New Trump Billboard

No Trump is like the boyfriend who got dumped dumped because he was a total fucking asshole, and he refuses to leave go away, and keeps insisting the American people still want him. He was voted OUT OF OFFICE, after being impeached twice, and killing half a million people with his covid response.

You don't blame China for the Kung Flu???
No Trump is like the boyfriend who got dumped dumped because he was a total fucking asshole, and he refuses to leave go away, and keeps insisting the American people still want him. He was voted OUT OF OFFICE, after being impeached twice, and killing half a million people with his covid response.

Instead of just leaving and going away, he keeps insisting the election was stolen from him and he''s still President, and he's running again. Now he says the ONLY way he can lose is if it's rigged, so he's not going to accept the results when he loses again.

This is how every Trump business deal ends. With the Sheriff locking him out and throwing his stuff in the street, after he loses Appeal after Appeal. Only this time, he's going to jail, after he loses Appeal after Appeal.

Excellent analogy.
Talk about drug addicts and users. Limbaugh sold his listeners email addresses to snake oil salesmen so they could profit off their gullibility and stupidity.
/——/ Instead of attacking the messenger, try refuting the message.
Now attack the left wing LA Times who published the same idea with examples. (We know you won’t read it.)
/——/ Instead of attacking the messenger, try refuting the message.
Now attack the left wing LA Times who published the same idea with examples. (We know you won’t read it.)

It's an opinion piece, and opinions are like assholes - everyone has one. I seldom read opinion pieces, because I don't need someone to tell me what to think. I watch the Hearings, and the read the court documents. I read hard news, not the FOX News spin on the news reports. I can research the data and stats and make up my own mind. I don't need FOX to tell me what they mean.

I don't need to read an opinion piece that says that Democrats have messaging problems. I've been saying the same thing since Reagan was in office. And once he allowed the "Fairness Doctrine" to expire, Republicans took the bit in their mouths and started promoting their lies night and day, until the demonization of Democrats has even ministers calling them "evil" from the pulpit because that's what Rush and others have told them for the past 40 years.

Right wing news media doesn't have real reporters. And they have a stated agenda. Every day they go to work, there are memos from management instructing them as to what right wing narrative they're pushing. Things like "Caravans", and "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and the "stolen election" are all false narratives and conspiracy theories, even though FOX Management has proven over and over again that they KNEW their stories were false before they aired them. They're absolute no different than the National Enquirer.

Left Wing media goes to work and says "What happened yesterday and what does it mean?".

When left wing media presents any criticism of Democrats, you say that the MSM is "turning" on them. No, the MSM is not "turning" on anyone. They are not the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party that you continue claim they are.

All MSM outlets criticize Democrats and they do so frequently. It's their job to inform the people, and to tell them the truth about their leaders, and to hold them to accounts. It's their job to inform the people when their leaders fuck up, something that FOX NEVER does when the leader in question is a Republican.

What message am I supposed to refute here? The idea that putting it up is a bad idea? I disagree, and I don't understand why you think it matters.
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Who says it will be successful? The charge and trial were election interference,
You really shouldn't quote a convicted felon. Not the most reliable people.
as they were brought specifically to harm Trump’s run for the presidency.
Maybe a convicted felon has no business running for President.
If he were anyone else, Bragg would not have gone on the hunt to find a crime,
Not true.
Bragg prosecutes plenty of white collar crimes.
and failing a real crime, devise some novel, convoluted legal theory to “get Trump.”
So what?
This is not how it is done in America,
Apparently it is.
and what transpired into liberal NYC may well have backfired. They’re now saying Trump could win VA.
Fake news.
Who says it will be successful? The charge and trial were election interference, as they were brought specifically to harm Trump’s run for the presidency. If he were anyone else, Bragg would not have gone on the hunt to find a crime, and failing a real crime, devise some novel, convoluted legal theory to “get Trump.”

This is not how it is done in America, and what transpired into liberal NYC may well have backfired. They’re now saying Trump could win VA.

Polly want a cracker? Parroting all of the right wing talking points ignores the reality.

The ONLY reason Trump ran for office was to keep from being arrested, and like everything Trump does, it failed. Now he's whining that his prosecution is "election interference", when in fact, Trump was in the middle of a $100 million fraud trial when you elected him President.

