Nah, Democrats would never cheat the elections

You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)

California is turning the ship. We repealed the 2/3rds requirement that was causing much of our problems, and did not have a Democratic supermajority (required to pass anything) until 2013.

Now...if we could only get rid of or fix the initiative process....

Why do you fear the people having the right to place measures on the ballot? Sounds rather communist to me.

And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

California may have her problems, BUT they pale in comparison to....oh, lets say Alabama or Mississippi....That state has an economy that...just by 5th or 6th largest in the entire planet. That state's population is more diverse than any other in the nation and, YES, democrats should be proud of California's amazing successes as a state/nation.

More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?
Care to move to Nassau County where Democrats and Republicans block each other's legislation for decades.
The Nassau Coliseum actually has a major crack running from deep in the foundation to it's very top and it's a multi-million dollar suit waiting to happen and yet both parties wanted full credit for building up the structure from scratch.
Damn the piles of dead bodies!
We want the CREDIT!
I, for one, have had enough of the blatant stupidity that right wingers have shown on this thread.....Facts don't seem to matter........but, just for "fun", I'll restate what I wrote earlier on this thread:

California will NEVER have its 55 electoral votes go to a republican for the, all the bitching on this thread has been for naught.......

Now, IF Texas and Florida decide to do what you CLAIM that California has done, then the right wing bitching can restart.

And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

You don't understand how GOPers block legislation and bills huh? Until Brown came back Cal had a GOP Guv for 20 of 23 years dumbfukkk!

Democrats have controlled California at the state and local level for decades dipshit, the mess is your baby. I know maybe the Dem's should raise taxes again. I love California its a shining example of what happens when Democrats are in control.
You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)

California is turning the ship. We repealed the 2/3rds requirement that was causing much of our problems, and did not have a Democratic supermajority (required to pass anything) until 2013.

Now...if we could only get rid of or fix the initiative process....

Why do you fear the people having the right to place measures on the ballot? Sounds rather communist to me.

Jesus you think all states have a people's initiative process? What do you think you vote for state legislators for?

Do you really think that any swinging dick with $200 bucks should be able to waste taxpayer money with their pet peeve? Here's how the initiative process goes:

Initiative: "Hey you want unicorns that fart glitter?" (resounding yes)
Legislature: "Now that we have glitter farting unicorns, we must pay to feed them" (resounding no)


Initiative: "Hey Californians, do you want a law that will be later ruled unconstitutional and cost millions in legal fees?" (sometimes, yes)
And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

California may have her problems, BUT they pale in comparison to....oh, lets say Alabama or Mississippi....That state has an economy that...just by 5th or 6th largest in the entire planet. That state's population is more diverse than any other in the nation and, YES, democrats should be proud of California's amazing successes as a state/nation.

More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?

$300 billion? Oh right OVER 50 YEARS. lol

$330 billion turd brain. Care to comment on California Dem's sniffing Obama's ass looking for a federal bailout? What do you want to discuss next California's wrecking ball pile of environmental policies, their insane taxes, or the millions of illegals mooching off taxpayers?
More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?

Since the premise is something that you drew out of your rectum....then, NO, I would not care to "comment."

It was widely reported idiot, changes in federal accounting standards forced California to finally report the real number. That you are ignorant of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
You are a retard, California is one of the most liberal states in the country long controlled by Democrats fool.

California may be a very liberal state, HOWEVER, check out which party most governors of that state have been....and, then, apologize (doubtful.)

California is turning the ship. We repealed the 2/3rds requirement that was causing much of our problems, and did not have a Democratic supermajority (required to pass anything) until 2013.

Now...if we could only get rid of or fix the initiative process....

Why do you fear the people having the right to place measures on the ballot? Sounds rather communist to me.

Jesus you think all states have a people's initiative process? What do you think you vote for state legislators for?

Do you really think that any swinging dick with $200 bucks should be able to waste taxpayer money with their pet peeve? Here's how the initiative process goes:

Initiative: "Hey you want unicorns that fart glitter?" (resounding yes)
Legislature: "Now that we have glitter farting unicorns, we must pay to feed them" (resounding no)


Initiative: "Hey Californians, do you want a law that will be later ruled unconstitutional and cost millions in legal fees?" (sometimes, yes)

I know for a fact NY does not have an initiative process and the result is the corrupt asshole Democrats run amok screwing the people over and there's not a damn thing they can do about it because there's no initiative process. When I lived in NY my property taxes went up 21%, 19%, and 18% in a three year stretch. They tax and fee virtually every possible thing you can imagine. They tax home mortgages for crying out loud and its not some minor fee its $2,000 to $3,000 and if you decide to refinance in a couple years they make you pay it again. Vampires come to mind, that's what happens when Democrats have complete control and the people have no voice via an initiative process.
But it opens up fraudulent voting.
It is not right when people don't even know the history or probably who the person running is about, but I do not think that they will automatically vote for one party, or even some will not even vote because they do not understand.

I hate to think that the accidents are only going to get worse in California because the signs are only in english.

I think this law sucks Jerry Brown.........

BTW I am a registered Democrat who thinks this sucks. Pretty much more in the middle, but I extreme left Dems who think this sucks too.

