village idiot.
ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE
Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor on October 10, 2015

Democrats are applauding California Governor Jerry Brown’s signature today on a bill that will allow the state to automatically register millions of residents to vote, using their DMV records. The move automatically opens up voting to 6.6 million Californians.

Some are calling it “state-sanctioned voter fraud.”

As reported by

On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that will allow the state to automatically register millions of residents to vote, using their DMV records.

Starting in 2016, every eligible California citizen who goes to a DMV office to get a driver’s license or renew one will be instantly registered to vote, unless he or she chooses to opt out.

The new “motor voter” law is just one of several steps aimed at addressing California’s dismally low election participation rate — one of the worst in the nation. Just over 42 percent of eligible voters turned out in last fall’s election. In Los Angeles County, just 31 percent of registered voters cast a ballot.

There’s just one TEENSY problem with this. The California Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has acknowledged it can’t distinguish citizens from non citizens in its current database. You may recall that beginning this year, California began issuing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants — and received a tremendous response. If it’s is unable to separate out these non citizens in the database, California will be registering illegal immigrants with driver’s licenses, as well as legal immigrants who are permanent residents (but not citizens) and refugees who do not yet have their citizenship. Additionally, the DMV has no way to identify felons who aren’t allowed to vote in California and part-time residents (with driver’s licenses) who may be registered to vote in other states.

ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE - Allen B. West -
it's hogwash that this measure will allow illegals to vote. Their driver's licenses ARE DIFFERENT from the licenses of citizens and NOTE they are not citizens through the statement of 'not for Federal use' or something like that on them, therefore they are not ELIGIBLE to vote....

the law states ELIGIBLE voters will be registered through the's right there in your copy and paste.... in citizens over 18 yrs of age, NOT IMMIGRANTS.

Obama insists that Illegals get SSNs..

Under California law, you can register to vote with your SSN, and you don't have to show an ID at the polls... (You only show an ID the FIRST time you vote if you register online with NO SSN, DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, OR VOTER NUMBER ISSUED BY THE STATE)...

So you have your flaw right there... Just get registered (by hook or crook) and you never have to show that ID, so it doesn't matter how the state marks it...

LIAR. "Illegals" don't get SS#'s you POS


New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Obama amnesty granted 500,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants
Mr. Obama's latest amnesty, announced in November 2014, has been halted by a federal court, so no Social Security numbers have been granted under that policy.

But the first amnesty, announced in June 2012 and covering young adult illegal immigrants known as Dreamers, remains in effect, and had approved nearly 639,000 persons as of the end of 2014.

All those applying for the amnesty are required to apply for a work permit as well, and almost all are approved for that document, which they can then use to obtain a Social Security number.

About 541,000 numbers had been granted as of the end of 2014, meaning about 85 percent of all Dreamers had been given the coveted numbers. Still others could be in the pipeline, making the actual approval rate somewhat higher.

A federal appeals court earlier this month tossed a challenge to the 2012 amnesty, ruling that neither immigration agents nor Mississippi, who had both sued to stop the policy, had standing to bring a lawsuit.

Over 500,000 SSNS were issued under Obozo's 2012 amnesty, and millions more can be issued if he wins the current court case... Right in time for the election.

Obama’s immigration actions would allow parents illegally residing in the U.S. for at least five years, and who also have children who are citizens or legal permanent residents, to remain in the country for up to three years without the threat of deportation, if they register and pass a background check. If they meet the requirements, they would also be given work authorization for the three-year period and would be able to get a Social Security number.

With that Social Security number, they would be able to file new tax returns, or amend old ones, and possibly claim the earned income tax credit that helps low-income workers.

Koskinen told Mulvaney and other committee members that “if you get a Social Security number, you can then file for this year if you’re working, and if you earned income in the three years before that and filed, you’ll be eligible.”

Those living in the country illegally and working can file tax returns using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, but those ITINs can’t be used to claim the earned income tax credit. So, those who filed with an ITIN would have to submit amended returns to receive any credits.

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?
Yet the GOP "voter fraud" myth is STILL a myth. Weird

Yea, because everyone knows it's possible to get more than 100% of the possible votes in precincts. Even getting 100% of the votes is impossible given that we've never had that good of voter turnout anywhere. Common Core must be working since so many Dems are convinced that the number of votes adds up.


Romney earned zero votes in some urban precincts

The Phildadelphia Inquirer reported today that, in 59 precincts in inner-city Philadelphia, the GOP nominee received not a single vote. And according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, nine precincts in Cleveland returned zero Romney votes.

