Nation of Islam Turns Against Black Democrats For Denouncing Racist Farrakhan

Leah Barkoukis - Nation of Islam Turns Against Black Members of Congress Who Denounced Farrakhan

"The Nation of Islam is rebuking three black members of Congress who criticized its leader, Louis Farrakhan, over anti-Semitic and anti-white comments he made in a Chicago speech last month."

The big question is where are the other Democrats, and why aren't THEY denouncing Farrakhan? Where is Barry, who had his picture taken smiling with Farrakhan?

(To be honest, I did not / do not expect the mentored student of racist, hate-spewing, anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright to come out against Farrakhan any more than he did against his mentor.)

President Obama condemned Farrakhan's anti-Semitic statements as a candidate in 2008. How many times does he have to reiterate it. Every time the POS speaks?

"I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazinemade its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."

Obama decried Farrakhan's racism

Too funny. He was running for president under his Messiah mantle. Would you expect him to approve?

Right, falling back on the old whinny Republican meme "What about Obama thinks he's the New Messiah" doesn't cut it.
Actually NO ONE is saying that about Obama. We are just pointing to how Farrakhan is attacking the very FEW black Democrats willing to condemn him for his racist hate spewing.....
The picture with Farrakhan was taken in 2005. Candidate Obama condemned Farrakhan's remarks in 2008. Funny how that TIME thing works huh?

Nice try in you what about Wright too. Nice.

So, why didn't he condemn them a scant three years earlier, numbskull?

You think it might have a little something to do with not running for President in 2005?

Damn, some of you regressives are mindless idiots.
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are only relevant to perpetually terrified conservatives
So no denouncement / condemnation from you, either, just a defense based on 'insignificance'?
If it weren’t for you terrified rubes, nobody in the world would know what Farrakhan says because because you’re the only one paying attention


Media hangs on his every word.
Conservative media, yes
Democrat Refusal To Denounce Racist Nation of Islam Leader - "Nothing to see here!"

Snowflakes have the same response when Republicans do not denounce white supremacists and / or KKK leaders - 'No big deal, nothing to see here.'

Riiiiiggghhhhtttttt....... :rolleyes:

Republicans defend and celebrate their racists and white supremacism. The leader of your movement said to wear your racism as a badge of honor. That doesn’t happen for Farrakhan on the left.
The picture with Farrakhan was taken in 2005. Candidate Obama condemned Farrakhan's remarks in 2008. Funny how that TIME thing works huh? Nice try in you what about Wright too. Nice.
Obama also said he never met with / was with Farrakhan, distanced himself from his mentor Jeremiah Wright, and said he barely knew domestic terrorist Ayers. Barry said a lot of shit that wasn't true. Your point....?
Leah Barkoukis - Nation of Islam Turns Against Black Members of Congress Who Denounced Farrakhan

"The Nation of Islam is rebuking three black members of Congress who criticized its leader, Louis Farrakhan, over anti-Semitic and anti-white comments he made in a Chicago speech last month."

The big question is where are the other Democrats, and why aren't THEY denouncing Farrakhan? Where is Barry, who had his picture taken smiling with Farrakhan?

(To be honest, I did not / do not expect the mentored student of racist, hate-spewing, anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright to come out against Farrakhan any more than he did against his mentor.)

President Obama condemned Farrakhan's anti-Semitic statements as a candidate in 2008. How many times does he have to reiterate it. Every time the POS speaks?

"I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazinemade its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."

Obama decried Farrakhan's racism

Too funny. He was running for president under his Messiah mantle. Would you expect him to approve?

Right, falling back on the old whinny Republican meme "What about Obama thinks he's the New Messiah" doesn't cut it.
Actually NO ONE is saying that about Obama. We are just pointing to how Farrakhan is attacking the very FEW black Democrats willing to condemn him for his racist hate spewing.....

Yeah Right, no one is saying that except the poster I was responding too.

My question is how many times do they have to condemn Farrakhan for his anti-Semitic views.
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are only relevant to perpetually terrified conservatives

and the loons are still trying to create a racewar because they think it beneits them. and it certainly benefits Russia.

that's why sergei spends half his time on garbage like this.
Leah Barkoukis - Nation of Islam Turns Against Black Members of Congress Who Denounced Farrakhan

"The Nation of Islam is rebuking three black members of Congress who criticized its leader, Louis Farrakhan, over anti-Semitic and anti-white comments he made in a Chicago speech last month."

The big question is where are the other Democrats, and why aren't THEY denouncing Farrakhan? Where is Barry, who had his picture taken smiling with Farrakhan?

(To be honest, I did not / do not expect the mentored student of racist, hate-spewing, anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright to come out against Farrakhan any more than he did against his mentor.)

President Obama condemned Farrakhan's anti-Semitic statements as a candidate in 2008. How many times does he have to reiterate it. Every time the POS speaks?

"I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazinemade its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."

Obama decried Farrakhan's racism

Too funny. He was running for president under his Messiah mantle. Would you expect him to approve?

Right, falling back on the old whinny Republican meme "What about Obama thinks he's the New Messiah" doesn't cut it.
Actually NO ONE is saying that about Obama. We are just pointing to how Farrakhan is attacking the very FEW black Democrats willing to condemn him for his racist hate spewing.....

Yeah Right, no one is saying that except the poster I was responding too.

