Neither Guns Nor Racism....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
60,648 is the thirst for political power.

I'm a big fan of Lance Morrow, have posted about his book...


He makes an interesting observation about this past week's slaughter.

"If President Trump and the Democratic presidential candidates had experience of the real thing, of the sort of evil collective violence I am talking about, they would turn aside from the road that leads to the Balkans.

Trump would stop playing peekaboo with that universal capacity for evil—would stop poking the beast in the crowds as if to provoke it.

Democrats, who share the blame, would drop their tribal identity politics—their pandering embrace of illegal immigration, for instance, with its implication that people are above the law if self-righteous Democrats say that they are.

It would be too much to expect them to abandon their hallucinogenic promises of the Big Rock Candy Mountain—gaudy and irresponsible visions that bid fair to reelect the president whom they condemn for being gaudy and irresponsible.

The Democrats’ obsession with identity politics has colluded with Trump’s provocations to split Americans into polarized tribes—American versions of Croat and Serb, Hutu and Tutsi, Sunni and Shi’ite, Hindu and Muslim. There seems no way to stop this. An infection—a kind of Ebola—has gotten into the American body politic. It’s the old fable about the scorpion that persuades a frog to give him a ride across the river—and then, in midstream, stings the frog, dooming them both: “What did you expect? I’m a scorpion.” In the 2020 version, the frog is America and both political parties, alas, are scorpions.

The words racist and racism have grown less effective with repetition. They have started to sound like items of old Communist invective, like “capitalist stooge.” ... that politics, which so often contaminates and disables language, has made the term corrupt."
Darker Days Ahead?

At this point in America's history, one is forced to pick the party that most....MOST....closely reflects their views.

We need two parties closer to America's needs.
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All those people died BECAUSE of guns and racism/bigotry
All those people died BECAUSE of guns and racism/bigotry

Is that so, huh? So tell us oh wise swami, what then caused the 200+ largely black on black murders in Baltimore since 2019 kicked off over seven months ago? Do any one or more of those deaths, many gun related, matter less somehow than the fruit of the recent two "mass" shootings? How about similar gun murders in Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baton Rouge, Houston, Dallas, LA, and on and on? Why do you think no major media outlet is politicizing those hundreds and hundreds of gun deaths occurring on a daily basis coast to coast. Is black gang terrorism to blame? Or does such terminology immediately short circuit your thought process? Bzzzzt!
All those people died BECAUSE of guns and racism/bigotry

If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.

No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

The major political party today stands for infanticide and abortion post-birth.

Their attachment to an earlier iteration is the problem:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky is the thirst for political power.

I'm a big fan of Lance Morrow, have posted about his book...


He makes an interesting observation about this past week's slaughter.

"If President Trump and the Democratic presidential candidates had experience of the real thing, of the sort of evil collective violence I am talking about, they would turn aside from the road that leads to the Balkans.

Trump would stop playing peekaboo with that universal capacity for evil—would stop poking the beast in the crowds as if to provoke it.

Democrats, who share the blame, would drop their tribal identity politics—their pandering embrace of illegal immigration, for instance, with its implication that people are above the law if self-righteous Democrats say that they are.

It would be too much to expect them to abandon their hallucinogenic promises of the Big Rock Candy Mountain—gaudy and irresponsible visions that bid fair to reelect the president whom they condemn for being gaudy and irresponsible.

The Democrats’ obsession with identity politics has colluded with Trump’s provocations to split Americans into polarized tribes—American versions of Croat and Serb, Hutu and Tutsi, Sunni and Shi’ite, Hindu and Muslim. There seems no way to stop this. An infection—a kind of Ebola—has gotten into the American body politic. It’s the old fable about the scorpion that persuades a frog to give him a ride across the river—and then, in midstream, stings the frog, dooming them both: “What did you expect? I’m a scorpion.” In the 2020 version, the frog is America and both political parties, alas, are scorpions.

