NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Wants To 'Criminalize Journalism'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It's bad when the liberal media, those who have worked so hard to make Obama look good, are now turning on him. Will they get over this and go back to protecting him from any bad press or have they seen this administration for what it is?

I think many in the press are hypocrites. They didn't care at all when the administration targeted conservatives, they didn't care what the devastating effects of Obamacare would be and looked the other way with Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Solyndra. But, now that they have been picked on, they are outraged!

NBC’s chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd said Wednesday that the Obama Administration’s seizure of reporters’ emails and phone records is evidence that “they want to criminalize journalism.”

Who is this guy – and what has he done with the real Chuck Todd? Anyway, Todd said that if George Bush and Dick Cheney had engaged in spying on and seizing journalists’ private emails and phone records, “candidate Obama would be unloading.” (Exactly.)

Todd added that people he now talks with are “quite uncomfortable having conversations on the phone. Maybe that’s the intent.” (Ya think?)

NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Wants To 'Criminalize Journalism'
Stunner! NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Wants To 'Criminalize Journalism' | Independent Journal Review
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The typical journalist holds their profession in EXTREMELY high regard, and they'll defend it even against a Democrat President.

This is bad. Journalists develop and nurture their sources with great care, and now those sources can no longer depend on their anonymity.

If the average Joe crosses the government, the IRS may go after him. If a journalist crosses the government, they're liable to be bugged.

Maybe Putin should run in 2016.

America remains in rapid decay. Only the most cynical partisan would defend this environment.

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To late for Todd he's just another liberal nincompoop in the MSNBC tradition.
sounds like he's had enough. COuld this have been a precursor? Somehow I had missed it when it happened.

Obama Scolds 'Incorrigible' NBCer Chuck Todd for Asking Too Many Questions About Mideast Failures
During a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, President Obama lectured NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd for asking too many questions: "Chuck, how many do you got? Do you guys do this in the Israeli press? You say you get one question and then you add like five?...You see how the young lady from Channel One, she had one question, she was very well behaved, Chuck?...I mean, you're just incorrigible." [Listen to the audio]

Perhaps it was the content of Todd's questions, rather than the number, that the President objected to: "I want to follow up a little bit on the peace process....you said you weren't going to let this slip to your second term. We're in your second term with the Mideast peace process. What went wrong? Why are we further away from a two-state solution?... what do you believe went wrong? Did you push Israel too hard? What do you wish you would have done differently?"

Obama Scolds 'Incorrigible' NBCer Chuck Todd for Asking Too Many Questions About Mideast Failures | Media Research Center
sounds like he's had enough. COuld this have been a precursor? Somehow I had missed it when it happened.

Obama Scolds 'Incorrigible' NBCer Chuck Todd for Asking Too Many Questions About Mideast Failures
During a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, President Obama lectured NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd for asking too many questions: "Chuck, how many do you got? Do you guys do this in the Israeli press? You say you get one question and then you add like five?...You see how the young lady from Channel One, she had one question, she was very well behaved, Chuck?...I mean, you're just incorrigible." [Listen to the audio]

Perhaps it was the content of Todd's questions, rather than the number, that the President objected to: "I want to follow up a little bit on the peace process....you said you weren't going to let this slip to your second term. We're in your second term with the Mideast peace process. What went wrong? Why are we further away from a two-state solution?... what do you believe went wrong? Did you push Israel too hard? What do you wish you would have done differently?"

Obama Scolds 'Incorrigible' NBCer Chuck Todd for Asking Too Many Questions About Mideast Failures | Media Research Center

I think it's because Todd wanted answers and wasn't willing to settle for the talking points of the day. I wonder if he got chewed out even more after the cameras quit rolling.

The media has been fairly easy on Obama compared to past presidents. Even the slightest criticism has been met with accusations of racism. We don't have answers to so many things and the media hasn't pressed Obama on issues. One woman reporter was kicked out of the WH press pool after having the nerve to film some protesters at an Obama speech. We have Todd being scolded for asking too many questions. Now we have the DOJ treating reporters and whistle blowers like criminals. I know libs hate to hear how Chicago style politics are now the norm in Washington, but damn, this sort of intimidation and bullying is straight from the mobsters in the windy city.

I do think whistle blowers will be few and far between after seeing what's happened here. An administration that not only spies, but an IRS that takes some revenge on enemies. And they will soon have real time access to our bank accounts and unprecendented power over our lives. And that only scratches the surface of what government has the authority to do. Don't forget they can kill U.S. citizens with no due process and they won't make it public. People might just disappear. The potential is there. Question is, do we trust the government enough not to do the unspeakable? I know I don't.
I, honestly, was unsure if NBC would ever post something negative about him
I didn't read it, but the title alone caused my heart to fail
Heard NBC's ceo got a daughter working for obama...
Don't know the truth of it
BUT, given their track record, it makes sense..
I, honestly, was unsure if NBC would ever post something negative about him
I didn't read it, but the title alone caused my heart to fail
Heard NBC's ceo got a daughter working for obama...
Don't know the truth of it
BUT, given their track record, it makes sense..

I wouldn't doubt it. ABC & CBS both have family members from their top working in the White House.
I heard ABC did too
CBS is a new one to me, though..
Do not doubt that one either
Somebody has got to be gaining something for all of that cyber head they give!
Sure isn't America
yep, here is what I have heard -

ABC News President Ben Sherwood Ben Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

CBS News President David Rhodes David Rhodes’ brother Ben is Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication. ABCNews.com reported Friday, Rhodes was a key player in revising the White House’s Benghazi talking points last September.

CNN vice president & deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. (he left with Hillary CLinton and went back to Morgan Stanley)
A shame that Todd is too fucking stupid to realize that lapdogs like him are are almost always the first to be rounded up and sent to the gulag, if they're that lucky, when the shit hits the fan.

I'd say better late than never were it already not too late....Fuck Chuck Todd...Fuck him right up the poop chute.
surely NBC has someone somewhere in there. I can't imagine they were left out.
How depressing for the left...it's the sort of sound bite that could drive them to drink.:D

They're already drinking the liberal koolaid, which is worse than whiskey.

They haven't commented on it here yet. If anything, I expect someone to stop by and say that Chuck Todd has gone off the deep end and doesn't know what he's talking about.
So stop him...repeal the Patriot Act.
Your party and Dear Leader have kept USAPATRIOT Act in place...And have exploited it to their own political ends.

Too late....Fucking rube.

Republicans control the House. Has there been a single GOP bill to do those things?

Why waste time attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act? If you're gonna grandstand, do it on something with substance that appeals to a broad swath of Americans from both parties.

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