New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

Having a state religion does not abuse anyone and is not against the law except for the Federal Government.
It most certainly is a threat to our democratic republic. And forbidden. No state religions allowed , that would be putting one religion above the rest.
Typical "GOP leader"

A Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist Big Spending Big Government supporter of Israel...

If Johnson actually cared about America, he would pay more attention to America, not Israel, his obsession.

Johnson = ZPF fraud of a "Christian"
It doesn't matter. The Constitution says it's illegal to have a state religion. For very good reasons too. You can't have a free nation if some states have theology in the mix.
So why is there a Congressional Chaplain in the House and the Senate?
That's must be a powerful name, Jesus.
Yes it is and the most dangerous religious word in America. People often even confuse it with patriotism. That's how serious a problem it is to our democratic republic.
Yes it is and the most dangerous religious word in America. People often even confuse it with patriotism. That's how serious a problem it is to our democratic republic.
Do you believe Bible believing Christians are un-American?
Is this really who you guys want to be? Have you forgotten that state sponsored religion was the reason many people, including some of the first, came to America? Freedom of religion must include freedom from religion.

A new report confirmed that the House speaker is displaying an “Appeal to Heaven” flag outside his door.
The 'Appeal to Heaven" flag represents: "Today, the Appeal to Heaven flag transcends its historical origins, resonating as a symbol of resilience, justice, and the unyielding pursuit of liberty. It reminds us of the fundamental values upon which America was built and the ongoing need to safeguard these principles.

For many, it represents a moral compass, guiding the nation through challenges and inspiring a commitment to a higher cause. Popular among Republicans and Christians, it is seen as a symbol of Christian nationalism, often flying on the National Day of Prayer. In a world where battles for rights and freedoms persist, the legacy of this flag serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring American people and their journey towards a more perfect union."

Of course such words are blasphemy and insurrectionist to loony lefties.

As for what "Christian Nationalism" is, there are probably as many definitions for that as there are those who have ever heard of it. But many, maybe most Americans do understand that the Founding Fathers intended this to be a Christian nation, i.e. one guided by Christian ethics and morals, even as they demanded that the federal government have no ability to dictate what religious beliefs any citizen must profess and that there be no religious test to hold office in the federal government.

It took Marxist leftist loonies to make "Christianity' a bad word and Christian values to be rejected in all law and policy.

The Meaning Behind an Appeal to Heaven Flag.


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