NBC reports US companies spent $8 billion dollars on ‘diversity and inclusion’ programs in 2020

Money well...wasted!

My company hired a blacque woman for a newly created Chief Diversity Officer.

What does she do for huge bucks?

New training.

And made MLK a Holiday and dropped Good Friday in its place.

In the northeast who wants a January holiday right after the holidays in the heart of the cold dark winter with nothing around it.

Good Friday is spring, around the easter holiday.

Now you have to go 4.5 months from MLK to the Memorial day holiday instead of new years day to Good Friday.

But nobody had the guts to speak up and be accused of being whaycist.
My work is all white. I am guessing if a diversity person gets hired, they will be white as well.
This forum is full of examples of why diversity attempts aren't working. Racists don't want diversity unless it's white.
You have to believe in what you push and support. From the heart. And then go with it. I worked a job in the late 1970's early 80's when MLK became a holiday. We had several holidays a year. Minor and Major. African Americans dominated at this business. All had a choice of having some holidays off, but not all. MLK replaced a President. It was eerie. After all of the protesting for MLK and all of the outlandish ways, not one African American took a holiday for MLK. Minor holidays closer to warmer months were taken based on seniority. So many white people were actually forced off on MLK's birthday as it was not even optional. So education of bullshit is reality. And the education continues today. You will get your village IM2. And it will come with the solutions of the Village. Less people for less comforts.
Hopefully everyone feels better now!
How much of that went to black people ? Foundational black Americans ? And where was it spent ?
How many black people got hired because of diversity programs? That's how much money went to black people.

My brother is the new interim VP of HR for his company again. He didn't want to be but 7 people quit. The CEO is an asshole. So my brother told him, "I got you over a barrel then don't I?" and he got a sweet deal. More money and 6 months after the new VP is named, my brother can walk with a year severance package. Keep in mind before all this happened he was already making over $1 million dollars a year. I'm guessing he now makes $1.5 million. He was thinking about retiring or taking a year off. I suspect 6 months after the new VP is named, he will walk with a 1 year severance. I asked him why wouldn't he? He said because it's a lot more if he stays. But staying means working for it. How much more? Because the severance you don't have to work for. Plus, don't you have more than enough money after all this???

Sorry, not the point. The point is. The new VP has to be a woman or minority. It will probably be a woman. They'd love to find a qualified black trust me. And he said, "if you are white male, don't go into HR. HR is now for women and minorities" It's one of those departments women can handle. Anyways, if I were a black or woman, I'd go into HR.

I asked my brother why he's not on a Board of Directors for another company. They meet 3 times a year and make $300,000 a year. He said because he's a white male. It's easier to put women and minorities on BOD's than it is to put them as the head of a department in a company. Not anyone can be the VP of HR. You have to know A LOT. It's not easy being the VP of any department. My brother's successor was not qualified and would have never made it without him. Over her head. She is even freaking out now because she quit to go to another company and my brother isn't going to come with her like he did the last time.

I still agree with diversity programs but you have to see it from a white males perspective.
This forum is full of examples of why diversity attempts aren't working. Racists don't want diversity unless it's white.
Diversity officers make sure that race is the first determinant for a job, and competence second. Thus they eliminate the majority of people from consideration, and only consider whites when not even a marginally competent black applies. This lowers the overall competency level of any organization.
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