NEA and Teachers Union oppose Charter Schools...because they are successful!

“NEA and Teachers Union oppose Charter Schools...because they are successful!”


Educators appropriately oppose charter schools because they are in fact failing:

‘In general, as concluded by the nonpartisan Spencer Foundation and Public Agenda, "There is very little evidence that charter and traditional public schools differ meaningfully in their average impact on students' standardized test performance." Another report from Data First, part of the Center for Public Education, stated that "the majority of charter schools do no better or worse than traditional public schools."’

Growing Evidence that Charter Schools Are Failing
“NEA and Teachers Union oppose Charter Schools...because they are successful!”


Educators appropriately oppose charter schools because they are in fact failing:

‘In general, as concluded by the nonpartisan Spencer Foundation and Public Agenda, "There is very little evidence that charter and traditional public schools differ meaningfully in their average impact on students' standardized test performance." Another report from Data First, part of the Center for Public Education, stated that "the majority of charter schools do no better or worse than traditional public schools."’

Growing Evidence that Charter Schools Are Failing
So, using your liberal logic, if they are failing equally with traditional public schools, what's the difference and why do you and your NEA Union stooges care?
If the nea supported trump nobody would care. More teacher bashing. Ad nauseum. We want good teachers but we dont want to pay them.
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

people oppose charter schools because they suck money out of the public education system and siphon it into private businesses who are buddy buddy with the powers that be. that sucking money from public education and screwing teachers is why you likes charter schools.

they are successful not because they are better but because they pick and choose their students. public schools have to educate everyone.
Public schools should have the same Choice......they should get to pick and choose their students. That is a great solution to the problems of Public Education.
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

Growing Evidence that Charter Schools Are Failing
Paul Buchheim

'While there's little difference in the overall performance of charter schools and public schools,' explains Buchheit, 'charters are riddled with fraud and identified with a lack of transparency that leads to more fraud.'

In early 2015 Stanford University's updated CREDO Report concluded that "urban charter schools in the aggregate provide significantly higher levels of annual growth in both math and reading compared to their TPS peers."

This single claim of success has a lot of people believing that charter schools really work. But there are good reasons to be skeptical. First of all, CREDO is funded and managed by reform advocates. It's part of the Hoover Institution, aconservative and pro-business think tank funded in part by the Walton Foundation, and in partnership with Pearson, a leading developer of standardized testing materials. CREDO director Margaret Raymond is pro-charter and a free-market advocate.

The 2015 CREDO study received much of its input, according to a Louisiana source, from the New Orleans Recovery School District and charter promoter New Schools for New Orleans, who together had "embarked on a bold, five-year journey to standardize, validate and export the New Orleans charter restart model...addressing the problem of failing schools by restarting them with schools operated by charter operators."

Regarding national findings, a review of the CREDO study by the National Education Policy Center questioned CREDO's statistical methods: for example, the study excluded public schools that do NOT send students to charters, thus "introducing a bias against the best urban public schools."

Charters Are Underperforming

The inadequacies of charter schools have been confirmed by other recent studies, one of them by CREDO itself, which found that in comparison to traditional public schools "students in Ohio charter schools perform worse in both reading and mathematics." Another recent CREDO study of California schools reached mixed results, with charters showing higher scores in reading but lower scores in math.

In a study of Chicago's public schools, the University of Minnesota Law School determined that "Sadly the charter schools, which on average score lower that the Chicago public schools, have not improved the Chicago school system, but perhaps made it even weaker."

In general, as concluded by the nonpartisan Spencer Foundation and Public Agenda, "There is very little evidence that charter and traditional public schools differ meaningfully in their average impact on students' standardized test performance." Another report from Data First, part of the Center for Public Education, stated that "the majority of charter schools do no better or worse than traditional public schools."

But there's a lot of data that leans toward "worse" rather than "better." A Brookings report showed underperformance in Arizona's charter schools. An In the Public Interest group found that an analyst for the District of Columbia "could not provide a single instance in which its strategy of transferring a low-performing school to a charter management organization had resulted in academic gains for the students." The Minnesota Star Tribune reported that "Students in most Minnesota charter schools are failing to hit learning targets and are not achieving adequate academic growth." Over 85 percent of Ohio's charter students were in schools graded D or F in 2012–2013. In the much-heralded New Orleans charter experiment, the Investigative Fund found that "eight years after Hurricane Katrina...seventy-nine percent of RSD charters are still rated D or F by the Louisiana Department of Education."

