News from the gun front

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I'm sorry, this is a laughable comment. The presense of guns never deters these guys.

There were armed guards at Columbine. Didn't stop Kleibold and Harris from killing 13 of their classmates.

There was a police force at Virginia Tech. Didn't stop Cho from shooting up dozens of his fellow students.

Ft. Hood was a damned ARMY BASE! Hasan was still able to shoot a bunch of people before anyone shot back at him.

No, it's bad guys with guns that are the problem, not the absense of good guys with guns. Because usually, they don't act in time, if at all.

[There were armed guards at Columbine. Didn't stop Kleibold and Harris from killing 13 of their classmates. ]

false there was one "armed" guard however he was not even on school grounds

when the shooting broke out

and then when other law enforcement arrived they treated it as a hostage situation

while the rampage continued inside

as for the armed not stopping such events you are incorrect

an armed Vice Principal Joel Myrick stopped Luke Woodham a shooter

for example

plus many schools have now opted to have armed guards in the schools

most sane folks realize the bad guy simply does not honor the gun free zone sign

in fact the theater shooter choose

the only gun free theater of all the theaters showing the movie that night

not the biggest

not the closest

not the easiest to get into

the only one that was a gun free zone

Right. Holmes also thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics, so that seems to indicate he really wasn't reasoning all that much.

Okay, to the point, since you conceded VA Tech and Fort Hood, the point is, there was an armed guard on campus. The fact that there was an armed guard did not deter Kleibold and Harris. they planned out their rampage and carried it out and no doubt had contingencies in case they ran into that armed guard.

The numbers bear this out. While there were 32,000 gun deaths in the US last year, according to the FBI, only 200 of them were valid cases of self-defense.

i didnt concede anything point is there was not an armed guards at the point of either


as for columbine

the guard was not on campus

none of what you posted supports the events of the those days
i didnt concede anything point is there was not an armed guards at the point of either


as for columbine

the guard was not on campus

none of what you posted supports the events of the those days

It wouldn't matter if there were at the "point of attack".

When Hasan was planning to shoot up an Army base, the fact that there were probably a whole division of guys with guns didn't deter him. He was perfectly willing to die as long as he took people with him.

Same with K&H or Cho. the fact there were armed guards was not a deterent.

Now, if you want to argue that if a guy was there with a gun, maybe things might have been different, maybe. Or maybe there would have been one more victim and the shooter m ight have had an extra gun to work with.

Statistics seem to back up the latter, given how rare "justified" homicides are.
i didnt concede anything point is there was not an armed guards at the point of either


as for columbine

the guard was not on campus

none of what you posted supports the events of the those days

It wouldn't matter if there were at the "point of attack".

When Hasan was planning to shoot up an Army base, the fact that there were probably a whole division of guys with guns didn't deter him. He was perfectly willing to die as long as he took people with him.

Same with K&H or Cho. the fact there were armed guards was not a deterent.

Now, if you want to argue that if a guy was there with a gun, maybe things might have been different, maybe. Or maybe there would have been one more victim and the shooter m ight have had an extra gun to work with.

Statistics seem to back up the latter, given how rare "justified" homicides are.


Foot hood and V tec

are small towns

it takes several minutes to respond

once again in Columbine

the guard was not on campus

the shooter perhaps knew he was not serious about his job

Or, you can ignore all of that and walk to the nearest dark alley and buy one off of the black market. Just like one does with illegal drugs...

The thing about these crazy mass shooters is that we always find out after the fact how crazy they are. How about finding out before the fact?

I would be all for that if you could find a way to reasonably do so.

The point is, these guys didn't go to a back ally. And shit, even back ally guys wouldn't be dumb enough to sell to a Lanza or a Holmes.

That would bring more attention on them than they'd want.

Again, guy, this is not difficult. Other industrialized countries did this and they have substantially lower crime rates...

Back alley guys will sell to anyone (you are aware that there is no way to trace these items to these people, right?).

"Apples to Apples" comparison of US and UK violent crime rates - News, Weather & Sports

I really just post this to point out that we can all find information backing our various opinions.

But since the reality is that this has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with establishing a tyranny (propagated by both parties) it is really a moot point. Nobody is stupid enough to really believe otherwise and you will never convince me otherwise.
Neither party is trying to create a tyranny using the gun argument: sheer lunacy.
Neither party is trying to create a tyranny using the gun argument: sheer lunacy.

Apparently you haven't been paying much attention to Andrew Cuomo's assault of Freedoms happening now in New York State.
Neither party is trying to create a tyranny using the gun argument: sheer lunacy.

Both parties are trying to create a tyranny using any and all means available. Take a look at how many of our civil liberties have been eroded over the last 150 years and then tell me that.
Apparently you do not know what "tyranny" or "constitutional government" means.
Dumbass, I was making fun of the fact you spelled it "athor". .

