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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Wow. If you really cared about justice, Paperman, why do you keep deflecting to the Bush years? To Condi Rice? To Colin Powell? To Iraq? Surely you jest. Why aren't you just as curious as we are to know why Obama and his staffers lied about the attacks that night?

Sure, if you were for government honesty, you would be all over people like Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel and others for corruption. Funny though, you wouldn't dare say a Democrat is capable of such a thing.
Wow. If you really cared about justice, Paperman, why do you keep deflecting to the Bush years? To Condi Rice? To Colin Powell? To Iraq? Surely you jest. Why aren't you just as curious as we are to know why Obama and his staffers lied about the attacks that night?

Sure, if you were for government honesty, you would be all over people like Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel and others for corruption. Funny though, you wouldn't dare say a Democrat is capable of such a thing.

Why can't Benghazi conspiracy theorists explain why this "scandal" matters so much more than the examples I've posted? As long as Benghazi Truthers insist their aims aren't purely political, I will continue to point out their extreme lack of consistency.
Even if there is something behind Benghazi, the fact that nothing is going to happen is completely the right's fault anyway...freaking loons....
And here we thought part of a Messiah's job description was to raise the dead!

Ah well, another epic FAIL.
Paperboy.....Bush didn't cover up events on his watch to win an election. :eusa_whistle:

Obama fucked up in Libya and instead of admitting it, he and his fellow scum went into cover up mode inventing some bullshit movie riot excuse when the CIA and DOD never said there was a protest in Libya.

Obama couldn't lose his egotistical shiny marksman medal for killing UBL by getting 4 Americans killed by low ranking AQ affiliates in Libya.....no fucking way.

Wow. If you really cared about justice, Paperman, why do you keep deflecting to the Bush years? To Condi Rice? To Colin Powell? To Iraq? Surely you jest. Why aren't you just as curious as we are to know why Obama and his staffers lied about the attacks that night?

Sure, if you were for government honesty, you would be all over people like Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel and others for corruption. Funny though, you wouldn't dare say a Democrat is capable of such a thing.

Why can't Benghazi conspiracy theorists explain why this "scandal" matters so much more than the examples I've posted? As long as Benghazi Truthers insist their aims aren't purely political, I will continue to point out their extreme lack of consistency.
Paperboy.....Bush didn't cover up events on his watch to win an election. :eusa_whistle:

Obama fucked up in Libya and instead of admitting it, he and his fellow scum went into cover up mode inventing some bullshit movie riot excuse when the CIA and DOD never said there was a protest in Libya.

Obama couldn't lose his egotistical shiny marksman medal for killing UBL by getting 4 Americans killed by low ranking AQ affiliates in Libya.....no fucking way.

Wow. If you really cared about justice, Paperman, why do you keep deflecting to the Bush years? To Condi Rice? To Colin Powell? To Iraq? Surely you jest. Why aren't you just as curious as we are to know why Obama and his staffers lied about the attacks that night?

Sure, if you were for government honesty, you would be all over people like Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel and others for corruption. Funny though, you wouldn't dare say a Democrat is capable of such a thing.

Why can't Benghazi conspiracy theorists explain why this "scandal" matters so much more than the examples I've posted? As long as Benghazi Truthers insist their aims aren't purely political, I will continue to point out their extreme lack of consistency.

You're brutalizing the facts, but I'm not going to debate about it with you. There is nothing a conspiracy theorist likes so much as talking about his conspiracy theory.

And if you're suggesting Bush never lied to Americans during his Presidency, you're misinformed. This is what Benghazi theorists would actually be outraged about - if they really cared about government deception.
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

Get back to your paper route, boy. :eusa_whistle:

Paperboy.....Bush didn't cover up events on his watch to win an election. :eusa_whistle:

Obama fucked up in Libya and instead of admitting it, he and his fellow scum went into cover up mode inventing some bullshit movie riot excuse when the CIA and DOD never said there was a protest in Libya.

Obama couldn't lose his egotistical shiny marksman medal for killing UBL by getting 4 Americans killed by low ranking AQ affiliates in Libya.....no fucking way.

