News from the gun front

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Skoobie, that has to be the most turgid prose I've read this week...

Okay, reality check. Most of the industrialized world has gun control, and it works just fine. Guns are either banned for private citizens or you have to get a mess of special permits to own one.

And you know what, it works fine.

While we had 11,000 gun murders in 2012, Japan had all of 11.

The Japanese have the same urban crowding, the same violent video games, and so on...

And yet they largely refrain from killing each other...because they don't have guns.
When I said do you personally know any Law Enforcement does not mean talking with a policve officer on the street. I mean c lose friends as in going to their home having cookout together going too the range. That's what I meant.
And gun control is nothing but the biggest lie created by liberals.

My niece is married to a cop. good enough for you?

Gun control works fine in Japan, Germany, UK, Australia, and just about everywhere else in the industrialized world.

Only in the US do we have 30K gun deaths a year and shrug that is how it is supposed to be.

Because we have a gun lobby that actively goes out and campaigns against screening crazy people to keep them from buying guns.

Now, it wasn't always that way. In the 1960's, the NRA was a responsible partner. After the first set of gun laws came out after the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations, the NRA worked with government to find sensible laws responsible gun owners could live with.

It was only in the late 1970's when Wayne "Foamy" LaPeirre and the other extremists took over that the NRA has become this radical... funded by a gun industry that sees Nancy Lanza as a prime market and not a real problem.

One Law Enforcement officer is not a valid argument for your position that law enforcement supports an assault weapons ban.Remember down here in the south we're rednecks in your opinion even most law enforcement
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Skoobie, that has to be the most turgid prose I've read this week...

Okay, reality check. Most of the industrialized world has gun control, and it works just fine. Guns are either banned for private citizens or you have to get a mess of special permits to own one.

And you know what, it works fine.

While we had 11,000 gun murders in 2012, Japan had all of 11.

The Japanese have the same urban crowding, the same violent video games, and so on...

And yet they largely refrain from killing each other...because they don't have guns.
ok but how many victims do they have in those countries?
Skoobie, that has to be the most turgid prose I've read this week...

Okay, reality check. Most of the industrialized world has gun control, and it works just fine. Guns are either banned for private citizens or you have to get a mess of special permits to own one.

And you know what, it works fine.

While we had 11,000 gun murders in 2012, Japan had all of 11.

The Japanese have the same urban crowding, the same violent video games, and so on...

And yet they largely refrain from killing each other...because they don't have guns.
ok but how many victims do they have in those countries?

Nowhere near what we have... that's the point.

We lead crime in the industrialized world, despite having widespread gun ownership and locking up 1% of our population. (Or perhaps because of it....)
Most of the world restricts private gun ownership, and they are better off for it...

Another case of the GOP being manipulated by a big industry.

Nobody is stopping you from relocating to those European counties you feel so much safer in. Don't let the butt of my gun hit you in the ass while you're on your way out the door.
The same way that I silently laugh at gun nuts wasting their kids' college funds on weapons they'll never need for a war that will never come? That kind of silently laughing?

Considering the quality and value of a college education theses days, maybe not such a waste. It may soon be of greater value to know how to hunt and grow your own food than to know how to litigate a case to protect an "endangered" species.

Trade school is a better bet than college now.

We have the HOPE scholarship in Georgia which pays tuition at any college or university here if you have a B average in high school and maintain it in college.
And we pushed hard for full payment for that for any vocational school here. Many of my son's good friends have gone to trade school, graduated and are doing very well financially as a result of that.
And the thing I like the most is most all of them have developed such a passion for what they do be it HVAC, plumbing, auto mechanics and others.
Every time I need something I look to those companies that are hiring these young men.
I never look down on any form of education. Literacy is in decline and literacy can be any number of things.
I found a nice white quartz arrowhead yesterday on my property that I till up every year for a deer feeding plot. This is the best time of year to search for arrowheads.

Restrictions on weapons did not go so well for the American Indian.
Most of the world restricts private gun ownership, and they are better off for it...

Another case of the GOP being manipulated by a big industry.

Nobody is stopping you from relocating to those European counties you feel so much safer in. Don't let the butt of my gun hit you in the ass while you're on your way out the door.

And no one is stopping you from moving to a place like Somalia where they have no gun control and no government.

But since we both have to live here, let's have a reasonable conversation about here.

Tell me how you are going to stop the next Adam Lanza.

I have a solution. Take guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.
I found a nice white quartz arrowhead yesterday on my property that I till up every year for a deer feeding plot. This is the best time of year to search for arrowheads.

Restrictions on weapons did not go so well for the American Indian.

