New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves

This is a great idea. Something that America should be proud of.
Surely this is something that we can all agree on.
Yeah, it is called "Whale Sightings"..


This is a great idea. Something that America should be proud of.
Surely this is something that we can all agree on.


I remain convinced that the real attempt here for the Left is to kill the sex drive of us all so we stop producing carbon emitters.

And they are doing a fine job at that.


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Oh dear. The right loons have a problem with this. Is there any aspect of life that doesnt offend their delicate sensibilities ?

This is about you mocking Americans, while you yourself are fat.

I don't care what people's body sizes are. But you made a jab at "fat Americans" while you are....fat.

You okay Tommy?
In today's Left, the ultimate, unforgivable "sin" is being judgmental (except when they do it).

And because the Left basically controls the culture, it has become verboten to comment on a person's obesity, even if done in all kindness. It has even devolved to the point of encouraging obese people to be proud of their obesity, and to showcase it with the sorts of revealing clothing that only healthy teenage girls should wear.

Ironically, despite this Leftist campaign to normalize morbid obesity, weight loss solutions have become a multi-billion dollar industry, because the fact is that everyone knows it's gross to be fat. Indeed "gross" and "fat" are synonymous.

It's not nice to insult fat people for being fat, however, it is not nice either to foster the false view that it is OK to be morbidly obese.

I have a lot of contact with working-class "seniors" and a large percentage of the ones with "mobility" issues are merely too fat to walk around without assistance. Our next First Lady should mount a kind and considerate national campaign to fight obesity...promote exercise, healthy eating, participation in activities that get you off your ass, and so on.
Forget the disgusting aesthetics of being fat.

It is incredibly unhealthy to be morbidly obese.


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