New Year Predictions

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Well, it's almost that time of year again. Every year I make my predictions for the coming year as to what I believe will take place concerning the economy, politics, and the general mood on Main Street America. My predictions for 2014 were way off, about 70% wrong and 30% right. I guess I should give it up and stick to my day job. But, being stubborn and having a "never give up" attitude, I'll give it another shot for 2015. (1) Wall Street will not do near as well in 2015 as it has in 2014. I see the Dow ending 2015 no higher than 14,500 or 15,000. The Nasdaq will end between 2,500 and 3,000. And, the S&P will follow suit dropping to around the 1,500 mark. (2) The jobs market will continue to be a sore spot with unemployment rising about 7%. (3) Mr. Obama will continue to hit a brick wall trying to work with Congress. No major meaningful legislation will be passed in 2015. Congress will attempt to stop Mr. Obama's immigration policies, but will fail. (4) Unrest in the Middle East will get worse, and Mr. Obama will continue sending troops to the region. Our popularity will suffer greatly as a result. (5) Progress developing an alternative energy source will lead to a rapid acceleration in funding and research. (6) A natural disaster will hit the U.S. in mid 2015. A terrorist attack on American soil will happen in the second half of the 2015. (7) A politically devastating scandal will hit a major presidential candidate. (8) Donald Trump and Warren Buffett make huge headlines in 2015. (9) Tiger Woods wins 6 times and wins at least one major in 2015. (10) The cost of food and health care will soar to unbelievable highs, and result in a crisis.
Boehner will cry an average of 1.2 times per week and Mitch McConnel will develop another neck vagina.

Oh and America will do fine but republicans will still bitch and whine about everything.
Actually partisan DC hardly matters at all to Main St.and officially non-partisan DC is mattering less by the day. Here is what does matter:

China and the EZ are at stall speed. One or both may recover temporarily but like Japan they are aging quite rapidly and are figuring out ways to automate more production.

So advances in automation will reduce employment worldwide.

Energy prices will continue to drop in real terms

That will tank some countries such as Russia but mostly decrease the cost of automating jobs.

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