News from the gun front

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Most of the world restricts private gun ownership, and they are better off for it...

Another case of the GOP being manipulated by a big industry.

Simple solution move too one of those countries.

Simpler solution. Fix the laws in this country.

It isn't about me. It's about my neices and nephews who have to go to schools that need metal detectors and armed guards because it is way too easy for crazy people to get guns.

It isn't the's the crazy people. What we really need is a program to control crazy people. Instead, we turn them loose on the streets...and even let them vote. Then we get a bunch of loons running the government.
Which is more effective?







C. the gun free zone sign
THe UK gun ban was an unmittigated disaster.........

The UK Gun Ban - Yahoo! Voices -


Hmmm.... let's look at that "disaster", shall we?

Total deaths resulting from Firearms in the UK- 155 (2010)
Totaldeaths resulting from firearms in the USA- 32,163

Data Comparison from Facts

Homicides- ANY METHOD- UK - 724 (2009)
Homicides- Any mehtod - US - 15,953 (2011)

Total homicides from Guns- UK - 27 (2009)
Total Homicides from guns 0 USA- 11,101
Which is more effective?

Probably neither.

According to the FBI, in 2010, there were only 201 cases where guns were used to kill felons in the act of a felony- i.e. justifiable homicide.

compared to 300 million guns out there, the chances of using a gun to defend yourself is 1 in 1.5 million.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery or being struck by lightening.

Now this wouldn't be a big deal, if you didn't have the problem of the 30,000 people who are killed every year by guns who aren't committing a felony at the time.

LOL......I traded in my wiffle ball bat long ago.:2up:

My next Handy Dandy.......just cant get one right now.......lethal on zombies.

[ame=]MOSSBERG 930 SLUG DESTRUCTION - YouTube[/ame]
I found a nice white quartz arrowhead yesterday on my property that I till up every year for a deer feeding plot. This is the best time of year to search for arrowheads.

Restrictions on weapons did not go so well for the American Indian.

Um, no, what didn't go well for them was that they were a bronze age culture fighting against an industrialized one. The Federal Government had bigger weapons, better weapons, etc.

By that logic, it shows the silliness of those who think they need weapons to take on the government.

And the government is not increasing in power now and will never do anything to limit the freedom of citizens?
Sure, right.
I prefer to keep all my weapons and not limit law abiding citizens in any way from also doing so.
I fear criminals and government far more than any gun.
You know it's funny, that the Liberals who loathe guns and the Freedoms which allow for them, have been the very people driving the mass movement to buy guns, and ammunition. Absolutely hilarious.

The only thing I loathe is the stupidity that you think you need a gun to protect yourself from bad guys or the government.

When that gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy, and will never be used against a government agent.

Even the author of that study has disclaimed the "43 times" number as bogus..

i suppose there are a lot of things you are more likely to die from in your home if you have one

take toasters for example you would be much more likely to die from one in your home

if you had one in your home

i guess the same would apply to scissors

And the government is not increasing in power now and will never do anything to limit the freedom of citizens?
Sure, right.
I prefer to keep all my weapons and not limit law abiding citizens in any way from also doing so.
I fear criminals and government far more than any gun.

Guy, I'm not worried about what the government might do in 20 or 30 years. because- SPOILER ALERT- the government would almost always win in any such scenario.

I'm worried about small children being wheeled out of schools in body bags because the gun industry has opposed even the most reasonable safeguards against dangerous people getting their hands on guns.

I don't worry about Future President EvilGuy.

I worry about Holmes and Loughner and Lanza.
And the government is not increasing in power now and will never do anything to limit the freedom of citizens?
Sure, right.
I prefer to keep all my weapons and not limit law abiding citizens in any way from also doing so.
I fear criminals and government far more than any gun.

Guy, I'm not worried about what the government might do in 20 or 30 years. because- SPOILER ALERT- the government would almost always win in any such scenario.

I'm worried about small children being wheeled out of schools in body bags because the gun industry has opposed even the most reasonable safeguards against dangerous people getting their hands on guns.

I don't worry about Future President EvilGuy.

I worry about Holmes and Loughner and Lanza.

if you truly worry about such things

and i am sure you do

then you will join in on a call to end gun free zones

these zones has become killing fields
And the government is not increasing in power now and will never do anything to limit the freedom of citizens?
Sure, right.
I prefer to keep all my weapons and not limit law abiding citizens in any way from also doing so.
I fear criminals and government far more than any gun.

Guy, I'm not worried about what the government might do in 20 or 30 years. because- SPOILER ALERT- the government would almost always win in any such scenario.

I'm worried about small children being wheeled out of schools in body bags because the gun industry has opposed even the most reasonable safeguards against dangerous people getting their hands on guns.

I don't worry about Future President EvilGuy.

I worry about Holmes and Loughner and Lanza.

There are no reasonable safeguards to prevent dangerous people from arming themselves. You are either lying or living in a pipe dream
Fact One: government is not going to collect our guns.

Fact Two: the American people's civic voting and involvement in government is what protects us from it becoming a dictatorship.

Fact Three: Americans overwhelming favor mandatory background checks.

Fact Four: there is a lot of silly posturing in this thread

if you truly worry about such things

and i am sure you do

then you will join in on a call to end gun free zones

these zones has become killing fields

I'm sorry, this is a laughable comment. The presense of guns never deters these guys.

There were armed guards at Columbine. Didn't stop Kleibold and Harris from killing 13 of their classmates.

There was a police force at Virginia Tech. Didn't stop Cho from shooting up dozens of his fellow students.

Ft. Hood was a damned ARMY BASE! Hasan was still able to shoot a bunch of people before anyone shot back at him.

