Netanyahu Or Obama; Who Do YOU Trust?

Who do you trust?

  • Bibi

    Votes: 34 77.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 10 22.7%

  • Total voters
A picture of when he went by what name? Oh yes that "fighting spirit" , he still has it today hey.
Personally the smarter man would rather peace than war.
Yeah Clinton thought the same thing, and we got 911. Sometimes you have to go to war to get peace.

911 was done by Israel and neocons in our government.

9/11 was done by Muslim Terrorists - working with Osama Bin Laden. It's time you faced reality, Penelope. Some Muslims are terrorists. Yes. It's true.
I think there were many Americans today that wished Netanyahu could be our president, rather than this idiot we have in office.
you all want to follow warriors cause you can't stand up for yourselves against the injustices all around us coming from all sides, jews, muslim, athiest, christian, liars, politicians, lawyers, ceos, etc.., because be the time you stand up for yourselves you have to shoot and kill to save yourselves from these evil killers you worship. better run away from these warrior types or all will have hell to pay.

I flew in 47 air assaults/recon ops in '67-'68 Vietnam....speak for yourself, raghead.
another bullshit war we had no business wasting lives and money on. but your proud of it. killing innocent kids is on your head asshole. you are going to hell pal for following the wrong warmongers orders like all stupid soldiers do. dogs of war that's all you are. pawns shouldn't be proud.
A picture of when he went by what name? Oh yes that "fighting spirit" , he still has it today hey.
Personally the smarter man would rather peace than war.
Yeah Clinton thought the same thing, and we got 911. Sometimes you have to go to war to get peace.

When has that worked for us?

That's a good stable place is it? And if we pulled out completely how long till it collapses?
A picture of when he went by what name? Oh yes that "fighting spirit" , he still has it today hey.
Personally the smarter man would rather peace than war.
Yeah Clinton thought the same thing, and we got 911. Sometimes you have to go to war to get peace.

911 was done by Israel and neocons in our government.

9/11 was done by Muslim Terrorists - working with Osama Bin Laden. It's time you faced reality, Penelope. Some Muslims are terrorists. Yes. It's true.
saudi and bush did 911 so to pearl harbor our way into middle east and finish the book
A picture of when he went by what name? Oh yes that "fighting spirit" , he still has it today hey.
Personally the smarter man would rather peace than war.
Yeah Clinton thought the same thing, and we got 911. Sometimes you have to go to war to get peace.

Actually we got 9/11 because Bill Clinton let Bin Laden go. Had he done the right thing and took him while the golden opportunity was handed to him to do so 9/11 most likely would not have happened. want to blame Clinton for letting OBL go before 9/11.

Not a word about Bush letting OBL go AFTER 9/11?
you tout mossad's intelligence, yet you don't seem bothered that that same intelligence contradicts bibi's hawkish stance on iran's nuclear capabilities're a liar.
Leaked cables reportedly show Netanyahu Mossad disagreed on extent of Iran nuclear threat Fox News

so why the disconnect between bibi's rhetoric and mossad's intelligence?
It is more complicated than this but it has to do with being a "fanatical asshole"
Bibi-Oh is ready to confront Iran right down to the last US service man ....
You didn't really listen to the speech then. Bibi just informed the Congress that he's done waiting for Oblahblah buying more time for the Iranians. Israeli jets will be flying over Iranian nuke sites in the near future. This was just a heads up to the American people and congress, who despite the asshole we have in office, strongly support Israel. Israel doesn't play politics with it's national security or existential threats, nor does it ask permission.

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