Narrative Fail: 15 Days After Lockdown Ease, Georgia Sees Lowest Day Of COVID Hospitalizations

Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Which is going to happen no matter how long you keep people locked inside.

The virus is not going away so whenever people start going out again there will be new cases.
Not necessarily whenever. As the virus has nowhere to go, it will eventually dissipate. Testing and vaccines are the answer, and all should wear face masks now, which is not happening due to Trump's unwillingness to wear a mask.
Do you Trump supporters realize that he does NOT know anything about medicine or science? Nada, niet, zappo
and yet he keeps dissing those who do know? Did you ever ask yourself why? He doesn't care about people since he is totally lacking in empathy, so it has to be political.
No it won't

Has influenza "dissipated"?

And FYI I didn't vote for Trump and am not much of a fan.

So don't go assigning political reasons for what I say when you have no fucking clue what my political leanings are.

The virus is in the environment and it will stay there just like the influenza virus, Rabies, Ebola and the countless others that exist.

The fact that most new cases in NY are among people who were staying home should tell you something.

It is not about you, Gumby. It is all about Trump and his nefarious behavior, so don't flatter your fucking self. Influenza and this virus are 2 different animals so let's not compare. Will it stand around and wait for somebody to come outside? We must give it time, and we are not due to the pressure being put on the states by Trump.
What the New york cases tell me is that houses and apartments are one on top of another, people do go outside for a deep breath even if it is right outside their residences and may even have friends over to quarantine for a couple of hours together. I have seen it where I live, so don't use overly crowded New York as your example.

No Fuckstick you said to me "You Trump supporters" which I have highlighted in the quote tree above so you can't deny saying it.

And it doesn't matter where you are at this point. The minute people start returning to life as normal there will be new cases.

It isn't fucking rocket science.

And the entire goal of this stay home plan was not to prevent people from getting the virus it was to merely slow the contagion rate so as not to overwhelm our inadequate medical services.

So now this corona virus is in the environment and it will stay there and in all reality will be just another flu bug once enough people are exposed or vaccinated for it
The term "you Trump supporters" was referring to your believing that Trump is the second coming of Christ, and not the simple grifter that he is. He reacts for political reasons has no empathy for you or me, and he has no knowledge of science or medicine. You are an ignorant person and he is very aware of that when he froths at the mouth.
And how did you come up with the assumption I believe Trump is a god?

I'll repeat I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not much of a fan.

So in the future if you want to tell me what I said or what I believe then USE THE FUCKING QUOTE FUNCTION

Stop making shit up and attributing it to me so you can then argue against it and if you can't because you are a duplicitous sack of shit then don't fucking reply to me
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Which is going to happen no matter how long you keep people locked inside.

The virus is not going away so whenever people start going out again there will be new cases.
Not necessarily whenever. As the virus has nowhere to go, it will eventually dissipate. Testing and vaccines are the answer, and all should wear face masks now, which is not happening due to Trump's unwillingness to wear a mask.
Do you Trump supporters realize that he does NOT know anything about medicine or science? Nada, niet, zappo
and yet he keeps dissing those who do know? Did you ever ask yourself why? He doesn't care about people since he is totally lacking in empathy, so it has to be political.
No it won't

Has influenza "dissipated"?

And FYI I didn't vote for Trump and am not much of a fan.

So don't go assigning political reasons for what I say when you have no fucking clue what my political leanings are.

The virus is in the environment and it will stay there just like the influenza virus, Rabies, Ebola and the countless others that exist.

The fact that most new cases in NY are among people who were staying home should tell you something.

It is not about you, Gumby. It is all about Trump and his nefarious behavior, so don't flatter your fucking self. Influenza and this virus are 2 different animals so let's not compare. Will it stand around and wait for somebody to come outside? We must give it time, and we are not due to the pressure being put on the states by Trump.
What the New york cases tell me is that houses and apartments are one on top of another, people do go outside for a deep breath even if it is right outside their residences and may even have friends over to quarantine for a couple of hours together. I have seen it where I live, so don't use overly crowded New York as your example.

No Fuckstick you said to me "You Trump supporters" which I have highlighted in the quote tree above so you can't deny saying it.

And it doesn't matter where you are at this point. The minute people start returning to life as normal there will be new cases.

