Name a Democrat controlled city/state doing well?

Kinda like if you didn't like America growing up, you should just GTF out of it?!

Only by design by you assholes. Wasn't that way until the "industrial revolution" you thought up to centralize and federalize education.

Maybe YOUR sick culture.

How is education "centralized" or "federalized"?

I don't think you know what those words mean!

"With a crime rate of 36 per one thousand residents, Pittsburgh has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 28."
It becomes centralized by the teachers unions being joined at the hip with the Democratic Party and sucking each other's assholes.
They try and play dumb & deny that Germany was a Socialist Government led by a Fascist Dictator from 1934-1945 too , it’s funny how they do that every time they are called on it .
It becomes centralized by the teachers unions being joined at the hip with the Democratic Party and sucking each other's assholes.

What about places that have no unions? What about places where the union and Democrats have no power? You are merely buying the bullshit lines of public education bashers. put away your broad brush! We are doing fine in most of flyover country except for the blue cities.
What about places that have no unions? What about places where the union and Democrats have no power? You are merely buying the bullshit lines of public education bashers. put away your broad brush! We are doing fine in most of flyover country except for the blue cities.
"those places" are becoming fewer and farther between all the time. There are few places that the Dems are not nudging their way in the door with their woke Trojan Horses. You are merely bolstering the bullshit that this is not happening.
I bet any that are doing well are primarily all white people in them.
Wrong. Democrat run cities are crime infested, tax and spens, defund the police Leftist shitholes, even if there's a republican governor in charge. Admit it.
Large cities are vital to the nations economy.

All, inevitably, have crime, regardless of political leadership.

The electorate chooses Democrats over Republicans to lead the nation's large cities. These Democratic administrations are not allowed to enact their own gun laws.

States that inflict permissive gun laws upon cities have the highest rates of firearm homicides:

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The five states with the highest gun death rates, in deaths per 100,000, are: Alaska (24.4), Mississippi (24.2), Wyoming (22.3), New Mexico (22.3), and Alabama (22.2). Of these states, Wyoming has the highest gun ownership rate of 64.5%, followed by Alaska with 64.5%. Mississippi's gun ownership rate is 55.8%, New Mexico's is 46.2%, and Alabama's is 55.5%.

States with the Fewest Gun Deaths

The five states with the lowest gun death rates, in deaths per 100,000, are:
  1. Massachusetts (3.4)
  2. New York (3.9)
  3. New Jersey (4.1)
  4. Hawaii (4.4)
  5. Rhode Island (4.6).
These five states also have the lowest gun ownership rates in the U.S.
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you always forget to mention the high number of blacks in red states dude...get woke with you stats
Your need to blame race is noted. You always forget to note that there are higher crime rates in concentrated areas of poverty, regardless of race or politics. You fail to explain why there is so much less violent crime among affluent Black Americans, just as there is among affluent White Americans.
Exactl,y it has to do with Democrat policies and the way they treat Blacks on Democrat plantations.
Exactl,y it has to do with Democrat policies and the way they treat Blacks on Democrat plantations.
Black Americans choose to support the more diverse political party - as do Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, female Americans, and better-educated, younger White Americans.

You don't have to like democracy, but attempting to violently deny the will of the People will fail.

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"those places" are becoming fewer and farther between all the time. There are few places that the Dems are not nudging their way in the door with their woke Trojan Horses. You are merely bolstering the bullshit that this is not happening.
You are assuming, and have no facts. Typical.
Have you been to the cities and seen people pissing in the streets, or are you just going by accounts in the right wing media?
you live in canada and not SanFran, Chicago and LA. I watched a man poop near the cell phone lot at Midway airport while I waited for an arrival. Yep, I've witnessed it.
And explain to us: who, how & why.

Define 'doing well'. Economically?

New York ($93,463), Massachusetts ($91,130), and Washington state ($86,265) recording the three highest GDP per capita figures in the U.S., while Mississippi ($42,411), Arkansas ($47,770), and West Virginia ($49,017)


The murder rate in St. Louis is 88 per 100,000. Memphis had 44.4 murders per 100,000. Dayton Ohio, 32 murders per 100,000.

San Francisco? 7 murders per 100,000.


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