New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

It doesn't matter. The Constitution says it's illegal to have a state religion. For very good reasons too. You can't have a free nation if some states have theology in the mix.
Actually, the Constitution says Congress cannot establish a Supreme religion.
The 'Appeal to Heaven" flag represents: "Today, the Appeal to Heaven flag transcends its historical origins, resonating as a symbol of resilience, justice, and the unyielding pursuit of liberty. It reminds us of the fundamental values upon which America was built and the ongoing need to safeguard these principles.

For many, it represents a moral compass, guiding the nation through challenges and inspiring a commitment to a higher cause. Popular among Republicans and Christians, it is seen as a symbol of Christian nationalism, often flying on the National Day of Prayer. In a world where battles for rights and freedoms persist, the legacy of this flag serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring American people and their journey towards a more perfect union."

Of course such words are blasphemy and insurrectionist to loony lefties.

As for what "Christian Nationalism" is, there are probably as many definitions for that as there are those who have ever heard of it. But many, maybe most Americans do understand that the Founding Fathers intended this to be a Christian nation, i.e. one guided by Christian ethics and morals, even as they demanded that the federal government have no ability to dictate what religious beliefs any citizen must profess and that there be no religious test to hold office in the federal government.

It took Marxist leftist loonies to make "Christianity' a bad word and Christian values to be rejected in all law and policy.

The Meaning Behind an Appeal to Heaven Flag.

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Regardless of its history, today it's a symbol of White Christian nationalism. It's no different than the Swastika. Throughout history, the swastika was a sympbol of good luck and good fortune. Until it was hijacked by the NAZI's. Today it is a symbol of evil.

Whatever that flag meant in Washington's day, today it is a symbol of racism and fascism. No thank you,
Regardless of its history, today it's a symbol of White Christian nationalism. It's no different than the Swastika. Throughout history, the swastika was a sympbol of good luck and good fortune. Until it was hijacked by the NAZI's. Today it is a symbol of evil.

Whatever that flag meant in Washington's day, today it is a symbol of racism and fascism. No thank you,
I looked it up , it has been adopted by Christian Nationalist. Thanks !
Regardless of its history, today it's a symbol of White Christian nationalism. It's no different than the Swastika. Throughout history, the swastika was a sympbol of good luck and good fortune. Until it was hijacked by the NAZI's. Today it is a symbol of evil.

Whatever that flag meant in Washington's day, today it is a symbol of racism and fascism. No thank you,
You really should get help with your hate and dysfunctional thinking DL.
I looked it up , it has been adopted by Christian Nationalist. Thanks !
Just as the rainbow has been adopted by the LGBTXQ+ militants. A rainbow long seen by Jews and Christians as the symbol of God's promise to humankind. A rainbow seen by animal lovers as the bridge to a better life for beloved pets. Or is it now a requirement that the rainbow belongs solely to the LGBTXQ+ militants and nobody else is allowed to see it as anything else?

That one group adopts a symbol does not mean that symbol means the same thing to anybody else.
Which translates as one held in higher regard than any others.
Not at all. The Founders absolutely--every single one of them--held Christianity in much higher regard than any other. Most believe the Constitution would not work for any other than a mostly Christian, moral, ethical people. There is a huge difference between embracing a religion personally, in seeing the values of justice, liberty, truth that it emphasizes as a good thing, and in believing that therefore everybody must embrace that religion.
Just as the rainbow has been adopted by the LGBTXQ+ militants. A rainbow long seen by Jews and Christians as the symbol of God's promise to humankind. A rainbow seen by animal lovers as the bridge to a better life for beloved pets. Or is it now a requirement that the rainbow belongs solely to the LGBTXQ+ militants and nobody else is allowed to see it as anything else?

That one group adopts a symbol does not mean that symbol means the same thing to anybody else.
Militants ? I understand where you're coming from. Irrational fears aren't healthy , you should get professional help.
That is your problem. I researched it and all he / she said was just the FACTS. People who have trouble with facts in life need help.
Maybe you and she should consult the same professional help for dysfunctional hate and prejudice? Just a thought. To equate the Appeal to Heaven flag with the Nazis is really REALLY over the top.
Not at all. The Founders absolutely--every single one of them--held Christianity in much higher regard than any other. Most believe the Constitution would not work for any other than a mostly Christian, moral, ethical people. There is a huge difference between embracing a religion personally, in seeing the values of justice, liberty, truth that it emphasizes as a good thing, and in believing that therefore everybody must embrace that religion.
Believe whatever you wish. They were mostly enlightened gentlemen. Religion was only marginally interesting to most of them and more custom than belief system.
Maybe you and she should consult the same professional help for dysfunctional hate and prejudice? Just a thought.
I don't hate Christians , but some of them do get overbearing and out of line from time to time. I blame it on the religious fanatics not the religion itself. If internalized as it was meant to be it has many beneficial effects for the individual.
DO not care about his flag, its just a reflection of who he is,
Not A POLITICAL leader who is interested in support of Anything that could be the better choice for US the many.
Only interested in winning for his tribe. WE need people willing to work for All OF US
I don't hate Christians , but some of them do get overbearing and out of line from time to time. I blame it on the religious fanatics not the religion itself. If internalized as it was meant to be it has many beneficial effects for the individual.
There is no group in the entire human experience that does not have some outliers and/or bag eggs in it. The Founders were careful to allow the religious to be as fanatic as they chose to be while giving them no power or authority to impose their fanaticism on anybody else through any other means than the ballot box. And there are too few of them to make a difference there. Unless we allow the Christian fanatic his opinions and views with impunity--we don't have to allow him to dictate how the rest of us will be--there is no liberty.

