News crew shot **warning graphic**

I would love to see a link to back up that claim.

Hell, Doc, it's been backed up a thousand times...DOJ, FBI...who do you want?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Blacks comprise 13% of the population...and over 50% of homicides where the race of the perpetrator is known are committed by blacks.

I know you can figure that ratio out. If 13% of the population is committing 52% of the homicides...

actually its more like 4% since women and black males under the age of 15 and over the age of 50 rarely commit murders
Of course she can. Hypocrisy is part of the life blood of American politics.

I mean you have the Vigilantes supporting a progressive statist who normally is a democrat leaning independent.

However, the matriarchy is every bit as loathsome as the patriarchy in American politics.

She can take it all she wants. It doesn't mean i won't call her out on her hypocrisy.
He could be racist. More likely he is nuts like you guys claim the throngs of white boys are that have done this repeatedly. The problem is that you have yet to identify the leader of all Black people.
he's probably a racist pile of shit and I already gave you the links

but you're a liar, so there's no dealing with such a pathetic fool.
He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
What an idiot. You are telling people not to vote because you don't agree with their opinion and perspective. Do you have any concept at all of what our republic is all about, any understanding of each adult citizen having their own vote? Unbelievable. Move to a dictatorship.

Are you really taking this position after advocating a totally gynocentric misandryst position on the abortion thread? Really? Over there it's "to hell with men, all power to the woman" and now it's "one person one vote, equality for all!". I mean....seriously?
These are two completely different issues. There is a difference between men or anyone else having control of women's bodies and the issue of one person one vote. That fact you don't get that is your problem.
The fact is that abortion is not only a women's issue but an American political issue. Sit down.
he's probably a racist pile of shit and I already gave you the links

but you're a liar, so there's no dealing with such a pathetic fool.
He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
What an idiot. You are telling people not to vote because you don't agree with their opinion and perspective. Do you have any concept at all of what our republic is all about, any understanding of each adult citizen having their own vote? Unbelievable. Move to a dictatorship.

Are you really taking this position after advocating a totally gynocentric misandryst position on the abortion thread? Really? Over there it's "to hell with men, all power to the woman" and now it's "one person one vote, equality for all!". I mean....seriously?
These are two completely different issues. There is a difference between men or anyone else having control of women's bodies and the issue of one person one vote. That fact you don't get that is your problem.

They are no different at all. They are both about equal opportunities for choosing to avoid the consequences for your actions. On one hand you are supporting equality and on the other you are choosing inequality. You are being inconsistent with your values. You may not like my positions but at least I am consistent.

BTW I didn't let Carla get away with the "controlling women's bodies" bullshit and I won't with you either. That is liberal rhetoric using "hot phrases" that are designed to deflect from a losing position. People make that claim when they have no way to counter the argument on the merits. That's real rDean shit, there. You have taken a hypocritical position, you are getting called on it, and now you are whining about "controlling women's bodies" instead of focusing on the actual issue. Typical liberal.

As this thread isn't about abortion I will not continue the debate here, but it's been pointed out that you are a hypocrite. You can have the last word and then back to the topic of the thread.
He could be racist. More likely he is nuts like you guys claim the throngs of white boys are that have done this repeatedly. The problem is that you have yet to identify the leader of all Black people.
he's probably a racist pile of shit and I already gave you the links

but you're a liar, so there's no dealing with such a pathetic fool.
He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
What an idiot. You are telling people not to vote because you don't agree with their opinion and perspective. Do you have any concept at all of what our republic is all about, any understanding of each adult citizen having their own vote? Unbelievable. Move to a dictatorship.

Are you really taking this position after advocating a totally gynocentric misandryst position on the abortion thread? Really? Over there it's "to hell with men, all power to the woman" and now it's "one person one vote, equality for all!". I mean....seriously?

...It's simply a fact of human nature.

Racism is, indeed, a fact of human nature.

And all humans, beyond a certain stage of development, exhibit some traits along those lines, however well-hidden or suppressed.

It is our actions in concert with or in spite of our inherent racism which identifies us all, as 'racist' in the day-to-day functional or practical sense.

Generally speaking, Blacks are no better at this than Whites.
When did you become Black? I would say Blacks as a group are infinitely better at this than whites. We've been accepting to a fault. All whites have to do is show us a bible and say they love us all. Then they signal the imperialists for the invasion while our backs are turned.

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."

