Newt: "White people don't get how difficult it is to be black."

Luckily, I have a couple of really good black friends with whom I can discuss the experiences they and their families have had.

As for bigots, I have no time, I have no desire to understand them.
Ahhh, ain't that sweet, you have a few black friends, now you feel like you understand the whole race struggle from a handful of and have pity. You're just stereotyping blacks with strawman fallacy to think they all fell the same.

I think nothing of the kind you mindless dolt. Show me where in my post I said I did... Go on, show me... I'll wait...
White people need to stop pretending that minorities don't face incidents of discrimination.

Likewise, minorities need to stop blaming all of their problem on white people and start accepting some personal responsibility for their troubles.

Far more blacks endure discrimination than disown personal responsibility. This is not a chicken-egg situation.
But they endure discrimination because their brothers shirk personal responsibility in far too many cases.
The black community certainly bears some responsibility for their situation. Too often, they choose the wrong martyrs. Michael Brown, for example, was a thug. And as I mentioned above, we don't have all the facts about Alton Sterling and what he was up to in front of that convenience store the other night.

The martyr thing worked very well to achieve widespread attention and sympathy from whites in the 50s and 60s. During that period, there really was some serious killing and beatings of innocent blacks going on. They had legitimate martyrs. The black community is trying the same tactics, but using the wrong "victims" to hold up. They are being counterproductive in some cases, such as with Michael Brown.

80 percent of all black children in America are born to single mothers now. That is a horrific figure, and one which will have a massively negative impact on those kids' future. The black community must take responsibility for this and start stigmatizing that kind of behavior. They are destroying themselves from within.

You obviously don't know a lot of black folk as friends and have not had this conversation with them.

Your initial reaction is unarmed black guy gets killed by cops, musta deserved it. Got it.
Did Newt just take himself out of the running for veep with that comment?
That thoughtful comment is not what Trumpers want to hear.
Retards like the Dallas shooter are helping Trump become President.
So the retard shooter supporting black lives matter taking revenge on cops for killing blacks are helping Trump?


Absolutely. It feeds the fear and paranoia that white people feel about people of color. Trump has capitalized on that to propel himself to the front of the Republican primary.
Do you even have a clue what "paranoia" means?

If white people were paranoid we wouldn't have had a tragedy like the Dallas shooting happen with a blackracist maniac that the entire Democratic Party is attempting to humanize.
Every single protester CBS News interviewed on the street last night condemned the shooting.
Everyone they decided to show...
It was live, dipshit.

Yeah well, pffftt, well.....uh, was it really tho? :badgrin: All they have is conspiracies left
It took a while for people to realize what was happening. On Fox News, it took them several minutes to realize what they were seeing on their screens. While the actual shooting was occuring, Megyn Fox was oblivious. She and her guest were talking about the events which led to the protests, and then they showed scenes of Times Square. Then there was a split screen of Times Square and Dallas, and they STILL had not caught on what was happeing yet.

When they finally realized what was happening, they cut away. Megyn Fox said they were not going to show downed or dead cops.

On CBS, it also took them a while to realize what was happening.

So I'm sure the same was true for the protesters who were not in the immediate area. They probably carried on their protests and chants for several minutes after the shooting started before the word spread.

It always takes Fux News a while to catch on to anything, then they have to figure out how to use it.
Retards like the Dallas shooter are helping Trump become President.
So the retard shooter supporting black lives matter taking revenge on cops for killing blacks are helping Trump?


Absolutely. It feeds the fear and paranoia that white people feel about people of color. Trump has capitalized on that to propel himself to the front of the Republican primary.
Do you even have a clue what "paranoia" means?

Yeah, it means you shat yourself and buy guns when an affluent educated intellectual half black guy gets elected president.
Every single protester CBS News interviewed on the street last night condemned the shooting.
Everyone they decided to show...
It was live, dipshit.

Yeah well, pffftt, well.....uh, was it really tho? :badgrin: All they have is conspiracies left
It took a while for people to realize what was happening. On Fox News, it took them several minutes to realize what they were seeing on their screens. While the actual shooting was occuring, Megyn Fox was oblivious. She and her guest were talking about the events which led to the protests, and then they showed scenes of Times Square. Then there was a split screen of Times Square and Dallas, and they STILL had not caught on what was happeing yet.

When they finally realized what was happening, they cut away. Megyn Fox said they were not going to show downed or dead cops.