It really changes nothing. California is a lockstep democrat state.
Democrats have controlled California at the state and local level for decades dipshit, the mess is your baby. I know maybe the Dem's should raise taxes again. I love California its a shining example of what happens when Democrats are in control.

Ah, jealousy is a bitch, ain't it?
I, for one, have had enough of the blatant stupidity that right wingers have shown on this thread.....Facts don't seem to matter........but, just for "fun", I'll restate what I wrote earlier on this thread:

California will NEVER have its 55 electoral votes go to a republican for the, all the bitching on this thread has been for naught.......

Now, IF Texas and Florida decide to do what you CLAIM that California has done, then the right wing bitching can restart.

And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

You don't understand how GOPers block legislation and bills huh? Until Brown came back Cal had a GOP Guv for 20 of 23 years dumbfukkk!

Democrats have controlled California at the state and local level for decades dipshit, the mess is your baby. I know maybe the Dem's should raise taxes again. I love California its a shining example of what happens when Democrats are in control.

US largest economy? Yep, throwing out the GOP Guvs who like Prez HAVE MUCH CONTROL (yes Cali had 20 of 23 years a GOP Guv) and Guv Brown has righted the ship? Hurrah Bubba!

You could try Texas with the highest number AND percentage working for min wage though Bubs!
And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

California may have her problems, BUT they pale in comparison to....oh, lets say Alabama or Mississippi....That state has an economy that...just by 5th or 6th largest in the entire planet. That state's population is more diverse than any other in the nation and, YES, democrats should be proud of California's amazing successes as a state/nation.

More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?

$300 billion? Oh right OVER 50 YEARS. lol

$330 billion turd brain. Care to comment on California Dem's sniffing Obama's ass looking for a federal bailout? What do you want to discuss next California's wrecking ball pile of environmental policies, their insane taxes, or the millions of illegals mooching off taxpayers?

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would you right wingers EVER have Bubba?

Bailout huh? Cali has fop DECADES subsidized the red state moochers, grow a fukkn brain dummy!
More proof you know jack shit. Care to comment on California's $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Care to comment on California intentionally trying to hide this time bomb with accounting tricks?

Since the premise is something that you drew out of your rectum....then, NO, I would not care to "comment."

It was widely reported idiot, changes in federal accounting standards forced California to finally report the real number. That you are ignorant of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

MORE of your BS. Shocking
I, for one, have had enough of the blatant stupidity that right wingers have shown on this thread.....Facts don't seem to matter........but, just for "fun", I'll restate what I wrote earlier on this thread:

California will NEVER have its 55 electoral votes go to a republican for the, all the bitching on this thread has been for naught.......

Now, IF Texas and Florida decide to do what you CLAIM that California has done, then the right wing bitching can restart.

And yet a couple of your liberal pals in this thread have tried to blame Republicans for California's problems, why the contradicting posts? Is California firmly in the hands of Democrats or Republicans? Yeah Democrats thought so.

You don't understand how GOPers block legislation and bills huh? Until Brown came back Cal had a GOP Guv for 20 of 23 years dumbfukkk!

Democrats have controlled California at the state and local level for decades dipshit, the mess is your baby. I know maybe the Dem's should raise taxes again. I love California its a shining example of what happens when Democrats are in control.

US largest economy? Yep, throwing out the GOP Guvs who like Prez HAVE MUCH CONTROL (yes Cali had 20 of 23 years a GOP Guv) and Guv Brown has righted the ship? Hurrah Bubba!

You could try Texas with the highest number AND percentage working for min wage though Bubs!

Good... Then the Land of Fruits and Nuts can afford to bail their own ass out...

California Bankrupt?
These California cities could be next in bankruptcy

And talking about nonsense... LOL!!!
Why California is broke, and Texas is not - Economy
Good... Then the Land of Fruits and Nuts can afford to bail their own ass out...

Fine...Let CA sort it out....Meanwhile you just worry about your mortgage on your trailer in some backwater slum.
Good... Then the Land of Fruits and Nuts can afford to bail their own ass out...

Fine...Let CA sort it out....Meanwhile you just worry about your mortgage on your trailer in some backwater slum.
Hell, I'm not worried about MY bills..

But I'm a fair person...If the nuts in Commifornia want to support a bunch of lazy fucking criminal illegals, or throw their money away on asinine ideas, let them...

Then when the state goes belly-up, maybe we can make LaRaza happy by giving it back to Mexico.
Hell, I'm not worried about MY bills..

But I'm a fair person...If the nuts in Commifornia want to support a bunch of lazy fucking criminal illegals, or throw their money away on asinine ideas, let them...

Then when the state goes belly-up, maybe we can make LaRaza happy by giving it back to Mexico.'ve got it all "figured out"...So, why the constant bitching? Hemorrhoid problems? LOL
How many times do you have to be told that they don't have to show their driver's license when they go to vote? Nowhere does the legislation state that drivers have to prove citizenship to be registered to vote., what you're saying is that ANYBODY and EVERYBODY can show up to vote......Heck, eliminate ALL poll workers and have people just call in their votes as MANY TIMES that they want....Just like in American Idol, right?????
That's the system turds like you are trying to put over on the public.

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