NEA and Teachers Union oppose Charter Schools...because they are successful!

Let's be real, Public Schools abduct the kids at a very early age, and begin the Government Indoctrination process. That indoctrination process continues right up through early adulthood by way of College.

It's certainly no coincidence that there's so many 'Safe Space' Entitlement moron kids coming out of our Colleges. They're just programmed little bots. Cookie cutter "Safe Spacers.' We definitely need more choice in Education. Government-run Schooling shouldn't be the only option.
Government control should be minimal and AT THE LOCAL LEVEL.

in your opinion.
Most everything I say on USMB is my opinion. If I happen to state a known fact, it is my opinion that the stated fact is indeed a true fact,

um... what you believe is fact is not necessarily. your desire that the feds not be involved in local education is your opinion because of the issues I raised earlier. me? I don't want any david duke types deciding what should be taught to kids in Louisiana. and if some idiot in texas wants to change the text books to things that are false, then their kids won't get into college anywhere but texas and that's bad for everyone.

Yeah sure, Big Brother to the rescue. He's always there to help. We'll count on that. Thanks.

how dare they set educational standards. :rolleyes:
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

Can't let these minorities learn....they may not need government programs!
I mean who wants an environment of no thugs, and people who actually care about students......naaaaaah

but you're not a bigot or anything and minorities should vote for your white supremacist candidates. right? :cuckoo:

You're the biggot, you want them is dilapidated horrible schools.....won't even let them have a choice.....

But thank you for equating better education opportunities with my party!
Government control should be minimal and AT THE LOCAL LEVEL.

in your opinion.
Most everything I say on USMB is my opinion. If I happen to state a known fact, it is my opinion that the stated fact is indeed a true fact,

um... what you believe is fact is not necessarily. your desire that the feds not be involved in local education is your opinion because of the issues I raised earlier. me? I don't want any david duke types deciding what should be taught to kids in Louisiana. and if some idiot in texas wants to change the text books to things that are false, then their kids won't get into college anywhere but texas and that's bad for everyone.

Yeah sure, Big Brother to the rescue. He's always there to help. We'll count on that. Thanks.

how dare they set educational standards. :rolleyes:

Who is your beloved 'They?' 'They' have created a buncha dumb Safe Space Entitlement morons. Parents desperately need education alternatives.

Government-run Schooling is a dangerous crapshoot at best. Parents really should reconsider forcing their children to become cookie cutter programmed bots. They shouldn't gamble.
in your opinion.
Most everything I say on USMB is my opinion. If I happen to state a known fact, it is my opinion that the stated fact is indeed a true fact,

um... what you believe is fact is not necessarily. your desire that the feds not be involved in local education is your opinion because of the issues I raised earlier. me? I don't want any david duke types deciding what should be taught to kids in Louisiana. and if some idiot in texas wants to change the text books to things that are false, then their kids won't get into college anywhere but texas and that's bad for everyone.

Yeah sure, Big Brother to the rescue. He's always there to help. We'll count on that. Thanks.

how dare they set educational standards. :rolleyes:

Who is your beloved 'They?' 'They' have created a buncha dumb Safe Space Entitlement morons. Parents desperately need education alternatives. Government-run Schooling is a dangerous crapshoot at best. Parents really should reconsider forcing their children to become cookie cutter programmed bots. They shouldn't gamble.

you don't have kids, huh?
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

people oppose charter schools because they suck money out of the public education system and siphon it into private businesses who are buddy buddy with the powers that be. that sucking money from public education and screwing teachers is why you likes charter schools.

they are successful not because they are better but because they pick and choose their students. public schools have to educate everyone.

Quit beating around the bush.

They oppose them for only one reason... Competition

that's what's so cute about you teddy bear..... you read entire paragrpahs, pick something that's in your own little brain and has nothing to do with what was said, and decide that what you made up in your head is the answer.

you're not even good at articulating what you believe. you should probably stop making up in your head what other people believe.

No I pick out the motives. I can smell B.S. a mile away.

Also it don't hurt that I am way to familiar with the Chicago teachers union and school districts.
It is no wonder that the Teachers Union donates to and promotes politicians that call for the status quo of our pitiful educational system...that fostered by the federal government. They are competing with Charter Schools and the Charters Schools are WINNING!

