NATO Chief says Ukraine will join NATO

But many just don't get it, or more like don't want to, Smedley Butler said the same thing over 80 years ago, War is a Racket.

How can you trust a man named Smedley?
If Ukraine joins NATO the United States will be obligated by treaty to go to war against Russia.

Well that’s not true.

The British weapons are not American made. Nor are the French, or German, or really anyone. In fact, America resisted both the 5.56 and the 9MM standardized weapons.

The primary interceptor for NATO Allies is the Eurofighter Typhoon.

We bought their Machine Guns, the FN designed SAW and Medium Machine Gun, which replaced the Browning built M-60. Shall I continue? The Germans still use an updated version of the World War II MG-42.

British, French, and others use domestically produced tanks and APC’s. Chubham armor used in our M-1 Tanks was a British Development that we bought.

Airbus is now making the A-400 which European nations are switching to instead of an updated C-130.

We bought the Harrier, and the British were instrumental in developing the F-35.

We got the Penguin anti ship missile from the Norwegians.

I honestly don’t know where you guys get these ideas. Sometimes it boggles the mind how ill informed you all are.
Yes, everyone last American understands that, which means Russia, every bit of it, dies if war erupts.
How many millions of Americans are you willing to sacrifice for your misguided petty blood lust?

What happened to that 'rules based' world order? According to NATO's rules no new members ca join if they are currently in a conflict. Do you idiots ever think?
Well that’s not true.

The British weapons are not American made. Nor are the French, or German, or really anyone. In fact, America resisted both the 5.56 and the 9MM standardized weapons.

The primary interceptor for NATO Allies is the Eurofighter Typhoon.

We bought their Machine Guns, the FN designed SAW and Medium Machine Gun, which replaced the Browning built M-60. Shall I continue? The Germans still use an updated version of the World War II MG-42.

British, French, and others use domestically produced tanks and APC’s. Chubham armor used in our M-1 Tanks was a British Development that we bought.

Airbus is now making the A-400 which European nations are switching to instead of an updated C-130.

We bought the Harrier, and the British were instrumental in developing the F-35.

We got the Penguin anti ship missile from the Norwegians.

I honestly don’t know where you guys get these ideas. Sometimes it boggles the mind how ill informed you all are.
What you describe is exactly NATO's biggest weakness, lack of uniformity. A bunch of small countries contributing small numbers of troops with incompatible equipment, numerous languages, with no way of supporting it all in the long term.
What you describe is exactly NATO's biggest weakness, lack of uniformity. A bunch of small countries contributing small numbers of troops with incompatible equipment, numerous languages, with no way of supporting it all in the long term.

Oh Dear Lord. Why me?

All infantry weapons use standardized ammunition. Nearly all of them use the same Magazines.

All the vehicles use the same fuel. But wait, there’s more.

One of the advantages is that different approaches often have much different results. Let’s take the Anti-Tank weapon for Infantry. You know the things that stopped the Russian Armor attack in Ukraine. Now, both the British and the American designs were effective. That is the NLAW and Javelin Anti Tank Missiles.

The British NLAW is cheaper, lighter, and easier to use. The Javelin is also effective. So we found that once again, the Brits came up with a simple solution to a problem. Does that mean we should get rid of the Javelin? No. The Javelin has longer range, roughly four times the range of the NLAW.

What it does mean is that it is another option for the troops. Another golf club in the bag for the shots you find yourself dealing with if you prefer. Weapons are like Golf Clubs. You pick the club you have for the shot you find yourself trying to make.

It doesn’t take long to train the troops on other weapons they might find on the battlefield. When I was in we had familiarization on Soviet Block rifles and such in case we ever found ourselves needing to use them due to shortages of supply.

Cooperation means we all bring something to the party, and like a pot luck, it turns out pretty good with a little organization.

We don’t have to look the same, or use the same equipment to complement each other. We don’t have to speak the same language to understand how to work with each other. Enough people are bilingual to make it work.

NATO scares the hell out of the Russians. Because they know that they can’t overwhelm a single nation before moving on to the next. It is the classic school yard scenario. The Bully goes to steal lunch money from one kid, and finds himself facing twenty or more. Yes, the bully is stronger than the one kid, but he can’t overwhelm twenty.

That is why the Russians denounce NATO as Provocative. As long as we stand together, they can’t take over all of Europe, and beyond. Bully’s always hate it when their victims unite against them.

The American point of view is that we have the best of everything. That’s not exactly true. And a lot of what we have is made better by our friends chipping in.

I’ve mentioned the fact that modern Carriers wouldn’t work without the British innovations. The Brits came up with the angled flight deck for landing, the steam catapult, and the Landing Mirror and light system that is stabilized against ship movement.

But the Brit’s are like that. Either what they make is really very good, or just absolute garbage. Often they find simple solutions to a problem and we adapt their solutions happily.

British designed engines were used in the P-51 Mustang. Our best fighter in Europe was underpowered and lacked sufficient performance at high altitude. When we added in a license built copy of the Merlin engine, we got what we needed out of the plane that went on to become legendary.

The French have contributed, as have the Germans, Norwegians, and the list goes on and on and on.

NATO is scary to the Russians not because we all use different stuff. But because that means they have a dozen different enemies who all have different strengths and capabilities. Plans that might thwart the NLAW from the Brits, won’t work on the American Javelin, or the Germans, or French, and I figure you get the idea.

Diversity works, we don’t have to be alike, to be united. We just have to agree to work together.
How many millions of Americans are you willing to sacrifice for your misguided petty blood lust?

What happened to that 'rules based' world order? According to NATO's rules no new members ca join if they are currently in a conflict. Do you idiots ever think?
You want your nation to live? Don't mess with us. That's the rule you live by with us.
No, we will stop you by any means necessary. You fuck with us, you died. You are only Russia, nothing more.
Omfg This AI bot needs to be reprogrammed.

Nowb about China, they are next to Brzil, and thy fed the French Toast on Monday while watching Footbal. But star Trek came on instead.

The meteor will fly by tomorrow.
Ok. Let’s do it. Let’s have a Nuclear War. Launch the nukes. I’d rather be free and dead than alive and a subject to a brutal dictator. I’m not surprised that you are scared.
And where is he taking the fuck over?? He cant even take Ukraine. Russia is a paper Tiger until they launch Nukes.

Europe are the ones pissing their pants.
And where is he taking the fuck over?? He cant even take Ukraine. Russia is a paper Tiger until they launch Nukes.

Europe are the ones pissing their pants.

Without the help of NATO, Russia would have taken Ukraine. That’s why Putin and his minions keep rattling the Nuclear Saber. Because he wants to scare us. Fuck him. Launch the nukes bitch.

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