Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

Nate gets thrown under the bus on November 7th...

Libs are a fickle bunch...

"Fickle" coming from the party that praised fat boy Chris Christie as the 2nd Coming of Raygunn mere months ago...and is now watching him get squeezed under the RW bus.


LOL...Nate liberal put all their trust in this guy.....Obama is God he must be Jesus to them.....I wonder who they thin of as the Holy Ghost
Dismiss what? That saying something over and over doesn't make it true?

[ame=]How many lights? - YouTube[/ame]
Well, Warts, I will be staying right here in the good ol' US of A. no matter how the election turns out. And working at my job, as well as on my properties.

At present, I would have to say that Romney's chances are less than 1 in 4 of winning this election. That is the present reality, and only six days before the election, that is pretty bad odds for the GOP.
Might want to look closer.

The race is a toss up....that is a 50/50 chance of winning.

I can't wait for Nov. 6th. Win or lose, I'm going to shed Myself of this place and the whole lot of you.
Sister House hasn't answered the question yet...once Zarius smacked her down w/facts from the 2010 election.

Quiet as a church mouse on that.

Actually, the economy is getting better albeit slowly. Having a Republican leading the charge wouldn't change anything. The economy will get better no matter who wins, although it's not going to be a strong recovery. If Romney is elected and gets exactly what he wants, then it is possible we could head back into a deep recession and tax revenues could fall off even more creating an even larger deficit.

One of the funniest things Romney has to tell us is that he is going to create 12 million jobs, as if government is going to create those jobs just because he is President. Apparently all of you who worship this man have not been paying attention.

Apparently you're too fucking stupid to understand him.

say, Rabbi... are you starting to get that sinking feeling that this dream of a Romney victory was just a bridge too far? Are you starting to imagine election night in your mind when the swing states all start falling for Obama and, along about nine or ten at night, you realize that it just ain't gonna happen for ya? The only good news for you in all of that is the knowledge that lots of democrats remember feeling exactly that same way. Suck it up. Life will go on in an Obama second term. ;)

The opposite. I am choosing the champaigne for the victory party. I believe the swing states will all go for Romney. Obama is finished. The suit has been declared empty.
What are you going to do when it's called for Romney? Blame billionaire donors? Blame Diebold? Blame the racism of the American public?
Look for the number to jump once again today since Rasmussen is going to move from R+2 to a tie today. From R+4 on Saturday to a tie just 6 days later. But Romney has the momentum!
Hmm, a quick check of blogs this morning shows:

Charlie Gold has Romney up 53-47.

Bill Aluminum has Romney up by 6.

Sally Copper also sees a Romney win next Tuesday.

Steve Bismuth (ever heard of him?) sees a Romney runaway as well.

The only one I can see predicting an Obama win is Joe Steel.
Apparently you're too fucking stupid to understand him.

say, Rabbi... are you starting to get that sinking feeling that this dream of a Romney victory was just a bridge too far? Are you starting to imagine election night in your mind when the swing states all start falling for Obama and, along about nine or ten at night, you realize that it just ain't gonna happen for ya? The only good news for you in all of that is the knowledge that lots of democrats remember feeling exactly that same way. Suck it up. Life will go on in an Obama second term. ;)

The opposite. I am choosing the champaigne for the victory party. I believe the swing states will all go for Romney. Obama is finished. The suit has been declared empty.
What are you going to do when it's called for Romney? Blame billionaire donors? Blame Diebold? Blame the racism of the American public?

blame? If Romney wins, there will be no one to blame, just as if Obama wins, there will be no one to blame. As always, a plurality of a plurality of registered voters will decide who our next president will be. Only they are to "blame". I happen to believe that Obama will win. Nate Silver thinks so... Newt Gingrich thinks so... lot's of folks do. If I am wrong, I will be disappointed, but, for me, life will keep cruising along just fine. For some of you hard core righties, I am afraid your heads will explode if and when Obama prevails....

Oh... and I have always thought that those folks who couldn't even SPELL champagne, probably couldn't tell a good one from a lousy one and probably should just go with Miller High Life instead... it IS the champagne of bottled beer, you know. My election night libation: Corralejo Anejo - my new favorite tequila.... and I plan on drinking several glasses of it no matter who prevails on election night.
say, Rabbi... are you starting to get that sinking feeling that this dream of a Romney victory was just a bridge too far? Are you starting to imagine election night in your mind when the swing states all start falling for Obama and, along about nine or ten at night, you realize that it just ain't gonna happen for ya? The only good news for you in all of that is the knowledge that lots of democrats remember feeling exactly that same way. Suck it up. Life will go on in an Obama second term. ;)

The opposite. I am choosing the champaigne for the victory party. I believe the swing states will all go for Romney. Obama is finished. The suit has been declared empty.
What are you going to do when it's called for Romney? Blame billionaire donors? Blame Diebold? Blame the racism of the American public?

blame? If Romney wins, there will be no one to blame, just as if Obama wins, there will be no one to blame. As always, a plurality of a plurality of registered voters will decide who our next president will be. Only they are to "blame". I happen to believe that Obama will win. Nate Silver thinks so... Newt Gingrich thinks so... lot's of folks do. If I am wrong, I will be disappointed, but, for me, life will keep cruising along just fine. For some of you hard core righties, I am afraid your heads will explode if and when Obama prevails....

