NBC/Media (Networks): Modern Dream-Repairs?


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Sep 22, 2013
Is TrumpUSA a thing of great complexity (e.g., WikiLeaks intellectualism, NBC honors, etc.)?

What do you think?


Imagine two time-traveling knights from Medieval Times, say, Lancelot and Mordred (two rival knights from the English time of Camelot), arrive in modern-day America (TrumpUSA) and begin to evaluate the social ramifications of media networks and broadcasting ethos/ethics and how marketing is tied to customs and etiquette in a consumerism-based world. Lancelot/Mordred believe that TrumpUSA is one of great commercial flowery and reflects an American society focused on the contours/ergonomics of network-driven values (e.g., Wall Street censors). Lancelot/Mordred begin wondering about the quality of broadcasting standards and achievements that hoist TrumpUSA as a podium for great capitalism confidence.


Lancelot and Mordred note that TrumpUSA citizens value network-access resources for media such as WikiLeaks and YouTube and eTrade. Lancelot/Mordred discover that a YouTube member has uploaded the complete 1991 Wimbledon tennis men's championship game between German stars Boris Becker and Michael Stich. This 1991 Wimbledon final between Becker and Stich represents a human interest in celebrating athletic excellence and YouTube access to this memorable sports-video represents a TrumpUSA investment in social images/events/news access relevant to 21st Century broadcasting/networking idealism. Lancelot/Mordred wonder what TrumpUSA citizens think this Becker-Stich Wimbledon championship reveals about the standards/ethos of new age media profitability(!).


Lancelot/Mordred investigate further and discover that NBC is a prominent 21st Century American media/TV network devoted to the broadcasting of all kinds of quality/popular programming such as Notre Dame NCAAF games, PGA Golf tournaments, TV specials/series, and various popular movies such as It's a Wonderful Life and Twelve Monkeys. Lancelot and Mordred if NBS-Sports (a subsidiary of the NBC umbrella group) presents games in a manner conducive to TrumpUSA media/marketing ethos and values. Do the sportscasters working for NBC-Sports represent the best of 21st Century media? Do sports-field related problems such as illegal performance-enhancing steroids use find broadcasting-space on NBC-Sports. Lancelot/Mordred wonder what U.S. President Donald Trump, a 'celebrity-president' and a former capitalism-baron, think about the presentation of steroids-scandals and sports-gambling controversies on NBC-Sports.


Since NBC-Sports (and NBC) is such a quality/popular modern American media network, Lancelot/Mordred believe that understanding and appreciating how NBC reflects the values of 21st Century media and marketing illuminates the social appeal of new age consumerism (and entertainment). These two Camelot knights begin comparing the 1991 Becker-Stich Wimbledon championship to their own rivalry in Medieval England and wonder if YouTube videos of great sports events parallels the standards/values of NBC-Sports aesthetics/etiquette. Does access to sports memorabilia on YouTube parallel the quality and ethics of NBC-Sports broadcasts, or is YouTube simply a 'consumerism frill' of childish vanities? Lancelot/Mordred conclude that if TrumpUSA (21st Century American capitalism/media) is to be a hallmark for great commercial/networking aesthetics, then people have to understand/appreciate why consumerism (in general) is an 'extension' of social control. After all, without proper governance, capitalism can become a real 'pirate-party.'


Lancelot and Mordred visit Hollywood and note that the reach/influence of the two American 'super-celebrities' Tom Hanks (star of socially popular films such as Cast Away and Road to Perdition) and Tom Cruise (star of culturally symbolic films such as Rain Man and American Made) have made socio-cultural investments in American trends and values. Cruise, for example, markets his beliefs in Scientology, while Hanks was honored for his work on a film about AIDS-bigotry. Lancelot/Mordred wonder what Hanks/Cruise think about YouTube access to the 1991 Becker-Stich Wimbledon championship and what TrumpUSA citizens think about wide access to sports-marketing relevant stories/events. Lancelot/Mordred begin hoping that Hanks/Cruise will make valuable statements about the broadcasting of steroids-scandals on NBC-Sports so that TrumpUSA citizens will be sensitized to the reality that capitalism/consumerism is nearly-wed to the concept of democratic dialogue(!).


Should TrumpUSA citizens care about the quality/aesthetics of consumerism and entertainment? Should we analyze and dissect the standards/ethics of modern-day (21st Century) media broadcasting (e.g., NBC-Sports)? When American travelers visit Paris for a summer vacation and fly on Air France and notice the consumerism amenities/frills on the passenger flight and the hospitality and attractiveness of the flight-attendants/crew, do they think seriously about the metaphysical value of commercial comforts in the modern world? After 9/11, when the commerce-symbolic World Trade Center was destroyed by anti-American terrorists, the world became 'on edge' about the security of capitalism arms/branches, so what should Lancelot/Mordred conclude about TrumpUSA citizens' access to Internet resources for Air France disclosures for commercial travel in the 21st Century?


LANCELOT: TrumpUSA is all about commerce study!
MORDRED: Donald Trump is a celebrity-president...
LANCELOT: Capitalism is a branch of social etiquette!
MORDRED: Perhaps consumerism is truly 'cultural.'
LANCELOT: Will Burger King and Wall Street create peace?
MORDRED: Trump negotiates trade-pacts between the Koreas!
LANCELOT: He oversaw their alliance during the PyeongChang Games.
MORDRED: Maybe capitalism in the 21st Century is like a 'game.'
LANCELOT: Americans have to temper indulgences with censors!
MORDRED: Yes, parental-controls on cable-TV boxes are symbolic.
LANCELOT: Without proper supervision, TrumpUSA will become 'childish.'
MORDRED: Yes, capitalism/consumerism requires great meditation...
LANCELOT: Maybe the 1991 Becker-Stich Wimbledon final is a 'trophy.'
MORDRED: Access to that championship on YouTube is celebrated!
LANCELOT: Media resources therefore represent 'commercial daydreams.'
MORDRED: Let's return to Camelot and consider the meaning of this analysis!
LANCELOT: Surely, Camelot is a relevant 'extension' of transit idealism.
MORDRED: Maybe TrumpUSA can become a new world/age 'Testament.'



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