Um, no, what didn't go well for them was that they were a bronze age culture fighting against an industrialized one. The Federal Government had bigger weapons, better weapons, etc.

By that logic, it shows the silliness of those who think they need weapons to take on the government.

One Law Enforcement officer is not a valid argument for your position that law enforcement supports an assault weapons ban.

You asked if I had any LEO's that I was close with. I pointed out I did.

As for what Law Enforcement supports-

Police, Gun Control Advocates Push Washington for Action - ABC News

Colorado shooting: Police groups call for tougher gun laws - Los Angeles Times

And this was before Newtown.

One is all you personally know. That's all compared to those I personally know.
And please there is no need to post links from MSM on law enforcement supports gun control and stricter gun laws and assault weapons ban. That's not a shocker We can go back and forth with links showing Law enofecement supporting the second amendment and not supporting the second amendment.
Still leaves you with just knowing one law enforcement officer.
I found a nice white quartz arrowhead yesterday on my property that I till up every year for a deer feeding plot. This is the best time of year to search for arrowheads.

Restrictions on weapons did not go so well for the American Indian.

Um, no, what didn't go well for them was that they were a bronze age culture fighting against an industrialized one. The Federal Government had bigger weapons, better weapons, etc.

By that logic, it shows the silliness of those who think they need weapons to take on the government.

The English were better trained and had bigger and better weapons how did that work out for them?
I know you're sadden

One Law Enforcement officer is not a valid argument for your position that law enforcement supports an assault weapons ban.

You asked if I had any LEO's that I was close with. I pointed out I did.

As for what Law Enforcement supports-

Police, Gun Control Advocates Push Washington for Action - ABC News

Colorado shooting: Police groups call for tougher gun laws - Los Angeles Times

And this was before Newtown.

One is all you personally know. That's all compared to those I personally know.
And please there is no need to post links from MSM on law enforcement supports gun control and stricter gun laws and assault weapons ban. That's not a shocker We can go back and forth with links showing Law enofecement supporting the second amendment and not supporting the second amendment.
Still leaves you with just knowing one law enforcement officer.

Nope, I know a lot of them, and they aren't Barney and Andy... they are real cops dealing with real crime.

Most of the world restricts private gun ownership, and they are better off for it...

Another case of the GOP being manipulated by a big industry.

Nobody is stopping you from relocating to those European counties you feel so much safer in. Don't let the butt of my gun hit you in the ass while you're on your way out the door.

And no one is stopping you from moving to a place like Somalia where they have no gun control and no government.

But since we both have to live here, let's have a reasonable conversation about here.

Tell me how you are going to stop the next Adam Lanza.

I have a solution. Take guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

Irrelevant drivel..........the true limpwristers look at guns from a purely emotional perspective. They truly believe that if we all collectively wish it, we can eradicate violence in our society.

Fortunately for the rest of us, it is a fringe view.

But dont take my word for it..........

How the NRA is winning

NRA support DOMINATES:clap2:
I found a nice white quartz arrowhead yesterday on my property that I till up every year for a deer feeding plot. This is the best time of year to search for arrowheads.

Restrictions on weapons did not go so well for the American Indian.

Um, no, what didn't go well for them was that they were a bronze age culture fighting against an industrialized one. The Federal Government had bigger weapons, better weapons, etc.

By that logic, it shows the silliness of those who think they need weapons to take on the government.

The English were better trained and had bigger and better weapons how did that work out for them?
I know you're sadden

Actually, it worked out for them fine until the French brought in their bigger guns and helped out... That was kind of the point. The Colonial Army was getting its backsides kicked until the French intervened on our side out of spite.

But yeah, if the British had won, we'd have ended slavery without a civil war, we'd have sensible gun control laws and we'd have socialized medicine... so it is sad.

Irrelevant drivel..........the true limpwristers look at guns from a purely emotional perspective. They truly believe that if we all collectively wish it, we can eradicate violence in our society.

Fortunately for the rest of us, it is a fringe view.

NRA support DOMINATES:clap2:

Collectively wish? Nope.

Persue sensible policies like other industrialized democracies that have only a fraction of our crime?

Which is more effective?

Probably neither.

According to the FBI, in 2010, there were only 201 cases where guns were used to kill felons in the act of a felony- i.e. justifiable homicide.

compared to 300 million guns out there, the chances of using a gun to defend yourself is 1 in 1.5 million.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery or being struck by lightening.

Now this wouldn't be a big deal, if you didn't have the problem of the 30,000 people who are killed every year by guns who aren't committing a felony at the time.
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