It isn't fucking rocket science.

And the entire goal of this stay home plan was not to prevent people from getting the virus it was to merely slow the contagion rate so as not to overwhelm our inadequate medical services.

So now this corona virus is in the environment and it will stay there and in all reality will be just another flu bug once enough people are exposed or vaccinated for it
The term "you Trump supporters" was referring to your believing that Trump is the second coming of Christ, and not the simple grifter that he is. He reacts for political reasons has no empathy for you or me, and he has no knowledge of science or medicine. You are an ignorant person and he is very aware of that when he froths at the mouth.
And how did you come up with the assumption I believe Trump is a god?

I'll repeat I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not much of a fan.

So in the future if you want to tell me what I said or what I believe then USE THE FUCKING QUOTE FUNCTION

Stop making shit up and attributing it to me so you can then argue against it and if you can't because you are a duplicitous sack of shit then don't fucking reply to me
Who you voted for is not the issue, nor do I care. Why don't you go back to high school and complete your education because you sound like a high school drop-out. Using the word "fuck" all the time puts you in the category of "low-life" and resolves nothing other than getting responses like mine.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Tony Fauci has yet to be correct about anything
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Which is going to happen no matter how long you keep people locked inside.

The virus is not going away so whenever people start going out again there will be new cases.
Not necessarily whenever. As the virus has nowhere to go, it will eventually dissipate. Testing and vaccines are the answer, and all should wear face masks now, which is not happening due to Trump's unwillingness to wear a mask.
Do you Trump supporters realize that he does NOT know anything about medicine or science? Nada, niet, zappo
and yet he keeps dissing those who do know? Did you ever ask yourself why? He doesn't care about people since he is totally lacking in empathy, so it has to be political.
No it won't

Has influenza "dissipated"?

And FYI I didn't vote for Trump and am not much of a fan.

So don't go assigning political reasons for what I say when you have no fucking clue what my political leanings are.

The virus is in the environment and it will stay there just like the influenza virus, Rabies, Ebola and the countless others that exist.

The fact that most new cases in NY are among people who were staying home should tell you something.

It is not about you, Gumby. It is all about Trump and his nefarious behavior, so don't flatter your fucking self. Influenza and this virus are 2 different animals so let's not compare. Will it stand around and wait for somebody to come outside? We must give it time, and we are not due to the pressure being put on the states by Trump.
What the New york cases tell me is that houses and apartments are one on top of another, people do go outside for a deep breath even if it is right outside their residences and may even have friends over to quarantine for a couple of hours together. I have seen it where I live, so don't use overly crowded New York as your example.

No Fuckstick you said to me "You Trump supporters" which I have highlighted in the quote tree above so you can't deny saying it.

And it doesn't matter where you are at this point. The minute people start returning to life as normal there will be new cases.

It isn't fucking rocket science.

And the entire goal of this stay home plan was not to prevent people from getting the virus it was to merely slow the contagion rate so as not to overwhelm our inadequate medical services.

So now this corona virus is in the environment and it will stay there and in all reality will be just another flu bug once enough people are exposed or vaccinated for it
The term "you Trump supporters" was referring to your believing that Trump is the second coming of Christ, and not the simple grifter that he is. He reacts for political reasons has no empathy for you or me, and he has no knowledge of science or medicine. You are an ignorant person and he is very aware of that when he froths at the mouth.
And how did you come up with the assumption I believe Trump is a god?

I'll repeat I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not much of a fan.

So in the future if you want to tell me what I said or what I believe then USE THE FUCKING QUOTE FUNCTION

Stop making shit up and attributing it to me so you can then argue against it and if you can't because you are a duplicitous sack of shit then don't fucking reply to me
Who you voted for is not the issue, nor do I care. Why don't you go back to high school and complete your education because you sound like a high school drop-out. Using the word "fuck" all the time puts you in the category of "low-life" and resolves nothing other than getting responses like mine.

Stop contradicting yourself.

You said I was a Trump voter so it's pretty fucking obvious it matters to you who you think I voted for.

