New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

the only religion you worship is government control and power, forcefully over don't see that you'd be the 1st one wiped out when your use is over
We are getting warning signs. And we get the Onward Prog Socialist Communist Comrades.
No, he does not. Now when you look at Trump, you know that guy is a sexual perv and creep.
Bullshit. hat do you think this book banning crap is about? and the "don't say gay" thing? And the censoring of textbooks? There are endless examples of the RWNJs attempting to force everyone to think the way they do.
News flash: you can still buy your books celebrating your being queer so they aren’t banned. Just kept away from young children (much to your dismay apparently). There is no “Don’t say Gay” thing. Censoring textbooks? That’s you goofs trying to rewrite history. Continue your pearl clutching over nothing....

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