Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

if the government dissolved tomorrow, how would that benefit you?

A little bit of government is a good thing. A government can enforce laws and defend property rights.

I don't believe in no government, I believe in a government with severe limitations on what it can and can't do to its citizens.
Oh how convenient your position has suddenly become more nuanced.

I'm a very nuanced kind of guy. It's going to be hard for you to fit me into one of your holes.

The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

The numbers say you're wrong. just an observation
No they don’t.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.

The Democrats are doing something while the Republicans are more worried about smearing Biden. Republicans are doing the Nero bit, fiddling while Rome burns. The Republicans hold the Executive Branch and they have no interest in finding a long term solution. They have interfered in the CDC's attempt to fight the coronavirus.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
View attachment 339229

You call the Democrats making up a bill to spend more money a plan???

Any parent can throw a few dollars at you and tell you to get lost.



The chairman of the Federal Reserve also agrees with Democrats. He was appointed by Trump. Mnuchin is admitting a new bill is likely necessary.
Actually the virus is slowing down even in places like New York and New Jersey some just don't want to admit it because it because it screwes up their partisan narrative. Now this does not mean everything is fine and back to normal but we are heading in the right direction.

It is spreading to the exurbs and rural areas.
"The coronavirus pandemic continues its deadly march through rural counties and small towns across the country, led by flareups in Southern and Midwestern states that are becoming new epicenters of the outbreak."

the CDC just realized a completely reversal of everything they've been saying, claiming now that Corona doesn't last that long on solid surfaces, suggesting that all this gloves and no-touch, and spraying Clorox on everything, has been a total waste.
got a link?

Thought it was widely known. You can't hardly go five minutes without a dozen articles on everything Corona related.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
how can you say that???

trump has said how a slow reopening could happen and laid out a plan and the dems have said they chose the fascist route and want to keep people locked down for their own good,,,

the trump route is viable with precautions and the dems route is sure to cause thousands of more deaths and economic devastation,,,
What fucking plan are you talking about. Trump just said “hey let’s reopen the economy. Derp.” That isn’t a plan. Trump is too fucking stupid to come up with a coherent plan. Mostly because his dumbass will contradict himself within a week.
OH I'm sorry I thought you were up to date on things,,,

when you get educated come on back and we can discuss things,,,
Okay lay out Trump’s plan for me. Step by step.

Right here dumb ass...

The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
take the contact tracing shove it.
Democrats want this to last forever. They need it to be permanent just for the political advantage.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
how can you say that???

trump has said how a slow reopening could happen and laid out a plan and the dems have said they chose the fascist route and want to keep people locked down for their own good,,,

the trump route is viable with precautions and the dems route is sure to cause thousands of more deaths and economic devastation,,,
What fucking plan are you talking about. Trump just said “hey let’s reopen the economy. Derp.” That isn’t a plan. Trump is too fucking stupid to come up with a coherent plan. Mostly because his dumbass will contradict himself within a week.
OH I'm sorry I thought you were up to date on things,,,

when you get educated come on back and we can discuss things,,,
Okay lay out Trump’s plan for me. Step by step.

Right here dumb ass...

Oh you are laughable. The White House website?Lol none of this bullshit is happening right now. None of it was even written by Trump. There’s no evidence any of this shit is happening. Trump himself has said NOTHING about it. All this crap is is guidelines for states to follow. Meanwhile, Trump contradicts all of it lol
Any long-term s
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.

Any attempt at a long-term solution by either party will dip deeply into corporate profits, which translates into lost money for the billionaire class. Does anyone truly believe the 0.1% would be willing to trade millions (more likely billions) of their dollars to save the lives of countless hundreds-of-thousands of average Americans? Not bloody likely.

The history of the billionaire class is one that pays congressmen (and women) to start useless wars that kill thousands of military personnel and tens-of-thousands of innocent bystanders in exchange for billions-of-dollars in profits. These wars last for years or even decades and show no progress towards the goal(s) originally stated. (So much for the sanctity of human life.)

So, why would the wealthy bastards who control every action made by local, state, and the federal government concern themselves with another, of many natural and man-made tools of death, killing off more insignificant Americans?

Making America great is a political euphemism created by the crooked and corrupt trump to disguise his singular goal of further enriching the 0.1%, and in turn himself, at the expense of the 99.9%. His devoted fanatics and the Democratic and centrist voters he scammed with MAGA in 2016 are easily fooled, and will be again in 2020. Either by the crooked and corrupt trump, or by the equally crooked and corrupt Status Quo Joe. Both have proven over the decades, average Americans are of no importance, and can be sacrificed as needed to increase the wealth of the billionaire class.

Sorry if the truth hurts, but the suckers must be told the things they are too obtuse to observe and understand on their own.

Good day.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
That's why it should be led by scientists. Trump keeps muzzling them.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.

Duh, that's why it should be led by scientists. Trump keeps muzzling them.
Scientists have already given their advice and none of it is being utilized. Both parties already know where they stand. The scientists are powerless beyond the advice they give.
if the government dissolved tomorrow, how would that benefit you?

A little bit of government is a good thing. A government can enforce laws and defend property rights.

I don't believe in no government, I believe in a government with severe limitations on what it can and can't do to its citizens.
Oh how convenient your position has suddenly become more nuanced.

I'm a very nuanced kind of guy. It's going to be hard for you to fit me into one of your holes.

View attachment 339254
It’s easy to do because you’re full of shit. You utilize government services every day.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.

Duh, that's why it should be led by scientists. Trump keeps muzzling them.
Scientists have already given their advice and none of it is being utilized. Both parties already know where they stand. The scientists are powerless beyond the advice they give.

I agree - but whose fault it that? Trump is running the show.

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