At first blush, it seems almost impossible: how, even in some of the most heavily Democratic strongholds in the country, could a major party's presidential candidate fail to earn even one vote?

But, as is often the case, the reality is less salacious than the conspiracy theory - a consequence of demography, not electoral shenanigans.

Obama's dominance was mostly confined to largely African-American areas of West and North Philadelphia. In the third division of Philadelphia's 28th Ward, for example, 94 percent of the residents are black, and the 2010 census recorded only seven white residents. Voter registration lists showed only 12 registered Republicans in the division, none of whom voted for Romney or responded to the Inquirer's requests for comment.

Perhaps the GOP should have seen it coming - recall the frosty reception Romney received at a West Philadelphia charter school in May.

And the outcome is not at all out of step with recent history - in 2008, 57 divisions in Philadelphia returned zero votes for then-GOP nominee, Arizona Sen. John McCain. And in 2004, a more Republican-friendly election year, five Philadelphia divisions shut out former President George W. Bush entirely.

Romney earned zero votes in some urban precincts

ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE
Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor on October 10, 2015

Democrats are applauding California Governor Jerry Brown’s signature today on a bill that will allow the state to automatically register millions of residents to vote, using their DMV records. The move automatically opens up voting to 6.6 million Californians.

Some are calling it “state-sanctioned voter fraud.”

As reported by

On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that will allow the state to automatically register millions of residents to vote, using their DMV records.

Starting in 2016, every eligible California citizen who goes to a DMV office to get a driver’s license or renew one will be instantly registered to vote, unless he or she chooses to opt out.

The new “motor voter” law is just one of several steps aimed at addressing California’s dismally low election participation rate — one of the worst in the nation. Just over 42 percent of eligible voters turned out in last fall’s election. In Los Angeles County, just 31 percent of registered voters cast a ballot.

There’s just one TEENSY problem with this. The California Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has acknowledged it can’t distinguish citizens from non citizens in its current database. You may recall that beginning this year, California began issuing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants — and received a tremendous response. If it’s is unable to separate out these non citizens in the database, California will be registering illegal immigrants with driver’s licenses, as well as legal immigrants who are permanent residents (but not citizens) and refugees who do not yet have their citizenship. Additionally, the DMV has no way to identify felons who aren’t allowed to vote in California and part-time residents (with driver’s licenses) who may be registered to vote in other states.

ALERT: California just signed bill AUTOMATICALLY registering this group to VOTE - Allen B. West -
it's hogwash that this measure will allow illegals to vote. Their driver's licenses ARE DIFFERENT from the licenses of citizens and NOTE they are not citizens through the statement of 'not for Federal use' or something like that on them, therefore they are not ELIGIBLE to vote....

the law states ELIGIBLE voters will be registered through the's right there in your copy and paste.... in citizens over 18 yrs of age, NOT IMMIGRANTS.

Obama insists that Illegals get SSNs..

Under California law, you can register to vote with your SSN, and you don't have to show an ID at the polls... (You only show an ID the FIRST time you vote if you register online with NO SSN, DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, OR VOTER NUMBER ISSUED BY THE STATE)...

So you have your flaw right there... Just get registered (by hook or crook) and you never have to show that ID, so it doesn't matter how the state marks it...

LIAR. "Illegals" don't get SS#'s you POS


New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Obama amnesty granted 500,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants
Mr. Obama's latest amnesty, announced in November 2014, has been halted by a federal court, so no Social Security numbers have been granted under that policy.

But the first amnesty, announced in June 2012 and covering young adult illegal immigrants known as Dreamers, remains in effect, and had approved nearly 639,000 persons as of the end of 2014.

All those applying for the amnesty are required to apply for a work permit as well, and almost all are approved for that document, which they can then use to obtain a Social Security number.

About 541,000 numbers had been granted as of the end of 2014, meaning about 85 percent of all Dreamers had been given the coveted numbers. Still others could be in the pipeline, making the actual approval rate somewhat higher.

A federal appeals court earlier this month tossed a challenge to the 2012 amnesty, ruling that neither immigration agents nor Mississippi, who had both sued to stop the policy, had standing to bring a lawsuit.

Over 500,000 SSNS were issued under Obozo's 2012 amnesty, and millions more can be issued if he wins the current court case... Right in time for the election.