Why can't Benghazi conspiracy theorists explain why this "scandal" matters so much more than the examples I've posted? As long as Benghazi Truthers insist their aims aren't purely political, I will continue to point out their extreme lack of consistency.

You're brutalizing the facts, but I'm not going to debate about it with you. There is nothing a conspiracy theorist likes so much as talking about his conspiracy theory.

And if you're suggesting Bush never lied to Americans during his Presidency, you're misinformed. This is what Benghazi theorists would actually be outraged about - if they really cared about government deception.
it is a matter of checks and balances. Prepping for a TV appearance is not out of the ordinary. Putting out a dialogue that deceives the electorate during a campaign is unethical and dishonest. We, the people need to know how the policies of a sitting administration are working...especially right before an election.

Their narrative was in direct conflict with what their advisors told them and, coincidentally, not a poor reflection on their current international initiatives. If, In fact, they did this intentionally, then the WH lied to the American People about policy while they were trying to decide if a new President and new policy was needed.

If this is the case, it needs to be exposed. Not to slander the existing President.....but to deter a future one from doing the same.

We need to know that the executive branch is kept in check at all times. I am surprised you don't see it that way.

The real question is, why do Benghazi Truthers only just now see it that way? If this isn't just an excuse to hate Obama, if this really is the reaction to perceived dishonesty over the deaths of four Americans, then why weren't these same people out on the streets over Condoleezza Rice's deceitful talk show appearances drumming up support for invading Iraq? Why weren't they marching on the White House over Colin Powell lying to the United Nations, or Bush's shameless twisting of the facts addressing the American public?

If those pushing this bizarre theory really were all about government honesty, we'd have seen some consistency.

Benghazi Truthers???

Only just now see it that way???

Seems to me it depends on what party they belong whether or not you'll believe them.

Congrats......you've been totally brainwashed.
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

Get back to your paper route, boy. :eusa_whistle:

That Bush and his administration lied to push an invasion of Iraq is not even in dispute.

mudwhistle, I do try to keep civil on the board (I believe anyone here would pull me out of a well IRL regardless of who I voted for), but I've gotta say it pains me to see someone who's lost all perspective on this issue using the avatar of Science Officer Spock.
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

Get back to your paper route, boy. :eusa_whistle:

That Bush and his administration lied to push an invasion of Iraq is not even in dispute.

mudwhistle, I do try to keep civil on the board (I believe anyone here would pull me out of a well IRL regardless of who I voted for), but I've gotta say it pains me to see someone who's lost all perspective on this issue using the avatar of Science Officer Spock.
That would mean Bill Clinton and all the democrats in the 90's used the same lie.....................
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

Get back to your paper route, boy. :eusa_whistle:

That Bush and his administration lied to push an invasion of Iraq is not even in dispute.

mudwhistle, I do try to keep civil on the board (I believe anyone here would pull me out of a well IRL regardless of who I voted for), but I've gotta say it pains me to see someone who's lost all perspective on this issue using the avatar of Science Officer Spock.

I have very good perspective on this.

One of them is similar to the way a witness in a court of law is treated. Once their credibility is gone because they've perjured themselves, everything thing they say from then on should be questioned. You feel that way about Bush so strongly, yet you don't seem to feel that way about Obama. After all, he did say "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", did he not????? He also said this week that health care premiums have gone up slower the last 2 years because of Obamacare. Not only is this not true, but he said that premiums wouldn't go up at all. As a matter of fact he said this program would save us $2500.

If Obama is willing to lie about the little things I'm afraid that he'll lie about everything if the truth sheds him in an unfavorable light. List of Obama's Lies | Barack Obama Lies
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

The Bush administration did lie. That is irrefutable at this point. They orchestrated a propaganda campaign that was intentionally designed to mislead the public. That is lying, no matter how it's carried out.
Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

Get back to your paper route, boy. :eusa_whistle:

That Bush and his administration lied to push an invasion of Iraq is not even in dispute.

mudwhistle, I do try to keep civil on the board (I believe anyone here would pull me out of a well IRL regardless of who I voted for), but I've gotta say it pains me to see someone who's lost all perspective on this issue using the avatar of Science Officer Spock.

