Nah, Democrats would never cheat the elections

Republicans = Master Cheaters. Threw a Presidential election with their skill and cunning.

Democrats = Novie Cheaters. Get found out every time they try.

This bill would require the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter. Under the program, after the Secretary of State certifies that certain enumerated conditions are satisfied, the Department of Motor Vehicles would be required to electronically provide to the Secretary of State the records of each person who is issued an original or renewal of a driver’s license or state identification card or who provides the department with a change of address, as specified. The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote.

The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified.

Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote.

This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.
Now THAT, ladies and germs, is what is called an excellent description and comprehensive reply
If only more posts were similar, rather than just saber-rattling and mumbling gibberish.

But, Damn, did we have to take six pages to get here?


So NO, you can't give me ANYTHING to show GOP's VOTER SUPPRESSION LAWS (voter ID's, restrictive voter times, closing polls, etc) have done ANYTHING to stop someone from impersonating others at the poll, the ONLY thing voter ID laws do. Thanks anyways Bubba!
Typical criminal lefty....



in other words, Ronald Reagan had a birth certificate and wouldn't have been barred from voting.

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Because they are illegal aliens?

I couldn't care less if some people are too lazy to get a fucking photo ID and vote. It's better if they don't vote.
Sure there are some on the right that will try or accomplish cheating. It's time we stop all of them.

Agree.....CA has ensured that the issued driver licenses to aliens CANNOT be used for voting......Now, lets eradicate those 31 incidences out of one BILLION voter frauds

If they are registered to vote and photo ID isn't required, then how would that stop them?
One LAST time for the "challenged".....

Note that AB 60 licenses are well known that they cannot be used for federal ID.
Second, the right hand corner confirms that,
Third. the back of the license ALSO confirms the above.
Fourth, only a blind poll watcher would let someone with the above license vote.
Fifth, were I an alien, the LAST thing I'd want to do is jeopardize my status by showing up to cheat and risk my status by breaking a federal law.

View attachment 52304

They don't need an ID to vote, so what good does that do? If they were registered and they don't need an ID to vote, then what's stops them from voting?
So NO, you can't give me ANYTHING to show GOP's VOTER SUPPRESSION LAWS (voter ID's, restrictive voter times, closing polls, etc) have done ANYTHING to stop someone from impersonating others at the poll, the ONLY thing voter ID laws do. Thanks anyways Bubba!
Typical criminal lefty....



in other words, Ronald Reagan had a birth certificate and wouldn't have been barred from voting.

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Because they are illegal aliens?

I couldn't care less if some people are too lazy to get a fucking photo ID and vote. It's better if they don't vote.

I get it Bubba, you PREFER to make it harder to vote, you've shown that over and over!

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote.


This bill would require the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter. Under the program, after the Secretary of State certifies that certain enumerated conditions are satisfied, the Department of Motor Vehicles would be required to electronically provide to the Secretary of State the records of each person who is issued an original or renewal of a driver’s license or state identification card or who provides the department with a change of address, as specified. The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote.

The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified.

Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote.

This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

The law doesn't state than non-citizens can't be registered to vote. End of discussion.

in other words, Ronald Reagan had a birth certificate and wouldn't have been barred from voting.

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Because they are illegal aliens?

I couldn't care less if some people are too lazy to get a fucking photo ID and vote. It's better if they don't vote.

I get it Bubba, you PREFER to make it harder to vote, you've shown that over and over!

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote.

So? What's so good about everyone voting? More than half the people of this country are dumbasses who aren't qualified to vote for head dog catcher, let alone vote for the President of the United States.
Sure there are some on the right that will try or accomplish cheating. It's time we stop all of them.

Agree.....CA has ensured that the issued driver licenses to aliens CANNOT be used for voting......Now, lets eradicate those 31 incidences out of one BILLION voter frauds

If they are registered to vote and photo ID isn't required, then how would that stop them?

TRY to use LOGIC. Why would someone risk a FELONY to use ONE vote to try to swing an election? Perhaps THAT'S why Dubya's FIVE YEAR DOJ UNPRECEDENTED INVESTIGATION COULDN'T PROSECUTE A SINGLE PERSON FOR DOING IT!!!

This bill would require the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter. Under the program, after the Secretary of State certifies that certain enumerated conditions are satisfied, the Department of Motor Vehicles would be required to electronically provide to the Secretary of State the records of each person who is issued an original or renewal of a driver’s license or state identification card or who provides the department with a change of address, as specified. The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote.

The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified.

Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote.

This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

The law doesn't state than non-citizens can't be registered to vote. End of discussion.

"The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified."

"Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote."
Sure there are some on the right that will try or accomplish cheating. It's time we stop all of them.

Agree.....CA has ensured that the issued driver licenses to aliens CANNOT be used for voting......Now, lets eradicate those 31 incidences out of one BILLION voter frauds

If they are registered to vote and photo ID isn't required, then how would that stop them?

TRY to use LOGIC. Why would someone risk a FELONY to use ONE vote to try to swing an election? Perhaps THAT'S why Dubya's FIVE YEAR DOJ UNPRECEDENTED INVESTIGATION COULDN'T PROSECUTE A SINGLE PERSON FOR DOING IT!!!


