News from the gun front

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The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.

Are you saying that I tried for the GOP? If so you are sadly mistaken. If not, carry on...

What you think is immaterial to me. Move along.

Uhhh well whatever dude. :cuckoo:
The only thing I loathe is the stupidity that you think you need a gun to protect yourself from bad guys or the government.

When that gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy, and will never be used against a government agent.

There you go, making up lies that I never said, in a vain attempt to deflect the FACT that you gun grabbing idiots are the very people driving the mass gun buying hysteria. The gun manufacturers are laughing at you Liberals all the way to the Bank. How pleasingly ironic that the idiot Left are the very people involved with making gun manufacturers rich. I think Liberals are too stupid to see that it's really them causing the gun buying boom. :lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo:

Guy, the gun manufacturers are laughing, but they laugh at you gun nutters for buying their bullshit.

Fact is, gun control is coming. You guys could have been a part of it, made it kind of a comprimise, XXXXXXX

Compromise with Liberals? :cuckoo: Sorry, but rational people know that compromise with the liberal ideology is the same thing as writing off every moral value you hold dear, and flushing it down the toilet. Liberals don't compromise, they believe their twisted utopian dream trumps America, and the core values America was built upon. I will never compromise with kooks who believe that a disarmed society will be a safe and free society. Only in a loony Liberal fantasy world based upon everything but rational thought.
Rational people never compromise with wacks from the far left, the reactionary right, and libertarian wing.

The mainstream GOP is minimizing the Tea Party impact, reaching out to women and minorities sincerely, and trying to figure (not real well yet) out how to get rid of neo-con overseas adventurism.
Rational people never compromise with wacks from the far left, the reactionary right, and libertarian wing.

The mainstream GOP is minimizing the Tea Party impact, reaching out to women and minorities sincerely, and trying to figure (not real well yet) out how to get rid of neo-con overseas adventurism.

There is no such thing as the rational left, that is why you fail.
Rational people never compromise with wacks from the far left, the reactionary right, and libertarian wing.

The mainstream GOP is minimizing the Tea Party impact, reaching out to women and minorities sincerely, and trying to figure (not real well yet) out how to get rid of neo-con overseas adventurism.

There is no such thing as the rational left, that is why you fail.

Nor are there rational libertarian and reactionary right wings.
Rational people never compromise with wacks from the far left, the reactionary right, and libertarian wing.

The mainstream GOP is minimizing the Tea Party impact, reaching out to women and minorities sincerely, and trying to figure (not real well yet) out how to get rid of neo-con overseas adventurism.

There is no such thing as the rational left, that is why you fail.

Nor are there rational libertarian and reactionary right wings.

Nope, Liberals simply cannot make the rational argument that Americans will be better off if they just simply trust Democrats and hand away their gun freedoms. It's not going to happen, and all the dead children you can grandstand on top of, is not going to change that fact.
Yup, reactionaries and libertarians are wacky also. They and the lefties cannot be permitted to have charge of the government.
Why should I care?

Jake, and his kind, lost most of the Tea Party support, that's what cost his Party the Election. Not the people who did vote, but the ones that stayed home on Election Day, because they felt that they were sold out. You know, the feeling most people get when Graham or McCain open their mouths, condemning Liberty. ;)

The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.

Mainstream gop equates too left of center
There is not much difference between a liberal and center left mainstream GOPER
You asked if I had any LEO's that I was close with. I pointed out I did.

As for what Law Enforcement supports-

Police, Gun Control Advocates Push Washington for Action - ABC News

Colorado shooting: Police groups call for tougher gun laws - Los Angeles Times

And this was before Newtown.

One is all you personally know. That's all compared to those I personally know.
And please there is no need to post links from MSM on law enforcement supports gun control and stricter gun laws and assault weapons ban. That's not a shocker We can go back and forth with links showing Law enofecement supporting the second amendment and not supporting the second amendment.
Still leaves you with just knowing one law enforcement officer.

Nope, I know a lot of them, and they aren't Barney and Andy... they are real cops dealing with real crime.


Then you're lying because you just said you personally knew one law enforcement officer.
How many do you hang out with?
Fact One: government is not going to collect our guns.

Fact Two: the American people's civic voting and involvement in government is what protects us from it becoming a dictatorship.

Fact Three: Americans overwhelming favor mandatory background checks.

Fact Four: there is a lot of silly posturing in this thread

1. Historical fact the government has confiscate firearms
2. When the supreme courts stops a vote from being recounted does your vote count then?
3. Not one person I know wants any new gun laws and that is including a new law for back ground checks
4 Your's maybe not mine.
Fact One: government is not going to collect our guns.

Fact Two: the American people's civic voting and involvement in government is what protects us from it becoming a dictatorship.

Fact Three: Americans overwhelming favor mandatory background checks.

Fact Four: there is a lot of silly posturing in this thread

1. Historical fact the government has confiscate firearms
2. When the supreme courts stops a vote from being recounted does your vote count then?
3. Not one person I know wants any new gun laws and that is including a new law for back ground checks
4 Your's maybe not mine.

1. Learn spell check, please. No effort at confiscation at all is in the works.
2. SCOTUS is clearly on the side of 2d Amendment.
3. The 14 people with whom you associate are as weird as you. Americans overwhelmingly want universal background checks.
4. You silly posture all the time, bigreb. No one is going to take your guns.
5. You are the FBI informant in your militia group.
Why should I care?

Jake, and his kind, lost most of the Tea Party support, that's what cost his Party the Election. Not the people who did vote, but the ones that stayed home on Election Day, because they felt that they were sold out. You know, the feeling most people get when Graham or McCain open their mouths, condemning Liberty. ;)

The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.