And IDGAFUCK if you don't like my language

I find when dealing with lying pieces of shit like you that obscenities are the only thing that works. And maybe you should broaden your own education so you don't have to live in a world defined by the few pigeonholes you have to use in order to make sense of it all. You are a 2 dimensional thinker

So the next time you want to tell me what i said, what my political leanings are or any other thing about get your fucking facts straight and stop making shit up.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Which is going to happen no matter how long you keep people locked inside.

The virus is not going away so whenever people start going out again there will be new cases.
Not necessarily whenever. As the virus has nowhere to go, it will eventually dissipate. Testing and vaccines are the answer, and all should wear face masks now, which is not happening due to Trump's unwillingness to wear a mask.
Do you Trump supporters realize that he does NOT know anything about medicine or science? Nada, niet, zappo
and yet he keeps dissing those who do know? Did you ever ask yourself why? He doesn't care about people since he is totally lacking in empathy, so it has to be political.
No it won't

Has influenza "dissipated"?

And FYI I didn't vote for Trump and am not much of a fan.

So don't go assigning political reasons for what I say when you have no fucking clue what my political leanings are.

The virus is in the environment and it will stay there just like the influenza virus, Rabies, Ebola and the countless others that exist.

The fact that most new cases in NY are among people who were staying home should tell you something.

It is not about you, Gumby. It is all about Trump and his nefarious behavior, so don't flatter your fucking self. Influenza and this virus are 2 different animals so let's not compare. Will it stand around and wait for somebody to come outside? We must give it time, and we are not due to the pressure being put on the states by Trump.
What the New york cases tell me is that houses and apartments are one on top of another, people do go outside for a deep breath even if it is right outside their residences and may even have friends over to quarantine for a couple of hours together. I have seen it where I live, so don't use overly crowded New York as your example.

No Fuckstick you said to me "You Trump supporters" which I have highlighted in the quote tree above so you can't deny saying it.

And it doesn't matter where you are at this point. The minute people start returning to life as normal there will be new cases.

It isn't fucking rocket science.

And the entire goal of this stay home plan was not to prevent people from getting the virus it was to merely slow the contagion rate so as not to overwhelm our inadequate medical services.

So now this corona virus is in the environment and it will stay there and in all reality will be just another flu bug once enough people are exposed or vaccinated for it
The term "you Trump supporters" was referring to your believing that Trump is the second coming of Christ, and not the simple grifter that he is. He reacts for political reasons has no empathy for you or me, and he has no knowledge of science or medicine. You are an ignorant person and he is very aware of that when he froths at the mouth.
And how did you come up with the assumption I believe Trump is a god?

I'll repeat I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not much of a fan.

So in the future if you want to tell me what I said or what I believe then USE THE FUCKING QUOTE FUNCTION

Stop making shit up and attributing it to me so you can then argue against it and if you can't because you are a duplicitous sack of shit then don't fucking reply to me
Who you voted for is not the issue, nor do I care. Why don't you go back to high school and complete your education because you sound like a high school drop-out. Using the word "fuck" all the time puts you in the category of "low-life" and resolves nothing other than getting responses like mine.

Stop contradicting yourself.

You said I was a Trump voter so it's pretty fucking obvious it matters to you who you think I voted for.

And IDGAFUCK if you don't like my language

I find when dealing with lying pieces of shit like you that obscenities are the only thing that works. And maybe you should broaden your own education so you don't have to live in a world defined by the few pigeonholes you have to use in order to make sense of it all. You are a 2 dimensional thinker

So the next time you want to tell me what i said, what my political leanings are or any other thing about get your fucking facts straight and stop making shit up.
Your mouth is getting in the way of your brains-----again. And I believe that you are a Trump supporter because you cannot think. You are a follower, not a leader. There are 3 kinds of people in this world---Those who make things happen, those who wait for something to happen, and those who wonder what happened. Duh. Are you unemployed?
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Tony Fauci has yet to be correct about anything
The game is in its first inning and there is a long way to go, so listen to the people who have medical and scientific experience since their motives are not political.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

We have never quarantined a healthy population over some weak virus such as this one.
We can no longer afford to listen to morons who call COVID-19 a "weak virus" even after it has killed 80,000 Americans in a matter of months. Your mind is what is weak.

80,000 in a nation of 350 million+, and half of those are in one small geographic region where people insist on living on top of each other like ants in a colony. And virtually all of those deaths are of people who - let's be honest here - are already living on borrowed time.

