New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

Is this really who you guys want to be? Have you forgotten that state sponsored religion was the reason many people, including some of the first, came to America? Freedom of religion must include freedom from religion.

A new report confirmed that the House speaker is displaying an “Appeal to Heaven” flag outside his door.
That really makes you sickos butt hurt, doesn't it?

That Potatohead piece of shit flies the goddamn Queer flag at the White House and you sickos applaud him for doing it.
That really makes you sickos butt hurt, doesn't it?

That Potatohead piece of shit flies the goddamn Queer flag at the White House and you sickos applaud him for doing it.
The "Christian " flag threatens everyone else who isn't one because it promotes an idea of superiority. The gay flag represents support for ALL people , especially those who have been wronged so badly in the past. They aren't attacking anyone. Big difference.
That really makes you sickos butt hurt, doesn't it?

That Potatohead piece of shit flies the goddamn Queer flag at the White House and you sickos applaud him for doing it.
Also your insults are personal attacks further prove your hostility and it's danger to the public.
Also your insults are personal attacks further prove your hostility and it's danger to the public.

Shut your whore mouth

This is what you sickos think is fine so don't bitch about what Johnson did.

The "Christian " flag threatens everyone else who isn't one because it promotes an idea of superiority. The gay flag represents support for ALL people , especially those who have been wronged so badly in the past. They aren't attacking anyone. Big difference.
retard alert you are a moron and a liar. LGBTQ are sick in the head and need help. Further they want everyone to not only leave them alone but to buy into their delusions. They are aggressive and dangerous.
retard alert you are a moron and a liar. LGBTQ are sick in the head and need help. Further they want everyone to not only leave them alone but to buy into their delusions. They are aggressive and dangerous.
Thanks for proving my point , the bias and hatred still lives in , especially in too many self-professed Christians.
And you believe you're a Christian. Sounds like you aren't . Hatred is NOT a Christian value and never was.

What kind of American are you where showing that you are a Christian is a bad thing but having a Queer flag flown at the White House is good?

What kind of American are you where showing that you are a Christian is a bad thing but having a Queer flag flown at the White House is good?

The gay flag represents UNITY , the Christian Nationalist flag represents domination and tyranny. Which is the better value, if you can't see the difference. You have a serious problem. Move to the Vatican , it's the only theological Christian state in the world. You might feel more at home. But something tells me you probably hate Catholics as well.
The founding fathers were correct in keeping religion from being hopelessly entangled with our government

lol rubbish. They kept the Federal govt. out of religion, not the other way around, dumbass. The individual states had whatever sect they wanted as an official state sect. You tards never seem to mention that history.
lol rubbish. They kept the Federal govt. out of religion, not the other way around, dumbass. The individual states had whatever sect they wanted as an official state sect. You tards never seem to mention that history.

And then they wrote the US Constitution which rectified that.
And then they wrote the US Constitution which rectified that.

lol you obviously don't know squat. The last state to do away with its official state sect was Massachusetts, in 1834, and it wasn't because the Supreme Court made them, it was simple demographic changes after 1820.
lol you obviously don't know squat. The last state to do away with its official state sect was Massachusetts, in 1834, and it wasn't because the Supreme Court made them, it was simple demographic changes after 1820.

I don't care why, it still happened.

The 1st amendment forbids any religion from being part of the gov't.
Dudley, perhaps you missed the 1st amendment when you studied the US Constitution in school.

Perhaps you're just full of shit.

In 1833, Massachusetts became the last state to end state support for churches. Nine years earlier, the state had adopted a measure allowing officially-recognized religious societies, not only the official Congregationalists, to assess taxes on all church members.

... 46 years after the Constitution was ratified.

Of course all that dope you smoked probably has you believing the Constitution was ratified last year instead of in 1788 ... the 1st Amendment ratified in 1791, Obviously it only prevented the Federal govt. from establishing a sect.
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