Hey, if reality to you, is selling out principle, reality, to me, is shaking the dust off of my feet, and moving on. You don't offer an alternative Jake, just DNC light. It's a slower IV drip of a lethal toxin. I don't demonize you for your witness or your opinion. My problem is how you intimidate others into submission. I voted for Romney too. I felt that he was cheated out by McCain and the others in 2008, and that he deserved a shot. In the end, he took bad advice and went luke warm, and got spit out, like the Bible says. That was your crowd that could not navigate the terrain, not mine. You lost the middle, which could not distinguish between the two sides, Jake. Plain and simple. You let the DNC define you, and cherry pick all of the battles. Tea Party, could not commit, as a result.
Libertarian blinders obfuscate reality to you, Intense. I intimidate no one, silly breath. We lost the middle because of some very hateful wackery from the reactionary and libertarian wings, not because of liberal manipulation of the media: to suggest so is the worst blindness of all.
Fact One: government is not going to collect our guns.

Fact Two: the American people's civic voting and involvement in government is what protects us from it becoming a dictatorship.

Fact Three: Americans overwhelming favor mandatory background checks.

Fact Four: there is a lot of silly posturing in this thread

1. Historical fact the government has confiscate firearms
2. When the supreme courts stops a vote from being recounted does your vote count then?
3. Not one person I know wants any new gun laws and that is including a new law for back ground checks
4 Your's maybe not mine.

1. Learn spell check, please. No effort at confiscation at all is in the works.
2. SCOTUS is clearly on the side of 2d Amendment.
3. The 14 people with whom you associate are as weird as you. Americans overwhelmingly want universal background checks.
4. You silly posture all the time, bigreb. No one is going to take your guns.
5. You are the FBI informant in your militia group.

1. deflection because their is no misspelled word just a typo didn't add the d to confiscated
2 deflection we aren't talking about the second amendment and the supreme court you brought up voting
3 I know a lot more people than you think
4 If you think what I say is just posturing keep thinking that.
5 No my cousin is in the FBI I'll tell him to check in on you some time. :lol:
Jake, and his kind, lost most of the Tea Party support, that's what cost his Party the Election. Not the people who did vote, but the ones that stayed home on Election Day, because they felt that they were sold out. You know, the feeling most people get when Graham or McCain open their mouths, condemning Liberty. ;)

The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.

Hey, if reality to you, is selling out principle, reality, to me, is shaking the dust off of my feet, and moving on. You don't offer an alternative Jake, just DNC light. It's a slower IV drip of a lethal toxin. I don't demonize you for your witness or your opinion. My problem is how you intimidate others into submission. I voted for Romney too. I felt that he was cheated out by McCain and the others in 2008, and that he deserved a shot. In the end, he took bad advice and went luke warm, and got spit out, like the Bible says. That was your crowd that could not navigate the terrain, not mine. You lost the middle, which could not distinguish between the two sides, Jake. Plain and simple. You let the DNC define you, and cherry pick all of the battles. Tea Party, could not commit, as a result.

The mainstream GOP cannot win with the TP support. The libertarian blinders prevent you from seeing reality. The mainstream is now isolating the far right and trying to build bridges to the women and minority voter that meets their needs sincerely.

You tried for the GOP, you failed, now time for you to move on.

Hey, if reality to you, is selling out principle, reality, to me, is shaking the dust off of my feet, and moving on. You don't offer an alternative Jake, just DNC light. It's a slower IV drip of a lethal toxin. I don't demonize you for your witness or your opinion. My problem is how you intimidate others into submission. I voted for Romney too. I felt that he was cheated out by McCain and the others in 2008, and that he deserved a shot. In the end, he took bad advice and went luke warm, and got spit out, like the Bible says. That was your crowd that could not navigate the terrain, not mine. You lost the middle, which could not distinguish between the two sides, Jake. Plain and simple. You let the DNC define you, and cherry pick all of the battles. Tea Party, could not commit, as a result.


Libertarian blinders obfuscate reality to you, Intense, and militia gun nut goggles, to you, bigreb. I intimidate no one, silly breaths. We lost the middle because of some very hateful wackery from the reactionary and libertarian wings, not because of liberal manipulation of the media: to suggest so is the worst blindness of all. Just so.

Hey, if reality to you, is selling out principle, reality, to me, is shaking the dust off of my feet, and moving on. You don't offer an alternative Jake, just DNC light. It's a slower IV drip of a lethal toxin. I don't demonize you for your witness or your opinion. My problem is how you intimidate others into submission. I voted for Romney too. I felt that he was cheated out by McCain and the others in 2008, and that he deserved a shot. In the end, he took bad advice and went luke warm, and got spit out, like the Bible says. That was your crowd that could not navigate the terrain, not mine. You lost the middle, which could not distinguish between the two sides, Jake. Plain and simple. You let the DNC define you, and cherry pick all of the battles. Tea Party, could not commit, as a result.


Libertarian blinders obfuscate reality to you, Intense, and militia gun nut goggles, to you, bigreb. I intimidate no one, silly breaths. We lost the middle because of some very hateful wackery from the reactionary and libertarian wings, not because of liberal manipulation of the media: to suggest so is the worst blindness of all. Just so.


As jake pats himself on the back BAWH BAWH BAWH BAWH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, because bigrebnc is a reactionary wacko and weirdo, who is probably an FBI informant against his militia group.

A militia gun nut like you, bigreb, has no morals.
Yup, because bigrebnc is a reactionary wacko and weirdo, who is probably an FBI informant against his militia group.

A militia gun nut like you, bigreb, has no morals.

Jake your reaction too every post is a copy cat version of what was posted too you. Can't you have at least one original thought, without embellishing certain words to make a response.
Now if I am a wacko how can I be an FBI informate? :eusa_whistle:
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