Blacks need to learn that the political establishment is NOT THEIR FRIEND! The Democrats are NOT IMPROVING THINGS FOR BLACK PEOPLE. They only want the votes!....and stupid blacks keep giving it to them.

Does black success matter?


The Success Academy schools in general ranked in the top 2 percent in English and in the top 1 percent in math. Hispanic students in these schools reached the "proficient" level in math nearly twice as often as Hispanic students in the regular public schools. Black students in these Success Academy schools reached the "proficient" level more than twice as often as black students in the regular public schools.

What makes this all the more amazing is that these charter schools are typically located in the same ghettos or barrios where other blacks or Hispanics are failing miserably on the same tests. More than that, successful charter schools are often physically housed in the very same buildings as the unsuccessful public schools.

In other words, minority kids from the same neighborhood, going to school in classes across the hall from each other, or on different floors, are scoring far above average and far below average on the same tests.

If black success was considered half as newsworthy as black failures, such facts would be headline news -- and people who have the real interests of black and other minority students at heart would be asking, "Wow! How can we get more kids into these charter schools?"

Many minority parents have already taken notice. More than 43,000 families are on waiting lists to get their children into charter schools. But admission is by lottery, and far more have to be turned away than can be admitted.

Why? Because the teachers' unions are opposed to charter schools -- and they give big bucks to politicians, who in turn put obstacles and restrictions on the expansion of charter schools. These include politicians like New York's "progressive" mayor Bill de Blasio, who poses as a friend of blacks by denigrating the police, standing alongside Al Sharpton.

people oppose charter schools because they suck money out of the public education system and siphon it into private businesses who are buddy buddy with the powers that be. that sucking money from public education and screwing teachers is why you likes charter schools.

they are successful not because they are better but because they pick and choose their students. public schools have to educate everyone.

Quit beating around the bush.

They oppose them for only one reason... Competition

that's what's so cute about you teddy bear..... you read entire paragrpahs, pick something that's in your own little brain and has nothing to do with what was said, and decide that what you made up in your head is the answer.

you're not even good at articulating what you believe. you should probably stop making up in your head what other people believe.

No I pick out the motives. I can smell B.S. a mile away.

Also it don't hurt that I am way to familiar with the Chicago teachers union and school districts.

you're making up the motives. again, if you take away the funding for public schools and give it to the donors who install politicians into office so they can make money, the incentive is a profit motive, not a public service motive.

and then you screw every kid still in public school. that isn't about competition. it's about what's right.

and in the end, the only reason to privatize education is a continuation of the effort of the right to destroy teachers' unions. me? I think unions are valuable and are the only thing keeping people from going back to squalor and sweat-shops.
Government control should be minimal and AT THE LOCAL LEVEL.

in your opinion.
Most everything I say on USMB is my opinion. If I happen to state a known fact, it is my opinion that the stated fact is indeed a true fact,

um... what you believe is fact is not necessarily. your desire that the feds not be involved in local education is your opinion because of the issues I raised earlier. me? I don't want any david duke types deciding what should be taught to kids in Louisiana. and if some idiot in texas wants to change the text books to things that are false, then their kids won't get into college anywhere but texas and that's bad for everyone.

Yeah sure, Big Brother to the rescue. He's always there to help. We'll count on that. Thanks.

how dare they set educational standards. :rolleyes:
How dare you fascist democrats set the standards so low is the far better question....
Teacher Unions are owned by the Democratic Party. And if you check out Wikileaks, you'll see how corrupt that Party really is. So i don't care what they think anymore. Teacher Unions are corrupt. Movin on...
Charter schools are run like a business and they drain funds from public schools . It's easy to look good when you cherry pick good students and dump problem kids. A luxury pub schools don't have .
Anyone still wondering why there's so many dumb 'Safe Space' Entitlement morons running around? Government-run Schooling is an insane nightmare at this point. Parents really do need to consider education alternatives...

Teachers told to call children ‘students’ or ‘scholars'


Educators at a North Carolina public school district have been ordered to avoid using gender-specific pronouns when addressing pupils, according to a recently published training manual.

Charter schools are run like a business and they drain funds from public schools . It's easy to look good when you cherry pick good students and dump problem kids. A luxury pub schools don't have .
What a great example of what is being discussed....:lol:
North carolina is lucky to have any teachers fonsidering how they are paid and what they are told to do. Nobody in their right mi d puts up with that abuse for that pittance.

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