They aren't risking a felony if they can't be caught, and without requiring a photo ID, they can't be caught.

in other words, Ronald Reagan had a birth certificate and wouldn't have been barred from voting.

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Because they are illegal aliens?

I couldn't care less if some people are too lazy to get a fucking photo ID and vote. It's better if they don't vote.

I get it Bubba, you PREFER to make it harder to vote, you've shown that over and over!

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote.

So? What's so good about everyone voting? More than half the people of this country are dumbasses who aren't qualified to vote for head dog catcher, let alone vote for the President of the United States.


This bill would require the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter. Under the program, after the Secretary of State certifies that certain enumerated conditions are satisfied, the Department of Motor Vehicles would be required to electronically provide to the Secretary of State the records of each person who is issued an original or renewal of a driver’s license or state identification card or who provides the department with a change of address, as specified. The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote.

The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified.

Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote.

This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

The law doesn't state than non-citizens can't be registered to vote. End of discussion.

"The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified."

"Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote."

Existing law doesn't take measures to ensure they are legal to vote, do that provision is toothless.
Sure there are some on the right that will try or accomplish cheating. It's time we stop all of them.

Agree.....CA has ensured that the issued driver licenses to aliens CANNOT be used for voting......Now, lets eradicate those 31 incidences out of one BILLION voter frauds

If they are registered to vote and photo ID isn't required, then how would that stop them?

TRY to use LOGIC. Why would someone risk a FELONY to use ONE vote to try to swing an election? Perhaps THAT'S why Dubya's FIVE YEAR DOJ UNPRECEDENTED INVESTIGATION COULDN'T PROSECUTE A SINGLE PERSON FOR DOING IT!!!


They aren't risking a felony if they can't be caught, and without requiring a photo ID, they can't be caught.

Sure Bubs, sure... lol

This bill would require the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter. Under the program, after the Secretary of State certifies that certain enumerated conditions are satisfied, the Department of Motor Vehicles would be required to electronically provide to the Secretary of State the records of each person who is issued an original or renewal of a driver’s license or state identification card or who provides the department with a change of address, as specified. The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote.

The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified.

Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote.

This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

The law doesn't state than non-citizens can't be registered to vote. End of discussion.

"The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified."

"Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote."

Existing law doesn't take measures to ensure they are legal to vote, do that provision is toothless.

An epidemic of fraud happening huh wingnutter?

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations
in other words, Ronald Reagan had a birth certificate and wouldn't have been barred from voting.

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Because they are illegal aliens?

I couldn't care less if some people are too lazy to get a fucking photo ID and vote. It's better if they don't vote.

I get it Bubba, you PREFER to make it harder to vote, you've shown that over and over!

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote.

So? What's so good about everyone voting? More than half the people of this country are dumbasses who aren't qualified to vote for head dog catcher, let alone vote for the President of the United States.



The ones collecting welfare (the poorest) in those states are almost all Democrats. See, being a red state doesn't mean you don't have any Democrats in your state. If you wern't such a dumbass libturd you would know that.
This bill would require the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter. Under the program, after the Secretary of State certifies that certain enumerated conditions are satisfied, the Department of Motor Vehicles would be required to electronically provide to the Secretary of State the records of each person who is issued an original or renewal of a driver’s license or state identification card or who provides the department with a change of address, as specified. The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote.

The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified.

Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote.

This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

The law doesn't state than non-citizens can't be registered to vote. End of discussion.

"The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified."

"Existing law makes it a crime for a person to willfully cause, procure, or allow himself or herself or any other person to be registered as a voter, knowing that he or she or that other person is not entitled to registration. Existing law also makes it a crime to fraudulently vote or attempt to vote."

Existing law doesn't take measures to ensure they are legal to vote, do that provision is toothless.

An epidemic of fraud happening huh wingnutter?

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

You're just another dumbass who ignores the fact that without requiring voter ID, fraud can't be detected.
Sure there are some on the right that will try or accomplish cheating. It's time we stop all of them.

Agree.....CA has ensured that the issued driver licenses to aliens CANNOT be used for voting......Now, lets eradicate those 31 incidences out of one BILLION voter frauds

If they are registered to vote and photo ID isn't required, then how would that stop them?

TRY to use LOGIC. Why would someone risk a FELONY to use ONE vote to try to swing an election? Perhaps THAT'S why Dubya's FIVE YEAR DOJ UNPRECEDENTED INVESTIGATION COULDN'T PROSECUTE A SINGLE PERSON FOR DOING IT!!!


They aren't risking a felony if they can't be caught, and without requiring a photo ID, they can't be caught.

Sure Bubs, sure... lol


How would they find him?

in other words, Ronald Reagan had a birth certificate and wouldn't have been barred from voting.

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Because they are illegal aliens?

I couldn't care less if some people are too lazy to get a fucking photo ID and vote. It's better if they don't vote.

I get it Bubba, you PREFER to make it harder to vote, you've shown that over and over!

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote.

I may have lauded your previous post but it seems more than a little bit hypocritical to decry requirements for id's to vote while, simultaneously, requiring id's, background checks, fingerprints and fees in order to exercise another constitutionally protected right

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