It's a weak virus because it's only really dangerous to people who are already in bad health. A strong virus would be dangerous to people who are in otherwise good health.
Another huge percentage of deaths in democratic states are of people the government isn’t even counting in the statistics. Native Americans ...who have a higher percentage of diabetes ,asthma and heart disease. In NM alone they account for 50% of the death toll numbers. 2nd runner up is Nursing home residents.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.

So Fauci is wrong saying the number of cases will go up and then you admit the number of cases will go up?

Am I understanding this right?

You can have your own factors on whether you think things are getting worse but that doesn't make Fauci wrong.
This is a virus! it will infect everyone at some point. The metrics of what its doing to our cities and medical systems is in the number of people requiring them, most do not. Fauci is wrong on what the most important metric is.
Well Billy why don’t you show us where Fauci is wrong? Or show us what metric you use???
Fauci said masks were ineffective, then he said they were effective. First he said a million would die, then 250,000, then 80,000, then 60,000.

We started at 2.2 milllion.

This is nothing but an attempt to tank the economy because the left wants Trump to lose in November.

Every liberal asshole would hide under their bed for a year to have Biden win,
The idiots on the left don’t even know who in our population are most affected.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
And they should be since 135k healthcare workers have been laid off during this BS.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

I come from a family with a bunch of doctors. I'm the black sheep. I didn't become one or go into the medical field.

I know a ton of doctors and those who work in the medical field In my family and friends.

Not even ONE of them has ever said they aren't concerned with the virus and are more concerned with having a job.

No doctor would ever say such a thing. Ever.

They would say if they're seeing virus patients or not but never say they aren't concerned about it and more concerned about having a job.

Health care and doctors offices have not been closed. They are essential services. They have had to modify their offices for social distancing but that's about it.

Dentists aren't open but are working on an emergency cases basis.

Elective surgeries have been canceled.

The fact that the far right radical lying conservative added hoping they still have a job on the end of their lie, exposes the lie for what it is.

Heath care is essential services and aren't closed.
You mentioned previously that doctors you knew are not concerned of the CV. They are more concerned of having a job.........

Doctors I know will never say something like that. Health and well being of their patients are their concern. Job is worthless if you get sick. You can get a job later or go to welfare if needed but you cannot replace your life. That’s whats stake.

I’m in the medical instruments business. I can assure you that I know by far more doctors than you or anybody here. Hospitals are my customers.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

I come from a family with a bunch of doctors. I'm the black sheep. I didn't become one or go into the medical field.

I know a ton of doctors and those who work in the medical field In my family and friends.

Not even ONE of them has ever said they aren't concerned with the virus and are more concerned with having a job.

No doctor would ever say such a thing. Ever.

They would say if they're seeing virus patients or not but never say they aren't concerned about it and more concerned about having a job.

Health care and doctors offices have not been closed. They are essential services. They have had to modify their offices for social distancing but that's about it.

Dentists aren't open but are working on an emergency cases basis.

Elective surgeries have been canceled.

The fact that the far right radical lying conservative added hoping they still have a job on the end of their lie, exposes the lie for what it is.

Heath care is essential services and aren't closed.
You mentioned previously that doctors you knew are not concerned of the CV. They are more concerned of having a job.........

Doctors I know will never say something like that. Health and well being of their patients are their concern. Job is worthless if you get sick. You can get a job later or go to welfare if needed but you cannot replace your life. That’s whats stake.

I’m in the medical instruments business. I can assure you that I know by far more doctors than you or anybody here. Hospitals are my customers.

I can assure you that I know dozens and dozens and they aren't real concerned about this virus. Whats at stake is that the governors, state, local officials who have unconstitutionally held states down need to be investigated.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

All people with medical knowledge say it is only when a new virus first hits that it is really dangerous.
They all say we then develop herd immunity and it becomes much less significant.
ll that is true why have we not eliminated the flu death each year? CV-19 is very new to develop any kinds of immunity. Downplaying this virus has a very significant serious problem today and in the future.

Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

I come from a family with a bunch of doctors. I'm the black sheep. I didn't become one or go into the medical field.

I know a ton of doctors and those who work in the medical field In my family and friends.