Desmond Tutu
I don't need to be Black to make that observation.

And we aren't talking about what your gullible ancestors or my nasty ones did, generations ago.

We're talking about the here-and-now, in the US, amongst a diverse population, all of whom are educated to an extent those ancestors could not have imagined.
he's probably a racist pile of shit and I already gave you the links

but you're a liar, so there's no dealing with such a pathetic fool.
He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
What an idiot. You are telling people not to vote because you don't agree with their opinion and perspective. Do you have any concept at all of what our republic is all about, any understanding of each adult citizen having their own vote? Unbelievable. Move to a dictatorship.

Are you really taking this position after advocating a totally gynocentric misandryst position on the abortion thread? Really? Over there it's "to hell with men, all power to the woman" and now it's "one person one vote, equality for all!". I mean....seriously?


I see you changed your socks.
I read 10 pages of garbage then cut to the chase. America is unraveling before our eyes. The consequence of electing a community organizer/activist as POTUS. Followers in the country like the liberal left, and the not so left, march to the beat of the drum. And Obama is playing the cadence.

52% of you screwed us real good- didn't you?

Well, no, it was backlash from the GOP's war on the middle class that got Obama elected. Stop playing the victim!
I would love to see a link to back up that claim.

I'd love to see your link proving that black criminals being shot by police is vastly out of proportio to white criminals first - and no fair including petty non-crime criminals to goose up the stats.
Why isnt it fair? You dont get to set the rules. Sorry.

He made a claim. I contradicted it. I'll back mine up with sources. I doubt he'll do the same because he is full of crap.

Here is a link that shows that far more whites were shot by police than blacks.

Investigation: Police shootings

And here are a couple of articles on the topic:

Why White Men Get Shot by Cops | RealClearPolicy

All Lives Matter -- Controversies Arise Over Who Police Treat Worse | National Review Online

And here is a real difference: when the police shoot a white man, his community generally do not burn down their own town due to being egged on by our President. If you want to find a root cause, look at the attitudes that cause the violence in the first place.
Seems to me that the reason whites get shot is because they are legitimate criminals for the most part. Thats the reason nothing is burned down. They arent getting shot because they are white.

And blacks aren't getting shot because they are black. They are getting shot because they are criminals who by and large resist arrest.
That is what Fox News and Storm front are telling the world... But the cell phone cameras are telling a different story!
This message from my most favorite singer James Otto went up at his Twitter/Face Book page a couple of hours concerning this horror.

Our hotel tonight is literally next door to WDBJ the TV station that had a young female reporter and cameraman shot and killed live on air today. Every network news channel has a truck parked outside. It's a surreal experience to be so close to such a senseless tragedy.

God bless you and him and the families and friends of the victims always!!!

He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
What an idiot. You are telling people not to vote because you don't agree with their opinion and perspective. Do you have any concept at all of what our republic is all about, any understanding of each adult citizen having their own vote? Unbelievable. Move to a dictatorship.

Are you really taking this position after advocating a totally gynocentric misandryst position on the abortion thread? Really? Over there it's "to hell with men, all power to the woman" and now it's "one person one vote, equality for all!". I mean....seriously?


I see you changed your socks.

I see you still haven't a clue.
Why isnt it fair? You dont get to set the rules. Sorry.

He made a claim. I contradicted it. I'll back mine up with sources. I doubt he'll do the same because he is full of crap.

Here is a link that shows that far more whites were shot by police than blacks.

Investigation: Police shootings

And here are a couple of articles on the topic:

Why White Men Get Shot by Cops | RealClearPolicy

All Lives Matter -- Controversies Arise Over Who Police Treat Worse | National Review Online

And here is a real difference: when the police shoot a white man, his community generally do not burn down their own town due to being egged on by our President. If you want to find a root cause, look at the attitudes that cause the violence in the first place.
Seems to me that the reason whites get shot is because they are legitimate criminals for the most part. Thats the reason nothing is burned down. They arent getting shot because they are white.

And black aren't getting shot because they are black. They are getting shot because they are criminals who by and large resist arrest.
I disagree. So does someone with more knowledge on the issue than you.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

even if true- thats something to be proud of? lmfao. The only reason they might be afraid is because they are animals with nothing to lose; thugs, killers, drug dealers, unemployed criminals, uneducated, racist, angry, uncontrollable.
I see you are well rounded, just like a rabbit turd. Is that your resume` you just quoted, shit stain?

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