On CBS, it also took them a while to realize what was happening.

So I'm sure the same was true for the protesters who were not in the immediate area. They probably carried on their protests and chants for several minutes after the shooting started before the word spread.

It always takes Fux news a while to catch on to anything, then they have to figure out how to use it.
You are just used to MSNBC and CNN ignoring everything that doesn't fit your agenda.
Everyone they decided to show...
It was live, dipshit.

Yeah well, pffftt, well.....uh, was it really tho? :badgrin: All they have is conspiracies left
It took a while for people to realize what was happening. On Fox News, it took them several minutes to realize what they were seeing on their screens. While the actual shooting was occuring, Megyn Fox was oblivious. She and her guest were talking about the events which led to the protests, and then they showed scenes of Times Square. Then there was a split screen of Times Square and Dallas, and they STILL had not caught on what was happeing yet.

When they finally realized what was happening, they cut away. Megyn Fox said they were not going to show downed or dead cops.

On CBS, it also took them a while to realize what was happening.

So I'm sure the same was true for the protesters who were not in the immediate area. They probably carried on their protests and chants for several minutes after the shooting started before the word spread.

It always takes Fux news a while to catch on to anything, then they have to figure out how to use it.
You are just used to MSNBC and CNN ignoring everything that doesn't fit your agenda.

I got away from american tv ages ago, poison that stuff.
Absolutely. It feeds the fear and paranoia that white people feel about people of color. Trump has capitalized on that to propel himself to the front of the Republican primary.
Stop spinning your liberal shooter as a patsy for Trump. You libtards own this radical liberal cop killer who supports black lives matter. Your damage control won't help you out of the hole the shooter dug for you librats. :dig:
Every single protester CBS News interviewed on the street last night condemned the shooting.
Everyone they decided to show...
It was live, dipshit.

Yeah well, pffftt, well.....uh, was it really tho? :badgrin: All they have is conspiracies left
It took a while for people to realize what was happening. On Fox News, it took them several minutes to realize what they were seeing on their screens. While the actual shooting was occuring, Megyn Fox was oblivious. She and her guest were talking about the events which led to the protests, and then they showed scenes of Times Square. Then there was a split screen of Times Square and Dallas, and they STILL had not caught on what was happeing yet.

When they finally realized what was happening, they cut away. Megyn Fox said they were not going to show downed or dead cops.

On CBS, it also took them a while to realize what was happening.

So I'm sure the same was true for the protesters who were not in the immediate area. They probably carried on their protests and chants for several minutes after the shooting started before the word spread.

It always takes Fux news a while to catch on to anything, then they have to figure out how to use it.

Let me look at my crystal ball to tell you what your IQ is:

I am seeing an "8" and I think I can make out a "3", but unfortunately I can't tell whether that means you have an IQ of 83 or 38.

Do you remember by any chance?
Absolutely. It feeds the fear and paranoia that white people feel about people of color. Trump has capitalized on that to propel himself to the front of the Republican primary.
Stop spinning your liberal shooter as a patsy for Trump. You libtards own this radical liberal cop killer who supports black lives matter. Your damage control won't help you out of the hole the shooter dug for you librats. :dig:

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, in your bubble son, yeah.
Everyone they decided to show...
It was live, dipshit.

Yeah well, pffftt, well.....uh, was it really tho? :badgrin: All they have is conspiracies left
It took a while for people to realize what was happening. On Fox News, it took them several minutes to realize what they were seeing on their screens. While the actual shooting was occuring, Megyn Fox was oblivious. She and her guest were talking about the events which led to the protests, and then they showed scenes of Times Square. Then there was a split screen of Times Square and Dallas, and they STILL had not caught on what was happeing yet.

When they finally realized what was happening, they cut away. Megyn Fox said they were not going to show downed or dead cops.

On CBS, it also took them a while to realize what was happening.

So I'm sure the same was true for the protesters who were not in the immediate area. They probably carried on their protests and chants for several minutes after the shooting started before the word spread.

It always takes Fux news a while to catch on to anything, then they have to figure out how to use it.

Let me look at my crystal ball to tell you what your IQ is:

I am seeing an "8" and I think I can make out a "3", but unfortunately I can't tell whether that means you have an IQ of 83 or 38.

Do you remember by any chance?

Oh, did that post hurt your feelings?

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