My question is how many times do they have to condemn Farrakhan for his anti-Semitic views.
Once would be nice....many of the Democrats remaining silent now never have condemned him.
Leah Barkoukis - Nation of Islam Turns Against Black Members of Congress Who Denounced Farrakhan

"The Nation of Islam is rebuking three black members of Congress who criticized its leader, Louis Farrakhan, over anti-Semitic and anti-white comments he made in a Chicago speech last month."

The big question is where are the other Democrats, and why aren't THEY denouncing Farrakhan? Where is Barry, who had his picture taken smiling with Farrakhan?

(To be honest, I did not / do not expect the mentored student of racist, hate-spewing, anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright to come out against Farrakhan any more than he did against his mentor.)

President Obama condemned Farrakhan's anti-Semitic statements as a candidate in 2008. How many times does he have to reiterate it. Every time the POS speaks?

"I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazinemade its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."

Obama decried Farrakhan's racism

Too funny. He was running for president under his Messiah mantle. Would you expect him to approve?

Right, falling back on the old whinny Republican meme "What about Obama thinks he's the New Messiah" doesn't cut it.
Actually NO ONE is saying that about Obama. We are just pointing to how Farrakhan is attacking the very FEW black Democrats willing to condemn him for his racist hate spewing.....

Yeah Right, no one is saying that except the poster I was responding too.

My question is how many times do they have to condemn Farrakhan for his anti-Semitic views.

sergei and his friends want there to be discontent between americans. it's what they crave. that was the entire point of putin's propaganda campaign. and sergei, like the good soldier he is, is carrying on the fight.
Why should anybody feel the need to denounce somebody they never supported? That would be like feeling the need to say, "I think that child rapist was out of line." Why would anybody have to say that?
The picture with Farrakhan was taken in 2005. Candidate Obama condemned Farrakhan's remarks in 2008. Funny how that TIME thing works huh? Nice try in you what about Wright too. Nice.
Obama also said he never met with / was with Farrakhan, distanced himself from his mentor Jeremiah Wright, and said he barely knew domestic terrorist Ayers. Barry said a lot of shit that wasn't true. Your point....?

Oh you're just mad that the photo wasn't released in 2008 so you and your ilk could distort it, take it out of context and pretend it proves Obama is a secret Muslim......
Leah Barkoukis - Nation of Islam Turns Against Black Members of Congress Who Denounced Farrakhan

"The Nation of Islam is rebuking three black members of Congress who criticized its leader, Louis Farrakhan, over anti-Semitic and anti-white comments he made in a Chicago speech last month."

The big question is where are the other Democrats, and why aren't THEY denouncing Farrakhan? Where is Barry, who had his picture taken smiling with Farrakhan?

(To be honest, I did not / do not expect the mentored student of racist, hate-spewing, anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright to come out against Farrakhan any more than he did against his mentor.)

President Obama condemned Farrakhan's anti-Semitic statements as a candidate in 2008. How many times does he have to reiterate it. Every time the POS speaks?

"I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazinemade its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."

Obama decried Farrakhan's racism

Too funny. He was running for president under his Messiah mantle. Would you expect him to approve?

Right, falling back on the old whinny Republican meme "What about Obama thinks he's the New Messiah" doesn't cut it.

It certainly explains his reasons for disapproval.
The picture with Farrakhan was taken in 2005. Candidate Obama condemned Farrakhan's remarks in 2008. Funny how that TIME thing works huh? Nice try in you what about Wright too. Nice.
Obama also said he never met with / was with Farrakhan, distanced himself from his mentor Jeremiah Wright, and said he barely knew domestic terrorist Ayers. Barry said a lot of shit that wasn't true. Your point....?

Oh you're just mad that the photo wasn't released in 2008 so you and your ilk could distort it, take it out of context and pretend it proves Obama is a secret Muslim......
Who's mad, brau? I am just pointing out some facts. Ya can't be mad at facts 'cause facts is facts, no matter how much liberals want to re-write history and distort reality. :p
The picture with Farrakhan was taken in 2005. Candidate Obama condemned Farrakhan's remarks in 2008. Funny how that TIME thing works huh? Nice try in you what about Wright too. Nice.
Obama also said he never met with / was with Farrakhan, distanced himself from his mentor Jeremiah Wright, and said he barely knew domestic terrorist Ayers. Barry said a lot of shit that wasn't true. Your point....?

Oh you're just mad that the photo wasn't released in 2008 so you and your ilk could distort it, take it out of context and pretend it proves Obama is a secret Muslim......
Who's mad, brau? I am just pointing out some facts. Ya can't be mad at facts 'cause facts is facts, no matter how much liberals want to re-write history and distort reality. :p

Fact is taking a picture, and even shaking someones hand, as a Congressman, does not equal support. So it is disingenuous for you to claim a photo taken three years prior to his condemnation of Farrakhan's anti-Semitic remarks, as proof of he doesn't really condemn them.

Not to mention your other "What about" diversions.
Fact is taking a picture, and even shaking someones hand, as a Congressman, does not equal support.
So you are saying when someone is asked a question there is a difference between what the real answer is and how it is when someone says they never met with someone but then a photo comes out....and suddenly the narrative is spun to say, 'Ok we did meet, but I did not support them'.....

Got it... :p

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