The words racist and racism have grown less effective with repetition. They have started to sound like items of old Communist invective, like “capitalist stooge.” ... that politics, which so often contaminates and disables language, has made the term corrupt."
Darker Days Ahead?

At this point in America's history, one is forced to pick the party that most....MOST....closely reflects their views.

We need two parties closer to America's needs.

I much prefer THIS dismantling of Lance Morrow’s white supremacist bullshit. is the thirst for political power.

I'm a big fan of Lance Morrow, have posted about his book...


He makes an interesting observation about this past week's slaughter.

"If President Trump and the Democratic presidential candidates had experience of the real thing, of the sort of evil collective violence I am talking about, they would turn aside from the road that leads to the Balkans.

Trump would stop playing peekaboo with that universal capacity for evil—would stop poking the beast in the crowds as if to provoke it.

Democrats, who share the blame, would drop their tribal identity politics—their pandering embrace of illegal immigration, for instance, with its implication that people are above the law if self-righteous Democrats say that they are.

It would be too much to expect them to abandon their hallucinogenic promises of the Big Rock Candy Mountain—gaudy and irresponsible visions that bid fair to reelect the president whom they condemn for being gaudy and irresponsible.

The Democrats’ obsession with identity politics has colluded with Trump’s provocations to split Americans into polarized tribes—American versions of Croat and Serb, Hutu and Tutsi, Sunni and Shi’ite, Hindu and Muslim. There seems no way to stop this. An infection—a kind of Ebola—has gotten into the American body politic. It’s the old fable about the scorpion that persuades a frog to give him a ride across the river—and then, in midstream, stings the frog, dooming them both: “What did you expect? I’m a scorpion.” In the 2020 version, the frog is America and both political parties, alas, are scorpions.

The words racist and racism have grown less effective with repetition. They have started to sound like items of old Communist invective, like “capitalist stooge.” ... that politics, which so often contaminates and disables language, has made the term corrupt."
Darker Days Ahead?

At this point in America's history, one is forced to pick the party that most....MOST....closely reflects their views.

We need two parties closer to America's needs.

I much prefer THIS dismantling of Lance Morrow’s white supremacist bullshit.

I enjoy the vulgarity that indicates how I've hurt you yet again.

Couldn't happen to a nicer and more deserving individual.
"Study Shows Leading Cause Of Gun Violence Is Those You Disagree With Politically
August 5th, 2019

POLK, UT—An exhaustive new study from the CDC reveals that the leading cause of gun violence in America is your political opponents. Researchers looked at a number of potential causes of gun violence such as mental health, family situation, cultural shifts, gun laws, rap music, videogames, sugar consumption, and the actual gunman, but by and large, the most prominent cause of gun violence was what most already suspected. The fault lies with those who you disagree with politically.

Researchers say they almost forgot to even consider the idea that the shooter had any volition or free will of their own. After looking into it, they said that the gunman was, "...a moot point. The fact is, even if the gunman didn't act, your political opponents would have caused the violence one way or another," lead researcher Karl Porkenheimer. "They wanted this in the first place."

Other findings include:

  • 99% of gun violence will end the moment your political opponents are wiped from existence
  • A large amount of gun violence is prevented every year by vulgar tirades against your political opponents online
  • Tests revealed large traces of blood on the hands of your political opponents
"These results are pretty conclusive," said Porkenheimer. "Your political opponents are the real problem here. Americans have a lot of work to do, and that work starts with calling those you disagree with politically murderers. If enough of us can manage to do that, just maybe we'll see a shift in these horrible attacks."
Study Shows Leading Cause Of Gun Violence Is Those You Disagree With Politically
"Study Shows Leading Cause Of Gun Violence Is Those You Disagree With Politically
August 5th, 2019

POLK, UT—An exhaustive new study from the CDC reveals that the leading cause of gun violence in America is your political opponents. Researchers looked at a number of potential causes of gun violence such as mental health, family situation, cultural shifts, gun laws, rap music, videogames, sugar consumption, and the actual gunman, but by and large, the most prominent cause of gun violence was what most already suspected. The fault lies with those who you disagree with politically.

