Name one thing...


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.
Here is where they proclaim that they behind the great Republican actions of the pretending that those Republican movements were *progressive*.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.


Mindless dopes
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
You need to be corrected.

Michael Zak, author of “Back to Basics for the Republican Party,” which chronicles the party’s civil rights heritage, believes Goldwater was a significant factor, by forgetting that the 1964 bill virtually mirrored Republican-backed legislation from 1875.

“Democrat pundits pretend that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the creation of the Kennedy or Johnson administrations, but in fact it was an extension of the Republican Party’s 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts,” Zak told TheBlaze. “Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s presidential nominee that year, did not appreciate the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was thoroughly Republican policy.”

Goldwater was one of just six Senate Republicans to vote against the bill in 1964, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, passing with an overall 290-130 vote. While most Democrats in both chambers voted for it, the bulk of the opposition still was from Democrats.

The 1957 Civil Rights Act established the civil rights division in the Justice Department and allowed federal prosecutors to obtain court injunctions against local governments that tried to interfere with the right to vote and established a federal Civil Rights Commission for two years. But the legislation, the first civil rights bill since Reconstruction, was considered watered down in order to overcome a Democratic filibuster.

Eisenhower in his last year in office signed the 1960 Civil Right Act to strengthen enforcement of the 1957 law, extending the life of the Civil Rights Commission and produced penalties for anyone who obstructed voter registration. Like the previous bill, this legislation had also been watered down.

The earliest bill to be called the Civil Rights Act came in 1866, guaranteeing all Americans equal protection under the law.

It was the 1875 Civil Rights Act that allowed Americans to have access to public accommodations such as restaurants and public transportation. But the law wasn’t enforced and the Supreme Court struck it down in 1883.

An interesting read.
Who’s Really Responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

A Deeper Look at the Politicians Who Passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | History | Smithsonian
Well in the past 8 years progressives have served as a cautionary tale on how not to run a society. Led by a man with such a third-world grudge against this country, that back in the '08 primaries Obama refused to put his hand over his heart during the flag salute because it might "offend" non-Americans. As if anyone is magically born with a right to never be offended.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one

The Republicans had put forth civil rights legislation beginning in the 1950s which the dems repeatedly rejected (they now claim it's because there wasn't *enough* lol. So they rejected any rights for blacks based on the warped premise that to give more rights wouldn't be sufficient. Progressive logic and leftist history re-arrangement in all it's beauty).

The civil rights act of 1964 is the culmination of all those thwarted attempts and came about because JFK SIDESTEPPED his own party in order to hammer out legislation with the Republicans. At the end some dems hopped on, when they realized that there was no way around it.

But it isn't progressive legislation. It's Republican legislation, and always was.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.

Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. In reality it was a North/South fight all over again. A coalition of Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats defeated the Southern Block of Democrats and Republicans.
And in fact, Republicans and Christians in the 1700s and the 1800s were instrumental in bringing about abolition, the women's vote, and humane treatment of prisoners.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.
Do you know what progressive means? Look it up. Republicans can be progressive or conservative. Also two democratic presidents Kennedy and Johnson made it happen with Both democrat and republican votes. True, there was a good resistance by southern democrats. Fuck those guys.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.


Mindless dopes
How did Party get into this discussion. Did you read the OP? Where does it say party, republican or Democrat? Stop injecting your BS into this conversation and stay on subject
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
You need to be corrected.

Michael Zak, author of “Back to Basics for the Republican Party,” which chronicles the party’s civil rights heritage, believes Goldwater was a significant factor, by forgetting that the 1964 bill virtually mirrored Republican-backed legislation from 1875.

“Democrat pundits pretend that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the creation of the Kennedy or Johnson administrations, but in fact it was an extension of the Republican Party’s 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts,” Zak told TheBlaze. “Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s presidential nominee that year, did not appreciate the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was thoroughly Republican policy.”

Goldwater was one of just six Senate Republicans to vote against the bill in 1964, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, passing with an overall 290-130 vote. While most Democrats in both chambers voted for it, the bulk of the opposition still was from Democrats.