Charters Won't Tell Us What They're Doing

Performance aside, charters have other serious issues. The Nation called them "stunningly boxes." Indeed, the federal government has spent billions on charter development without basic forms of accountability, even for the causes and details of school closings. The charter system is so unregulated that oversight often comes from whistleblowers who feel disturbed enough, and courageous enough, to report abuses.

The report Cashing in on Kids notes that the Walton Foundation, one of the biggest charter school supporters, has "supported the unregulated growth of a privatized education industry." The Walton-funded New York Charter School Association, which takes considerable public money and advertises itself as "independently-run public schools," refused state audits, arguing that they were run by boards outside the public domain. Charter operators want the best of both worlds. As Diane Ravitch explains, "When it is time for funds to be distributed, they want to be considered public schools. But when they are involved in litigation, charter operators insist they are private organizations."

Many Charter Systems Are Mired in Fraud

According to Integrity in Education, $100 million (ballooning in the past year to $200 million) in taxpayer money was lost, misused, or wasted in just 15 of the 42 states that have charter schools. The abuses are well documented. The report states: "Charter operators have used school funds illegally to buy personal luxuries for themselves, support their other businesses, and more."

Mounds of evidence reveal the fraud in states around the country: Schoolchildren defrauded in Pennsylvania; "out-of-control" charters in Michigan and Florida; rampant misspending in Ohio; bribes and kickbacks, also in Ohio; revenues directed to a for-profit company in Buffalo, NY; subpoenas for mismanaged charters in Connecticut.

In California alone, $100 million in fraud losses are expected in 2015. The California Charter Schools Association noted in response that the "charter school sector, authorizers and legislators have come together to put into place real solutions." The solutions were not cited.

In a Nutshell: Charter Schools Are Failing

While there's little difference in the overall performance of charter schools and public schools, charters are riddled with fraud and identified with a lack of transparency that leads to more fraud.

In a Nutshell: Public Education Is Working

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has confirmed that math and reading skills have improved for all levels of public school students since the 1970s, with the greatest gains among minority and disadvantaged students. Other results indicate that our schools achieve even greater success when properly funded.

But the education reformers, who have a lot of money but little knowledge of the real world of education, don't want to provide that funding. They frighten America with words from people like Rupert Murdoch: "The failure rates of our public schools represent a tragic waste of human capital that is making America less competitive."

A better reason for fright is the rapid progress made by the charter school reformers. They want our children to be their human capital.
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

people oppose charter schools because they suck money out of the public education system and siphon it into private businesses who are buddy buddy with the powers that be. that sucking money from public education and screwing teachers is why you likes charter schools.

they are successful not because they are better but because they pick and choose their students. public schools have to educate everyone.
Public schools should have the same Choice......they should get to pick and choose their students. That is a great solution to the problems of Public Education.
What do we do with all the stupid liberal kids then? :lol:
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

Some are successful.

Some are Christian brainwashing academies.
Here's the bottom line, we have enough wealth in this country to fix every school and only have the best people teaching.

Two things have to happen first:

1. The wealthy have to be willing to pay slightly higher taxes. Invest in the country that made you rich.

2. Teacher unions have to be willing to throw bad teachers under the bus. Clean house.

Like most problems in America, both sides are at fault.

Conservative are married to the idea of never raising taxes no matter how many wars you get into and how many bridges fail.

Liberals are married to unions that protect bad and wasteful practices. (autos/teachers/longshoremen)
Now you're just floating propaganda.
No, I'm pointing out yours.....

No. You lied and said it impacted charter schools. It had nothing to do with charter schools.
No,,your splitting hairs over the availability of types of non fully controlled public school options.....

When given a choice, people run from traditional public schools.....

But it didnt impact charter schools like you said because it didnt have anything to do with them
“NEA and Teachers Union oppose Charter Schools...because they are successful!”


Educators appropriately oppose charter schools because they are in fact failing:

‘In general, as concluded by the nonpartisan Spencer Foundation and Public Agenda, "There is very little evidence that charter and traditional public schools differ meaningfully in their average impact on students' standardized test performance." Another report from Data First, part of the Center for Public Education, stated that "the majority of charter schools do no better or worse than traditional public schools."’