Not even ONE of them has ever said they aren't concerned with the virus and are more concerned with having a job.

No doctor would ever say such a thing. Ever.

They would say if they're seeing virus patients or not but never say they aren't concerned about it and more concerned about having a job.

Health care and doctors offices have not been closed. They are essential services. They have had to modify their offices for social distancing but that's about it.

Dentists aren't open but are working on an emergency cases basis.

Elective surgeries have been canceled.

The fact that the far right radical lying conservative added hoping they still have a job on the end of their lie, exposes the lie for what it is.

Heath care is essential services and aren't closed.

Crashing this economy over such idiocy as a weak virus is egregious and disturbing. The governors, state, local officials need to be held accountable for their utter disregard of the constitution.
Why are you mad? Why not blame your fake messiah who made the pandemic worse? I have nothing to do with it.
It’s true people need to got back to work but need practice precautions.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

All people with medical knowledge say it is only when a new virus first hits that it is really dangerous.
They all say we then develop herd immunity and it becomes much less significant.
ll that is true why have we not eliminated the flu death each year? CV-19 is very new to develop any kinds of immunity. Downplaying this virus has a very significant serious problem today and in the future.

Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

I come from a family with a bunch of doctors. I'm the black sheep. I didn't become one or go into the medical field.

I know a ton of doctors and those who work in the medical field In my family and friends.

Not even ONE of them has ever said they aren't concerned with the virus and are more concerned with having a job.

No doctor would ever say such a thing. Ever.

They would say if they're seeing virus patients or not but never say they aren't concerned about it and more concerned about having a job.

Health care and doctors offices have not been closed. They are essential services. They have had to modify their offices for social distancing but that's about it.

Dentists aren't open but are working on an emergency cases basis.

Elective surgeries have been canceled.

The fact that the far right radical lying conservative added hoping they still have a job on the end of their lie, exposes the lie for what it is.

Heath care is essential services and aren't closed.

Crashing this economy over such idiocy as a weak virus is egregious and disturbing. The governors, state, local officials need to be held accountable for their utter disregard of the constitution.
Why are you mad? Why not blame your fake messiah who made the pandemic worse? I have nothing to do with it.
It’s true people need to got back to work but need practice precautions.

Im not mad. Trump isn't to blame for this virus. Some people need to be careful but the other 99 percent don't and the healthy should never be quarantined.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.

Do people not understand that Koreans all live in one fucking city?

The only place comparable to places like that in East Asia are NY/NJ and chicago

And really chicago is more of a commuter city anyway. Although people do use the metro to get into the city. Once you're in you don't generally use public transport unless you live there. Or maybe you ride one of hte lines to work if it's really convenient.

Comparing Seoul to Atlanta is absurd
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
We are now 10 days into this opening and the numbers tell a different story. The populace with immunity is roughly 24% IN Louisiana and those who could be affected are not the ones out and about. I expect that this number will rise fast but hospitalizations and deaths will remain low.
This virus is still in its early stages, and we have a long way to go. We shall see, yes?
Louisiana is at 24% infection/immunity of the general populace. At the current rate of spread, they will never overshoot their needed intervention bed capacity.

It's a port city....You can put navy hopsital ships right up to the port just like* in NY

Our infrastucture ins't going to be strained at all everyone and their mother is stock piling supplies. If anything these shut downs and crushed hospital budgets will crush our bed capacity faster than the virus.

And remember that's the only rational reason to quarantine....Prevent beds from filling up. Beyond that unless you're gonna wait for a vaccine that may never come and certainly won't be universally adminstered. You're unlikely to be changing the death toll in the long run.
That’s not true. If at risk folks have to interact with an infected world they have a much higher risk of getting the virus than if only a few people have. Not to mention the fact that contract tracing and quarantine is actually possible if there are fewer cases
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Fauci has been wrong about everything, moron.

No he hasn’t. But Trump has. So every time Trump fucks things up, things get worse.

60,000 to 100,000 deaths in one year, if you did everything right. Well you blew by that number in 6 weeks.

Right now, you’re looking at 300,000 dead Americans, if nobody else gets sick. Just from those already dead and the people who are currently sick.

Where the fuck are you getting these "This is definitely how many deaths there would have been if . . ." numbers from? Your crystal ball? How the fuck do you know what would or wouldn't have happened in a world that never actually existed?