The 1957 Civil Rights Act established the civil rights division in the Justice Department and allowed federal prosecutors to obtain court injunctions against local governments that tried to interfere with the right to vote and established a federal Civil Rights Commission for two years. But the legislation, the first civil rights bill since Reconstruction, was considered watered down in order to overcome a Democratic filibuster.

Eisenhower in his last year in office signed the 1960 Civil Right Act to strengthen enforcement of the 1957 law, extending the life of the Civil Rights Commission and produced penalties for anyone who obstructed voter registration. Like the previous bill, this legislation had also been watered down.

The earliest bill to be called the Civil Rights Act came in 1866, guaranteeing all Americans equal protection under the law.

It was the 1875 Civil Rights Act that allowed Americans to have access to public accommodations such as restaurants and public transportation. But the law wasn’t enforced and the Supreme Court struck it down in 1883.

An interesting read.
Who’s Really Responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

A Deeper Look at the Politicians Who Passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | History | Smithsonian
Thanks for the info but I was pointing specifically to the 1964 law. It was a progressive law by definition and addresses exactly what the OP was asking about. Members from both parties played a large part over a number of years to get that law past but I didn’t think this was a partisan flame debate about whose party is bigger, I mean better.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.


Mindless dopes
How did Party get into this discussion. Did you read the OP? Where does it say party, republican or Democrat? Stop injecting your BS into this conversation and stay on subject

Dry up and cease trying to give me direction, loon. Republicans made the 1964 Civil Rights happen, anyone that was properly educated knows this.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one

The Republicans had put forth civil rights legislation beginning in the 1950s which the dems repeatedly rejected (they now claim it's because there wasn't *enough* lol. So they rejected any rights for blacks based on the warped premise that to give more rights wouldn't be sufficient. Progressive logic and leftist history re-arrangement in all it's beauty).

The civil rights act of 1964 is the culmination of all those thwarted attempts and came about because JFK SIDESTEPPED his own party in order to hammer out legislation with the Republicans. At the end some dems hopped on, when they realized that there was no way around it.

But it isn't progressive legislation. It's Republican legislation, and always was.
Look up what progressive means. Republicans can be progressive or conservative. So Can legislation. The op wasn’t about parties so stop injecting your partisan BS
And in fact, Republicans and Christians in the 1700s and the 1800s were instrumental in bringing about abolition, the women's vote, and humane treatment of prisoners.
Good for them... very progressive of them as well!
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.
Do you know what progressive means? Look it up. Republicans can be progressive or conservative. Also two democratic presidents Kennedy and Johnson made it happen with Both democrat and republican votes. True, there was a good resistance by southern democrats. Fuck those guys.

See this is how they change the narrative.

"Progressive" means whatever they say it means at the time. So they are progressives...who are going to pretend that the actions of the right (which all the self-identified *progressives* of the time vehemently protested and obstructed) were actually actions they supported.

They didn't.

And they don't support anything progressive today, either. They are REGRESSIVES but they call themselves PROGRESSIVES while arguing and fighting progress with every fiber of their being.

Ask can it be PROGRESSIVE if you fight against liberty? How can it be PROGRESSIVE to shut down industry, and productivity? How can it be PROGRESSIVE to think that people should use energy that is inefficient, costly, and expensive? isn't. They are PROGRESSIVES because that is how they mislabel themselves..but they are not PROGRESSIVE in any way, shape or form. They always are on the wrong side. Always. Because they're socialist pigs.
...that Progressives have done that was good for our country. By that I mean name one Bill that was passed that actually benefited America, that originated from a Progressive. Riders do not count. I want one law that originated from Progressives that was actually worth the paper it was written on.
The civil rights act of 1964. That’s an easy one
Republicans did that, not progressives.


Mindless dopes
How did Party get into this discussion. Did you read the OP? Where does it say party, republican or Democrat? Stop injecting your BS into this conversation and stay on subject

Dry up and cease trying to give me direction, loon. Republicans made the 1964 Civil Rights happen, anyone that was properly educated knows this.
Reread my last statement, I’m not repeating myself. You sound like a fool. We aren’t talking about parties we are talking about progressive legislation, which the CRA of 1964 was

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