Nah, Democrats would never cheat the elections

I, for one, have had enough of the blatant stupidity that right wingers have shown on this thread.....Facts don't seem to matter........but, just for "fun", I'll restate what I wrote earlier on this thread:

California will NEVER have its 55 electoral votes go to a republican for the, all the bitching on this thread has been for naught.......

Now, IF Texas and Florida decide to do what you CLAIM that California has done, then the right wing bitching can restart.
I, for one, have had enough of the blatant stupidity that right wingers have shown on this thread.....Facts don't seem to matter........but, just for "fun", I'll restate what I wrote earlier on this thread:

California will NEVER have its 55 electoral votes go to a republican for the, all the bitching on this thread has been for naught.......

Now, IF Texas and Florida decide to do what you CLAIM that California has done, then the right wing bitching can restart.
Then maybe all the illegals will move to the Land of Fruits and Nut, boosting their murder rate,taxing their resources even more, and driving them further into bankruptcy...

Or better yet
it's hogwash that this measure will allow illegals to vote. Their driver's licenses ARE DIFFERENT from the licenses of citizens and NOTE they are not citizens through the statement of 'not for Federal use' or something like that on them, therefore they are not ELIGIBLE to vote....

the law states ELIGIBLE voters will be registered through the's right there in your copy and paste.... in citizens over 18 yrs of age, NOT IMMIGRANTS.

Obama insists that Illegals get SSNs..

Under California law, you can register to vote with your SSN, and you don't have to show an ID at the polls... (You only show an ID the FIRST time you vote if you register online with NO SSN, DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, OR VOTER NUMBER ISSUED BY THE STATE)...

So you have your flaw right there... Just get registered (by hook or crook) and you never have to show that ID, so it doesn't matter how the state marks it...

LIAR. "Illegals" don't get SS#'s you POS


New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Obama amnesty granted 500,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants
Mr. Obama's latest amnesty, announced in November 2014, has been halted by a federal court, so no Social Security numbers have been granted under that policy.

But the first amnesty, announced in June 2012 and covering young adult illegal immigrants known as Dreamers, remains in effect, and had approved nearly 639,000 persons as of the end of 2014.

All those applying for the amnesty are required to apply for a work permit as well, and almost all are approved for that document, which they can then use to obtain a Social Security number.

About 541,000 numbers had been granted as of the end of 2014, meaning about 85 percent of all Dreamers had been given the coveted numbers. Still others could be in the pipeline, making the actual approval rate somewhat higher.

A federal appeals court earlier this month tossed a challenge to the 2012 amnesty, ruling that neither immigration agents nor Mississippi, who had both sued to stop the policy, had standing to bring a lawsuit.

Over 500,000 SSNS were issued under Obozo's 2012 amnesty, and millions more can be issued if he wins the current court case... Right in time for the election.

Obama’s immigration actions would allow parents illegally residing in the U.S. for at least five years, and who also have children who are citizens or legal permanent residents, to remain in the country for up to three years without the threat of deportation, if they register and pass a background check. If they meet the requirements, they would also be given work authorization for the three-year period and would be able to get a Social Security number.

With that Social Security number, they would be able to file new tax returns, or amend old ones, and possibly claim the earned income tax credit that helps low-income workers.

Koskinen told Mulvaney and other committee members that “if you get a Social Security number, you can then file for this year if you’re working, and if you earned income in the three years before that and filed, you’ll be eligible.”

Those living in the country illegally and working can file tax returns using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, but those ITINs can’t be used to claim the earned income tax credit. So, those who filed with an ITIN would have to submit amended returns to receive any credits.

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?
Thank you for admitting that Obozo wants to give the illegals several thousand dollars in refunds (going back up to 3 years) once his amnesty kicks in... EVEN IF THEY DIDN'T PAY ANY TAXES!!!

From your link..

Several readers have asked if President Obama is “granting amnesty bonuses to illegal immigrants.”

No, the administration isn’t giving automatic payments to all immigrants who may be affected by executive actions the president announced in November.

