Name Popular TV Shows You Never Watched?

Guarantee you'll get hooked on Breaking Bad if you start watching. I was home sick with Covid for a week and that's when I found this show 2 years ago. It was hard to stop and I would be up late in the night binge watching.
I saw an episode where this guy was in his underwear and I turned it off.
I am rewatching The Wire right now after 10 years
On Season 4
I have long heard about it and I visited the location in Baltimore that they used as the police station, it is in a trendy little tourist spot next to the Inner Harbor.

That show is on my list to watch.
Sopranos and Game of Thrones.
All the new Star Treks. Tried the Strange New Worlds, but they lost me with the stupid cartoon episode and had no interest in the musical episode.
None of the new Star Wars shows since I am not going to pay for Disney.
that cartoon episode was pretty wasnt like i thought it would be.....
Give it a chance, it is masterfully done and is hugely popular for good reason.
Well....I might have to check it out.

There was a time when I was too busy to explore different shows.

Now that I'm retired I have more time.

I remember when I was sent to Germany that He-Man was really popular with the kids.....and when I came back after a couple of years Teenage Mutant Turtles was the favorite.
Saw one episode of Deadwood and hated it.

Only reason I had HBO at one time was because of The Sopranos.

My brother, who was my roommate at the time, borrowed the series on VHS and played it EXTREMELY LOUDLY, since he was hard of hearing, so I couldn't get away from the filthy language unless I left the house. It was Montana winter, so just going outside was not an option. It was torture. Very disappointing because we're from South Dakota, so I thought it would be interesting.


My brother, who was my roommate at the time, borrowed the series on VHS and played it EXTREMELY LOUDLY, since he was hard of hearing, so I couldn't get away from the filthy language unless I left the house. It was Montana winter, so just going outside was not an option. It was torture. Very disappointing because we're from South Dakota, so I thought it would be interesting.

I was born in Missoula.

South Dakota is beautiful.

When I was a kid the only TV I watched was after dinner and Saturday morning cartoons. During the day I was always outside. We didn't have any it was cooler outdoors.
How I Married Your Mother

I haven't watched basically any sitcom since Seinfeld, other than Scrubs, which is hilarious.

Deadwood is one of the best shows ever produced for television. Watch it, with closed captioning, as soon as possible. Without the CC, you will miss much dialogue due to the way the characters speak - iambic pentameter laced with cursing - a LOT of cursing. Record-breaking cursing. It's jarring at first, and you initially believe that it's excessive and unnecessary. But as you watch the series, it kind of fades to the back, as you are mesmerized by these characters.
That's probably why I didn't like it.

I learned how to curse in the military, but sometimes you can wear it out when you do it too much.
Except for Friends, those are all on my list of "never watched."
There were tons of shows I never watched, but I was pointing out the ones that were very popular when they were on.

Most of the more recent cartoons turned me off. I was always a Bug Bunny fan, and the 60s was the golden age of Saturday morning cartoons.

But when they started Animaniacs.....or Captain Planet, I wasn't interested.

I stopped reading comic books once I got into H.S. too. When the price went up to $2.00 I just stopped buying them.

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