Alvin Bragg didn't have to "go on a hunt" to find this crime. Donald Trump's own DOJ prosecuted Michael Cohen for the crimes he committed as part of the conspiracy, in 2019 and Trump said nothing about this being an unjust prosecution at that time. And Trump didn't pardon Cohen like he did the rest of his criminal co-conspirators like Bannon, Stone, Manafort and Flynn.

Nor was the legal theory in any way "convoluted". The conspiracy and the fraud were both carefully proven by both the Prosecution, and surprisingly, when the Defense put Robert Costello on the stand and he although he offered to defend Cohen, he confirmed that he was secretly reporting everything to Gulliani and Trump, and his primary goal was to protect Trump, thereby further confirming the conspiracy to protect Trump at all costs and by all means necessary.
It's an opinion piece, and opinions are like assholes - everyone has one. I seldom read opinion pieces, because I don't need someone to tell me what to think. I watch the Hearings, and the read the court documents. I read hard news, not the FOX News spin on the news reports. I can research the data and stats and make up my own mind. I don't need FOX to tell me what they mean.

I don't need to read an opinion piece that says that Democrats have messaging problems. I've been saying the same thing since Reagan was in office. And once he allowed the "Fairness Doctrine" to expire, Republicans took the bit in their mouths and started promoting their lies night and day, until the demonization of Democrats has even ministers calling them "evil" from the pulpit because that's what Rush and others have told them for the past 40 years.

Right wing news media doesn't have real reporters. And they have a stated agenda. Every day they go to work, there are memos from management instructing them as to what right wing narrative they're pushing. Things like "Caravans", and "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" and the "stolen election" are all false narratives and conspiracy theories, even though FOX Management has proven over and over again that they KNEW their stories were false before they aired them. They're absolute no different than the National Enquirer.

Left Wing media goes to work and says "What happened yesterday and what does it mean?".

When left wing media presents any criticism of Democrats, you say that the MSM is "turning" on them. No, the MSM is not "turning" on anyone. They are not the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party that you continue claim they are.

All MSM outlets criticize Democrats and they do so frequently. It's their job to inform the people, and to tell them the truth about their leaders, and to hold them to accounts. It's their job to inform the people when their leaders fuck up, something that FOX NEVER does when the leader in question is a Republican.

What message am I supposed to refute here? The idea that putting it up is a bad idea? I disagree, and I don't understand why you think it matters.
/——/ “It's an opinion piece, and opinions are like assholes - everyone has one. I seldom read opinion pieces, ”
Well, thank you Captain Obvious. Now post an opinion that states democRATs don’t ever overplay their hand.
You really shouldn't quote a convicted felon. Not the most reliable people.
It’s a false label, brought for people like you to use it unfairly.
Maybe a convicted felon has no business running for President.

Again with the convicted felon nonsense.
Not true.
Bragg prosecutes plenty of white collar crimes.
Nothing even remotely like this. This was a man in search of a crime.
"Democrats will target Donald Trump’s first full-scale campaign rally since his criminal trial with a billboard that brands him “a convicted white-collar crook”

The DNC has a billboard greeting Trump and his supporters to Las Vegas.
It's a reminder that Trump is a convicted crook with 34 felonies.

The billboard reads: “Trump was a disaster for Nevada’s economy. Now he’s back. A convicted white-collar crook. Coddling billionaires, leaving workers behind. DONALD TRUMP: UNFIT TO SERVE." The portion reading "convicted white-collar crook" is highlighted"

And all demonstrably true.
It’s a false label, brought for people like you to use it unfairly.
It is a VERY REAL label.
Trump will be a felon now for the rest of his miserable life.
Again with the convicted felon nonsense.
Doesn't your cult allow you to at least look at reality once in a while?
Those words most certainly make him an um....FELON sweetie!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.
Nothing even remotely like this. This was a man in search of a crime.
This is EXACTLY what D.A.'s do.
It was a rigged trial in a blue state.
Republicans need to be reminded often that they’re nominating a convicted felon for president; convicted of interfering in the 2016 election.
/——/ Yeah, keep reminding us about the kangaroo court. Each time you do, Trump’s poll numbers shoot up and he rakes in millions of dollars in campaign donations.
Keep up the good work.

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