However, it’s possible that some of those who have been working while living in the U.S. illegally — even if they paid no income tax — could receive several thousands of dollars in tax credits from the IRS if they file tax returns.
Obiwan, you said that immigrants with a social security card, can get a drivers license and with the driver's license, they will get registered to vote.


A person's social security number, in the SS Database, indicates whether they are a citizen, or a foreigner.

California's proposal is for ELIGIBLE Drivers to be registered to vote.

An immigrant, legal or illegal, is in the Social Security DATABASE as a foreigner and NOT ELIGIBLE to vote.

No matter what their SS Card appears like...they have to check the Database on citizenship.

And when any of these immigrants become naturalized citizens, they MUST fill out a special form and go to the SS office in person with their naturalization certificate to get their foreign status changed in the database, to CITIZEN.

So, if you are correct, and those immigrants applying for SSAN cards when applying for a VISA to immigrate here get an SSAN card similar to mine and yours, this DOES NOT MEAN, the SS administration has them listed as a citizen. It DOES NOT, have them in the database as citizens, it has them in the database as a foreign immigrant.
I, for one, have had enough of the blatant stupidity that right wingers have shown on this thread.....Facts don't seem to matter........but, just for "fun", I'll restate what I wrote earlier on this thread:

California will NEVER have its 55 electoral votes go to a republican for the, all the bitching on this thread has been for naught.......

Now, IF Texas and Florida decide to do what you CLAIM that California has done, then the right wing bitching can restart.

And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.
You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)
And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

California may have her problems, BUT they pale in comparison to....oh, lets say Alabama or Mississippi....That state has an economy that...just by 5th or 6th largest in the entire planet. That state's population is more diverse than any other in the nation and, YES, democrats should be proud of California's amazing successes as a state/nation.
You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)

California is turning the ship. We repealed the 2/3rds requirement that was causing much of our problems, and did not have a Democratic supermajority (required to pass anything) until 2013.

Now...if we could only get rid of or fix the initiative process....
it's hogwash that this measure will allow illegals to vote. Their driver's licenses ARE DIFFERENT from the licenses of citizens and NOTE they are not citizens through the statement of 'not for Federal use' or something like that on them, therefore they are not ELIGIBLE to vote....

the law states ELIGIBLE voters will be registered through the's right there in your copy and paste.... in citizens over 18 yrs of age, NOT IMMIGRANTS.

Obama insists that Illegals get SSNs..

Under California law, you can register to vote with your SSN, and you don't have to show an ID at the polls... (You only show an ID the FIRST time you vote if you register online with NO SSN, DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, OR VOTER NUMBER ISSUED BY THE STATE)...

So you have your flaw right there... Just get registered (by hook or crook) and you never have to show that ID, so it doesn't matter how the state marks it...

LIAR. "Illegals" don't get SS#'s you POS


New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Obama amnesty granted 500,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants
Mr. Obama's latest amnesty, announced in November 2014, has been halted by a federal court, so no Social Security numbers have been granted under that policy.

But the first amnesty, announced in June 2012 and covering young adult illegal immigrants known as Dreamers, remains in effect, and had approved nearly 639,000 persons as of the end of 2014.

All those applying for the amnesty are required to apply for a work permit as well, and almost all are approved for that document, which they can then use to obtain a Social Security number.

About 541,000 numbers had been granted as of the end of 2014, meaning about 85 percent of all Dreamers had been given the coveted numbers. Still others could be in the pipeline, making the actual approval rate somewhat higher.

A federal appeals court earlier this month tossed a challenge to the 2012 amnesty, ruling that neither immigration agents nor Mississippi, who had both sued to stop the policy, had standing to bring a lawsuit.

Over 500,000 SSNS were issued under Obozo's 2012 amnesty, and millions more can be issued if he wins the current court case... Right in time for the election.

Obama’s immigration actions would allow parents illegally residing in the U.S. for at least five years, and who also have children who are citizens or legal permanent residents, to remain in the country for up to three years without the threat of deportation, if they register and pass a background check. If they meet the requirements, they would also be given work authorization for the three-year period and would be able to get a Social Security number.

With that Social Security number, they would be able to file new tax returns, or amend old ones, and possibly claim the earned income tax credit that helps low-income workers.

