New Years Eve..... College Football or.... ?

Would "senior citizen" be more palatable for you? I just say old people most of the time. Sorry. Bad habit I suppose.

not a 'senior citizen' til you hit 65.

51 is middle age

Not to me! :dunno:

It will be when you grow up

I'm sorry, but 51 years old is NOT young, or at least not in our society. Lol. That is just a fact of life. Twenty-something is YOUNG. I am in the middle.
I'm old and pathetic, I afmit it!

Ha ha! :lol: You don't have to be pathetic though. If your husband is as much of a prick as you make him out to be (which I don't know because we cannot hear his side of the stories), why not just leave and be done with it? Move on with your life, find someone who makes you happy. OR you could work on your marriage and make it happy and satisfying for the both of you. Trying to find "satisfaction" in your life with some online perverts is not going to solve these issues, and I'm pretty sure I am right on the money with THAT advice. ;)
Damn Bonzi threads are like a flame to ChrisL-s moth

I can't help it if everyone gets all offended over my truthful comments. :dunno: I don't really see it as being my problem, TBH. Sometimes I feel like giving some advice. Sometimes I have to point out that you're a clown.
Clowns bring joy you Debbie Does Downers
Damn Bonzi threads are like a flame to ChrisL-s moth

I can't help it if everyone gets all offended over my truthful comments. :dunno: I don't really see it as being my problem, TBH. Sometimes I feel like giving some advice. Sometimes I have to point out that you're a clown.
Clowns bring joy you Debbie Does Downers

If you come here for "joy" then your issues are a lot more serious than I thought. ;)
Damn Bonzi threads are like a flame to ChrisL-s moth

I can't help it if everyone gets all offended over my truthful comments. :dunno: I don't really see it as being my problem, TBH. Sometimes I feel like giving some advice. Sometimes I have to point out that you're a clown.
Cause they love me too!
Damn Bonzi threads are like a flame to ChrisL-s moth

I can't help it if everyone gets all offended over my truthful comments. :dunno: I don't really see it as being my problem, TBH. Sometimes I feel like giving some advice. Sometimes I have to point out that you're a clown.
Clowns bring joy you Debbie Does Downers

If you come here for "joy" then your issues are a lot more serious than I thought. ;)
if you come here to scorn people and bicker then my joy is an.entire sun to your bic lighter with 1/4 tank of butane

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