Yeah, you fully realize those would be war crimes right? So, are you pissed that Obama did not call for an investigation when he had a super majority? No? Oh, ok. We have dispatched the notion that Bush LIED about WMDS....oh 100,000 times? None of us have any idea what any of this has to do with Obama/Hillary denied more security considering sept 11th date is a big date on the calender, the UK pulled their troops and the Red Cross did as well.

What I cannot tell with you pieces of hypocritical, ignorant shit is are you saying it was perfectly OK that they lied, since you believe Bush lied? Who the hell knows? What we do know is you are so simple minded that all you have is a script of cliches you rely on. Puppet strings is the more apt description in your case and everyone that thinks like you.

Oh, I am sorry. You want to talk about Bush, WMDs and his supposed war crimes that he was never charged with. Huh, perhaps this is the reason why your socialist in chief did not call for an investigation on Booooooooooooosh.

Here is the OFFICIAL REPORT FROM THE UN. I get it, you probably do not know the UN voted 15-0 to get rid of Saddam for at least 17 violation. The existence of wmds was propagated by the democrats long before BOOOOOOOOSH took office. Now, to the findings.....official.


U.N. Security Council, UNSCOM noted that Iraq's biological warfare program was "among the most secretive of its programs of weapons of mass destruction." It said that Iraq "took active steps" to conceal the program, including "inadequate disclosures, unilateral destruction, and concealment activities." Therefore, the Commission concluded, "it has not been possible to verify" Iraq's statements about the extent and nature of its biological weapons program.

A 58 page annex to the final report describes what the Commission was able to learn about the BW program, despite Iraq's concealment activities, and documents discrepancies between what Iraq claimed to have developed, or destroyed, and the physical evidence. Some of the findings include:

Extensive BW program: Iraq had an extensive BW program from 1973 until at least 1991. In mid-1995, Iraq admitted that it had weaponized BW agents, but claimed that the entire BW program had been in "obliterated" in 1991 and that all BW weapons had been destroyed and all bulk BW agents had been deactivated. The Commission found, however, that the evidence produced in support of this claim was not credible, and that Iraq "retained suitable growth media, BW facilities, production equipment, teams of expert personnel, and the essential technical knowledge" after 1991.

Bulk production: In July, 1995, Iraq acknowledged that between 1988 and 1991, it had produced two BW agents in bulk: botulinum toxin and Bacillus anthracis spores (anthrax). Iraq reported 19,180 liters of botulinum toxin (10-20 fold concentrated) and 8445 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores (10 fold concentrated).

UNSCOM found, however, that "bulk warfare agent production appears to be considerably understated," given the resources available to Iraq's BW program, including growth media and fermenter capacity. The Commission said that the production rate of Botulinum toxin could be as much as double the stated amount, and 3 times greater than that stated for Bacillus anthracis spores.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed more than 7500 liters of the Botulinum toxin and 3412 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores in 1991; UNSCOM noted that there was not evidence to support quantities claimed to be destroyed. The report concludes "the Commission has no confidence that all bulk agents have been destroyed... and that a BW capability does not exist in Iraq."

Iraq also claims to have produced lesser quantities of clostridium perfringens spores, ricin, and wheat cover smut.

BW Warheads: Iraq claimed to have produced 25 Al-Hussein missile warheads and filled them with BW agents. The Commission found that there was no credible evidence to show that only 25 missiles were produced and filled. Iraq declared that the 25 missiles were unilaterally destroyed; the Commission found enough physical evidence to account for the declared quantities of BW warheads, but the location of the remnants were inconsistent with Iraq's story.

BW bombs: Iraq declared that 200 R-400 aerial bombs were manufactured for BW purposes, but acknowledged that the numbers of bombs filled with particular agents (100 with botulinum toxin, 50 with bacillus anthracis spores, and 7 with aflatoxin) were "guesses." UNSCOM did find evidence of the destruction of some BW bombs at the site declared by Iraq, but found that the remnants account for less than one third of the bombs Iraq claims to have destroyed. In addition, UNSCOM found evidence of R-400A bombs carrying BW at an airfield where no BW weapons were declared.