Koskinen told Mulvaney and other committee members that “if you get a Social Security number, you can then file for this year if you’re working, and if you earned income in the three years before that and filed, you’ll be eligible.”

Those living in the country illegally and working can file tax returns using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, but those ITINs can’t be used to claim the earned income tax credit. So, those who filed with an ITIN would have to submit amended returns to receive any credits.

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?
Thank you for admitting that Obozo wants to give the illegals several thousand dollars in refunds (going back up to 3 years) once his amnesty kicks in... EVEN IF THEY DIDN'T PAY ANY TAXES!!!

From your link..

Several readers have asked if President Obama is “granting amnesty bonuses to illegal immigrants.”

No, the administration isn’t giving automatic payments to all immigrants who may be affected by executive actions the president announced in November.

However, it’s possible that some of those who have been working while living in the U.S. illegally — even if they paid no income tax — could receive several thousands of dollars in tax credits from the IRS if they file tax returns.

You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)

Why are liberals so damn dishonest? Are you really going to sit there and ignore the fact that the California Democrat controlled House and Senate did not block about every damn attempt by a Republican governor to fix the states problems because that's exactly what happened. Your post is as close as you can come to an outright lie, its incredible dishonest.
California is a lost cause in any case, Democrats destroyed it.
In the last 50 years there has been

4 Republican Governors
3 Democrat Governors

If you don't know your history, Look it up.

You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

YET until recently the minority GOP could block even Cali getting our budgets passed . Weird right? The GOP obstruction ISN'T only in DC
I, for one, have had enough of the blatant stupidity that right wingers have shown on this thread.....Facts don't seem to matter........but, just for "fun", I'll restate what I wrote earlier on this thread:

California will NEVER have its 55 electoral votes go to a republican for the, all the bitching on this thread has been for naught.......

Now, IF Texas and Florida decide to do what you CLAIM that California has done, then the right wing bitching can restart.

And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

You don't understand how GOPers block legislation and bills huh? Until Brown came back Cal had a GOP Guv for 20 of 23 years dumbfukkk!
And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

California may have her problems, BUT they pale in comparison to....oh, lets say Alabama or Mississippi....That state has an economy that...just by 5th or 6th largest in the entire planet. That state's population is more diverse than any other in the nation and, YES, democrats should be proud of California's amazing successes as a state/nation.

More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?
You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)

Why are liberals so damn dishonest? Are you really going to sit there and ignore the fact that the California Democrat controlled House and Senate did not block about every damn attempt by a Republican governor to fix the states problems because that's exactly what happened. Your post is as close as you can come to an outright lie, its incredible dishonest.

MORE FUKKN NONSENSE. ALL Arnie did was to gut taxes (DMV fees) WHILE he loaded up on the credit card!
Why are liberals so damn dishonest? Are you really going to sit there and ignore the fact that the California Democrat controlled House and Senate did not block about every damn attempt by a Republican governor to fix the states problems because that's exactly what happened. Your post is as close as you can come to an outright lie, its incredible dishonest.

No, not dishonest at all.....Want to compare California's democratic control of her state congress to the federal right wing controlled congress? You're here bitching that Obama has bypassed congressional approval and LED the country forward regardless....So, the equation is bullshit.....and the difference may well be that California's REPUBLICAN governors were not tea bagging the federal congress is infested with.
You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)

California is turning the ship. We repealed the 2/3rds requirement that was causing much of our problems, and did not have a Democratic supermajority (required to pass anything) until 2013.

Now...if we could only get rid of or fix the initiative process....

Why do you fear the people having the right to place measures on the ballot? Sounds rather communist to me.
And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

California may have her problems, BUT they pale in comparison to....oh, lets say Alabama or Mississippi....That state has an economy that...just by 5th or 6th largest in the entire planet. That state's population is more diverse than any other in the nation and, YES, democrats should be proud of California's amazing successes as a state/nation.

More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?

$300 billion? Oh right OVER 50 YEARS. lol
More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?

Since the premise is something that you drew out of your rectum....then, NO, I would not care to "comment."

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