Oh... and I have always thought that those folks who couldn't even SPELL champagne, probably couldn't tell a good one from a lousy one and probably should just go with Miller High Life instead... it IS the champagne of bottled beer, you know. My election night libation: Corralejo Anejo - my new favorite tequila.... and I plan on drinking several glasses of it no matter who prevails on election night.
Tequila is my long time nemesis.

When I was younger and drank that stuff I wanted to fight, now that I'm older I just say whatever comes to mind to any female around! :lol:
The opposite. I am choosing the champaigne for the victory party. I believe the swing states will all go for Romney. Obama is finished. The suit has been declared empty.
What are you going to do when it's called for Romney? Blame billionaire donors? Blame Diebold? Blame the racism of the American public?

blame? If Romney wins, there will be no one to blame, just as if Obama wins, there will be no one to blame. As always, a plurality of a plurality of registered voters will decide who our next president will be. Only they are to "blame". I happen to believe that Obama will win. Nate Silver thinks so... Newt Gingrich thinks so... lot's of folks do. If I am wrong, I will be disappointed, but, for me, life will keep cruising along just fine. For some of you hard core righties, I am afraid your heads will explode if and when Obama prevails....

Oh... and I have always thought that those folks who couldn't even SPELL champagne, probably couldn't tell a good one from a lousy one and probably should just go with Miller High Life instead... it IS the champagne of bottled beer, you know. My election night libation: Corralejo Anejo - my new favorite tequila.... and I plan on drinking several glasses of it no matter who prevails on election night.
Tequila is my long time nemesis.

When I was younger and drank that stuff I wanted to fight, now that I'm older I just say whatever comes to mind to any female around! :lol:

It is actually my newfound drink of choice. I ascribe it to the effects of "changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes". I used to be a scotch guy, but scotch seems suited to club chairs in front of roaring fires.... tequila, on the other hand, works wonderfully in a hacienda chair next to a potted palm under a ceiling fan.

In the past, my nemesis was martinis. My Mom used to say that martinis made one see double and feel single. I stay away from them now.
Betfair, a place where you can bet money on the election, currently gives the following odds.

Obama 1.31 to 1 (76.3%)

Romney 4.3 to 1 (23.2%)

Yes, it doesn't add up to 100. House edge. Point is, if you think Romney is such a sure thing, go put some money on it. Should be easy cash for you, right?

InTrade has Obama at 67.7%, but InTrade is more of a toy. InTrade severely limits your buy-in, and has a significant fixed fee. The best I could do in InTrade on Obama is make $50, half of which would go to fees. That makes it a not-rational investment, and explains why the Obama numbers aren't higher -- the fixed fees eat up much less of the possible higher Romney return, encouraging more Romney investment.
Hmm, a quick check of blogs this morning shows:

Charlie Gold has Romney up 53-47.

Bill Aluminum has Romney up by 6.

Sally Copper also sees a Romney win next Tuesday.

Steve Bismuth (ever heard of him?) sees a Romney runaway as well.

The only one I can see predicting an Obama win is Joe Steel.


President Obama 290 Governor Romney 248

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 303 Governor Romney 235

Chances of election President Obama 81% Governor Romney 19%

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -

Chances of election President Obama 67% Governor Romney 33%

President Obama 290 Governor Romney 248

2012 Electoral Map - The Intrade Forecast 11/2/2012
Hmm, a quick check of blogs this morning shows:

Charlie Gold has Romney up 53-47.

Bill Aluminum has Romney up by 6.

Sally Copper also sees a Romney win next Tuesday.

Steve Bismuth (ever heard of him?) sees a Romney runaway as well.

The only one I can see predicting an Obama win is Joe Steel.


President Obama 290 Governor Romney 248

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 303 Governor Romney 235

Chances of election President Obama 81% Governor Romney 19%

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -

Chances of election President Obama 67% Governor Romney 33%

President Obama 290 Governor Romney 248

2012 Electoral Map - The Intrade Forecast 11/2/2012

I don't think he was being serious. Check out the names in his post. :razz:

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