Aircraft drop tanks: Iraq claimed that it produced 4 aircraft drop tanks to disseminate BW agents, and was developing a pilotless aircraft that could carry the tanks, holding either BW or chemical weapons, and release the toxins at a preset time. UNSCOM found that there was no evidence corroborate that only 4 were produced, and noted that interviews indicated that 12 were planned. Remnants of only three destroyed tanks were recovered. UNSCOM also rejected the evidence offered by Iraq--a letter thanking the project workers--that the pilotless aircraft project was shut down.

Aerosol Generators: Iraq developed aerosol generators for the dispersal of BW agents by modifying helicopter-borne commercial chemical insecticide disseminators. Although Iraq claimed the devices were ineffective, UNSCOM received documentation that they were successfully field tested. Interview evidence suggests that there were 12 devices produced; none were destroyed by UNSCOM.

Remaining Bacterial Growth Media: UNSCOM determined that there remained substantial bacterial growth media imported into Iraq which remains unaccounted for: 460 kg. of casien; 80 kg. of thioglocollate broth; 520 kg. of yeast extract; and 1100 kg of peptone. The report says that "the amounts that are 'missing' are significant, and would be sufficient to produce quantities of agent comparable to that already declared by Iraq."


UNSCOM was more successful in its pursuit of Iraq's CW program largely because Iraq was more cooperative with its disclosures. The final report notes that a "significant number" of chemical weapons, their components, and related equipment were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision between 1991 and 1997. In addition, the report found:

Extensive CW program: Iraq acknowledged that it carried out a large scale CW program between 1982 and 1990. It claims that more than 50% of its chemical weapons stocks were consumed during the 1980s, and that the majority of its production facilities were destroyed by aerial bombing during the Gulf War.

Bulk CW agents: Iraq said that it produced 3,859 tons of CW agents during the entire implementation of its CW program, and that 3,315 tons of these agents were weaponized. Agents produced in large quantities included mustard, tabun, and sarin.

According to Iraq, 80% of the weaponized CW agents were consumed between 1982 and 1988. In addition, they claim to have unilaterally discarded 130 tons of non-weaponized CW agents during the 1980s. UNSCOM found that these numbers could not be verified.

After the Gulf War, Iraq claimed that it had 412.5 tons of CW agents remaining. Four hundred eleven tons were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision; 1.5 tons of the CW agent VX remain unaccounted for.

Special Munitions: Iraq claimed that between 1982 and 1988, 100,000 munitions filled with CW agents were consumed or disposed of. UNSCOM found that this number could not be verified.

After the Gulf war, Iraq declared that there remained over 56,000 special munitions which could carry either CW or BW agents (22,000 filled, 34,000 unfilled). These munitions are all accounted for. They were either destroyed or converted for conventional weapons purposes.

Iraq claimed that there were 42,000 special munitions destroyed in the Gulf War. UNSCOM was unable to verify that number, and found that the destruction of 2,000 unfilled munitions remains uncertain, and 550 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed 29,000 special munitions; UNSCOM found that of these, 100 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.


I get all of that is not enough for a brainwashed hack like you. Lets review shall we? Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs? Oh let me remind you.

Here you go, since you probably need more....

Yeah, perhaps you need more....

While you will not acknowledge any of those things. Mainly cause you are a liberal. Which means you are a hopeless brainwashed hack who relies on your puppet strings to get through the day. We know you are not pissed enough that Obama did not call for the investigation into a Booooosh administration that supposedly lied to everyone about wmds and had MILLIONS of Iraqi citizens murdered. Well, if you are not pissed that Obama did not call for an investigation then that makes you even a bigger piece of shit hypocrite than I say. That would mean you do not give a shit about all of those poor innocent Iraqi citizens.

Hell we already know you are pieces of shit when you call the liberation of citizens from a tyrant an "invasion."


You have been thoroughly destroyed. I hope every conservative will save this page, and use it every time one of these piles of shit brings up an irrelevant argument like Bush and WMDs when we are discussing the lies of this piece of shit in office now.

Paper boy. You have no debate skills. You are not intelligent. You are a puppet.

You suck.
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Paperboy.....how come the CIA, British intel, numerous Democraps in Congress agreed on WMDs in Iraq??? Oh, but Buuuuuuuuush lied according to a moron like you.

