New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

Not as stupid as you are LOL. Try doing a little more research, maybe take a class. Can't fix stupid but you could know more
Lol, you're dumber than 2 stacked rocks kid. You think Encyclopedia Britannica isn't a reliable source?

I hereby dub thee "ShortBus".

Arise and rejoice in your new title.
Lol, you're dumber than 2 stacked rocks kid. You think Encyclopedia Britannica isn't a reliable source?

I hereby dub thee "ShortBus".

Arise and rejoice in your new title.
Why did they lie in their description about what a Christian nationalist is? Why do you lie all the time cuckitus?
You lie all the time. Every time you open your fucking mouth cuck.

Brittanica is as solid as source as exists. Every word is meticulously checked for accuracy.

Now you and those like you may have a different definition of it, to make you feel better. But to claim Brittanica is not a valid source is laughable.
This debate is important, though—once stripped of its superimposed liberal scar tissue, "Christian nationalism" is actually a rather benign and useful description for those who believe in both preserving our country's Judeo-Christian heritage and making public policy decisions that are best for this country. The term need not be subjected to such intense scorn due to misunderstanding or slander.

Let's take the nationalism part first. Nationalism is a political philosophy that says independent nation-states are the best way to organize governments that both (1) avoid the chaos and insecurity of tribes and clans and (2) preserve the freedom and self-determination that globalism or imperialism precludes. Nationalism is not just a patriotic love for one's country, but a commitment to prioritize the needs and interests of one's own country over others—not unlike parents who prioritize their family over others, or pastors who prioritize their local church over others. It concerns itself with maintaining the cohesiveness of a particular people and a cultural inheritance—drawn from the past, preserved in the present and passed on to future generations—on which a state rests, to avoid both dissolution and external attacks.

Once stripped of its superimposed liberal scar tissue, "Christian nationalism" is actually a rather benign term.
This debate is important, though—once stripped of its superimposed liberal scar tissue, "Christian nationalism" is actually a rather benign and useful description for those who believe in both preserving our country's Judeo-Christian heritage and making public policy decisions that are best for this country. The term need not be subjected to such intense scorn due to misunderstanding or slander.

Let's take the nationalism part first. Nationalism is a political philosophy that says independent nation-states are the best way to organize governments that both (1) avoid the chaos and insecurity of tribes and clans and (2) preserve the freedom and self-determination that globalism or imperialism precludes. Nationalism is not just a patriotic love for one's country, but a commitment to prioritize the needs and interests of one's own country over others—not unlike parents who prioritize their family over others, or pastors who prioritize their local church over others. It concerns itself with maintaining the cohesiveness of a particular people and a cultural inheritance—drawn from the past, preserved in the present and passed on to future generations—on which a state rests, to avoid both dissolution and external attacks.

Once stripped of its superimposed liberal scar tissue, "Christian nationalism" is actually a rather benign term.

I have no problem with nationalism.

But I have a big problem with using Christianity to make laws for this country.

he isn't stlopping himself or his dependent from masturbating , either, merely, for reasons unknown, informing him
Stopping my son from masturbating or telling him when I am masturbating. I can tell you which is more perverted.
This debate is important, though—once stripped of its superimposed liberal scar tissue, "Christian nationalism" is actually a rather benign and useful description for those who believe in both preserving our country's Judeo-Christian heritage and making public policy decisions that are best for this country. The term need not be subjected to such intense scorn due to misunderstanding or slander.

Let's take the nationalism part first. Nationalism is a political philosophy that says independent nation-states are the best way to organize governments that both (1) avoid the chaos and insecurity of tribes and clans and (2) preserve the freedom and self-determination that globalism or imperialism precludes. Nationalism is not just a patriotic love for one's country, but a commitment to prioritize the needs and interests of one's own country over others—not unlike parents who prioritize their family over others, or pastors who prioritize their local church over others. It concerns itself with maintaining the cohesiveness of a particular people and a cultural inheritance—drawn from the past, preserved in the present and passed on to future generations—on which a state rests, to avoid both dissolution and external attacks.

Once stripped of its superimposed liberal scar tissue, "Christian nationalism" is actually a rather benign term.
The founding fathers were correct in keeping religion from being hopelessly entangled with our government. All religions have the right to exist and people are free to practice them as they wish or NOT at all. And government support of ANY one religion over another is not allowed. These are reasonable steps to secure the peace. So called Christian Nationalism is a threat to that peace and security , even more so than radical Islamic beliefs in America by the mere fact there are more of them. There are many examples and versions of them on this site alone calling for more involvement of Christian moral values in our government imposed upon ALL the people. Sorry this shit just doesn't fly.

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