Researchers say they almost forgot to even consider the idea that the shooter had any volition or free will of their own. After looking into it, they said that the gunman was, "...a moot point. The fact is, even if the gunman didn't act, your political opponents would have caused the violence one way or another," lead researcher Karl Porkenheimer. "They wanted this in the first place."

Other findings include:

  • 99% of gun violence will end the moment your political opponents are wiped from existence
  • A large amount of gun violence is prevented every year by vulgar tirades against your political opponents online
  • Tests revealed large traces of blood on the hands of your political opponents
"These results are pretty conclusive," said Porkenheimer. "Your political opponents are the real problem here. Americans have a lot of work to do, and that work starts with calling those you disagree with politically murderers. If enough of us can manage to do that, just maybe we'll see a shift in these horrible attacks."
Study Shows Leading Cause Of Gun Violence Is Those You Disagree With Politically
And with that information, I say.....execute all the commies.

All those people died BECAUSE of guns and racism/bigotry

No. They died because some murderous asshole killed them.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Let us know when you find a way to ban, regulate and control murderous assholes.

Good luck because you will surely need it. is the thirst for political power.

I'm a big fan of Lance Morrow, have posted about his book...


He makes an interesting observation about this past week's slaughter.

"If President Trump and the Democratic presidential candidates had experience of the real thing, of the sort of evil collective violence I am talking about, they would turn aside from the road that leads to the Balkans.

Trump would stop playing peekaboo with that universal capacity for evil—would stop poking the beast in the crowds as if to provoke it.

Democrats, who share the blame, would drop their tribal identity politics—their pandering embrace of illegal immigration, for instance, with its implication that people are above the law if self-righteous Democrats say that they are.

It would be too much to expect them to abandon their hallucinogenic promises of the Big Rock Candy Mountain—gaudy and irresponsible visions that bid fair to reelect the president whom they condemn for being gaudy and irresponsible.

The Democrats’ obsession with identity politics has colluded with Trump’s provocations to split Americans into polarized tribes—American versions of Croat and Serb, Hutu and Tutsi, Sunni and Shi’ite, Hindu and Muslim. There seems no way to stop this. An infection—a kind of Ebola—has gotten into the American body politic. It’s the old fable about the scorpion that persuades a frog to give him a ride across the river—and then, in midstream, stings the frog, dooming them both: “What did you expect? I’m a scorpion.” In the 2020 version, the frog is America and both political parties, alas, are scorpions.

The words racist and racism have grown less effective with repetition. They have started to sound like items of old Communist invective, like “capitalist stooge.” ... that politics, which so often contaminates and disables language, has made the term corrupt."
Darker Days Ahead?

At this point in America's history, one is forced to pick the party that most....MOST....closely reflects their views.

We need two parties closer to America's needs.

Great post
Morrow writes:

"At first glance, the killings in El Paso and Dayton appear entirely different from such foreign horrors. They were spasms of private madness, one would think—surely not tribal or programmatic or ideological or religious acts. And yet, there seems an inkling in these dramas, and in other recent mass shootings—the one in the Pittsburgh synagogue, for example—of something ominously new in the way of American violence: a whiff or germ or intuition of a new infection, as if the deeds were not just crazy (though certainly they were that), but belonged to a category that might be more sinister; as if they contained the germ of the Rwandan or Bosnian something. "

While racial animus was open in the rantings of the Civil War period, fostered by the folks who brought you the KKK, the Democrat Party.....the same folks who bring you ANTIFA today, can any point to any pejorative reference to race by one of the major parties before the Democrats singled out white folks?????

Before this?

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

"But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Perhaps you recall ths:

"Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO] "

Any racial finger pointing by the other party, singling out an entire race?????????
No. They died because some murderous asshole killed them.

They died because all the anti-immigrant and racist bullshit being spewed by the likes of Fox and Trump radicalized right wing racist assholes

They died because those assholes had easy access to military style weaponry.

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