Ah, spell flame then? The last resort of a person losing an argument

Kellerman's science is solid. Squealing "SUICIDES DON'T COUNT" doesn't take away from that reality that a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than outside it.

Obviously, you do not understand what the study was all about. Of course a gun inside the home is more likely to kill someone inside the home. The issue is whether it is used for self defense purposes inside the home as opposed to homicide/suicideand/or accident.

Did you know that according to Kellerman's raw data, you are more than twice as likely to die from a suicide, homicide or accident if you do NOT have a firearm in your home than if you do?
And the government is not increasing in power now and will never do anything to limit the freedom of citizens?
Sure, right.
I prefer to keep all my weapons and not limit law abiding citizens in any way from also doing so.
I fear criminals and government far more than any gun.

Guy, I'm not worried about what the government might do in 20 or 30 years. because- SPOILER ALERT- the government would almost always win in any such scenario.

I'm worried about small children being wheeled out of schools in body bags because the gun industry has opposed even the most reasonable safeguards against dangerous people getting their hands on guns.

I don't worry about Future President EvilGuy.

I worry about Holmes and Loughner and Lanza.

There are no reasonable safeguards to prevent dangerous people from arming themselves. You are either lying or living in a pipe dream

Apparently you do not know what "tyranny" or "constitutional government" means.

Or, possibly, you are so obsessed with your control over others, that you haven't had the time to inventory yours? Our Constitutional Federalist Republic, by design, was once supposed to protect the Minority, from the Tyranny of the Majority. 3/4, 75% support would constitute the foundation needed for Laws that would change Constitutional Intent, through Amendment.

Your thinking helped my party lose the election for the presidency.

Why should I care?

Jake, and his kind, lost most of the Tea Party support, that's what cost his Party the Election. Not the people who did vote, but the ones that stayed home on Election Day, because they felt that they were sold out. You know, the feeling most people get when Graham or McCain open their mouths, condemning Liberty. ;)
Guy, I'm not worried about what the government might do in 20 or 30 years. because- SPOILER ALERT- the government would almost always win in any such scenario.

I'm worried about small children being wheeled out of schools in body bags because the gun industry has opposed even the most reasonable safeguards against dangerous people getting their hands on guns.

I don't worry about Future President EvilGuy.

I worry about Holmes and Loughner and Lanza.

There are no reasonable safeguards to prevent dangerous people from arming themselves. You are either lying or living in a pipe dream

Dude, there are a lot of reasonable safeguards.

How about this. Before you can buy a gun, we do what an employer does before he offers you a job. We do a thorough background check, talking to former employers and acquaintences.

The thing about these crazy mass shooters is that we always find out after the fact how crazy they are. How about finding out before the fact?

Maybe gun buyers should submit to mandatory drug testing before being allowed to purchase a firearm, too.

Or, you can ignore all of that and walk to the nearest dark alley and buy one off of the black market. Just like one does with illegal drugs...

The thing about these crazy mass shooters is that we always find out after the fact how crazy they are. How about finding out before the fact?

I would be all for that if you could find a way to reasonably do so.

The point is, these guys didn't go to a back ally. And shit, even back ally guys wouldn't be dumb enough to sell to a Lanza or a Holmes.

That would bring more attention on them than they'd want.

Again, guy, this is not difficult. Other industrialized countries did this and they have substantially lower crime rates...

Wrong again, the back alley guy will sell to anyone who has the cash in hand, no questions, not even a good, hard look at the "customer".

Your thinking helped my party lose the election for the presidency.

Why should I care?

Jake, and his kind, lost most of the Tea Party support, that's what cost his Party the Election. Not the people who did vote, but the ones that stayed home on Election Day, because they felt that they were sold out. You know, the feeling most people get when Graham or McCain open their mouths, condemning Liberty. ;)

The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.
Why should I care?

Jake, and his kind, lost most of the Tea Party support, that's what cost his Party the Election. Not the people who did vote, but the ones that stayed home on Election Day, because they felt that they were sold out. You know, the feeling most people get when Graham or McCain open their mouths, condemning Liberty. ;)

The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.

Are you saying that I tried for the GOP? If so you are sadly mistaken. If not, carry on...
Jake, and his kind, lost most of the Tea Party support, that's what cost his Party the Election. Not the people who did vote, but the ones that stayed home on Election Day, because they felt that they were sold out. You know, the feeling most people get when Graham or McCain open their mouths, condemning Liberty. ;)

The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.

Are you saying that I tried for the GOP? If so you are sadly mistaken. If not, carry on...

What you think is immaterial to me. Move along.
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