Obama’s immigration actions would allow parents illegally residing in the U.S. for at least five years, and who also have children who are citizens or legal permanent residents, to remain in the country for up to three years without the threat of deportation, if they register and pass a background check. If they meet the requirements, they would also be given work authorization for the three-year period and would be able to get a Social Security number.

With that Social Security number, they would be able to file new tax returns, or amend old ones, and possibly claim the earned income tax credit that helps low-income workers.

Koskinen told Mulvaney and other committee members that “if you get a Social Security number, you can then file for this year if you’re working, and if you earned income in the three years before that and filed, you’ll be eligible.”

Those living in the country illegally and working can file tax returns using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, but those ITINs can’t be used to claim the earned income tax credit. So, those who filed with an ITIN would have to submit amended returns to receive any credits.

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?
Thank you for admitting that Obozo wants to give the illegals several thousand dollars in refunds (going back up to 3 years) once his amnesty kicks in... EVEN IF THEY DIDN'T PAY ANY TAXES!!!

From your link..

Several readers have asked if President Obama is “granting amnesty bonuses to illegal immigrants.”

No, the administration isn’t giving automatic payments to all immigrants who may be affected by executive actions the president announced in November.

However, it’s possible that some of those who have been working while living in the U.S. illegally — even if they paid no income tax — could receive several thousands of dollars in tax credits from the IRS if they file tax returns.
My simple solution is to remove party designations from ballots. I predict some of the (R) voters will be lost and most of the (D) voters would be besides themselves.

Oh yeah?

Well who do you think would complain the most about that idea if it were ever close to actually happening?

Those in that party against any sort of literacy test, that's why I said they'd be besides themselves.
Yet the GOP "voter fraud" myth is STILL a myth. Weird

Yea, because everyone knows it's possible to get more than 100% of the possible votes in precincts. Even getting 100% of the votes is impossible given that we've never had that good of voter turnout anywhere. Common Core must be working since so many Dems are convinced that the number of votes adds up.

No proof of illegal voting yet. Just accusations. And still no complaints about electronic voting. Maybe it's because the republicans control those machines?

Well, we would still have the old punch card system, but the Democrats in Florida didn't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card, so most of the country had to switch to electronic machines to keep the liberals from crying themselves to sleep.
If this were the other way around and illegal aliens tended to vote Republican, the left and the media would be sounding the alarms and screaming 'fraud.'

Thing is, the cheating is being done with the legally registered voters.

Motor voter registration is how they cheat. There are always nearly 2/3 of the legally registered voters who don't show up to vote. That means a lot of ballots sitting around unused. When Obama got more than 100% of the possible votes in certain places, it proves cheating and it's likely that some dishonest poll workers made use of those unused ballots. It was the same when Al Franken won after they magically discovered a bunch of ballots, all for him, in the truck of a car. That was just some cheaters filling out the unclaimed ballots. All would appear to be legal because the voters were all legal and there is no way to verify that the actual voters cast those ballots.

If someone would actually do a survey and poll registered voters to see if they actually voted or not, we might figure out where most of the cheating is taking place.

We need to end motor voter because of the undetectable fraud it allows, but of course the Dems are only wanting to do that everywhere. We should have each and every citizen re-register before the next presidential election. It's easy to register for citizens and we need to delete the current voter rolls and update now!!

Democrats heavily rely on the ignorant public to put them into power. These people really could care less about voting, but if it's easy enough, convenient enough, yeah, they'll vote.

That means things like giving people rides to the polls, chartering busses to take people to the polls, extended days and hours so that Democrats can drift in anytime they want, vote by mail so they don't have to get off of their fat asses.

Now if there is any effort needed to vote, those uninterested people that vote Democrat won't vote, and Democrat politicians know this.

So now they will automatically register them to vote to take some of that effort away. Makes it easier to lure people into the voting booth if they don't have to strain themselves by going to the library or wherever to register. It's the same reason they hate voter-ID; because it would take some minor effort to obtain an ID.

Most Republicans on the other hand will go through hell and high water to vote no matter what it takes. We are interested voters, we know what we're voting on, we know what's at stake, we understand the issues. It's important to us.

So it's wrong to help people get to the polls? There have been times when I haven't been able to vote due to working hours. I would have loved to have extended hours and weekend voting. These are policies that republicans hate, including the governor of your state.

That's a lie. In most states it's a law that your employer must allow you time to vote.

Early and late voting was designed so that Democrats can drift in whenever they happen to be in the area. They won't take the initiative to make sure they vote.

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