Growing Evidence that Charter Schools Are Failing

No they aren't. They rate much higher than public schools. You'll believe anything.
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

people oppose charter schools because they suck money out of the public education system and siphon it into private businesses who are buddy buddy with the powers that be. that sucking money from public education and screwing teachers is why you likes charter schools.

they are successful not because they are better but because they pick and choose their students. public schools have to educate everyone.
Public schools should have the same Choice......they should get to pick and choose their students. That is a great solution to the problems of Public Education.
Local Communities should control their own schools. The federal government has no business controlling the education of its citizens. Everything the federal government runs is replete with bureaucracy, corruption and overspending. The government needs to stay the hell out of education ESPECIALLY in determining the subjects taught and the textbooks used to teach them. The US Department of Education should be abolished.
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

people oppose charter schools because they suck money out of the public education system and siphon it into private businesses who are buddy buddy with the powers that be. that sucking money from public education and screwing teachers is why you likes charter schools.

they are successful not because they are better but because they pick and choose their students. public schools have to educate everyone.
Public schools should have the same Choice......they should get to pick and choose their students. That is a great solution to the problems of Public Education.
What do we do with all the stupid liberal kids then? :lol:

I guess the stupid ones (however few there are) grow up to be just like you-- imbecile rightwingnut trolls.

sad for them, really.
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

people oppose charter schools because they suck money out of the public education system and siphon it into private businesses who are buddy buddy with the powers that be. that sucking money from public education and screwing teachers is why you likes charter schools.

they are successful not because they are better but because they pick and choose their students. public schools have to educate everyone.
Public schools should have the same Choice......they should get to pick and choose their students. That is a great solution to the problems of Public Education.
Local Communities should control their own schools. The federal government has no business controlling the education of its citizens. Everything the federal government runs is replete with bureaucracy, corruption and overspending. The government needs to stay the hell out of education ESPECIALLY in determining the subjects taught and the textbooks used to teach them. The US Department of Education should be abolished.

and do what with that control? teach bible studies? that gays are bad? that black people aren't as smart as white people? that women deserve to be raped if they're dressed provactively? that blacks and whites should sit separately?

there is a reason no one trusts states with education. and there is a reason that certain states are offended by that. you should probably get over it.
Even Home Schooling beats the current Public School System
Liberal Public schools equate to child abuse....I am glad Trump pointed out their complete and total failure in Milwaukee....

You can tell the members in here that went to public school (or tried to).....they are completely indoctrinated little fascists.....and worse, they are clueless as to when you point that out to them....

Vouchers, eliminating the unions who hold teachers back, and as you said, removal of the feds are they only way to save the schools....

Trump knows this, and democrats are terrified......
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

The old saying " follow the money" rings true here. The teachers union, as with many unions, pay dues which pay huge salaries to their leaders.
Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News

It has nothing to do with providing a quality education, but rather providing a fat paycheck to the top bosses.

People like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al make their money by telling their constituents they are victims who have no chance in the system without their leadership, but all the while those same leaders become part of the 1%.
Jesse Jackson Net Worth
Al Sharpton Net Worth

How can a couple of Baptist ministers become multimillionaires thru their careers and do nothing to advance the cause they attest to represent?

Why does the cost of public education continually increase while the product the provide continually get worse?
Teacher Unions are owned by the Democratic Party. And we know how corrupt that Party is. Their goal is to only allow American kids one education option. And that option is Government-run Schooling. They've been working very hard for many years to ban other options like Homeschooling. They can't allow Parents to choose how to best educate their children. That can only be a Government decision.

They want to require that all American kids endure several years of Government brainwashing. You know, where they can become experts on hating God, hating Republicans, shoving condoms on cucumbers, the 'joys' of killing babies, forced acceptance of Transgender madness, fearing the Globull Warming Boogeyman, and so on. It's vital that Citizens don't allow these corrupt Goose Steppers to eliminate all other education options. No one should be forced to place their child into Government Indoctrination Centers (Public Schools). Choice is the key to future quality education.
Even Home Schooling beats the current Public School System
Liberal Public schools equate to child abuse....I am glad Trump pointed out their complete and total failure in Milwaukee....

You can tell the members in here that went to public school (or tried to).....they are completely indoctrinated little fascists.....and worse, they are clueless as to when you point that out to them....

Vouchers, eliminating the unions who hold teachers back, and as you said, removal of the feds are they only way to save the schools....

Trump knows this, and democrats are terrified......
1) if you want the best and brightest minds teaching then we will have to step up pay big time. Huge increases

2) there are alot of very good public schools out there. Painting with a broad brush is a simpleton point of view. It depends where you live.

3) send all problem kids to the elite costly schools. Deliquent hardened school haters. The ones who cause problems. If you are using tax dollars for private schools then make it so they cannot turn away anyone. Watch the parents complain then.

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