No, it's bad guys with guns that are the problem, not the absense of good guys with guns. Because usually, they don't act in time, if at all.
And the government is not increasing in power now and will never do anything to limit the freedom of citizens?
Sure, right.
I prefer to keep all my weapons and not limit law abiding citizens in any way from also doing so.
I fear criminals and government far more than any gun.

Guy, I'm not worried about what the government might do in 20 or 30 years. because- SPOILER ALERT- the government would almost always win in any such scenario.

I'm worried about small children being wheeled out of schools in body bags because the gun industry has opposed even the most reasonable safeguards against dangerous people getting their hands on guns.

I don't worry about Future President EvilGuy.

I worry about Holmes and Loughner and Lanza.

There are no reasonable safeguards to prevent dangerous people from arming themselves. You are either lying or living in a pipe dream

Dude, there are a lot of reasonable safeguards.

How about this. Before you can buy a gun, we do what an employer does before he offers you a job. We do a thorough background check, talking to former employers and acquaintences.

The thing about these crazy mass shooters is that we always find out after the fact how crazy they are. How about finding out before the fact?
Guy, I'm not worried about what the government might do in 20 or 30 years. because- SPOILER ALERT- the government would almost always win in any such scenario.

I'm worried about small children being wheeled out of schools in body bags because the gun industry has opposed even the most reasonable safeguards against dangerous people getting their hands on guns.

I don't worry about Future President EvilGuy.

I worry about Holmes and Loughner and Lanza.

There are no reasonable safeguards to prevent dangerous people from arming themselves. You are either lying or living in a pipe dream

Dude, there are a lot of reasonable safeguards.

How about this. Before you can buy a gun, we do what an employer does before he offers you a job. We do a thorough background check, talking to former employers and acquaintences.

Or, you can ignore all of that and walk to the nearest dark alley and buy one off of the black market. Just like one does with illegal drugs...

The thing about these crazy mass shooters is that we always find out after the fact how crazy they are. How about finding out before the fact?

I would be all for that if you could find a way to reasonably do so.

if you truly worry about such things

and i am sure you do

then you will join in on a call to end gun free zones

these zones has become killing fields

I'm sorry, this is a laughable comment. The presense of guns never deters these guys.

There were armed guards at Columbine. Didn't stop Kleibold and Harris from killing 13 of their classmates.

There was a police force at Virginia Tech. Didn't stop Cho from shooting up dozens of his fellow students.

Ft. Hood was a damned ARMY BASE! Hasan was still able to shoot a bunch of people before anyone shot back at him.

No, it's bad guys with guns that are the problem, not the absense of good guys with guns. Because usually, they don't act in time, if at all.

[There were armed guards at Columbine. Didn't stop Kleibold and Harris from killing 13 of their classmates. ]

false there was one "armed" guard however he was not even on school grounds

when the shooting broke out

and then when other law enforcement arrived they treated it as a hostage situation

while the rampage continued inside

as for the armed not stopping such events you are incorrect

an armed Vice Principal Joel Myrick stopped Luke Woodham a shooter

for example

plus many schools have now opted to have armed guards in the schools

most sane folks realize the bad guy simply does not honor the gun free zone sign

in fact the theater shooter choose

the only gun free theater of all the theaters showing the movie that night

not the biggest

not the closest

not the easiest to get into

the only one that was a gun free zone

sorry i missed your Fort Hood claim

the victims in that terrorist attack all had been unarmed

which of course is a gun free zone as well
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Or, you can ignore all of that and walk to the nearest dark alley and buy one off of the black market. Just like one does with illegal drugs...

The thing about these crazy mass shooters is that we always find out after the fact how crazy they are. How about finding out before the fact?

I would be all for that if you could find a way to reasonably do so.

The point is, these guys didn't go to a back ally. And shit, even back ally guys wouldn't be dumb enough to sell to a Lanza or a Holmes.

That would bring more attention on them than they'd want.

Again, guy, this is not difficult. Other industrialized countries did this and they have substantially lower crime rates...

if you truly worry about such things

and i am sure you do

then you will join in on a call to end gun free zones

these zones has become killing fields

I'm sorry, this is a laughable comment. The presense of guns never deters these guys.

There were armed guards at Columbine. Didn't stop Kleibold and Harris from killing 13 of their classmates.

There was a police force at Virginia Tech. Didn't stop Cho from shooting up dozens of his fellow students.

Ft. Hood was a damned ARMY BASE! Hasan was still able to shoot a bunch of people before anyone shot back at him.

No, it's bad guys with guns that are the problem, not the absense of good guys with guns. Because usually, they don't act in time, if at all.

[There were armed guards at Columbine. Didn't stop Kleibold and Harris from killing 13 of their classmates. ]

false there was one "armed" guard however he was not even on school grounds

when the shooting broke out

and then when other law enforcement arrived they treated it as a hostage situation

while the rampage continued inside

as for the armed not stopping such events you are incorrect

an armed Vice Principal Joel Myrick stopped Luke Woodham a shooter

for example

plus many schools have now opted to have armed guards in the schools

most sane folks realize the bad guy simply does not honor the gun free zone sign

in fact the theater shooter choose

the only gun free theater of all the theaters showing the movie that night

not the biggest

not the closest

not the easiest to get into

the only one that was a gun free zone

Right. Holmes also thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics, so that seems to indicate he really wasn't reasoning all that much.

Okay, to the point, since you conceded VA Tech and Fort Hood, the point is, there was an armed guard on campus. The fact that there was an armed guard did not deter Kleibold and Harris. they planned out their rampage and carried it out and no doubt had contingencies in case they ran into that armed guard.

The numbers bear this out. While there were 32,000 gun deaths in the US last year, according to the FBI, only 200 of them were valid cases of self-defense.
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