Native American group targets kids; leftists respond with circle jerk "whitey bad" narrative

"Mere centimeters from his nose" much for this being an either are a Russian troll bot yourself or at least this so-called letter from a so-called student was written by a Russian troll bot......and you fell for it. :71:
what the hell are you blathering about?

the video affirms the facts presented in the letter
Nice try at gaslighting. The best thing is that all these videos are out there for everyone to see for themselves. And with that, look who's doing all the apologizing.......
Typical "turn the other cheek" Catholic cuck institutions.
It doesnt take much to awaken hate, to bring Nazi folks out from under the rocks, these folks have always been there, will always be there, but it has been legitimatized. Trump has awakened the forces of darkness. Sandman's crazed and viscious face, literally distorted, confronted by decent americans. dr king knew these faces, these same lost souls, wearing white robes.

the direct appeals to prejudice from the alt-right and making a moral equivalence between fine people on both sides. no president since the civil war has ever uttered words like that

the fascist behavior is coming from the left

don't like what someone says?

intimidate and harass them - textbook fascism

the school had to close for safety concerns

the teens and their families got death threats

amazing that "liberals: are so frightened of opposing viewpoints, to he point that they will physically threaten those they disagree with
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


And wth kids are doing at a rally about abortion ?
They are CATHOLICS, idiot.
Have you noticed the GOP’s changing story? When a Native American or a black person does “stand your ground” they need to be mocked or shot. They become fair game.

That kid was a foot taller than that elderly Vietnam veteran the kid was staring down. And now they’re trying to say it was the elderly Vietnam vet who was a threat? Really?
This be beyond the pale appalling. Progs are now trying to get universities to rescind their acceptances of the Catholic boys applications.

View attachment 241299
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
This be beyond the pale appalling. Progs are now trying to get universities to rescind their acceptances of the Catholic boys applications.

View attachment 241299
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
we need the going into education and journalism...
This be beyond the pale appalling. Progs are now trying to get universities to rescind their acceptances of the Catholic boys applications.

View attachment 241299
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon

Tweeters who attacked, doxxed and made death threats towards the boys are desperately deleting their tweets. But fortunately, the interwebs are forever...and enough people did screen captures that the lawyer will have plenty of targets to sue.
This be beyond the pale appalling. Progs are now trying to get universities to rescind their acceptances of the Catholic boys applications.

View attachment 241299
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
we need the going into education and journalism...
Journalism is too far gone, and classroom teachers and schools themselves are being replaced by less restrictive internet schools and teachers.

Without law and order this country will become South Africa.
This be beyond the pale appalling. Progs are now trying to get universities to rescind their acceptances of the Catholic boys applications.

View attachment 241299
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
we need the going into education and journalism...

It's time to tear down the Surveillance Media Big Government complex. Twitter hoards are used to intimidate non-progs into speaking out and participating in public life. This Has To End.
This be beyond the pale appalling. Progs are now trying to get universities to rescind their acceptances of the Catholic boys applications.

View attachment 241299
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
we need the going into education and journalism...
Journalism is too far gone, and classroom teachers and schools themselves are being replaced by less restrictive internet schools and teachers.

Without law and order this country will become South Africa.

More like Communist China with its public shaming rituals.
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
we need the going into education and journalism...
Journalism is too far gone, and classroom teachers and schools themselves are being replaced by less restrictive internet schools and teachers.

Without law and order this country will become South Africa.

More like Communist China with its public shaming rituals.
China doesn't have the racial component. China is mostly a proud nationalist country.

We and the rest of the western world have even more of racial component than South Africa does.
This be beyond the pale appalling. Progs are now trying to get universities to rescind their acceptances of the Catholic boys applications.

View attachment 241299
This is Jim Crow.
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon

I'm sure you felt the same way about Shirley Sherrod, Correct?
or worse

the families have a really good libel lawyer; this creates a situation where actual damages can be proven easily

this story ain't going away anytime soon
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
we need the going into education and journalism...
Journalism is too far gone, and classroom teachers and schools themselves are being replaced by less restrictive internet schools and teachers.

Without law and order this country will become South Africa.

More like Communist China with its public shaming rituals.
China doesn't have the racial component. China is mostly a proud nationalist country.

We and the rest of the western world have even more of racial component than South Africa does.

The Uyghurs would disagree.
As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
I've posted this before:
where have you been --in a hole?
...there is anti-white propaganda just about everyday from the MSM/blacks/left politicians/leftists/
..I've stated/linked many times:
...the MSM/blacks/etc screw over white cops/etc for incidents that are NOT racially motiviated
..but when incidents ARE racially motivated/black hate--it is rarely in the news and/or race not mentioned
here--a black college fires a white because she is ----------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!!
no where in the MSM at all and/or not that long:
Missouri appeals court agrees white professor at Harris-Stowe was fired over race
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia

etc etc etc

White male fragility is epidemic in america isn't it. Yes, your economic system has abandoned you, as it long has others. How do you like it when it's you?

Your "MSM" is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate state. There were once 50 some odd companies on the american media landscape and journalism still yet existed. Once Clinton deregulated the FCC, it set the stage for the monopolization of those once 50 some odd companies down to a half dozen multinational corporations. It has become quite the tool for pitting the masses against each other to benefit the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class. You sir are a case in point, all ginned up, frothy-mouthed and rabidly, emotionally and reactionarily barking and chasing after passing cars.

Happy MLK Day tomorrow pard.
Drop the left wing regurgitated crumbs out of your mouth and talk like a big boy.

You sound like a media puppet when you use all those new age racist terms.
"'Native American'group targets kids"? You're all full of shit. Be a big boy and deal with objective reality, the illusion of what america is has vanished.
I hope this encourages others to sue against these hate groups and pushes some of these kids into studying law and re-establishing real justice in our courtrooms.
we need the going into education and journalism...
Journalism is too far gone, and classroom teachers and schools themselves are being replaced by less restrictive internet schools and teachers.

Without law and order this country will become South Africa.

More like Communist China with its public shaming rituals.
China doesn't have the racial component. China is mostly a proud nationalist country.

We and the rest of the western world have even more of racial component than South Africa does.

The Uyghurs would disagree.
Yup, it IS the same isn't it.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...

The kids were acting like asholes, but again is expected from morons who were brought by families that voted in a pussy grabber.
Proud American immigrant here if I stood in front of an elderly person like the way the kid did with a smirk face my parents would woop my ass.
And wth kids are doing at a rally about abortion ?
You didn't see the entire video, did you? Come on admit it, your ignorant posts proves it already.
If you hadf you wouldn't be posting what you did.......unless you're a partisan hack.
I know what happened before and after....the fact that teenagers are bused to a rally is fucked up, it puts them in harm ways, especially with those racists hats...the parents and school that allowed that... bunch of morons....stupid ass kids too.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


And wth kids are doing at a rally about abortion ?
They are CATHOLICS, idiot.
They need to be at schools, they are minors shouldn't be in confeontential rallies, but again being from pro trump families explains everything....dumb ass kids.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


And wth kids are doing at a rally about abortion ?
They are CATHOLICS, idiot.
They need to be at schools, they are minors shouldn't be in confeontential rallies, but again being from pro trump families explains everything....dumb ass kids.
Tell that to fucking David Hogg.

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