The Christian fanatics are not nearly as prevalent or destructive as those who support government forcing unwanted laws, regulation, policy, rules on the rest of us and who would accuse any with a different point of view of being "Nazis" or 'insurrectionists" or other really ignorant terms that have no basis whatsoever in fact. The Christian fanatics are nowhere near as problematic as those who would deny others the right and ability to express their opinions, beliefs, ideas, suggestions, hopes, fears.

Generally when religious faith, most especially JudeoChristian faith, is allowed to exist peacefully within American society, you will find less crime, more generosity, more stable and prosperous communities, better education, a better quality of lifestyle. That is not religious fanaticism. That is simply fact.

The more the haters and dysfunctional types try to suppress, denigrate, discourage, make such religious faith unwelcome in the public sphere, the uglier the dynamics of our shared society becomes. That too is simply fact.

To accuse Speaker Johnson of some nefarious or sinister motive in displaying an Appeal to Heaven flag is really uncalled for and should be unacceptable to honorable Americans.
Which translates as one held in higher regard than any others.
Correct. Therefore, anyone can believe whatever they want without a problem...even a citizen in government office. Even a Supreme Court Justice. Diane Feinstein sure had a problem with a Catholic Supreme Court nominee. That was un-American.
There is no group in the entire human experience that does not have some outliers and/or bag eggs in it. The Founders were careful to allow the religious to be as fanatic as they chose to be while giving them no power or authority to impose their fanaticism on anybody else through any other means than the ballot box. And there are too few of them to make a difference there. Unless we allow the Christian fanatic his opinions and views with impunity--we don't have to allow him to dictate how the rest of us will be--there is no liberty.

The Christian fanatics are not nearly as prevalent or destructive as those who support government forcing unwanted laws, regulation, policy, rules on the rest of us and who would accuse any with a different point of view of being "Nazis" or 'insurrectionists" or other really ignorant terms that have no basis whatsoever in fact. The Christian fanatics are nowhere near as problematic as those who would deny others the right and ability to express their opinions, beliefs, ideas, suggestions, hopes, fears.

Generally when religious faith, most especially JudeoChristian faith, is allowed to exist peacefully within American society, you will find less crime, more generosity, more stable and prosperous communities, better education, a better quality of lifestyle. That is not religious fanaticism. That is simply fact.

The more the haters and dysfunctional types try to suppress, denigrate, discourage, make such religious faith unwelcome in the public sphere, the uglier the dynamics of our shared society becomes. That too is simply fact.

To accuse Speaker Johnson of some nefarious or sinister motive in displaying an Appeal to Heaven flag is really uncalled for and should be unacceptable to honorable Americans.
The speaker supports trump , at the Jan 6th. attempted insurrection there were many of those flags present. Maybe the speaker just likes flags with trees on them but that's not the most persuasive answer is it ! Have a great day I'm having a great day and will have a better one leaving this sad situation for America . Nothing that helps anyone , especially those that believe they support Christian Nationalism .
The speaker supports trump , at the Jan 6th. attempted insurrection there were many of those flags present. Maybe the speaker just likes flags with trees on them but that's not the most persuasive answer is it ! Have a great day I'm having a great day and will have a better one leaving this sad situation for America . Nothing that helps anyone , especially those that believe they support Christian Nationalism .
There was no insurrection and it is blatantly dishonest to keep describing what happened that day as an insurrection. Only the most dishonest will do so.

I am pretty darn sure the Speaker does not support Christian Nationalism, whatever that is by whoever's description today, and it is blatantly dishonest to keep describing him as supporting that. Only the most dishonest will do so.

I support Trump and I am neither an insurrectionist or Christian nationalist--neither is he--and you are free to call me anything you want. I accept your opinion whatever it is and give it whatever credit it deserves.

And I am free to think you an idiot, troll, exercise in futility, hater, Marxist, and/or whatever you are selling in any given day. I never require that anybody agree with me on anything, but I do respect and appreciate those who are capable of critical thinking, who are intellectually honest, and who are able to support their opinions with logic, reason, and/or facts.

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