The Bush administration did lie. That is irrefutable at this point. They orchestrated a propaganda campaign that was intentionally designed to mislead the public. That is lying, no matter how it's carried out.

Whether or not it was a lie isn't the point. You on the left hate one from Bush but you're willing to accept uncounted lies from Democrats, so what you feel about Bush's supposed lie is totally irrelevant. Your judgment is what is in question. You focus on WMDs and totally ignore everything else. Your sense of right and wrong went out the window years ago, yet you claim we're the ones who have lost our impartiality.

Just to set the record straight, if Bush could trust the UN inspectors, Saddam, and the Democrats, we wouldn't be here arguing about this. But because none of them has ever proved to be honest you can see why Bush decided to act rather than take their word for it.

I've also said before, and this has proven to be a good possibility, that Russia helped Saddam remove most of the evidence of his weapons program and send it to Syria, and of course Syria used some of it recently. But guess who Obama decides to let remove those same WMDs out of Syria...


How stupid is that.....

Your problem is you're not willing to open your eyes to the truth, because the truth bothers you. The real liar is you in all of this.

No, I don't think it's unusual for someone to be prepped for an appearance on all 5 Sunday morning talk shows. It's obvious that if that is taking place then the Administration desperately wanted to put a certain narrative out there. One would expect some amount of prepping to take place for such a barrage of guest appearances. What I find highly unusual is for the emails for that prep to be classified, after the fact, to hide that Rice was indeed prepped by Ben Rhodes. Can you understand the outrage from conservatives that all this time the Obama White House has been saying that Rice was working from CIA talking points and not from talking points given to her by the Obama White House? Can you understand the outrage from conservatives to find out that that was a total lie...a lie that the Obama White House attempted to hide by classifying the emails that laid out the strategy for Rice's Sunday talk show "marathon"? Can you understand the outrage from conservatives when Obama repeatedly assured the American people that he had released any and all emails connected to Benghazi when in fact he knew that was not the case?

Translation- What Dog Style and the rest of the Wingnuts are upset about is there's a Negro in the White House.

Beyond that, sorry, prep happens all the time,and it was the CIA that pulled AL Qaeda references, not the White House.

Oh, yeah, and they were really upset about that video all across the Middle East.
Oh, yeah? They were not nearly as upset about that video as we were when Hillary forbad the use of bullets in the guns of guards at the embassy.

That breaches the Constitution's words of the Executive Branch providing for the Common Defense, in particular the President and his top cabinet officials. :evil:

It wasn't an embassy, it was a consulate.

And security was provided by the local government and private contractors.
I am telling you. Your stomach and the rest of your digestive system will thank you if you put Joe on ignore.

Having discussions with hacks such as him is nothing more than participating in the myth of sisyphus.

The Myth Of Sisyphus

The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.

I am telling you. Your stomach and the rest of your digestive system will thank you if you put Joe on ignore.

Having discussions with hacks such as him is nothing more than participating in the myth of sisyphus.

The Myth Of Sisyphus

The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.


You just have to realize Joe is a racist Jew hating democrat that lies continuously and treat it accordingly.
Translation- What Dog Style and the rest of the Wingnuts are upset about is there's a Negro in the White House.

Beyond that, sorry, prep happens all the time,and it was the CIA that pulled AL Qaeda references, not the White House.

Oh, yeah, and they were really upset about that video all across the Middle East.
Oh, yeah? They were not nearly as upset about that video as we were when Hillary forbad the use of bullets in the guns of guards at the embassy.

That breaches the Constitution's words of the Executive Branch providing for the Common Defense, in particular the President and his top cabinet officials. :evil:

It wasn't an embassy, it was a consulate.

And security was provided by the local government and private contractors.

Good call.

What could go wrong???
Trey Gowdy is up to his ears in the GOP's schemes to raise money off politicizing Benghazi while at the same time he's going on tv telling everyone how evil it would be to try to raise money by politicizing Benghazi.

Apparently the Republicans wrongly assumed that they didn't look foolish enough already with their Benghazi obsession...

...they had to take it up a notch lol.
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