nancy pelosi pulls plug or infrastructure bill

Oh shucky darn. I was hoping so badly it would pass. LOL

It will. Progressives will not allow the bipartisan bill to proceed without the other one attached to it. And it is going to happen.
Just a bit of a delay and a lot of pearl clutching by people setting arbitrary deadlines.
Would you bet your life on it?

Progressives will not allow the bipartisan bill
There is no bipartisan bill. If it really were bipartisan, then republicans would be fighting for it as much as your Repressives.

to proceed without the other one attached to it.
Good reason to cancel BOTH.

And it is going to happen.
Betting your life on it?

Just a bit of a delay
Just one more in the contiguous string of epic Biddum Failures. :laughing0301:
I can go back and find it but I said this was likely to happen.
Would you bet your life on it?

There is no bipartisan bill. If it really were bipartisan, then republicans would be fighting for it as much as your Repressives.

Good reason to cancel BOTH.

Betting your life on it?

Just one more in the contiguous string of epic Biddum Failures. :laughing0301:
Yep. In fact, I'll even bet a donation to the board on it. You in?
There is a bipartisan bill. Hammered out by a team of white Senators from both sides. 1.2 trillion. Created by
and signed off on (for the moment) by Republicans...until the other bill got attached to it then
they retreated back to their corners of NO!!! :)

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