News crew shot **warning graphic**

You know...if we disarmed democrats...there would be a lot fewer gun murders in the country....since those doing most of the shooting aren't voting for the is the truth, and you can't deny it.
Another mentally ill man who was allowed to legally buy a gun. The background check system is broken.

Our mental health system is broken, Agitator.

That's fair enough. I don't understand the objection on keeping the mentally ill from owning firearms, though. It's a no brainer.

You are right...keeping guns out of the hands of the truly dangerously mentally ill is a no brainer....sadly, you anti gun extremists will use it as an excuse to deny every other gun owner that you can find from getting a gun.

You have gun for you.

You visited a social worker in high gun for you.

See....we don't trust you guys. You have made it impossible to do anything effective because you always focus on the people who are law abiding, directing all of your efforts to disarm them, knowing that the measures you adopt will not stop actual criminals or mass shooters.

Typical straw man. I'm not against law abiding citizens having the right to own and carry firearms for legitimate self-defense.

I'm also for private firearm organizations training people in the responsible keeping and use of firearms. It should be their primary function.

Unfortunately, there are anarchistic elements in American culture that are perverting those purposes, and causing them to lose support. Those who support such drift are doing legitimate gun owners no favors.

Not a straw man, the truth.

Just like with that commie Ronald Reagan, right?

You think that black criminals being shot by police vastly out of proportion compared to white criminals has nothing to do with race?

Unless you have evidence to suggest otherwise. Reading through the pages, boedicca already backed me up here. You know that talking point isn't true. You're smarter than that, no really, I know you are. Go do your research. Go read her posts again.
Maybe there should be a 25-yard gun-free zone around all reporters.

This may be the quote of the day and my guess is no one will get it

Some of us get it. Then there wouldn't be a single reporter left to tell us what happened.
Except Hillary, and her approved ones?

Wouldn't hurt my feelings much if they did put a 25-yard gun-free zone around Hillary.

She already claimed she dodged sniper fire, so she'd have no problem being in a gun-free murder zone.
Maybe there should be a 25-yard gun-free zone around all reporters.

This may be the quote of the day and my guess is no one will get it

Some of us get it. Then there wouldn't be a single reporter left to tell us what happened.

Actually it's a reference to Gabby Giffords. When she got shot liberals here and on other social media went into a frenzy demanding a 25 yard gun free zone around elected officials. Republicans laughed their asses off because the liberals just couldn't understand that if a person doesn't give a fuck about laws prohibiting murder they are not going to give a fuck about the 25 yard gun free zone either. It was a pretty hilarious time as we said thing to liberals like "man...I really want to kill this elected official, but FUCK...there's a 25 yard gun free zone around them!". :rofl: The liberals just couldn't get it which made it even more hilarious.
when I first heard about this I knew that the news station wasn't in

I would love to see a link to back up that claim.

Hell, Doc, it's been backed up a thousand times...DOJ, FBI...who do you want?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Blacks comprise 13% of the population...and over 50% of homicides where the race of the perpetrator is known are committed by blacks.

I know you can figure that ratio out. If 13% of the population is committing 52% of the homicides...
You don't think that any of the hatred demonstrated towards Obama before he was even elected had to do with race?

Some, but not all. Most of it was genuine disagreement with his policies. Are you really going to sit there and allow yourself to be swallowed up by this tripe from 7 years ago?

Come on man.

Acknowledging that race and racism exist is not "race baiting", nor is it accusing all white people of racism, nor is it magically inspiring black people to hate whites or white people to believe that black people want to kill them.

Don't put words in my mouth. Ferguson, St. Louis, and Baltimore all attest contrary to your assertion. All these black lives matter protests, the "I can't breathe" moments are all generating a faux fear that cops are somehow launching a crazed genocidal campaign against African Americans.

Those things do exist. And there are people who only exist to exacerbate them. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Democrats, Black Lives Matter... just to name a few. These are some examples backing up my point:

1. Cut Taxes? That's Racism!
3. Issue of Race Creeps Into Campaign
4. 'Crackers,' a 'teenage mammy' -- the sorry truth about race and Zimmerman trial | Fox News
5. Democratic turnout flyer: ‘If you want to prevent another Ferguson…’ | Political Insider blog
6. The White Racial Frame: What is It? -
7. Jesse Jackson: It’s Racist To Call Me And Al Sharpton “Race Baiters”…

"Racism is alive and well in this country, and McCain and Palin are trying to appeal to that and it's unfortunate." -- Rep. Ed Towns (2008)

"They are obviously playing on people's fears and prejudices in a desperate way. While not explicitly relating to race, they are clearly creating the opportunity for those inclined to come to those conclusions." -- State Sen. Bill Perkins (2008)

"If you have to remind people that Barack Obama is African-American, you have reached the bottom." -- State Sen. Kevin Parker (2008)

"Who exactly is Joe Six-Pack and who are these hockey moms? That's what I'd like to know. ... Is that supposed to be terminology that is of common ground to all Americans? I don't find that. It leaves a lot of people out." -- Rep. Yvette Clarke (2008)

That's it. That's all. It's all she wrote.
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It's personal, either against the newspeople, the news station, or theperson being interviewed, or something snapped in the person's brain. Terrible.
yea, no chance he's a racist pile of shit that wanted to kill some white people.

like black leaders have been calling for
He could be racist. More likely he is nuts like you guys claim the throngs of white boys are that have done this repeatedly. The problem is that you have yet to identify the leader of all Black people.
he's probably a racist pile of shit and I already gave you the links

but you're a liar, so there's no dealing with such a pathetic fool.
He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
What an idiot. You are telling people not to vote because you don't agree with their opinion and perspective. Do you have any concept at all of what our republic is all about, any understanding of each adult citizen having their own vote? Unbelievable. Move to a dictatorship.
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yea, no chance he's a racist pile of shit that wanted to kill some white people.

like black leaders have been calling for
He could be racist. More likely he is nuts like you guys claim the throngs of white boys are that have done this repeatedly. The problem is that you have yet to identify the leader of all Black people.
he's probably a racist pile of shit and I already gave you the links

but you're a liar, so there's no dealing with such a pathetic fool.
He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
What an idiot. You are telling people not to vote because you don't agree with their opinion and perspective. Do you have any concept at all of what our republic is all about, any understanding of each adult citizen having their own vote? Unbelievable. Move to a dictatorship.

Are you really taking this position after advocating a totally gynocentric misandryst position on the abortion thread? Really? Over there it's "to hell with men, all power to the woman" and now it's "one person one vote, equality for all!". I mean....seriously?
Of course she can. Hypocrisy is part of the life blood of American politics.

I mean you have the Vigilantes supporting a progressive statist who normally is a democrat leaning independent.

However, the matriarchy is every bit as loathsome as the patriarchy in American politics.

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