Where am I getting my numbers from?

The same place I've been getting them since early March.

Current rate of deaths worldwide 15% of closed cases.

Current rate of death in the USA based on 384,440 closed cases: 22%. Active cases 1,032,958 cases. 22% of active cases 227,250 more deaths, if no one else gets sick. That will bring your total to over 300,000 deaths.

Even if the USA lowers its rate of death to the world level of 15%, that's still 154,943 more American deaths, over and above the 84,000 who have already died. And both numbers are based on absolutely no one else getting the virus.

When the Trump Administration has released numbers, they have always released and touted the most optimistic lowest numbers possible. Then adjusted upwards when forced to. Now they're just desperate to down play the level of death anticipated.

When I said more than 100,000 Americans would die, people called me deranged. You'll hit 100,000 deaths by Memorial Day Weekend. Seriously, this has gone well beyond "horrific".
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Fauci has been wrong about everything, moron.

No he hasn’t. But Trump has. So every time Trump fucks things up, things get worse.

60,000 to 100,000 deaths in one year, if you did everything right. Well you blew by that number in 6 weeks.

Right now, you’re looking at 300,000 dead Americans, if nobody else gets sick. Just from those already dead and the people who are currently sick.

Where the fuck are you getting these "This is definitely how many deaths there would have been if . . ." numbers from? Your crystal ball? How the fuck do you know what would or wouldn't have happened in a world that never actually existed?

Where am I getting my numbers from?

The same place I've been getting them since early March.

Current rate of deaths worldwide 15% of closed cases.

Current rate of death in the USA based on 384,440 closed cases: 22%. Active cases 1,032,958 cases. 22% of active cases 227,250 more deaths, if no one else gets sick. That will bring your total to over 300,000 deaths.

Even if the USA lowers its rate of death to the world level of 15%, that's still 154,943 more American deaths, over and above the 84,000 who have already died. And both numbers are based on absolutely no one else getting the virus.

When the Trump Administration has released numbers, they have always released and touted the most optimistic lowest numbers possible. Then adjusted upwards when forced to. Now they're just desperate to down play the level of death anticipated.

When I said more than 100,000 Americans would die, people called me deranged. You'll hit 100,000 deaths by Memorial Day Weekend. Seriously, this has gone well beyond "horrific".

84,000 dead, lol

Oh honey you are very confused about how these respiratory issues work.

These people are dying of "pneumonia" like symptoms. Doctors have no ability to distinguish this respiratory problem from another.

Data is unbelievably flawed. 15% death rate lol

You'd have to accurate test huge random samples to have any idea of the death rate. It's probably well under 1%
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Fauci has been wrong about everything, moron.

No he hasn’t. But Trump has. So every time Trump fucks things up, things get worse.

60,000 to 100,000 deaths in one year, if you did everything right. Well you blew by that number in 6 weeks.

Right now, you’re looking at 300,000 dead Americans, if nobody else gets sick. Just from those already dead and the people who are currently sick.

Where the fuck are you getting these "This is definitely how many deaths there would have been if . . ." numbers from? Your crystal ball? How the fuck do you know what would or wouldn't have happened in a world that never actually existed?

Where am I getting my numbers from?

The same place I've been getting them since early March.

Current rate of deaths worldwide 15% of closed cases.

Current rate of death in the USA based on 384,440 closed cases: 22%. Active cases 1,032,958 cases. 22% of active cases 227,250 more deaths, if no one else gets sick. That will bring your total to over 300,000 deaths.

Even if the USA lowers its rate of death to the world level of 15%, that's still 154,943 more American deaths, over and above the 84,000 who have already died. And both numbers are based on absolutely no one else getting the virus.

When the Trump Administration has released numbers, they have always released and touted the most optimistic lowest numbers possible. Then adjusted upwards when forced to. Now they're just desperate to down play the level of death anticipated.

When I said more than 100,000 Americans would die, people called me deranged. You'll hit 100,000 deaths by Memorial Day Weekend. Seriously, this has gone well beyond "horrific".
What the fuck does "closed cases" mean? The mortality rate is measured by deviding deaths by the total number of infections, and we don't even know the later number.

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