Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.

Duh, that's why it should be led by scientists. Trump keeps muzzling them.
Scientists have already given their advice and none of it is being utilized. Both parties already know where they stand. The scientists are powerless beyond the advice they give.

I agree - but whose fault it that? Trump is running the show.
The House can come up with their own bills.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
We don't need a bill. This has been overblown. The Hong Kong Flu was bad and we didn't shut the economy down. Huge overreaction and now we have this disaster. Europe has learned and is opening up.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.

Duh, that's why it should be led by scientists. Trump keeps muzzling them.
Scientists have already given their advice and none of it is being utilized. Both parties already know where they stand. The scientists are powerless beyond the advice they give.

I agree - but whose fault it that? Trump is running the show.
The House can come up with their own bills.

The House can come up with lots of stuff - but who's going to pass and enforce it? Republican Senate? Trump?


'Grim Reaper' Mitch McConnell Admits There Are 395 House Bills Sitting in the Senate: 'We're Not Going to Pass Those'

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This virus shows no signs of slowing down
The GOP that you hate so passionately knows that we cannot stay at home till the chinese disease goes away

because it may be with us from now on

but if you kill the economy as dems are trying to do you lose the ability to help anyone
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
The dems plan is to kill more elderly people
This virus shows no signs of slowing down
The GOP that you hate so passionately knows that we cannot stay at home till the chinese disease goes away

because it may be with us from now on

but if you kill the economy as dems are trying to do you lose the ability to help anyone
Well how do you think the death rate is going to change if we return to normal? Think about it. Part of the reason why the death rate is what it is because of social distancing. You reverse that, millions die.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
More importantly, why would you think the politicians who know nothing, who have been relying on all these "experts" who have been consistently wrong since the very start of this entire ordeal.....

why would you think anyone of them would have a brilliant coherent policy?

We've been saying this from the start. None of you guys know diddly jack squat. None of you do. Know very little about this thing, and it takes sometimes years of research to find out.

Heck the CDC just realized a completely reversal of everything they've been saying, claiming now that Corona doesn't last that long on solid surfaces, suggesting that all this gloves and no-touch, and spraying Clorox on everything, has been a total waste.

You mindless lemmings on the left, basically had a total melt down, with little information, damaged millions of people's lives across this country, based on scant real evidence.

Time for the real men of the country, the men with balls and guts, and a bit of self dignity, to stand up to this nonsense.
How do you think the death rate will change if we reverse all quarantine and social distancing measures nationwide?
We are on our own folks.

Epiphany time for Billy. You're finally getting your head around the fact that government can't actually fix all your problems.

The government can't make your wife hot or make you look like Brad Pitt, they can't make your kids smarter or your dog win prizes for obedience.

They can't even keep you safe from natural disasters.
You are such a fucking idiot. Of course government can fix problems. We see that shit happen all over the world. It’s why South Korea and Germany did so much better at combating the virus than we did. We just need the right people in charge.

What is your alternative exactly? A bunch of self-serving idiot citizens and anarchy? That is how we combat the virus?
You seem to have missed where he said government can't fix ALL your problems. It's a very important distinction, and missing it seems to have led you down a silly path with accusations of anarchism and strange comments about utilizing government services.
We are on our own folks.

Epiphany time for Billy. You're finally getting your head around the fact that government can't actually fix all your problems.

The government can't make your wife hot or make you look like Brad Pitt, they can't make your kids smarter or your dog win prizes for obedience.

They can't even keep you safe from natural disasters.
You are such a fucking idiot. Of course government can fix problems. We see that shit happen all over the world. It’s why South Korea and Germany did so much better at combating the virus than we did. We just need the right people in charge.

What is your alternative exactly? A bunch of self-serving idiot citizens and anarchy? That is how we combat the virus?
You seem to have missed where he said government can't fix ALL your problems. It's a very important distinction, and missing it seems to have led you down a silly path with accusations of anarchism and strange comments about utilizing government services.
Who has even said the government can fix all of a person’s problems? This is just some bullshit you people delude yourselves into thinking the left believes. I guess you all thrive off false premises. It’s all you have.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
On one hand, it's too early to develop such a plan. All we can do at this moment is experiment to see what gets us through this. Then we can look back, analyze, and (try to) plan.

At the same time, virtually every part of our country, society and culture is saturated by partisan politics, and damn near everyone is afraid to give an inch when it comes to addressing problems.

This is another great example of how communication, collaboration and innovation can solve a problem. But America doesn't do that any more. Everything is a civil war, not a solid solution.

Self-inflicted wound. Again.
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You reverse that, millions die.
Millions die?

I dont think so

in fact I bet when we close the books on 2020 we’ll find the overall death rate for all causes will be about the same as 2019

because many of the people dying from the chinese disease were dying of other causes already

the elderely in nursing homes can be given extra precautions since it kills them so easily

but 99.7% of the public who have the virus will not die

and few of them will even need hospitalization
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
Your thread title is disingenuous.

Neither party has a coherent long term plan for anything, other than gaining and appeasing wealthy donors.
There's no way to compare the Democrats virus response to the Republicans. Their response can be summed up just like their impeachment failures or their failed but ongoing coup against Trump. It's nothing more than the non policy of resisting everything Trump does then depending on the rigged media to put a positive spin on it. Dems. have no policies on anything beside spending money we don't have.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
the Dems want MORE people to come into the US and open borders!!
THAT'S what's stupid
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
Your thread title is disingenuous.

Neither party has a coherent long term plan for anything, other than gaining and appeasing wealthy donors.
they want to please everyone all the time
It all starts with Trumf. He is Mr. Happy Talk Dear Leader, just like Kim Jun Un when he poses with multitudes of corn, Trumf likes to pretend that everything is great, that leading with the number of deaths in the world is a badge of courage, that it's beautiful to see doctors and nurses rushing into their certain demise!
It all starts with Trumf. He is Mr. Happy Talk Dear Leader, just like Kim Jun Un when he poses with multitudes of corn, Trumf likes to pretend that everything is great, that leading with the number of deaths in the world is a badge of courage, that it's beautiful to see doctors and nurses rushing into their certain demise!
hahhahahahahahahah--more silly babble crap from you have so much TDS that you don't even realize how silly you sound
'''Kim.........leading number of deaths is a badge....etc''''

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